Happy New Year - Lantern Festival

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Dear Reader,

I implore you to please read the first part of this story, Happy New Year - Spring Festival. This is the second part of the same story.

The celebrations of a Chinese New Year are fifteen days long, that start with the Spring Festival and end on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, with a Lantern Festival. The most traditional of all Chinese festivals, it has a long history of thousands of years.

In this part of my story, you will also find a reference to Red Envelopes. The Chinese give Red Envelopes - often containing money and gifts - to the children and family members, friends and employees

I am not an expert on Chinese traditions and have gathered some of it from my friends and my travels. But the one thing I am certain of, the Chinese New Year is all about family. I have taken liberties for my story.

All characters in the story are above 18 and readers must be too. The story has an incest and lesbian underlying theme.

I do hope you like the story, it has a lot of heart.

- enjoy


Lantern Festival

February 1, 2020

We woke up in each other's arms. Our body heat got us all sweaty and sticky.

I kissed her cheek and said, "good morning."

She smiled and said, "what? no more Mama." She remembered my coquetry from last night. Then she kissed my cheek, and said "good morning."

"can I?" I asked her.

"I would have it no other way." she instantly replied. "From this moment onwards you shall, and must, call me Mama." Then she kissed my lips.

I got so excited. I jumped on her. We laughed and played with each other. I kissed her forehead and said, "I love you, Mama." I kissed her cheek and then said, "I love you, Mama." I held her face in my hand and planted kisses on every inch of her face, and between each kiss, I said, "I love you, Mama."

To each of my kisses, she replied, "I love you too."

Then I rested my head on her shoulder, my forehead in her neck and we snuggled for some more time. My hand found her breast - the one that wasn't squished under me - and I played with it.

"From now on, I will be your daughter and Taio your son-in-law," I said bashfully.

To this, she laughed, and then we both ended up giggling.

Later, around breakfast, we all met again and enjoyed a late brunch.

"How did you sleep, Yenay," Wong asked me playfully.

I swatted his arm and laughed. Then everyone else chuckled, and Mama blushed.

Half an hour of banter and we got on to some serious discussion. Despite everyone individually knowing it, Wong felt it deserved an announcement, "Taio and Yenay have agreed to come back to Beijing."

To this Mama shot up and started to clap. Even as she showed her excitement alone, she couldn't help grinning at the outcome.

We all laughed at her response. She came around and hugged Taio first and then came to me and hugged me before sitting back on her chair next to me.

Wong continued, "I am delighted to share, Taio has agreed to join Shinpharm as a Director and in due course of time he shall be elevated to Managing Director."

Both Mama and I clapped to this and Taio smiled looking towards us. Wong took his hand out and shook hands with Taio. A firm handshake between both men.

Wong wasn't done, "From what Taio tells me, Yenay has decided to join Swivel and steer it into the future."

To this, both Taio and Mama clapped hard and Mama in my style shouted, "woohoo." Her impression was lower in volume but high on excitement. She hugged me from her chair.

Wong continued "to which I am confident she would do a fantastic job." Wong looked towards me in appreciation and made a slow clap imitation for me.

"Taio tells me Chang would agree. Well, I do hope he does." Wong continued.

"The year of the Rat has begun in the most rewarding fashion for this family and I am happy that we are together and will remain together forever." he completed and all of us clapped to that.

To enliven the moment further, I announced, "I have a condition though."

The manner in which it came out, everyone knew I was playing around and it wasn't serious. Everyone smiled and looked towards me, indulging me with my light-hearted drama.

"well, if we are going to do this immediately, I want Mama to come with us to Singapore so we can do it faster, and properly" I demanded. It had little rationale but it was my demand.

Wong laughed the hardest in response. Mama and Taio also joined him.

"I am not joking." I shook my head. They knew I was not serious at all.

Mama indulged me without a second thought. "I will come visit and if anything, I'd get you packed up faster than you can imagine."

I raised my arms and did a little dance in my chair. Then I extended my hand to Mama, in appreciation.

By the time we finished, it was one o'clock. Mama and I had decided that we would go to the salon.

By the time we got ready and left, it was three. Wong and Taio stayed back home. I am sure they would, from now on, have a ton to discuss.

Mama and I had fun at the salon getting our hair and faces taken care of. We shopped a little and then sat at an alfresco restaurant for some coffee. The weather was chilly and Mama came up with an idea that I should buy a couple of fur coats.

I told her, "Mama, maybe later. We should get back to Taio and Wong."

Mama would have none of it and insisted we head for the Oriental plaza again.

I tried a few fur coats and got myself two extremely fancy real fur coats. One Sable fur coat from Karl Lagerfeld and a Lynx fur coat from Helen Yarmack. It must have cost Mama a fortune, but she felt every penny was worth it for me.

Back home, Wong informed, "darling, I might have to go out tomorrow for some time. It's an emergency."

"But you promised me, these fifteen days would be only for the family." Mama protested, even though she knew it was going to be futile.

"I know. I have kept my promise. I won't be going to the office. There is some kind of an outbreak in Wuhan and it has been spiraling out of control. The government has called all pharmaceutical and healthcare industry leaders for a conference tomorrow. Even the president is involved. It can't be taken lightly."

"ooh. That sounds serious." Mama said in a low voice. Taio was already aware and he listened to the conversation.

"so you would be gone the whole day tomorrow?" I asked.

"I don't know yet, Yenay. But in all likelihood, it might take a few hours. But we will only know tomorrow." Wong replied looking towards me. He added, "But I am not going anywhere, I will be in Beijing."

Not much could have been added.

We changed the subject over dinner. "Mama bought me two beautiful fur coats. I just love them." I announced looking in the direction of Wong and Taio.

Both of them smiled.

Wong asked, "I am sure she got you some real fur?"

"Yeah. They are fantastic. The softest fur I have ever touched." I replied excitedly.

"I am glad." Wong happily nodded.

As an afterthought, Wong asked Mama, "If you are all ok, then we could go to the cabin the day after."

I saw a gleam in Mama's eyes. She looked towards me, and asked, "We have a cabin near the Huaibei resort. If you want to, we can go there for a couple of nights." she proffered.

"I am definitely going." I stressed on 'definitely.' I could guess Mama liked the idea already. My confirmation made her happy.

No one bothered to check with Taio. Wong volunteered, "I will get it organized."

Mama further added, for me, "you will love it. It's a beautiful place in the hills and we are on a private estate. Not very far from the main resort, we can even go to the hotel for dinner if you want to."

"I love it already." I giggled. "I'd get to test out my new coats as well."

The weather wasn't extremely cold in Beijing at this time of the year, in early February, but in the hills would certainly be colder.

Post dinner, we reconvened in the family room for a nightcap and some more family time.

Before I could demand a game of Blaccarat, possibly reading my mind, Mama said, "I have to report a theft from earlier this morning."

All three of us gave a surprising look towards her.

"Someone stole the Blaccarat set from the house." She smiled.

We all rolled in laughter and I could not control myself. We laughed and we laughed.

"We could go straight to blindfold penalty for Mama." I chimed in. "After all she could not identify anyone from last night." Everyone had a good laugh. She blushed a little.

Releasing her of the anguish, I said, "maybe at the cabin." There was no more teasing her tonight.

We bid good night after another hour of family banter. Mama hugged me and Taio good night.

If anyone noticed, I had been calling her Mama since morning, they ignored it as a welcome change. There was no reason to discuss it. I loved to call her that. She loved when I called her Mama.

February 2, 2020

Dressed to the pin, Wong left us around noon the next day for his conference. We all assumed he would return by dinner.

The three of us skipped lunch and lounged around the pool. The indoor swimming pool was a temperature-controlled fifty meters long narrow pool, only six meters wide. It was fantastic for laps.

Taio and I were decent swimmers and did our quota before lounging next to the pool.

Mama joined us with sandwiches and tea a while later. She wasn't a swimmer and hence wore a long single-piece dress with no intent to get anywhere near the water.

I coaxed her to come in but she declined. "I am not comfortable in the pool, Yenay. Please."

When I insisted, she confessed, "I can't swim."

"But the level is about five feet. You can virtually stand in the pool on this side." I pushed. Her height was about the same as mine, at five feet four.

"I am not even wearing a swimsuit," she shrugged.

I hastily got out of mine, to their surprise. "well me neither."

I stood up and held her hand, " Mama, it's either with the dress or without." I was back to my child-like insistence with her.

I wasn't giving her an option. I started taking her dress off, unbuttoning her front. To ease her mind and lighten the mood, I added, looking towards Taio, "close your eyes, Taio."

A smile broke on her face.

By the time I had her dress, bra, and panties off, she was shaking. She whispered in my ear, "I am scared of water, Yenay." Still hoping that her pleading might stop me from dragging her into the pool.

With as much genuineness I could muster, I told her softly, "don't worry, Mama. I am with you."

On my lead, she tentatively climbed down into the pool from the side of the stairs, with her hand holding mine. As soon as she was on step two, her grip on my hand tightened.

As soon as she touched the floor of the pool she clutched my arm. I relaxed her by telling her, "I am here, Mama. Relax. I am here."

She realized she was gripping me hard and loosened her hand but still held my shoulder.

I reckoned she would slowly settle down and started talking about random things to distract her. We stayed in the corner, with our backs to the swimming pool wall. The water was warm.

About five minutes later, her hand still held mine but she seemed to have relaxed.

"Mama, should we walk in the pool," I asked her. Her hand tensed up instantly.

"Don't worry, Mama, I am with you and the water is about your neck level." I tried to soothe her, though it was at her chin.

She hesitantly walked the sideways six meters hand-in-hand with me. By the time we returned to our original spot, I hailed her efforts. "Great job, Mama."

I hugged her from her front and we stayed like that for a minute. My slightly larger breasts mashed into hers, with our height almost the same, her chin rested on my shoulder as did mine on hers. Her hands holding my back tightly, and I had one of my hands roll on her shoulder and the other on her lower back, supporting her.

"This is better Mama. Isn't it." I could feel her nodding with her chin on my shoulder. She didn't speak.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Taio approach us in the pool. He must have felt the need to be near us. Of course with his naked Mama in the pool why in the world would he stay on the poolside and eat a sandwich.

I squinted my eyes a little telling him to not push her any further. She was comfortable in my arms, as was I. Both of us were on our feet.

She acknowledged Taio's presence next to us, as he stood opposite us a foot away. Staying in each other's arms, I was slowly spinning us around, trying to get her to feel the water.

Taio did a couple of laps smoothly before returning next to us.

I pulled Mama from my shoulder and asked her, "Mama, I'm gonna ask Taio to hold you for a while." I did not give her a reason but implied as if I was tired.

Without waiting for a response, I plotted Mama in his arms. Taio bent a little and got both her elbows on his shoulders. When the transfer completed and he straightened his knees, Mama rose a couple of inches off the floor. Though the water level was an acceptable below-shoulder level to her, she still clung tighter into Taio. Her breasts squished into his chest. Her head perched on his shoulder.

For good measure, I stood next to them. With each passing second, her grasp on his neck tightened, as her feet remained raised and slowly flapping.

Taio gradually traced her back and got his hands under her bum and then around her thighs and lifted the thighs up.

He traced his hands under her thighs and slowly helped pull them around his back.

Moments later, Mama was clinging to her son, like a baby panda. Her arms tightened behind his shoulder and her legs folded behind his butt. Her head loosely parked on his shoulder.

Deciding to give them a moment, I told her, "Mama, let me go pee and come."

She nodded, apprehensive to say anything.

I climbed out of the pool and looked at them for a moment. I adored Mama and loved Taio. I relished the sweet moment they were having and left them in each other's arms.

I did not need to go pee, but I went anyway. I took my time going to our bedroom, tried to look for a swimsuit for her. Then decided against it.

I picked up two robes, pulled one on, and slowly made my way back to the poolside.

I found them how I suspected, or should I say expected. In each other's arms, and in each other's mouths. Their lips were glued and their tongues were exploring.

Mama still clung to Taio and her pussy grinding on his groin. Her hands slowly running in his hair and his unsuccessfully trying to find a mole on her back and her tush. Well, he could keep looking I thought.

I chose to silently observe their canoodling from the poolside and quietly sat on the lounge chair with a direct view. Not that they paid heed to any intrusion.

Their kisses grew steamier and their hands exploring deeper. If I hadn't seen him come in the pool in his trunks earlier, I'd have guessed his dick was inside her already. But I didn't know for sure if he was still wearing them.

They kissed and they kissed endlessly. Each passing moment became tougher for me as well. I don't know about them, but I was squirming in my chair.

I was feeling a hankering to get in with them, but I managed to suppress my urge. I stayed out on the lounge chair and admired them without making any noise.

Finally, they got out of each other's mouth. Noticing me, they started floating towards the stairs of the pool.

If Mam said anything in his ear, I couldn't say.

Mama looked up towards me sheepishly and Taio helped her a couple of steps and then she slowly took the stairs where I held out my hand for her.

I offered her the large robe I had gotten for her.

"Mama, How was it? Did you like it?" I asked referring to her being in the pool. I did not comment on their kissing or even recognize it, making it a nominal event.

She tried to think about it and decided she did not feel very nervous this time around, as she usually did. "It was okay. I don't want to do it often." She responded.

"Unless you are with me." I smiled and said, "or Taio." I added it as an afterthought.

She smiled back.

We sat on the padded poolside loungers for a bit. When tired, we got under the open shower at one corner of the poolside.

The toweled robes came off and Mama and I went under the shower together. We stood naked under the shower for a minute to get the chlorine off. After we got out from under it, Taio took a quick one.

Later in the evening, we had changed into some casual evening clothes, as we waited for Wong to come before dinner.

"Mama, have you tried him on the phone?" I asked her, concerned.

"yes. It is switched off. I spoke to his assistant who is with him today. The meeting is still going on. It apparently started late. He should be back as soon as the meeting finishes." She informed Taio and me.

We sat in the drawing-room and discussed the plan for the next day.

Mama told us, "Wong had gifted me the cabin on our first anniversary. We spent two weeks there last year. And then again in December, we spent two days there. Actually, that's when we got talking about our future plans and Wong told me his idea of bringing Taio on board."

"how many hours is the drive to the cabin?" Taio asked.

"We would take our green bus. It would take about two hours to reach there." Mama informed us.

She added, "It takes a twenty-minute drive from our cabin to the International ski resort complex, if you feel like skiing or hanging around at the resort."

We shrugged. Both Taio and I weren't skiers. I guess neither was Mama but I did not know that at that moment.

"Maybe we can go to the resort for a dinner one night." Mama volunteered.

"Sure. Let's decide that there." I chipped in.

We drank some wine slowly, taking it easy. I asked her if we had a music system in the room. I could not see one.

She smiled, and said, "yes. It is a concealed system with speakers around all the corners. To turn it on, you say "Bixi, play me some jazz." She said the last part only slightly louder.

Instantly, Coltrane's saxophone sound came from every direction.

I giggled. "Bixi, play me some dance music."

The music changed to some English dance music.

I giggled again, and said, "Bixi, play me some Chinese classical music."

Instrumental Chinese traditional music came on.

By then, I had decided what I wanted it to play.

"Bixi, play me some romantic dance numbers," I announced.

English slow dance music started streaming. I opened my hand towards Taio and asked him to come dance with me.

I slow danced with him for a few minutes and decided it was time to change partners. I tapped him a couple of times on the shoulder and moved towards Mama to come to dance with me. She hesitated at first but knew that it wasn't going to work with me.

I danced with Mama for fifteen minutes and hugged her tight. At the changed of the fourth song, I offered Mama to Taio and asked them to dance on.

Taio jumped to take her hand and they danced close and slow. 'What a pair,' I thought.

An hour later, Wong still hadn't arrived. We had stopped dancing but Mama and Taio sat hugging after their last dance together.

Mama received a message from Wong's assistant that the conference was over but Wong was still meeting some people.

Mama insisted we should have dinner. We had a long, slow dinner and nibbled slowly and chatted about everything in general.

After dinner, Mama asked, "If you both would like to go sleep, please do."

Under no circumstance would I let her wait alone. I did the next best thing, left mother and son alone.

"Mama, I want to change and freshen up," I told her. "I will see you in a bit."

Taio kept Mama company for a bit longer. Instead of sticking to my plan and waiting for Wong in each other's arms, they too went in to change for the night. The wait for Wong was getting longer.