Haunting of Palmer Mansion Pt. 07

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A sister-in-law falls prey to the locked room.
6.5k words

Part 7 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 07/09/2019
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This will make more sense if you read the earlier parts. Don't worry, they're fun, action packed, and build the tension. Read them first! Also, all characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older. Enjoy.


"So, you two are spending the night?" Julie looked over the dining table at Brad and Penelope.

"Yeah ... we'll go to church with you tomorrow ... so ..." Brad talked while chewing some steak.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, sweetie." Julie took a sip of wine. "It's not polite."

"Sorry." Brad took a minute to swallow the food in his mouth and then looked at his eighteen-year-old, little brother. "So, has freakazoid here been to the doctor about his mutated dangler?"

"Goodness." Julie placed her wineglass on the table with a hard thud. The red liquid sloshed inside it. She gave her eldest an icy look.

"Shut up, Brad." Brittney also gave her big brother a fierce stare. "You're such a bully."

Brad's wife, Penelope, gazed over at Daniel with a quizzical look on her face. Her brother-in-law was scrawny in all the places Brad filled out. Daniel had none of the muscles, or the height, that Brad had. But the teenager was also quite large where Brad was not. How odd. Life was full of strange juxtapositions. Daniel caught her staring, and Penelope blushed and turned her eyes to her plate. She brushed her blonde hair behind her shoulder and raised her fork, taking a dainty bite of Brussels sprout.

"I'm afraid Brittney's right." George wanted to intervene before the siblings went at each other's throats. "You should apologize to everyone at this table."

"Sorry." Brad smiled. He didn't look very sorry. "So, doctor or not?"

"We can't afford the doctor right now, and he's doing fine." Julie thought about how Daniel had taken her in the basement just hours ago. Her youngest son was certainly healthy. If anything, his parts worked too well.

"So, has it shrunk back down to normal size?" Brad leaned toward Daniel. "Or do you still got Frankenstein's package down there?"

Julie took a deep breath. George and Brittney glared at Brad. Penelope looked down at her plate.

"Frankenstein was the doctor, not the monster." Daniel met Brad's gaze. "I never thought I'd see you jealous, Brad."

"Jealous of a freak?" Brad let out a harsh, false laugh.

"That's enough, Brad." George really wanted to change the subject. How had his family devolved into insulting each other's bodies? "Let's talk about something else."

"I'm not a freak." Daniel was sick and tired of his brother's shit. "There's lots of guys with these issues. Mom even helped me find some new underwear that fit."

"You need help with your underwear?" Brad sneered. "What did she measure it for you, too?"

"No," Daniel whispered.

"It's no big deal." Julie looked at her husband. "I've always bought underwear for the children."

"Yeah." George had known about the new underwear, but didn't like the suggestion that Julie had measured Daniel. George wished he didn't care. All bodies were God's work, after all. But try as he might, he wasn't comfortable with Daniel's size. It felt ... dangerous somehow. "Of course she helped Daniel with an uncomfortable situation. The teenage years are awkward. I remember. I'm sure you remember, Brad. You're all lucky you have a mother willing to help you with anything."

This last statement caught Julie mid-sip, and she coughed up her wine, spraying it on the table cloth.

George patted her back. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just got something down ... the wrong pipe." Julie's face was very red. "Let's talk about something else."

"Of course, dear." Nothing would make George happier. The less he thought about that situation the better. "You've upset your mother, Brad. We'll hear no more about this."

"Sure, Dad." Brad nodded and eyed his little brother. "Sorry." He smiled his wolfish smile.


The labyrinth was a cold, dark place with slate-gray walls. Julie raced down one corridor after the next, stopping at dead ends and taking random turns. Her naked form shook with each stride. Her unsupported boobs ached as they bounced, forcing her to run with her arms pressed firmly on her bosom. Cold sweat dripped down her neck and spine.

Something followed her. With each false turn and dead end, she felt the thing draw closer. The chase felt like an unwinding ball of thread. She rapidly approached the vanishing center.

A hand shook her shoulder. "Julie. Wake up Julie," a voice whispered in her ear.

"Danny?" Julie's eyes shot open. She was in bed with her husband snoring next to her. Soft starlight filtered in from their bedroom window casting deep shadows throughout the room. Julie sucked in her breath. A redheaded woman stood over her, with her cold hand resting on Julie's naked shoulder.

"No. Not Danny. It's me." Eloise gave the wife a reassuring smile. "You were having night terrors and I couldn't bear to watch you suffer through it."

"I thought the Samatars sent you away," Julie whispered. She pulled her blanket up to her chin.

"They tried their best, dearie. Don't fault them for their failures." Eloise removed her hand from Julie's shoulder and stood up straight. "Come with me, it's quite urgent." She turned and walked out of the bedroom.

"Wait. Wait." Julie whispered after the apparition. But Eloise disappeared down the hall. "Darn it." Julie slipped out of bed and threw on one of her husband's oversized flannel shirts. It hung open, exposing the valley between her newly enlarged breasts, but she didn't feel like she had time to button it. Julie raced out of the room and saw Eloise walking by the stairway railing to her right. Julie followed, holding her breasts as she had in her dream to keep them from bouncing about. Goosebumps covered her bare legs. The only thing she wore on her lower half was her panties. "Mrs. Palmer?" Julie called after the woman. "What happened to me? How do I fix it? You need to put things back to normal."

"That is what I've come to show you." Eloise looked over her shoulder. The long, dark Victorian dress disappeared into shadow as it trailed behind her. "Bond what was broken. Mend the stitches and return to form."

"What?" Julie hustled after Eloise. "You're going to fix this? Fix these?" She emphasized the word these by squeezing her heavy boobs. Julie had almost caught up to the pregnant woman. She passed by her son's closed bedroom door. She reached out to grab Eloise, but the woman vanished. Julie heard the toilet flush in the bathroom to her left. Julie stood in the hall dumbfounded.

The bathroom door opened with a flood of light and there stood Daniel humming the theme from Star Trek. He didn't notice his mom in the hall as he wiped his hands on a towel and flipped off the light, dropping them into darkness again. He stepped into the hall without really looking where he was going and bonked into his half-naked mother. "Mom?" Their bodies pressed up against one another. Blood rushed to his dick.

"Danny ... I was just ..." Julie stumbled when her son bumped into her. She held his shoulders for support. Eloise's promise to return them to normalcy fell to the back of Julie's mind as she now had Daniel's warm, lithe body next to her. She turned to face him and looked down into his earnest blue eyes. She could barely see him in the gloomy hall. "I thought I saw -" But Daniel cut her off by planting a soft kiss on her lips. Within seconds, she was making out with her son. A moment ago, she had been on the verge of getting that apparition to reverse this, but now she couldn't pull her tongue out of Daniel's mouth. Her arms encircled his shoulders and she felt his hands slide onto her butt. There was so much desire in the way he grabbed her and pulled her hips toward him. Even though he'd already spurted all over her back earlier that day, he was so hard. Julie lost herself in their kiss.


The memory of a tall man in a top hat menaced Penelope as she woke from a deep sleep. Her eyes opened with a start. She put her hand on her husband's strong chest and felt him sleeping soundly. Her heartbeat slowed. Then, without a thought, she was out of bed and up on her feet. She tugged at the hem of the oversized t-shirt she slept in and wandered toward the bedroom door.

There was something. Something out in the hall. Penelope had to look and see. She struggled with the doorknob, vision still blurred from sleep. She got the door open and stepped into the hall. George and Julie's bedroom door stood open, which was odd. Then she heard something down at the other end of the hall. Penelope rubbed her eyes, but couldn't quite make out what she was seeing in the gloom. Two people seemed to stand in the shadows very close together. What were they doing?

This house had creeped Penelope out from the start. But as her vision cleared, creepy turned to something more daunting. A pit formed in her stomach. That couldn't be her mother-in-law down at the other end of the hall? Penelope squinted at the figures and decided it was. There stood Julie pressed up against a shorter man. They embraced. Oh, my God. As her eyes took in more of the spectacle, she realized she was seeing Daniel and Julie kissing like a couple of lovebirds.

"Stop, that's ... that's ... just stop," Penelope tried to shout at them, but her words came out a garbled, scratchy whisper. Nothing in her life had prepared her for this kind of shock. Julie Anderson was a righteous Christian woman. How could she?

The lovers at the end of the hall seemed to float further away. Penelope took an unsteady step. She needed to put an end to this. But everything turned darker. She realized she was going to faint.

Out of the darkness, a naked, pregnant woman strode toward Penelope. The woman's red hair flowed down around her shoulders and she cradled her pale, bulging belly. "The bond, the pact, the contract made," the woman said. "We paid and received and the Devil took his due. All we need from you is your approbation, good Penelope."

"What? No," Penelope croaked. The whole world slipped. She took one more step and toppled over onto the cold hardwood. In the bedrooms on either side of her, George and Brad slept soundly. Sprawled in the hall, Penelope found a cold, dreamless sleep, too.


Neither Daniel nor Julie noticed Penelope at the other end of the hall. They were too caught up with each other. Even as the young woman fell to the floor, they didn't hear or see her.

"Mmmmmpphhh." Julie broke the kiss with her son. "We have to stop." She looked down to see the flannel shirt had fallen open and her breasts were now exposed.

"A little more, Mom. Please?" Daniel bent a little, leaned forward, and took her warm nipple into his mouth. He rolled it around with his tongue.

"Oooooohhhhhhhhh." Julie cradled his head with her left hand, pushing him up against her boob. "Okay, sweetie. Just a little more."

Daniel pulled off her shirt and moved his hands to her hips. He maneuvered her backwards down the hall and then into his bedroom. All the while, sucking her breast. He closed his door with his foot and pushed her back to his bed. When they arrived, Julie fell backwards onto the sheets.

"We can't keep doing this, Daniel." Julie leaned up on her elbows and watched Daniel pull off his tight boxers. Seeing that long, fat penis with all its bulging veins and its discolored head made Julie wonder how she wasn't frightened of the thing. She should have been frightened. But instead, all she felt was awe and longing.

"I know we can't keep doing this, Mom." Daniel felt in control as he looked down at her curving body. Her tits hung out to the sides perfectly. Her hips arched out with extraordinary grace from her waist. He could just see the top of her brown bush as she pressed her legs together. "But we should enjoy this thing we have for at least a little while longer. The bible says there is nothing better for a man than to eat and drink and tell himself that his labor is good. Right?" Daniel spread her legs and dropped to his knees on the floor next to his bed. He pulled her panties aside and gazed with reverence at the protruding pussy lips.

"What does Ecclesiastes have to do with ... oh ... oh ... oooohhhhhhhh." Julie threw her head back on the mattress as her son's tongue explored her vagina. "Oh, gosh, Danny. You're ... eating and drinking meeeeeeee." An orgasm rapidly approached. How had she lived her whole life without asking anyone to go down on her? How would she live the rest of her life once her family went back to normal? Would George do this for her? "You're going to ... make me ... explode." Julie's whole body trembled and she gripped the sheets tightly with fists on either side of her hips. If his tongue felt this good inside her and on her lips, what would it be like if and when he found her clit? Julie couldn't fathom it. "Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh." Her eyes lost focus and she came on Daniel's tongue, her hips bucking on the mattress.

Hearing his mom squeal out her orgasm, Daniel lifted his head and wiped off his mouth. He roughly maneuvered the quivering Julie into the middle of the bed, got between her legs, and lined up his cock. Some part of his mind called out to him to quit this while he still could. But those thoughts were drowned out by the pulsing, howling animal id that urged him on. Watching her slick entrance, he slipped the head of his dick inside her and smiled at how it so easily distorted her pussy.

"Danny, are we ...?" Julie came down from her orgasm to find herself pinned by Daniel's monster. He was going to mate her again, and there was nothing she could do about it. The penis sunk into her, and she found that there was nothing she wanted to do about it. He filled her up so perfectly. As his balls came to rest on her butt, she felt the tip of his thing nudging at her very soul. "If we keep doing ... it ... we'll never be able ... to stop." Julie grunted and felt that magical tool slide in and out of her. "How does this keep ... happening?"

"I don't know, Mom." Daniel looked down into her soft, brown eyes with pure adoration as he pumped her pussy. "But I love you." He knew in that moment that whatever Eloise gave him, or any other women that came into his life in the years ahead, nothing could replicate the pure rapture of bonding with his mother.

"I love you ... so much ... Danny. I would do ... anything ... mmmmppphhhh." Her words were lost as his handsome face descended and he kissed her again. Their bellies slapped together, his trim and flat, hers more supple and curved. George had never kissed her with such passion or longing. Oh, no, poor George. The thought of her husband was almost enough to break the spell. But then Daniel rolled his tongue around hers and shoved her organs around with his tool, and she lost herself in rapture again.

Daniel broke their kiss and lifted himself up so he could look down on Julie again. He placed his hands behind her knees and held her legs open. He could see Julie's belly bulging with each stroke. It was mesmerizing. "Look, Mom. Look what I'm doing to you."

"What?" Julie looked up at him and saw where he was looking. She lifted her head and looked past her wobbling breasts down to her tummy. "Oh, gosh ... Oh, gosh. How can that ... be?" She could see his thing protruding underneath her flesh as he bottomed out each time. The sight of her deforming belly sent her over the edge. She lost herself in another orgasm.

More than twenty minutes, and several orgasms later, Julie sensed that Daniel was close. "Not ... uh ... uh ... inside." Julie opened her eyes and looked up as Daniel still held her legs, sweat dripping off his nose and landing on her chest. She scarcely recognized his cute, sweet face as it twisted with purpose and desire. "Not ... inside ... please."

"Okay." Daniel pulled out of her and fapped his dick for all he was worth. He looked down at Julie, her hair damp with sweat, her mouth hanging open with something akin to reverence, her breasts heaving with each breath. "You're ... so ... perfect ... aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh." Cum blasted out of him and sailed through the air. It splashed down on her boobs, stomach, face, and hair.

Julie closed her eyes and accepted his seed all over her. There was so much of it. She felt spurt after spurt land and she listened as Daniel's groans died down. Eventually, he finished and she wiped the sperm out of her eyes. "You are some sort of miracle, Daniel Gregory Anderson." She opened her eyes and was happy to see the look of complete satisfaction on his face.

"I'm so lucky, to have you." Daniel slumped forward. He didn't care if she was covered in his cum. He wanted to lay his head on her breast, have her arms surround him, and drift off to sleep.

"No you don't, mister." Julie held up a hand and caught his chest, stopping him from lying down. "If we fall asleep in here ..." She looked down at herself. "... covered in your stuff ..." She sat up and moved to the side of the bed. "... someone is going to catch us." She stood and held her hand out to him. "We're lucky this is such a large house and the Andersons are heavy sleepers. It's shower time, pumpkin. Let's get cleaned off."

"Sure, Mom." Daniel took her hand and let her lead him across the hall into the bathroom.

Of course, Julie shouldn't have been surprised by what happened next. Once the shower was going, and they were rubbing each other's bodies with soap, things got out of hand. Julie found herself on her knees lovingly sucking Daniel's thing. The young man could just keep going and going. After a while, he unloaded in her mouth. She devoured all his salty seed.

They finished cleaning and each went back to their own bed. Julie curled up on her side next to her warm husband, her vagina stretched and her belly full of semen. How had it come to this? How was she going to rein them in? She drifted off to sleep thinking about her crazy day. Her son had taken her twice and she had loved every second of it.


George sat on a horse, the saddle creaking under him as he adjusted his weight. He'd never ridden a horse before, so it was odd to sit on one. Before him a wide dirt road wended off through the prairie. His horse shuffled its feet with anxiety as it waited.

Behind him, the sound of hooves appeared and gradually grew louder. George turned his head to see a man in a top hat riding a midnight black horse up the long road. The man pulled the reins and stopped next to George. The horse and the man were quite large. So much so that George had to look up to see the man's pallid face. George's gaze hung on the dark drooping mustache and then moved up to his eyes. George had never seen eyes so devoid of light.

"You're a fool, Mr. Anderson." The man's voice was slow and gruff. He brushed at the lapel of his long, velvet jacket.

"Why?" George wanted to ride away from the man, but he didn't know how to make his horse move.

"You countenance the buck's face." He leaned forward and offered a grim smile.

"What?" George gulped and felt his throat constrict.

"Horns." The man shook his head and his smile drooped along with his mustache. "They saddle you with horns. They do it right under your nose."

"Who?" George wasn't usually a monosyllabic kind of person, but this man brought it out in him.

"Who am I?" The man reached up and briefly tipped his top hat at George. "Mr. Frederick Palmer at your service." His smile did not return. "Heed me. Or become the gelding." Frederick's eyes absorbed more and more light as darkness fell around them.

Soon, shadows spread across the prairie. George kicked his horse but it wouldn't budge. Frederick leaned toward him with malevolence written all over his stony face. George screamed and the dark moved upon him. There was nothing but black.