Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch. 05


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Piker tried desperately to remove his head from his wife's vagina, so he could breathe, but she would not let him go. He rolled over and she rolled with him. He was desperate to try to breathe but he was unable. He raised his hands as if to surrender.

Alletta yelled, "Are you going to fuck me now?"

Piker nodded his head and in doing so, he had to move Alletta's hips, also.

Alletta unlocked her ankles and let him loose and Piker took a big gulp of air. He looked at her menacingly and said "I am going to fuck you raw."

Alletta replied "You finally got the message!"

Piker flipped her over and grabbed her by the hips and plunged into his wife in one vicious thrust.

Alletta moaned in delight and egged her husband on. He was always the quiet, sedate, southern gentleman in bed, but not tonight. Tonight he was her mate, her lusting animal and he was in his prime. He was hard as steel, forged in a furnace of love and lust. He was giving his wife what she wanted, the way she demanded it and he was not going to stop until she begged for mercy and maybe not even when she begged for that.

He pulled her up by her long auburn hair until she was sitting in his lap. He had his arms around her middle, with his hands locked together in front. He raised and lowered her on his prick like a piston. Each stroke was harder than the last. The head of his prick knocked on the door of her womb on every downward thrust demanding entry.

Alletta was crying out in pleasure and in pain. She had demanded this and she was getting it, in a manner she had never dreamed existed. Her fluids were flowing continuously; they were the only reason this pounding she was receiving was bearable. Then she felt it happen. Her cervix opened, allowing her husband's penis entry into her womb. The pain was gone and the pleasure of his fucking returned. She started assisting him, using her legs to rise and fall on his length as he continue to reach the deepest parts of her. She shook and had an orgasm as blissful as she had ever had.

Piker started to slow down from his exertions. He started nibbling on Alletta's left ear. She tried to avoid his mouth but he held her back against him and continued raising the heat of her lust. He pushed Alletta forward until she was laid flat. He raised her hips, just a little, to accommodate his thrusting. He took her hands and put each one under her body and trapped them there, as he put his full weight upon her. With all this completed, his hips went into high gear and thrust into Alletta, rhythmically. His hands and lips went after her ears with maniacal devotion.

Alletta was sure she was wetting the bed beneath her. She was pouring out liquid non-stop. Piker had her trapped. She could not move. She knew, he just knew how to get to her and she could not stop him and then it happened and she fainted. She was out cold. She did not move. She could not move.

Piker was so intent on keeping Alletta immobilized, he did not even register that he was fucking an unconscious woman until he finally came; about three minutes after his wife had her orgasm. He was exhausted. It was almost 3a.m. and he had to meet Dycke at his school at nine. Shit, he thought. This is going to be a bitch of a day. He set his alarm for 7a.m. and fell asleep next to his wife.

In the room across the hall, Steve lay awake unable to sleep because of all the noise coming from his parent's bedroom. In all his years, he had never heard anything so arousing and so titillating, as he heard during the night and it came from his parent's bedroom. Parents did not have sex. At least not sex like he heard his parents having during the night. The cursing, the screaming, the growling, and the bed bounding around the room; that was what happens when two young people have sex, not two forty year old adults. They do not do that stuff anymore, do they? "What the heck happened to my parents?" He thought.

28. Regimentation

Dycke felt water dripping on his head and he could only imagine where it was coming from. He tried desperately not to move, but the drips came faster. Finally he said, "Good morning, Fiona. What did I do wrong now?"

"You have overslept boss. We were supposed to be out running by now" she said.

"I did not know you ran, Fiona" Dycke said.

"Normally I run 5 miles every morning before breakfast, Dycke"

"That sounds great Fiona. Let me get dressed and I'll be with you right after school."

"You have three minutes to be at the front door boss."

"Okay Fiona, I will be right there." Dycke slid out of bed, like cold molasses, went to his closet and grabbed a warm-up suit, and his track bag. He sat down on his chair and dressed.

As he exited his room he walked into a wall, or at least it felt like a wall, because he bounced back off it.

The wall spoke to him. It said, "Fiona said three minutes. Your time was up thirty seconds ago."

The hallway was dark and all Dycke could see was a large grey shadow. He reached for the light switch and turned it on.

As his eyes focused straight ahead, he was looking at a pair of shoulders. He, slowly, raised his head and looked into the eyes of a formidable looking woman, who said to him, "Move" and he did, quickly.

Fiona was standing by the front door, smiling, as Dycke came charging down the stairs three at a time. She said to him, "I guess you met Marti?"

"If you are talking about the immoveable object that was standing in the hallway, yes, I met her."

"Remember Dycke, be nice!"

"I will have no problem remembering your advice, Fiona."

Marti walked down the stairs and was formally introduced to Dycke. Fiona said that she would be staying behind while Marti and Dycke ran the five mile circuit this morning. She expected them back in less than thirty minutes.

Marti said, "No problem Fee."

Dycke agreed.

Dycke asked Marti if she had a course laid out or if she wanted him to lead.

Marti told Dycke to follow her and they were off. Twenty-six minutes later they were cooling down in front of Dycke's home. Dycke and Marti were talking about half marathons and marathons she had run and the length of her stride as opposed to his. He was amazed at the power she exhibited with each and every stride she took and wondered how she did in hot weather.

They walked into the house and Dycke told Marti to use the bathroom shower first. She accepted

Fiona asked, "How did it go Dycke?"

Dycke said, "Marti is an amazing runner. Her form is elegant. Her every move is so powerful. She is like a powerful cat on the prowl. I would not want to be in her way if she was after someone or something."

"Many people have felt that way about her. Be thankful she is on our side."

There was a light knock at the front door and Fiona rose to get it. She said, "Good morning, everyone. Did we bring coffee and croissants?"

Someone called out, "Of course!"

Twenty-two women and seven men walked into the Schneider household and it was just approaching 6a.m.

Chad Schneider walked into the kitchen dressed for his day and asked, "Where is my personal assistant and why is coffee not in my hand?"

A strawberry blonde woman walked over to Chad and said, "I am sorry for the delay Mister Schneider, there was a line at the milk container."

There was a low laugh as everyone was starting to get comfortable in their new surroundings, before the real security work began.

Marti walked into to the assembled mass and looked at the group sternly. One woman looked back at her and said "Marti, everyone knows you're a cream puff, so knock it off."

Dycke would have sworn he saw steam coming out of Marti's ears but everyone else in the room was laughing.

Fiona took over the meeting, calling it to order. She said "You all have your assignments. If there is an attack and we have an all-out failure, Dycke is the absolute primary. He is position Number One. He will have a tracking device on his person at all times. Gary will take care of that starting today. Payne Temple is fallback position Two. She, also, will have a tracking device on her person at all times. If it is at all possible to secure her on the way to secure Number One, do so. If there is any doubt at all, bypass Number Two and head for Number One.

Mary Ann's group will do the threat assessment for the home and surrounding area. She will, also, do the same for the Temple's home and area. The Schneider's two daughter's and their families have been alerted to you teams arrival. Your security password and counter signs must be correct or they will not allow you entry and they will call the police."

"Who drew Steven Temple?"

"I did," called out a tall, slender, raven hair woman, who looked like she could pass for an eighteen year old girl.

Dycke screamed "Yes!"

Fiona smiled at him and said "Dycke is that nice?"

Dycke said "No it is not nice, it is perfect! May I ask your name please?"

"My name is Desiree."

Dycke looked up towards the heavens and said "Thank you Lord."

Fiona said "Okay, that about covers everything. Everyone has their updated weapons permits: Assault and automatic rifles. Twilight Scopes. Laser Sniper Scopes. Tasers. Pepper Spray. Tear Gas canisters. Flash Bang grenades, Personal Nuclear Devices, Knives, Throwing Stars, Rocks, Papers, and Scissors?

Everyone laughed, knowingly.

Chad went outside to get the days paper and immediately brought it to Fiona. She was not happy to see the headline from the financial section. Dycke's name was prominently run next to a track picture, and thankfully the sum of money mentioned was only the amount of the transfer: Fifty-Four Million Dollars.

Fiona told Chad to call the telephone company and disconnect his land line telephone, immediately, and tell his daughters to do the same thing. Get high security cellphones and only use those from this point forward. Gary, their electronics expert would help Chad make all the appropriate upgrades to the home computers to make them as secure as possible.

Dycke and Bacillica came down to join the assembled group. Bacillica asked what everyone was waiting for.

Almost as one they said, "Our cars."

Bacillica said "That sounds reasonable."

Fiona and Chad showed the paper to the new arrivals and Dycke said "I guess it starts now, right Fiona?"

"Yes Dycke, now it is for real. No more games. Okay."

"Whatever you tell me I will do, Fiona. I promise. I will train when you say and do whatever else you want me to do." "Have you started protecting Payne, now that she is defenseless?"

"Yes, I have. There are four agents with her Dycke, on a rotating evening schedule. No one is needed between 8a.m. and 4p.m., so that will be their down time. They will arrange their days off accordingly. Payne will be the least of your problems now. Okay."

"Thank you, Fiona."

Air brakes could be heard outside and everyone inside started moving. Four large car carriers had pulled to a stop within fifty feet of one another. A driver called out the name "Dycke Schneider." With all the assemble adults mulling around in front of the trucker, he was amazed when this teenage kid walked up to him and said, "I am Dycke Schneider."

The trucker said "You purchased all these cars?"

"Yes why?"

The driver said, "Just checking, sir."

Dycke told him to call the cars off by the name on the invoice and its' driver would take it away."

The trucker nodded and moved away. The process took an hour but thirty new employees had new vehicles they had chosen and equipped to perform the duties of their new job.

Dycke had forgotten to get a new car for himself, so he drove to school in his old Taurus. When he got to school, he knew something was different. Everyone was looking at him. He was the subject of whispered conversations but as he would walk by everyone would become quiet. If there was a crowd in front of him, a pathway appeared as if by magic. Things like this never happened to him before. Although he dressed the same, came to school in the same car and acted the same because someone had written that he had inherited an astronomical amount of money, everyone was treating him differently. He found it very amusing.

Then he realized why, he turned around and there she was. As beautiful as ever, in a form fitting pant suit, but with eyes that said "Don't fuck with him." Fiona is priceless, Dycke thought.

Dycke continue on to the athletic department, so he could drop his gym bag off in his locker. As he was about to enter, Coach Short opened his office door and said "Hello, Dycke, come on in."

"Sure coach" Dycke said. Before he took a seat, Dycke said "Coach this is Fiona. She is my bodyguard, a very good teacher and a friend."

"Fiona, this is my track coach, Bob Short. He won the Olympic Silver Medal in the 5000 meter race at Los Angeles.

"It is very nice to meet you, Bob."

"It is nice to meet you, Fiona. Why are you protecting the fastest kid in this school?"

"Sometimes you cannot outrun a trap or a bullet, Bob."

"That makes sense but what would anyone want with an eighteen year old kid?"

"I guess you have not read todays paper yet, coach."

"No, I have not had a chance. What would I see?"

"Fifty-Four million dollars."

Coach Short said "Yes, that would certainly get some people's attention, Dycke. Congratulations"

"Thank you, coach."

Coach Short said "That is not why I asked you in here. I received a letter from Duke University. They want films and time sheets and paperwork on you for the last three years. They are going to offer you an athletic scholarship, if everything checks out. We both know it will."

"I do not need the scholarship anymore. I just want to get into Duke, so I can be with my fiancee."

"I will send the paperwork in and then you can turn the money down later, Dycke. Let's get you in first, okay?"

"Thanks coach."

"Go put your gym bag away. I want to speak with Fiona for a moment. Stay inside the locker room, Dycke."

"Yes sir."

"Let me see, Fiona. Gun in your pocketbook. Looks like a forty caliber from here. A high priced bodyguard for a high school student. English accent. M.I.6? There is a bunch more than fifty million involved. Correct."

"Yes. Robert Shorter, track coach, my ass!"

"Well, I am now. A couple of years with the KGB, in Lefortovo, will make you look for greener pastures."

"Who did they trade you for?"

"We did not have anyone to give them. So, we gave them information about a corrupt business man, who was going to keep Moscow very cold, during the winter, for political gain and a huge profit on natural gas."

"So I take it you cannot run, as you did before. What do you do to keep fit?"

"I teach Karate, Jujitsu and Kempo."

"Are you good?"


"Are you married?"


"Do you have a girl friend?"


"Are you gay?"


"Are you disease free?"


"You beat me two out of three and I am yours!"

"Bring your overnight bag."

"You are kind of sure of yourself, aren't you?"

"Either way, you are going to need to take a shower, when I am finished with you."

The End

Authors Note: I would like to thank everyone who is reading "Having fun with Dycke and Payne" for scoring so highly, all four previous episodes. I enjoy writing, but for me, it is a two way street. Each episode averages a readership of approximately 700 to 800 people. For a story in a "Non-Erotic" category that is not very bad. My problem is I am not getting any usable feedback from you. I like directing my stories to include the thoughts of my readers, if at all possible. If enough people do not like how a particular character is growing, during an episode, further on down the road, I could either attempt to change his or her attitude or write them out of the storyline completely.

I will be submitting Chapter 5 on November twenty-seventh. Chapter 6 is already at my editor, Lunarosa, being sliced two pieces. She is the only reason my stories are both technically correct and readable. If I do not start to get feedback from my readers, I am unsure if I will continue with this story past chapter 6 or if I will start on a new novel. I leave this choice, up to you, my readers.


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Grabeard46Grabeard46over 4 years ago
Late Comment

I just recently started reading the novels/ novellas section and I am delighted with the skill and imagination of the writers.You have captured my attention and provided hours of enjoyable reading.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
POV/Voice and possessive apostrophes/plural

Please fix the voice shifts.

Please use an ellipsis or some sort of mark to indicate a time and scene change.

Please learn that when a noun is plural with an -s marker at the end that it indicates a plural. You have so many plural nouns with possessive apostrophes that it is jarring.

I agree with others that you gild the lily. You might make yourself laugh, but you should be more concerned with your readers.

singleotsingleotover 7 years ago
Enjoying it

Your style here is very Anime with the over the top humor and violent reactions, and I'm not sure some of the readers are looking at it from that point of view. But I'm enjoying it, I can just see the scenes in my head when Payne was throwing stuff at the Dr, or wailing on Dycke, or steam shooting out ears or smoke rising from them.

Is there a sequence to reading your works? Because I understand they all eventually at least partially tie together or cross into each other.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Payne is becoming a Real Pain . . .

Love the story, but, Payne's CONSTANT agressive BS is a real pain. Any man or young guy with half a brain would dump her cold and not look back. So she is ugly, that isn't a license to be an abusive tyrant to those who care about her.

Being that way SOMETIMES is fine, but EVERY interaction makes her just plain dysfunctional and dislikable. Everyone in her life deserves better! Yeah I get that it is a defense mechanism, but enough is enough !!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
A friendly criticism

This has to do with all your writing. You are very good, but you habitually overdo things. The humor is sometimes heavy handed. (Example: Payne throwing things at the doctor, and the warnings leading up to it.) You too often gild the lily. A light touch would work better.

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