Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch. 08


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The following morning, Piker and Alletta went into their daughter's room to see how she was doing. They were not worried when Payne was not in her bed and they asked the agent, outside her door, if she had gone downstairs. The agent said that no one had left the room this morning. They walked back into the room, wondering where she could be. They looked on her bed and found her nightgown. Then, they saw the partially open connecting doorway. They opened it and walked into the room next door. There on the bed, snuggled together, under the blankets, was Payne and Dycke fast asleep. Piker decided to get them up in a fatherly way. Loudly, he yelled, "Have you defiled my daughter?"

Payne screamed and covered her head, as she woke up to the sound of her father's voice.

Dycke, although startled said, "Payne, what you doing in my bed? Why are you not in your own bed where you belong? Are you out of your mind woman, we are not married yet." He lifted the cover off her, pulled it down, and said, "My God, Payne, you are naked. You came into my bed with evil intent. I cannot possibly marry you now."

Alletta and Piker started laughing at Dycke's expertise at getting out of trouble. Payne, hearing the laughter, said to Dycke, "You know when my parents leave, that you are going to die, don't you."

Dycke said, "In that case, I think I will leave with your parents." As he attempted to move his legs towards the edge of the bed, Payne grabbed him by the balls and squeezed.

Dycke screamed as his body folded in half.

Alletta turned to Piker and said, "I believe that Payne now has the situation firmly in hand, Pike. Dycke may soon come around to her point of view. Why don't we go to breakfast so they can settle this dispute, using digital manipulation?"

Piker said calmly, "I do believe that if too much pressure is applied in certain portions of this discussion, the possibility of us having grandchildren will be greatly reduced. I would hate for that to happen."

As soon as her parents closed the door, Payne popped out from under the covers and looked Dycke straight in the eyes. She said, "One day you're jokes are going to be the death of you."

"How about your father, I thought he was funny as hell?"

Payne said, "Yes, my father does have a wicked sense of humor."

"Well, they know we are sleeping together. That is a good thing and they know that you were naked under the blanket, which is another good thing. They already knew that we were having sex, so everything is out in the open now. From now on, darling, you are sleeping with me. No more separate rooms or beds. If you fart, I'll be the second one to know it."

Payne said, "Dycke you are so gross!"

Dycke dove under the covers, his mouth latched on to Payne's right breast, and his left hand went straight for her vagina. She screamed at the sudden onslaught and tried to protect herself, but she was too late. His teeth were grinding on her nipple and breast and his finger were inside her moist pussy, while his thumb was rubbing her clit, until, finally, it came out from underneath its protective hood. Dycke's fingers grabbed hold of it and squeezed it mercilessly.

Payne screamed in agony and ecstasy. Between the pains she felt as Dycke's fingers closed down, like a clamp, on her tender clit and the ecstasy of the explosion that was set off when her orgasm hit, a circuit blew, and, thankfully, darkness fell upon her.

Again, Dycke refused to let her rest. He left her breast and moved down to her cunt to attack her clit, with his mouth. He repeatedly attacked it, with his tongue, teeth, and even his day-old growth of beard, to antagonize it. Payne kept moaning, groaning, and trying to push him away. Honey was flowing out of her pussy and the area underneath her was wet to the point that it was saturated. Payne's hips proved that she was in the home stretch for another orgasm. Her heels were dug into the mattress. She held her hips above the bed and they were gyrating, madly. Dycke's head was held captive to her movements.

Dycke forced himself forward and took Payne's hips higher with him. He took his right thumb, put it into her vagina, and pumped it into her, furiously. Payne changed the direction of her hip movements, to join with the movements of the thumb. Dycke waited for the correct movement of her ass and when it was in the right position, Payne received two shocks: The first was a tight squeeze on the tip of her left nipple. The second was when his thumb 'accidentally missed' her pussy and he rammed it, as far as he could, up into her ass. She was going to scream but it caught in her throat as she came and came, again. Her lights did not go out this time, but they dimmed considerably and she lay on the bed, inert.

Dycke walked into the bathroom and came back with washcloth, a towel, and a glass of water. He took the washcloth and wet down Payne's neck as best he could. He sat her up and asked her to drink a little bit of the water.

Payne said, "Why? Do you want to start again?"

He looked at her and said, "As usual, my dear, only one of us got satisfied and the other is left swollen and trying to calm down."

Payne said, "It is your own fault. You started this. Again, I was an innocent victim of circumstance. I just happened to be the naked girl in your bed. I'm sure if it was any other girl, the same thing would've happened to her."

Dycke's said, "The next time I go on a trip, I will test that hypothesis and I will let you know how it turns out."

"If you do, I will cut it off."

"You have inspected the merchandise during the past several hours and you could not tell if it had been used, or not. I guess I can continue doing or not doing what I was doing before you threatened me, right?"

"Dycke, I love you but I may have to kill you, just to make sure you that you stay faithful to me."

Dycke laughed and said, "You do not have to worry about me being faithful to you! In about an hour and a half, two doctors are going to walk into this house and unwrap, what is going to be, the most beautiful face in the world. From that point on, it is I, who will have to worry about you being faithful to me."

Payne said, "Don't be foolish Dycke. I will always be here for you."

Dycke said, "You'd better go shower and get ready for the nurses and the doctors."

Payne asked, "Aren't you coming?"

"No, I have to make a phone call to verify all the security arrangements have been made for the doctors after they leave here. After that I'll be in."

After Payne walked into the bathroom, Dycke dropped his head and looked into his hands. As his own words about her potential beauty sank in, he had a feeling of foreboding come over him, an epiphany of insecurity. It was as if, at that second, he had lost Payne, forever. He knew it was foolish but he could not shake that feeling. They had never been closer. She told him last night, how deeply she loved him and wanted him. Yet, as he sat here on the edge of this bed, he felt in his heart that his world was falling apart. He did not know what to do or how to handle it. He needed to talk to Marti as soon as possible. She had raised Fiona and maybe, just maybe she would be able to help him work his way through these feelings.

40. The Unveiling.

It was just before eleven o'clock, when three cars drove up and parked on the side of the building. Both Dycke and Payne believed it was the doctors and their escorts. Moments later, they knew that assumption was wrong. Steve came stumbling into the room followed by Desiree, Gracie, and Joey. Everyone could tell by the look on the women's faces that Steve was in the shit house, again.

Everyone at the breakfast table just looked at Steve and laughed. His mother said, "Alright Steve, what did you do now?"

"Honest mom, I don't know. I got out of the car and went to open the door for Gracie and I was thrown on the ground and roughed up. They threw me down this hole in the ground and dragged me into the house and here I am. I have no clue what I did wrong?"

Marti walked into the room and asked, "Who wants to tell little Stevie, what he did wrong?"

"Dycke, Piker, Alletta, and Payne, all raised their hands."

Steve looked at Payne and said, "How would you know? You have been in the hospital and have been sleeping most of the time."

"Darling brother, besides the fact that you are a dead man, because I lost a bet to Dycke, because of you, I know the rules, because my protectors drilled them into me, every moment I was awake. I know what to do when I am alone, when we are in the air, when we are in the car, and when we are on a ship. What you did wrong was, 'You got out of the car'."

Steve said, "What am I supposed to do, sit there?"

Marti said, "Exactly! Just like on the aircraft. You do not move. You stay seated until you are told to move. Let the professionals do what they are paid for. They will tell you when to get out of the car, which way to go and how fast to move. They are your shield. You are not their shield. It is nice that you want to be a gentleman and open the door for a woman. She would prefer that you stay alive and let her open her own door, so she does not have to think, for the rest of her professional career, of the mistake she made by letting one of her principals get killed. Do you understand now, Steve?"

"Yes, I understand. I am sorry about that folks. I just thought I was being nice. I am just not used to this being so real. I hope it sinks in before I allow someone to hurt anyone of us, especially me! "

Marti's phone rang and after a short conversation, she told the assembled group that the doctors were coming up the driveway. The nurses scurried around bringing out the sterilized instruments that they had brought with them. They also brought out boxes filled with ointments, wraps, tape, and other supplies that might be needed if they had to bandage Payne's face, again. Doctor Summitt walked in first, followed by Dr. Wolf and both were greeted warmly by Payne and her family. Dycke and Dr. Summitt had a short, private conversation, in which Dycke thanked the doctor for his help in getting him admission into Duke University. Doctor Summitt, for his part, said, "You should see my colleagues, residents, and interns. They believe they are dealing with my 'good twin'. I cannot believe I went so far afield and did not realize it until a little eighteen-year-old kid had the balls to cut me down to size. I feel like a new man, Dycke. The way people are treating me, I feel reborn."

"Doctor, I just had a conversation with my fiancée this morning. I told her that when you take the bandages off her face today, she is going to be the most beautiful woman on the planet. If she treats people nicely, people will gravitate to her like planets orbiting a sun. I told her if she was a bitch, her only friend would be looking back at her every morning in the mirror."

"How did you get so smart and only be eighteen years old, Dycke?"

"I grew up with no friends and was beaten up by every bully and their friends on my way to school, nearly every day. I could not go to my mom and dad every day, for help, I had to find a better way. I learned to run: fast and far. I, also, learned that speed was not always enough. They would wait for me closer to home and trap me before I could get to my house. I started spending time at the library at school. I learned everything I could about everything that is available to me. I became smarter than they are. They got angrier with me because of it. However, there was nothing they could do, to change a test score. When I finished my first year of high school, I had a four point zero G.P.A., and I was ranked twelfth in the state in track. That made me a jock and the bullies stopped messing with me because they feared retaliation, from other athletes.

In addition, I am very lucky to have parents that really care about me. I can't imagine what it would be like to be in the situation I was in and not have the support system that I had."

"Have you decided what you are going to study in college?"

"I always wanted to be an engineer, and join my father's architectural firm. Now that I have inherited all this money, I am going to have to take business as my major and engineering or architecture as my minor."

Doctor Summitt said, "You are a very smart young man. If you're not in a hurry, why don't you just take both as a double major?"

Dycke replied, "Doctor, I talked to a friend quite often about the situation I find myself in, which is quite similar to hers, when she was younger. It was resolved the exact way you have just recommended. I will contact Duke and see if they will let me matriculate in both programs."

Dr. Summitt said, "Dycke have your faculty advisor call me at this number. You will get whatever you ask for, and there will be no problem at all."

"Thank you, Doctor. I appreciate all your help. Now, if you don't mind, can we see to my fiancée?"

Dr. Wolf was scrubbed and gloved, so Dr. Summitt stood off to the side. Each piece of tape came off individually. Those that resisted were left in place. The process took less than fifteen minutes, but one could not see, what Payne looked like because of the amount of tape that was left on. A wet compress was put on Payne's face for five minutes, in an attempt to loosen the stubborn strips. A nurse also started boiling water.

After the five minutes was up the compress was removed, but the tape would not come off. The nurse brought in the pot of boiling water and set it down on towels in front of Payne. Payne placed her face over the pot of boiling water and folded a towel over both the pot and her head to hold in the steam.

Every few minutes, she would raise her head so Dr. Wolf could remove any pieces that had loosened. The process was slow and required a meticulous hand but finally all the pieces came off. Dr. Wolf held the towel over Payne's face so no one could see her. He wanted her to be the first one to see what she looked like. He guided her into the living room and sat her in front of a mirror. He stood in front of her, holding the towel so she could not see the mirror, and handed her brush so that she could brush her hair. He asked her to close her eyes and to remember what she looked like the day of the operation. He asked her to count to five, and then open her eyes and see what she would look like for the rest of her life.

Payne closed her eyes, but she did not count, she prayed. She did not need to be beautiful. She just did not want to be ugly again. She could not live with that, again. She said to herself, "God, I cannot do that again. I am not strong enough. Even though I have people that love me, I could not go on living with the taunts and jokes that I get every day at school. Please let me look normal." She raised her head and started to open her eyes to see what would be looking back at her. What she saw she thought was another one of Dr. Wolf's jokes. The woman looking back at her was not beautiful. She was stunning beyond anything she had ever seen. Then she realized that that woman was wearing her dress, her earrings, and her engagement ring. When it all coalesced in her mind, she jumped and yelled, "Yes!" at the top of her lungs.

Dr. Wolf looked at Dr. Summitt and everyone else in the room, and said, "I think she likes it!"

Payne came running into the room with her new face lit up with a million megawatt smile. Her parents could not believe the change. Their precious little girl, whose face had been disfigured in an accident, shortly after her birth, was now a beautiful young woman. Piker, Alletta and Steve mobbed her and told her how beautiful she was.

Dycke looked at her in awe. The feeling that he had earlier in the day came back to him. Why would anyone so beautiful, want to be with someone, who looked as ordinary as he did. He thought of the words to an old Beatles tune, "... but money can't buy me love." He knew that some women would throw themselves at him for his money but he would not let that happen to him. His love was standing directly in front of him and he felt, in his heart, that he was going to lose her. He hoped he was wrong. He prayed that he was wrong. He would not do anything or say anything that would indicate to anyone, except Marti, that he had doubts about Payne. He would treat Payne like a queen every day and love her without limits. He would do everything in his power to make her happy for as long as he could. The rest was up to her.

Finally, Payne looked directly at Dycke and said, "What do you think?"

"Payne, I told you yesterday, before Dr. Wolf took off your bandages, that you would be the most beautiful woman in the world. I was right. You are absolutely gorgeous."

Payne ran to him, kissed him, and hugged him as tightly as she could. Dycke held on to her for dear life until he started to cry.

Payne asked him, "Why are you crying?"

"I am just so happy for you. You deserve this so much. The people at your school are going to be eating crow for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the remainder of the school year. Do not let them forget who you are and what they did to you for the past eighteen years."

"Dycke, I thought you told me to be nice?"

"You do not have to be nice to them."

"I love you, Dycke!"

The End

Chapter 8

Authors note: Thank you very much for the comments and criticisms on Chapter 7. They are, very much appreciated, and I enjoy hearing from you, very much.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Paynes new face?

What did I miss? The sleeping beauty is finaly awake and Dycke can kiss her face, but nobody says anything about her new looks? Everything is business as usual?

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