He Came Home


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"I love you, baby. Please come home soon. I really, really miss you. Sleep tight my love and I can't wait to be in your arms soon." she said smiling through the tears in her eyes.

She leaned over the lens and gave it a full lip kiss leaving a lipstick mark on it. She kissed her fingers and ended the video.

Brent sat in his chair and his eyes were glued to the screen. He had tossed his roommates out like his wife commanded. He showed the men his service pistol in his lap at the time as a guarantee that they would stay out. Brent watched the entire video and rewound the disk to the last things she said and his eyes watered. His fingers touched the screen as he traced her smiling face. The video was an amazing present, but he had one for her as well.

The same day he got the package he had just gotten his orders from command that he was shipping back on the twenty third. He would be back in the States on the twenty fourth. He was about to call her and let her know the good news when he got the package. After watching the video he had a huge grin on his face. All she wanted for Christmas was him, and that's what she was going to get!

The flight back took a long time and after he was finally back on US soil he was relieved. What's more he was thirty two days from his enlistment ending. He was offered another four years, but he had a close call during the mortar strike. One mortar round had landed six feet from him. Seeing it descend he tripped and fell to his stomach. Seeing the round hit he freaked out.

Scrambling to his feet Brent ran away from it and after it didn't detonate he was left shaking badly. It was a dud and he had come so close to losing all he had. Never again he said to himself the same moment. After dealing with the ins and outs he secured his leave and sold back all the remaining leave he had left. He informed his command he was done and although they pleaded with him to stay he was adamant. He had a family to go home to and though he loved his brothers in uniform, he had to leave.

While they regretted him leaving, they couldn't force him to stay. Brent turned in all his gear and cleaned out his locker. It was all a rushed process as most on the base wanted to get home for the holidays. Looking at the clock it was almost nine fifty in the evening and he was losing patience with everyone. Soon enough he was done and free. He had secured his leave for the last days of his contract and got into his car with his papers in hand. The papers would go into effect on the thirty third day and he would be discharged fully and finally. He was going to be on active reserve for eight years, but he was fine with that.

Driving from the base Brent got a smirk on his face when he realized Jessica had no idea he was home. He looked at the ring on his finger and the smile on his face as got brighter as he called her at work.

"Woman's clothes this is Laura, how may I help you?" Laura's voice said.

"Laura, it's Brent," he said back.

"Brent? Oh Brent! How are you? Let me get Jessica!" she said but Brent cut her off.

"NO! No, what time is she off tonight?" he asked.

"Ummm, she gets off at eleven and will be home around eleven thirty I guess. Why do you ask?" she asked with suspicious.

"Because I have a surprise for her. I know you two are very close so I need you to promise me you won't spoil it." he said

"OK what's up?" she pried.

"Not till you promise me." he said sternly.

"OK, OK I promise, now spill." she said giggling.

"I'm home as we speak." he said and the phone clunked loudly as Laura dropped it.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry! Did you say you're home?" she asked as she thought she mistook him.

"Yes, I'm home and this time it's for good."

"Oh God Brent! Good for you! I wish I could say something to her. That will cheer her up so much."

"I know, but I want to be the one to cheer her up. Please don't say anything to her because I really want to see her before people start saying things to her." Brent said softly.

"I understand sweetie. My lips are sealed." Laura said back into the phone.

"Thanks, Laura. I owe you one." he said.

"More than one honey! I was the one who watched her suffer while you were gone." she said back somewhat snappily.

"I know. Believe me if I could take it all back and do it all over again I wouldn't do anything differently. I love her, but I am no coward and I won't say no if I volunteer to do something. My only regret in my life is that I hurt her by being away from her for so long. That's something I'll have to live with." Brent said ruefully.

"You really mean that don't you?" Laura said back hearing the pain in his voice.

"Yes." Brent whispered, after what seemed like a lifetime.

"I can cover for her so she can go home now. Call it my present to the both of you." Laura said smiling into the phone.

"Merry Christmas Laura." Brent said smiling into the night.

"You too, the both of you I mean." Laura said and hung up.

Brent drove down the familiar streets and found their still dark apartment. He thought about all he was going to say to her when she got home but all he could think of was the sight of her eyes in his mind's eye. All he really wanted to do was hold her and make her feel special in his arms. With accomplishing that, he also had in mind to have her and Melissa back in his life once again. Now with him being done with the Army all he had to do was find a job and be the man for her he was supposed to be. The thought of holding them both made his eyes brighten in the dark car.

Jessica was baffled when Laura told her to go home early. It was a slow night and most people were already leaving so she took it as a chance to get the baby to bed and soak in a hot bath. Walking to her car she looked at herself.

The black skirt and white blouse looked smart on her. The coat she wore was a red one that made her eyes stand out. Her legs were in tan stockings held up a with a nice white garter belt. Her white bra and panties were simple lacy white ones. Her feet were in her favorite new boots. The black and silver buckles complimented the whole ensemble. The long coat she wore in the cold weather was also nice to look at. She walked to her car and got into it turning on the heater.

Slowly she pulled out of the lot and drove home. The babysitter was on the way so it was an easy stop to pick up Melissa. Once Jessica got to the sitter she took her baby in her arms and hugged her tight. After paying the sitter, Jessica hurried to the car as the night was cold and she didn't want Melissa to catch a cold. Melissa was sleeping in the backseat as she drove home and her eyes got sad. Another Christmas spent without Brent and she was hoping that he was going to be home by the next year. Her mind asked a million questions but she ignored them while she drove home. Pulling into the spot she got Melissa and hoisted her into her arms.

"Come on baby, bed time." she said and Melissa yawned into her arms and fell back asleep.

What Jessica didn't know was thirty feet away Brent sat in his car and watched them walk to the apartment. He wanted to rush up to her and take her in his arms, but not yet. He smiled as he got his cell phone out and waited patiently. He had the patience to wait for hours in an ambush for a high ranking insurgent that usually never showed, so he could wait five minutes more for her.

Jessica walked into the house and took her daughter to bed. Laying Melissa down she tucked her in and gave her a kiss on the head.

"Good night honey."

"Na na mama." Melissa whispered as she yawned and got comfortable.

Jessica smiled happily and went to the living room. She took off her coat and tossed it on the chair. She was about to take off her boots when her phone rang. She sighed and went to it. The number said restricted and she looked at it carefully. Figuring it may be a wrong number she answered it.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hi baby." Brent said softly into the phone.

"Brent?! Oh god hi baby!" she said into the phone and her eyes began to fill up.

"I know its late honey, but I just wanted to call you and say I miss you so damn much. I love you honey." he said softly.

"I love you too Brent. Oh God it's so good to hear your voice. So you're in Kuwait?" she asked softly.

"Yeah. Looks like we're done and should be going back soon. I got the package you sent me by the way." he said playfully and Jessica laughed.

"You liked it?" she purred as she sat on the couch and brought her knees to her chest.

"God did I." he exhaled in a breathy tone. His voice got serious as he went on. "I got you something also baby. I sent it to you by Fed Ex, did you get it yet?"

As he asked the question he exited the car and made his way to the front door.

"Umm, no I just got in. When did you send it?" she asked.

"A few days ago baby. I been tracking it and it says it's at your doorstep. Mind checking for me?" he asked.

"Yeah sure, baby. Gimme a sec," she said and got up. As she walked to the door Jessica continued on. "I miss you baby. How's Kuwait?"

"It sucks, it's not as good as where I want to be." he said.

"Oh? And where is that?" she asked as she opened the door.

Jessica's eyes opened wide as the figure of her husband came in her view. Brent was standing with his phone over his ear and a huge smile on his face. She dropped her phone and it fell to the ground with a clatter. As it did her hands went to her mouth as a gasp came out of it.

"In your arms baby." he whispered softly, his eyes sparkling at the sight of her.

Jessica's eyes watered up as she sobbed and rushed into his waiting embrace. She sobbed loudly as she hugged him tight. His arms went around her body tight and she felt her legs give out.

Brent hoisted her up and spun her in a tight circle. Jessica's tears fell down her face as he pulled back and kissed the lips he had missed for so long. Their lips mashed together and the passion that was missing between them for so long came back in that moment. Jessica's moans and whimpers were the happiest they had been in a long time. Brent broke the kiss and looked into her eyes.

"I'm home baby." he said and she smiled brightly through the tears.

"I missed you so much baby." she sobbed.

Brent held her for what seemed like hours as the snow fell around them. Looking up she laughed as it fell on their heads and she looked at the inviting door. Brent never let her go and he walked into the home.

Her legs went around his back as he carried her. He was still in his utilities and she wouldn't have it any other way. They went into the living room and he sat on the couch with her still in his lap. She groaned as she felt his crotch against hers. It was a nice feeling, but she wanted nothing more than to hold him and never let go. Looking at the clock he saw it was twenty minutes till.

"You got your wish honey." he said softly.

"I did!" she squeaked as she plastered his face with feathery kisses.

Brent chuckled softly and tilted his face to meet her lips softly. They kissed sweetly like they once did all those years ago. The happiness in her kisses made Brent began to let his own tears come out. He missed her touch so very badly and now he would be able to feel her hands. After a while Brent knew there was one thing missing from this moment.

"Where's Melissa?" he asked between her kisses.

"In her room. Wanna see her?" she asked brightly smiling.

"Do I?" he asked back rhetorically.

Jessica got off his lap and eagerly took his hands. They went to the room quietly and Brent walked in slowly. With a shaking breath he looked at the sleeping form of the second most perfect woman in his life. His fingers softly brushed her dark hair from her face. Looking at her she definitely took up after he mother and that made him smile. He saw his nose on her face and as he brushed her face Melissa stirred.

"Daddy?" she asked softly.

"Yes baby." he said back as he choked up.

"Miss you daddy." she said softly through her sleepiness.

"I missed you too honey." he said back as a tear went down his face.

"Hug." she said and opened her arms.

Brent hugged his baby to him and couldn't help the tears that streamed down his face. He was home! He held his daughter as tight as he could and couldn't help the tears that streamed down his face. He didn't care about them either as he felt so bad about being away from her for so long.

"I'm never gonna leave you again honey. I promise." he said and meaning every word.

"OK daddy, na na," she said and he set her back down.

Brent watched her curl back into sleep and his tears got the best of him. He was on his knees and put his head on the bed and cried softly. He missed them both so much and now was home. He wept softly as he watched her slumber.

The tears were brought on by the memory of his near miss just days before. As he picked his head up Brent wanted nothing more than to curl into the little bed with his daughter and wife. Getting himself together he got to his feet as Jessica's hand touched his back. He turned around slowly and sniffed back the tears. They quietly walked to the living room and Jessica turned to him.

"How long have you been back baby?" she asked.

"I got in this morning but spent all day turning in everything. I am not going back baby. I'm done and I have my paperwork to prove it." he said smiling through his new forming tears.

Brent saw her eyes watering and he didn't want her sad so he changed subjects.

"She's gotten so big Jess."

Jessica's heart skipped a beat when he said that. The knowledge of him being home for good was a pleasant one. The fact he was ready to stay with them for good brought up many thoughts in her mind. She had so much to say, but she couldn't think of anything to say at the moment.

"Are you hungry honey?" she whispered.

"Um, a little I guess." he said back.

"OK." she whispered and walked to the kitchen.

Brent saw the way she walked away and his eyes got wide. He suddenly felt his hunger, but not for food. His whole being was yelling at him and without a second though he walked into the kitchen. Seeing her standing over the counter with some bread and cold cuts he realized what he wanted was right in front of him.

With all the boldness he had gained over his eight years in the Army he stood up straight and walked up to her. Jessica felt a hand touch hers and push it to the counter. She tried to turn but he was right behind her and had his head on her shoulder. She tried to move but he prevented it as his other arm went around her waist.

"God, I missed you so much Jessica." he said softly. She was about to reply when he put a finger to her lips and continued. "Don't baby. Let me say what I need to say. I love you so goddamn much baby. I promise you on our daughter that I will never, ever leave you again."

Jessica nodded her head acceptingly and he let her turn to face him. As she did he grabbed both sides of her head and kissed her lips softly. The softness of the kiss became frantic almost immediately.

Her hands found the back of his neck and her body arched into him happily. She moaned softly as he stood up straight and lifted his arms. She grabbed the utility top and yanked it over his head. It came off quickly and found a home on the floor. His hands found the buttons on her jacket as their lips found each other again.

They kissed frantically as the buttons slipped off one at a time and the jacket found a spot next to his on the floor. Her body was beginning to become alive with desire as they kissed. She looked into his eyes and he got a serious look. Without a word he scooped her up and carried her down the way to the bedroom. Jessica leaned her head on his chest happily and held him like a life preserver.

Once inside the bedroom he set her down on her feet. She went to kiss him but he stopped her. She was confused as she slid to his knees and his hands slipped to her waist. She had shed all the weight of her pregnancy almost immediately, but she was a bit wider in the hips still. He loved it as he ran his hands all the way around them.

Jessica smiled down at him as his fingers found the zip on her skirt and undid it slowly. She sighed as his hands slid it down her legs and to the floor. When it was off she was still in her boots and shirt. When his eyes looked up he saw the lace top stockings being held up by the white lace garters. His eyes got wide as he had never seen her wear anything like that before. His hands trailed up her legs slowly eliciting a soft moan from Jessica's throat. Her hands sought his face and she cupped his face tenderly as his eyes looked up into hers.

Jessica lifted her hands under his chin and he stood up slowly. Her hands stayed on his face and his found hers. A soft kiss made them both sigh softly into each other's mouths. Jessica opened her eyes and pushed him on his shoulders. Brent sank down on the bed and she smiled at him impishly.

"Let's get those boots off." she whispered playfully.

Brent went to get the laces undone, but she stopped him. She got to her knees and untied the laces and pulled them. When it was loose enough she had him lift his leg and she took the heavy boot off. Tossing it to the floor she took off his sock and threw it with. Jessica repeated the process with the other boot and sock then she tugged at his trousers. Smiling Brent undid his belt buckle and the first two buttons on the trousers. With a tug and a butt lift they came off and went across the room.

Brent was left in his boxers and brown under shirt. Stepping forwards she walked to the man she longed for so long. She continued to walk as she reached him and as she met the bed she straddled his hips and kept moving forwards and he fell to his back with her on top of him. They kissed so wildly and passionately it made both begin to shake. Brent from the softness of her body and Jessica from a strong desire to have her love back.

Jessica sat up slowly and Brent took off his shirt. He threw it to the side and she looked at him for the first time in almost twenty months. He was still broad in the shoulders and he still had a cut but she could tell he had lost a lot of weight.

Before he left Brent weighed one hundred and ninety pounds, now he was at one hundred and seventy. She promised he would get it back and did something that made him groan. She leaned forwards and instead of his lips she kissed his neck and collar bone. He tasted like a shower and a long day but she didn't care.

She licked his neck in slow sweet licks and Brent groaned loudly. His member was already hard but now it was throbbing. Jessica continued her sweet tortures as she sank lower and her tongue found his nipples. She flicked them both with her tongue and Brent gasped and shook under her. His eyes were clamped shut and his breathing was getting heavy as she continued on her mission. Jessica looked up at him and trailed her tongue back up his chest and along the front of his throat. As she crested his chin Brent tilted his head and their lips met with a fiery passion.

Jessica felt his arms wrap around her back and she moaned loudly as he stood up and she wrapped her legs around his back. Her eyes were glued shut as the kiss took a new direction as Brent turned her around and sat her on the edge of the bed. He sank to his knees once again and lifted her leg slowly.

"Let's get these boots of you." he parroted in a deep voice.

Jessica giggled and said noticed he was unsure of where to start. "The zipper is under the buckles."

"Thank you honey. I remember these boots from somewhere." he said smiling as he recognized them from the video.

"You like them?" she asked happily.

"I love them, but only a fraction as much as I love you." he said looking at her seriously.

Jessica reached out her hand and he kissed her finger tips softly. Jessica smiled as a tear slid down her cheek. Brent found the strap and undid it then pulled the zipper down. He slowly took the boot off and set it down next to the bed. He didn't take his hand off her as he slowly began to rub her foot. Jessica moaned softly and her eyes closed as he rubbed. She was on her feet all day and for him to think of her like this made her heart swell even more.