Head over Heels

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I was on my knees bending over with both hands around the shaft. I took two or three breaths and I tensed my muscles and squeezed and pulled like hell. Nothing. I sat up and relaxed for about two minutes determined to go ahead. I moved around to the other side. It was a different angle there because it wasn't straight up. I wiggled it back and forth without using up any real muscle and wrapped my hands around it again, more towards the top and flexed my arms a few times to build up the oxygen, or whatever the hell it does, and went at it again.

This time I didn't try to pull it into me but pushed and pulled and wrestled it over one way then the other and it finally got out and I went flying backward on my butt. I was lying there with my knees in the air, legs wide, dress down in my lap without any pants on laughing my ass off.

My neighbor, behind me in his yard, said, "You all right Mrs. Burns?" He was on his side of the fence and thankfully couldn't see my party favors, as my husband Charlie refers to them, only the back of my head and knees.

I said, "Hi Danny. Yes, I'm fine. I finally got that tent stake out I've been after since last summer. I think it got driven down between some rocks or through some shale. It was almost frozen in place." By then I'd turned over pulling my dress down and was up on my elbows holding the stake.

He said, "You shoulda hollered. I'm so old I probably have a tool for it somewhere with all the stuff I've gotten over the years."

"I know," I said. "It was either that stake or me. I wasn't going to give up but thank you for suggesting. How's Bea?"

"She's fine," he said. "All cleared up and back to normal. I got her one of those kitchen wall plaques that says, 'One beautiful person and one old grouch live here'. That cheered her up but we argue on who is who. Call me before you hurt yourself."

"Ok Danny," I said. "Thanks."

I got on my side and swiveled and sat up and froze again. A problem I've been working on for a month or two. Something just slipped in and out of my mind about it. Almost unrecognizable but there it was. I had this thought that my husband, Charlie, was after our daughter Sandy. Or in love with her. Or having an affair. It explained a lot but so did evidence in a murder trial when the defendant wasn't guilty. Your mind can make it what you want. Nothing else fit but that didn't really mean anything. I just hadn't gotten it yet.

I went in the house and stripped and put my duds in the washer and headed for the shower. I would never get all the dirt out of my knees and wrists. I was cleaned up and dressed and at my computer when Charlie and Sandy got home. He picked her up about twice a week. Mostly she walked for the exercise. She's a law clerk but didn't sit all that much. Up and down getting and returning law books to the shelves.

I caught myself trying to read him when he was around her but kicked myself and shook it off. I'm a criminal defense attorney and catching little clues and oddities and inflections in someone's voice is a big part of the game and it is a big sophisticated game. Everybody says so. At least all the lawyers.

It was raining kind of hard but not a downburst when we went out to dinner. We got in the car in the garage so no problem there. When we parked at the restaurant it was on the side where the door was flush with the building with no overhang. Charlie got out with his big golf umbrella, opened it and came around for me. He had it over himself and the door when I got out. I shut the door and he opened the back door and Sandy got out.

She closed the door and smiled at him and he put an arm around her waist. There was plenty of room under the big golf umbrella for all three of us. A few car lengths to the door. I opened it and went in, Sandy slipped out of his arm and came in, Charlie thumped the umbrella to get the water off and strapped it and we went on in. He didn't put his arm around me. I blinked several times and kicked myself again. This was silly.

I'm 42 years old and exercise for 35. I'm 5ft10 and stately looking working the court room. I've got a pert butt for the men jurors and I keep my breasts flatter in court for the ladies. My hair stops at my shoulders so it doesn't fling around when I get to working a little hard on a witness. Sandy is about the same but only 22 and lets her breasts out all the time. Charlie is 43 and the family business is publishing and he gets his exercise on a regular basis and it shows. He's got a pert butt too.

I didn't have any pants on. I seldom wore them in court. I didn't want jurors watching my pantie lines. I think Sandy picked up my habit. I wash our undies and there's never many of hers in the wash. Come to think of it her chair and his face each other in the flake room where we flake out. Maybe he gets in some views up her skirt. Nice view there. I was doing it again. I sipped some wine and joined the conversation. When my mind was off somewhere Sandy and Charlie let me be in case I was thinking about a case or something. Maybe when my mind was off somewhere it was causing Charlie to dote on Sandy since I wasn't paying attention to him. Arrggg, will I never stop.

On Monday morning I thought about a private detective. I used several very good ones, trustworthy. By Monday afternoon I designed a set of cameras and mics in the halls, her bedroom, and the sofa in the flake room and her bathroom door to see who went in. By Tuesday morning I knew about divorce divisions in case he jumped with her. By Tuesday afternoon I thought of lie detector technicians I knew. By Wednesday morning I went through Therapists I knew. By Wednesday night I got to marriage counselors.

On Saturday morning I had it all figured out and was happy again. I also knew the absolutely worse thing I have ever done in my whole life is become a damn lawyer. I knew way too much.

If I was misreading it everything would still work. If Charlie loved her that way then he wanted her. She doesn't hardly go out at all and may be a virgin for all I know. I would get them together for sex. He would have wonderful sex and be happy. She would have sex and be happy. If it continued that was fine. If it didn't that was fine. We would all three know about it and know each other knew and it would stop driving me crazy. I just had to figure out how to get them together. It was about sex. Nobody was going to be able to resist. I was a happy camper. It was going to be fun too and our marriage would be fine.

Sandy and I were washing her car. We had shorts on and tops and were getting wet. Our bras were starting to show. We were always like this washing her car. I was waiting until there was a little sex in the air and here it was. I said, "Would you be interested in helping me with your dad?"

"Sure," she said. "What do you want me to do?"

"Well, it's a little something you don't know about. Maybe I should explain but you can't ever tell your dad. It's like this. After you're married for a while you kind of get used to each other. The flame is still there but sometimes we have to put another log on the fire. When we start to slow down I usually find a way to boost it back up. I leave a magazine open with sexy ladies' underwear or a pair of my pants on the shower head in the bathroom or an off color movie or something."

Sandy stood looking at me and said, "Mom. I never knew that. Can I ask if it works?"

"I'm a lawyer," I said. "Of course it works. If he gets turned on where's he going to go?"

"To you," she said. "That is very sneaky. That's a side of you I didn't know you had."

"As they say in the trenches, 'if you want sex take off your pants and do what you have to'."

We both got to laughing at that. I said, "Anyway. I was thinking you might let me offer you up this time. Besides you might have a little fun with your dad. Don't expect too much. As daughters go dads are standoffish except for the foreplay."

She was curious and her eyes were twinkling a little. She said, "What? What are you offering up? How are you offering me up?"

I said, "Tonight is our tub night. He likes to get in nude. I wear bottoms. You can join us. We can float our breasts just below the water and the bubbles will hide our nipples and the bubbles pretty much hide us down in. Of course I don't care if he sees my nipples but I don't want to be too obvious with you there. What do you think? We can make him close his eyes and turn his head when we get in and out."

"I can do that," she said. "Sometimes I do that without my bottoms when you guys aren't home. Don't tell dad."

"Ok," I said. "I wear really loose bottoms so I can slip them down to my thighs and enjoy the bubbles more. About 8:00 if that's ok."

She said 'sure' but didn't comment about the bubbles. That meant she did the same thing I did. I knew Charlie would be in and soaking by 7:45 so he would be there when we got in. The bubbles would have an effect on him by 8:00. There was a nozzle of bubbles right up your crotch on each seat.

I lowered the water earlier so we had to slide down a little to hide our nipples. It would push us out to the edge of our seats. I kept the top on the hot tub so it would hold the temperature. When he got home and settled I said, "Charlie. Would you mind if Sandy joins us in the hot tub? I think it would be good for her. She didn't ask but I thought she was thinking about it so I asked her."

He raised his eyebrows and said, "That'll be great. Both of you, wow."

"Good," I said. "Frankly I think she's acting a little sexier. Maybe she's experimenting. If she does anything I wouldn't mind if you did too. It might be fun to watch. Be sure your toenails are filed smooth so you don't gouge her skin accidentally. If you do, try and act like its normal everyday stuff. She'll be topless too."

That evening I peeked and Charlie was already in the hot tub. Sandy and I met in the kitchen a few minutes early. I said, "Oh, I forgot. Your dad and I mingle our feet and tease each other sometimes. We kind of play follow-the-leader. If I rub his ankle he rubs mine. If he rubs my knee I rub his and like that. I won't tell you about the rest but he likes to use his big toe."

"Mom," she said. "You'd think you two are sex fiends. What'll I do if he starts that?"

"Well," I said. "If you're getting turned on he's getting turned on. Use yourself as a thermometer. Anyway, the idea is to have a little fun along with getting him turned on for me. Sandy, as long as you're comfortable enjoy yourself. I don't mind at all. Besides, that's what hot tubs are for and I think your dad would be kind of willing."

We went to the patio out back. Before stepping out I said, "Sandy, your dad's had sex for a lot of years. What to him might be normal teasing might seem to you to be highly erotic. If you're not comfortable with it give me a heads up and I'll tease him away." The hot tub was in a corner and the whole patio was well screened and private. I said, "Charlie, turn your head around and close your eyes and don't peek."

"Ok, ready," he said. "The water is just right, slightly warm."

Sandy and I went out, breasts bouncing around on both of us. I had on panties, very light blue and very loose. Sandy was about the same but with off-white panties, about the color of the fiberglass tub. We got in and sat down. We both bobbed up and down, sliding our pants down to the top of our thighs. I said, "Ok, we're in."

Charlie turned around. Everybody was smiling at each other. It was the first time Sandy has ever been in the hot tub with us, and topless at that. It was actually quite a moment. A milestone. The hot tub would seat eight people, one at the center of each side and one at each corner. The ones in the corners were recessed back some so everybody had clearance but mostly shared foot room. Charlie and Sandy were facing each other and I was on a side between with Charlie on my right. We weren't all that jammed into each other.

If they toesed there was room to place your foot on the front edge of the seat across from you with your knee bent up, not uncomfortably. The water on top was bubbling and occasionally our nipples would peek out some then disappear. About fifteen minutes later I reached out with both feet, one at Charlie and one at Sandy and found both and got us going. Sandy looked at me and smiled. I ran my big toe up her calf and down and did the same thing to Charlie.

Every now and then I could catch an image of part of his dick sticking up. I could see Sandy looking down every now and then and could probably see the same thing. She had to be getting excited. Looking across the surface Charlie could see her breasts and nipples now and then. It was way good. I pulled my feet back. In a little while Sandy looked at me again and smiled. I tilted my head towards Charlie. She shook her head up and down ever so slightly.

The bubble sounds and the warm temperature and water all over our skin was mesmerizing and we laid our heads back and closed our eyes a lot. I could turn my head over to my left and bent so I could look down and see Charlie's feet and toes up about at Sandy's knee and looking the other way I could see hers about the same on Charlie. They both looked like they were sleeping. It wasn't long before they were on the inside of each other's thighs.

The bubbles kept coming up our crotches, hitting about the high point on my outer lips and running up under and over my clit. I knew Charlie could feel them under his balls then out from under and up his dick. Playing around in each other's crotches with your toes just added to the pleasure. With the bubbles it wouldn't be a 'thing' all by itself. The concentration would be on the bubbles not the toes. I was quiet and let them play. It was working.

I could catch momentary views of Sandy's knee tilted up and her heel on the front of Charlie's seat, her toes up in his crotch under his balls. His foot about the same. She must be loving his big toe about now. I had my eyelids barely open looking down in Sandy's lap and she slid her hand down under the water. I knew what she was doing. It was what I did. After a while we started to get puckered so we got out.

Sandy was staying near me more than usual the next evening. I finally said, "You did good. We had a great time after we went to bed. It was great for both of us. Thank you very much."

She said, "Yes! I was wondering. Thanks for telling me. It was exciting."

"For me too," I said. "You two seemed to be enjoying yourselves."

"Mom," she said. "I really don't mind telling you. If anybody should know you should. My toes were between his thighs, up under, wiggling around."

"You mean under his sack," I said. "I bet he loved feeling that particularly knowing it was your toes. With the bubbles he was probably close to blowing his stack."

"Well," she said. "He had his big toe in the same place on me."

I smiled widely and said, "I love it when he does that. Sometimes I wait until he does and get my fingers on myself. Sometimes I can't wait until we're in bed."

"I did too," she said. "Did dad say anything?"

"Oh yes," I said. "He said it was very exciting and really turned him on. Thank you dear. It was wonderful. I'm a little sad you're not reaping some of the benefits yourself. I'm sure he has enough for both of us."

There, the seed was planted. Now to get them going with each other without me. "Sandy," I said. "Your dad seemed to be overly, uh, ecstatic. I know you don't wear pants a lot like me. Dad's chair faces yours. You both pull the foot rest up. He may have been catching a few views of your thighs, maybe something more."

"Oh mom," she said. "I never thought about that. If he did I didn't notice."

"It's fine," I said. "If you raised a knee and let it tilt out a little he would absolutely love it. He'd sneak looks over his magazine or paper. If you wear panties and he caught a look he probably wouldn't be able to breathe. Catch the right moment and smile at him so he knows you know. I let him look down my blouse all the time. He loves looking in my clothes."

I was right. Charlie mostly shied away from Sandy for the next ten days or two weeks. Talking, dinner out, stuff like that but not doing anything where they were alone, like shopping or tennis. I found a good angle from the kitchen where I could see her knee come up and tilt out and later the other one. A few times she held a book up to her face and lifted both knees with her feet on either side of the foot rest and slowly opened and closed them.

One day I asked Charlie, "How's it going with you and Sandy. I hope you're still teasing each other. That was fun watching."

"She's teasing," he said. "Sometimes I can see her thighs. Way up there. Makes me want to jump up and run around the block. Its instant body conditioning. A few times I could almost see right between."

"She's having some fun Charlie," I said. "I think it's great. What are you doing for her?"

"Well, she's our daughter," he said. "I don't know if I should be doing anything." This, after toeing her crotch.

"Charlie, she's teasing you and you and I are getting all the benefits. We're not giving any back to her. That doesn't seem fair. Neither one of you may be thinking of racing to the finish line but there's all that other stuff that makes it nice. She probably doesn't know a lot of stuff there is to do. If she doesn't want to do something I suppose she'll let you know. Why don't you ask her if she would like to kiss goodnight when she can. You can do some of your special kissing and waist action like you do so well. Wear some skimpy bed clothes. You'll give her a better impression." Smiles from Charlie. This was so much better than paying all those legal fees.

Then I found Sandy and said, "Hi. I think your dad really likes the teasing but neither one of us are giving anything back to you. I suggested he see if you would like to kiss goodnight when you can and it doesn't have to be a quick kiss. Wear some night gowns or skimpy stuff before you kiss him and get in bed. It might be more fun for me. Remember what I said, he's had lots of sex so normal for him may be highly erotic for you. If it's too much let him know."

She was smiling. She said, "Really. What's he going to do?" I shrugged my shoulders. She said, "Ok, and I can follow along and let him?"

"Sure," I said. "Let him do his thing. Who knows, he might let both of us snuggle up to him in bed one evening and rub the inside of his thighs. That would get him up so much it would hurt." If you've never been up on a man like that it's like grabbing on and riding a slow camel. I kissed her on the cheek, smiled and went to do things.

I saw them in a darkened corner of the kitchen one evening and turned around and got a glass of water from the bathroom and another time inside the door to flake with her arms around his neck in an obvious passionate kiss. She had on a gown and no pants. I could see the side of her buns through the gown. Charlie had on his sleep shorts and no top. She was getting a valley full and Charlie was getting a fur topped muffin. Her gown was about mid buns and the sides of his shorts went down in front. He was out and she was bare. I watched for a while. He had to be floating all over her vulva, high and low. Great entertainment.

I don't think he'd gotten into her yet, wrong angle and legs mostly closed. They were rubbing it together as much as they could. He was holding back. I think if he took her over to the couch she wouldn't blink an eye. If he was doting on her or she after him it didn't matter now. It was all in the open either way and I was getting what I wanted. If both of them got a little more or a lot more than they had before that was fine. It was working. I didn't care how much they did. It was short term until she was in her own life.