Heartbreakers Ch. 05


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"Actually, I might have a workable solution." Tanya decided. "Trevor, what is your definition of a legal marriage?"

"Marriage is a binding contract between a man and a woman, under the terms institutionalized by traditional church doctrine and upheld by the voters of this state as recently as the last election."

"Very well, and what is your definition of cheating?"

"Cheating is the deliberate defiance of the rules and stipulations of the marriage contract, whereby a member of the marriage union engages in physical sexual acts with a member of the opposite sex."

"What if you slept with another man, Trevor? Would that be cheating?"

"That depends on what point of view I take."

"Your own personal point of view."

"Firstly, I would never sleep with another man. But if I did, and if I did it willfully, I would not see it as cheating because my marriage contract was made with a woman. The doctrine as it was presented to me does not make stipulations as to interaction with a member of the same gender."

"What if you slept with a cow or with poultry?" Tanya teased.

As usual, Trevor missed the humor in the absurd question. "Technically it would not be cheating, per my previous statement."

"What if I slept with another woman?"

"Same answer, dear."

"Good." Tanya perked up. "Then I did not cheat on you when I slept with our daughter this morning. Let's go into the kitchen for lunch, shall we?"

Tanya walked away, while Trevor turned and scrutinized his daughter, who was now blushing bright red. He said, "There was a connotation in your mother's voice when she said that. What did she mean?"

"We had sex, dad." Haley admitted, before she left the couch and hurried after her mother.


Haley sent the message, then closed up her phone and went back to the delicious lasagna her mother had cooked up. She was being very, very inconspicuous during the meal, as she'd been hugely embarrassed by her mother's casual admission of what they had done together. Haley turned her ear to the conversation her parents were having.

"Do you feel emotionally hurt to know that I had sex with Haley?" Tanya asked.

"I don't know how to feel about that." Trevor replied. "I was more troubled by what these other girls were doing to me. I'd like to remedy the first situation before I deal with the second, if you don't mind."

"Well, I told you I had a solution and this is it. You have my permission to sleep with one of those girls you tutor, to balance out for the fact that I had sex with Haley today."

"That's not a good idea, mom." Haley cut in, shaking her head.

"Do you have a better solution, dear?"

"Not right now. Let me think about it."

Tanya went back to her food, but not for long. "Trevor, was there anything else on your mind?"

"I suppose, but it all revolves around the same situation. I did entertain the thought of interacting with one of those girls, and I was at odds as to how to present the situation to you. Now that you've been gracious enough to accommodate me, I gather my next dilemma will be over which of the three girls I should choose."

"Pick the one with the biggest tits." Tanya laughed out loud.

"Don't do it, dad!" Haley warned.

"I'll have to make a list of their attributes." Trevor decided. "And rate those attributes as to my personal taste."


Trevor grinned. "I was joking, Haley. I have no interest in sleeping with any of those girls. I will admit that they are attractive, but I was not impressed in the slightest with their constant skullduggery."

"Well, good." Haley went back to her phone.


She would have to figure out a way to get the address of the girl her father tutored, plus the day and time her dad went over there, without tipping him or the Fillies off.

"I have a suggestion." Tanya was saying. "To spice things up between you and I. And we can do this now that Haley's an adult. I think we should make the interior of the house clothing optional."

"Mom, are you crazy?" Haley looked at her.

"I'll have you know, that we walked around the house in the nude when you were little. It was only when you started asking questions about it that we stopped."

"I don't remember that."

"That's because you were little. You started asking questions at a young age. What do you think about the idea, Trevor?"

The father thought this over. "You should implement this practice right away. Seeing more of you would not be a bad thing. I'll ease into it myself once I've become a little more comfortable."

"See, wasn't that easy?" Tanya said, as she took to her feet. "Are we all done eating? You all know where the dishes go."

Her parents got up and set their dishes into the washer, while Haley sat at the table and brooded over what to do next. She watched her dad walk off to do who knows what upstairs, while her mother stayed in the kitchen and did busywork. After a few minutes of deliberating, Haley went to put her own utensil and dish away.

"Honey?" Tanya asked.

"What is it, mom?"

"Is everything okay with you?"

"Yeah, everything's fine." Haley mumbled, as she started the journey back to her room.

Tanya reached out and clasped her wrist, and brought her daughter into her arms. Just the proximity of her mother's body seemed electric. When the older woman brought her mouth in close to Haley's, she eagerly responded. Her mother wasn't satisfied with just kisses. Soon, Tanya's hands were running up and down Haley's back and squeezing her butt.

When they finally broke apart, Haley asked, "What if dad comes back into the kitchen?"

"Let him. Why do you think I'm doing this? I'm getting warmed up for him." Tanya smiled and gave Haley a pat on the butt before she left. "I'll be back for you later, so we can continue with our little 'experiment.' I want you to plan on staying up late tonight."

Haley smirked.

Tanya's voice trailed down the all as she walked away. "I told you, you have no idea what you've set in motion here."

Apparently, her mother was right, Haley thought, as she again went through her options. What she needed most was a picture of her and her mom naked to complete the Challenge. That was still her main goal, but this new twist with the Fillies was complicating things even more.

Haley sighed before she went down the hall. Strewn on the floor like a trail of breadcrumbs she saw what her mother had been wearing. Tanya had already taken all her clothes off. She was probably upstairs having her way with Trevor even then. Haley shook her head and grinned at the thought of her parents humping in bed, before she climbed up the stairs and went into her room.

Haley was still in her room when evening came, after communicating and making plans with the rest of the Heartbreakers for several hours. The moment the Challenge was completed and the proof was presented to Fillie leader Bethany, the Heartbreaker Elite and their Wannabes were prepared to go on the offensive and scuttle the Fillies' next operation. After some intense discussion, it was agreed that the conniving Fillies were likely trying to sleep with the fathers of all the Heartbreakers.

Not this time, bitches, thought Haley. We've found you out and we're going to bust your little club right open. After all the animosity they'd been through with the Fillies. After all the operations they'd undertaken, some successful, some not. It was going to be very satisfying when finally the Heartbreakers were the ones left standing on top of the mountain, knowing there was no way possible for the Fillies to climb up after them.

Haley hadn't even noticed that her nude mother was standing in the doorway and watching her. She wondered how long the quiet woman had been there.

"Are you going to stay in here forever?" Tanya asked.

"I just had some things to take care of." Haley replied.

"Well, let's take care of them together. Come on. You have your phone on you, right?"

"Yeah." Haley replied automatically, as she slid off her bed and went to the doorway. When she got close enough, her mother put an arm around her shoulder. "Mom, you look weird without any clothes on."

"Oh, you weren't saying that this morning when you were humping me, bitch."

Haley started to laugh, when she caught that last word. "Did you just call me a bitch?"

"Isn't that how you and your friends talk to each other?"

Haley clammed up.

Her mother prodded her away from her room, although Haley had no idea where they were going. "Where are you taking me, mom?"

"We're going into the master bedroom and we're going to take that picture you need."

Haley moved away from her, startled. "How do you know about that?"

"Please, Haley. What's my IQ?"

"I don't remember. 130, I think."

"And what's your father's IQ?"

"Higher than that. Like 150. But you're not answering my question!"

"Well, your father and I noticed how you've been acting this last week and we were worried about you. So, one night I went into your room and I borrowed your phone."

"Oh, my god, mom, why did you do that?" Haley cried out.

Tanya ignored her and went on with her story. "Your father wrote down all the phrases you and your friends use, and just a little while ago he told me what your reaction was regarding the girls that have been tormenting him. Come on, Haley, the connection with these rivals of yours is painfully obvious. Anyway, we put our heads together and we deciphered what you and your friends are up to, plain and simple."

"So you know everything?"

"We only suspected something was going on at first. We got our confirmations as the days went on, just by the way you were acting. Your father's a little peeved that you didn't come to us first and just tell us what was going on. You really should have a little more trust in us, honey. We're here to help you."

Haley lowered her head. "What about this morning? Were you pretending that you were surprised when I went to your room?"

"Not at all!" Tanya chuckled. "That was good sex! And don't you go and get all huffy about that either. If your dad and I had been up front with you, you would have just run away from us like you always do. You know that's true."

They were both silent for the next few moments, until Tanya leaned forward and kissed her daughter on the forehead.

"No matter what, we still love you." Tanya told her. "So whenever you're ready to take that picture, you come and get us."

She walked off and left Haley by herself.

Haley didn't know whether to be angry, depressed or elated. The solution to all of her problems was only a few feet away, so why wasn't she rushing over there to get it done? And her mother was right, if her parents had come to her before and revealed what they suspected about the Challenge, Haley would have run away from them.

The teen looked at the open doorway to her bedroom, wondering if she should flee in there. That wouldn't solve anything, she decided. The cat was out of the bag, and no matter how much that bothered her she still had to deal with it. Haley turned and looked toward the master bedroom where her parents were waiting for her. She should just go over there and get it over with.

First, however, she had to relax. If there was anything she had learned during the past few days, it was that if she allowed herself to get high-strung and stressed she'd make an even bigger bungle of things. So, she took a handful of deep breaths and checked her composure. It was still bad, so she did it again. The second time, she was a little more settled.

Haley quietly strode into the master bedroom. Hardly any words were spoken, as her father took her phone from her. Haley and her mother embraced, both of them clearly nude and looking at the camera. Her father took three pictures. Haley studied them. They looked dignified. They were good enough, she decided. Afterward, she went back to her room as quietly as before and shut the door behind her.


Haley had typed the words earlier in the evening and sent them off along with the three pictures. Now it was ten o'clock at night and she was rereading the various messages she'd gotten ever since the Challenge had started.

Although she felt somewhat relieved that it was over, she still didn't know how to feel about the situation in her house. Of all the Heartbreakers, she was the only one who produced a tainted victory, because her parents had been smart enough to piece everything together in spite of her efforts. Even the newbies had done better than she had, when it came to mission security.

How could Haley look her mom and dad in the eyes again, now that they knew what kinds of antics the Heartbreakers were up to? Was she supposed to shrug it off and say, it's just what we do, mom. Get over it.

Her mother was always talking about balance. How do you balance a lie like that, where she'd tried to manipulate her mother into having sex with her, only to find out later that her mother was doing some manipulation of her own? What would her mother say? You balance a lie with the truth. In this situation, what could be considered the truth?

Only a short time later, the answer came to her. It was so simple; it was almost beautiful. It would rectify everything she was feeling inside and make it all go away. If she did this, she would be happy and complete again. Haley stood by the side of her bed and stripped nude. Taking a deep breath, she walked out of her room.

Her parents weren't asleep yet; they were lying on their bed and watching some late show on TV. Haley stepped into their room, saw where they were and went to shut the TV off. There was still enough light from the hall so she could see where she was going.

"Don't tell me your friends didn't like our pictures?" Her mother complained. "Talk about a tough audience!"

"I'm not doing this for them, mom." Haley replied. "I'm doing this for me."

"Oh, well in that case, come over here and join us."

Haley jumped into the bed, landing between both of her parents.

"I'll abscond to the living room then." Trevor started to get up.

"You're not going anywhere." Haley reached out and grabbed him by the arm. "As a matter of fact, you might be getting some too."

"Getting some what?"

"Some pussy, dad. My pussy."

Feeling more assured of herself than before, Haley moved her father's hand in between her legs and pinned it with her thighs.

"I may even have to start with you, since you like to run away from things just like I do."

Trevor yanked his hand free from his daughter's legs, only to have her roll over on top of him. His hands went to her sides, as if to push her off, but by then she was kissing him on the side of the neck. His hands relaxed a little, once the kisses started taking effect.

"I want you to be aware that is a breach of my marriage contract." He said.

"Shut up, dad." Haley slid a hand down his side. "In about a minute you're going to be breaching something else. Hey, you're wearing boxers! Didn't mom tell you we have to be naked from now on? Hold still while I take them off."

For a moment, it felt as if her father was going to struggle with her. This halted when she pulled the restrictive boxers down past his cock. Right after that her hand was around it. Along with being hard and hot, it felt thick within her fingers, until she decided that her mouth would be a better place to put it.

After adjusting her body, Haley tried to swallow it. She couldn't claim to be an expert at giving blowjobs, as she'd hardly had any boyfriends to practice on, but at least she had the basics down. Her lips kept a tight grip on it as her head started bobbing up and down. Trevor's sudden groans gave her the impression that she was doing good enough.

"Trevor, get your ass in the middle of the bed." Tanya ordered. "And finish taking those boxers off!"

Haley released him and moved to one side. She had to leave the bed to give him room. Her father, having excited and pushy females on both sides, did as he was told.

Haley moved in on him, willing to forego the blowjob in lieu of something else. When she climbed back on the bed, she reached out to snag her father's cock, finding the moist end her lips had just been sliding on. Haley straddled him and kept a firm hold on that cock as she aimed it and started her descent.

"Here comes your breach." She said.

The cock was thick enough to give her shudders as she engulfed it into her folds. She held still for a moment, feeling its firm pressure against her soft walls as the chills continued. These incredible sensations became even more pronounced once she picked up a motion.

Haley didn't have to wonder where her mother was, as Tanya also straddled her father, around the chest. Once there, the older woman began planting kisses all over Haley's mouth and face. Tanya's hands weren't idle, either, as they found and toyed with nearly Haley's entire body.

As experienced at making love as her parents were, they had all manner of techniques and tricks to show off to their nubile offspring. The little family switched spots, with Tanya and Haley front to back on the bed, and Trevor over them both and continuing to breach his daughter. Tanya hands were again everywhere, especially on Haley's breasts. The assault on so many fronts brought more pleasure to Haley than she'd ever thought possible.

Trevor decided to modify their places one more time, when he put Tanya and Haley front to front, and left his daughter's ass arched up into the air. This was the best spot as far as Haley was concerned, as her father's thick rod was fully penetrating her this time. The twofold assault continued, with Trevor groping and sometimes playfully slapping at her ass, while Tanya was able to suck in and handle her swaying tits. Trevor squeezed her ass one final time, even as his cock rumbled into her depths. Haley actually started shaking when she felt her father shoot his essence. He slowed the speed of his thrusts into more bearable motions, but regardless, Haley didn't stop moaning until the cock made its last retreat.

Finally, her parents gave her a chance to lie on the bed, as the entire time she'd been on top of someone. The erotic play continued well after the sex was over, as Tanya demanded a torrent of kisses from her. When Trevor became jealous, he decided to butt in and steal some kisses of his own.

At the end of it all, Haley was deeply satisfied with what she'd done. All the grief she had caused to her parents over the last few days was erased by the act of physical love they'd shared. This physical love in turn augmented their familial love, and Haley vowed that she would never again betray their trust. It was a good night for them all.

As she was falling asleep in her mother's arms, she wondered what happenings would take place the following day, when the Heartbreakers and the Fillies would have their ultimate showdown.

Sunday, Day Nine.



Heartbreakers: SCHOOL PARKING LOT, 10 AM.

Bethany, the leader of the Fillies, stood before the granite block that bore the name of the high school. It was such an ugly monument, as it was just a plain block with smoothed edges and carved letters. She wondered how much the school had shelled out for it. Whatever they paid, they got screwed.

It was a windy morning, cloudy and cold enough that Bethany wore a stylish blue ski jacket with yellow and pink striping. Under the jacket, she wore a black blouse with a few silver swirls. Covering her lower half was a pair of very expensive and tight designer jeans. The wind had whipped her crimson hair around, until she'd pulled it back and tied it into a ponytail. Last of all, but not least, were her sunglasses, which carried a price tag even higher than her jeans.