Heartbreakers Ch. 08


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"They say silence is golden." Trevor announced. "But on this occasion, the silence is deafening. Will either one of you inform me of why you're not chatting up your usual storm?"

"Our mother bitched us out a little while ago." Kim answered, as she stopped fiddling with her nails and dropped her arms on her stomach listlessly.

"I may be dense at times, but I am not dense enough to believe that you both have the same mother."

"Not our real mother, Einstein." Lacy said. "Our Queen Bee."

"I don't quite understand, and please don't call me Einstein because I am not him."

"Just go ahead and tell him." Kim waved in Trevor's direction. "I'm sure he'll find out from Haley later. She got in trouble, too."

"Did she now?" Trevor asked. He turned to look at Lacy, who finally lowered her phone.

"See, we had this dare going today. Two girls from Haley's crew and two girls from our crew were going to run from one side of the school to the other."

"Naked." Kim added. "Full frontal nudity. Butt naked."

Lacy nodded. "Right. They were supposed to split up and all take different routes, so it would be harder for security to catch them. Well, these dummies took too long. Security caught them right away, and there was this big protest in the school where everybody started taking off their clothes."

"Why would everybody take of their clothes?" Trevor wondered. That sounded like nonsense to a highly educated man like him.

"Because then the cops would have to arrest the entire school. The point of the protest was so that the four girls wouldn't get arrested. It was sketchy for a while, but in the end they let the girls go."

"The thing is, our Queen Bee wasn't in on it." Kim took up the tale. "She's in Hibernation. If she had known what we were up to, she probably would have planned it in such a way that none of us would have gotten caught. We planned the Action half-ass. Because of that all four of us got caught. So, our Queen and the Queen from Haley's crew called a Special Meeting at the mall, where they basically chewed us up and spit us out. The Word is that both Queens might be coming out of Hibernation and taking charge again, thanks to the mess we made today."

"And why would these two queens be in hibernation in the first place?" Trevor asked.

"Because they fell in love with each other and they need every second of the day to hump each other's brains out."

"Ah. That would explain it."

"We just hope we don't get demoted." Lacy frowned. "That would suck. You don't know how much I hated having to wear a dunce hat at school, for a whole entire week even. That was after I broke one of the club rules."

"I can see how that would put a damper on your social comportment."

"Can you for once in your life talk in plain, simple English?" Kim complained.

"I am speaking in a cultured manner," Trevor defended himself. "And not in the guttersnipe version that seems to be the common parlance nowadays. You see, our level of elegance is what truly separates humankind from the animal kingdom. Others might do the same through art or through science. I choose to make my intellectual distinction through the use of language."

Lacy's phone buzzed. She checked her latest message. "Claudia's mother just called. She told Claudia she won't be back for at least two more hours."

"Good." Kim said. "That means we can hang out here for a while. Did you see any more alcohol in the fridge?"

Lacy replied, "I saw a bottle of Kahlua, but it's not open yet."

"Go get it. This time we will blame Trevor."

"How dare you!" Trevor balked.

Lacy giggled as she left the couch.

"Keep at it, mister, and you know what's going to happen to you." Kim menaced.

"I refuse to be threatened by a strumpet with an exaggerated sense of her own pulchritude!"

"What the hell did you just say?" Kim asked, as she got up off the couch and started toward him. When the blonde was right in front of him, she pulled up her white skirt and showed off her white panties.

"Stop that, you deluded coquette. Have you no decency left in you?"

"I don't even know what that means." Kim shook her head, as she turned and showed off her backside. For emphasis, she wiggled her butt, right before she plopped it down on his lap. "If you give me any more words with more than two syllables in them, these panties are coming off and you're going to have my bare ass on your lap."

"No, anything but that, you bewitching temptress!"

"You asked for it." Kim stood up and shucked off her underwear.

"No! No! My apologies! Spare my dignity, I beseech you!"

"There you go again." She plopped back down on his lap and wiggled.

"What have I done to deserve this?" Trevor cried out to the ceiling.

"Just keep at it, and a lot more is coming off." Kim warned. "You just heard that Claudia's mom isn't coming home anytime soon, so we don't have to hold back for anybody. How long have we been here?"

Trevor glanced at his watch. "Twenty-one minutes. Twenty-one minutes of pure, unadulterated torture."

Kim looked over her shoulder, as she started rocking back and forth on Trevor's lap. "Tell me you don't like this."

"You well know I'm a married man. I'm forbidden to like it!"

"Famous last words."

Lacy returned, already tipping the bottle up and gulping down its contents. She gave it to Kim, who did the same. Kim passed it back to Trevor, who normally wouldn't have sampled his client's liquor, except his stress was now at an exponentially dangerous level. He took an even longer drink than the girls had.

Kim glanced at her partner in crime. "Lacy, Mr. Hoity-Toity here thinks his little Victorian etiquette is better than what we call English. What do you think about that?" She reached back and wiggled her fingers. "And you, give me that bottle, mister."

Once Trevor was relieved of the item, he watched Lacy lift her skirt and start tugging at her pink panties. The girl said, "Yarrgh, me balls itch!"

"No!" Trevor cried out in horror. "Anything but that! Anything but pirate-speak!"

"Batten down the hatches, me buckos!" Lacy called out. "This bilge-sucking, son of a biscuit eater is about walk the plank and feed the fish!"

"That's not language, that's profanity!" Trevor covered his ears.

Lacy wiggled out of her panties, approached Trevor, stretched out her undies and made him a new hair net.

"Please remove that item from my head." Trevor's patience was again being tested.

"Do it yourself." Lacy replied, as she claimed the bottle.

"I'd rather not put my fingers on that, thank you very much."

The raven-haired girl shrugged. "Them leave it there."

"That's it, I'm calling my wife." Trevor said, fishing his phone from his pocket. He used the priority contact number and got an answer after two rings. "Hello, Tanya. I'm sorry to bother you, but I have a dilemma."

"What's the matter, dear?" Tanya asked. "Are those girls giving you trouble again?"

"Yes, they are. I have one trollop sitting on my lap and the second one has put her panties on top of my head. I need your help."

When no verbal interchange was heard for several seconds, Kim looked over her shoulder at him. "What is your wife saying?"

"She's laughing at me." Trevor replied.

On the phone, Tanya could hardly stop her giggles. "Trevor, it's okay, honey. Just ask them what they want."

"Very well." He replied. "Kim, what do you want from me?"


He turned to Lacy. "And you?"

Lacy nodded. "Same thing. Especially after we got reamed a little while ago. We need it pretty bad right now."

"I see." He said, before getting back to the phone. "Tanya, they both want sex."

"And how do you feel about that, honey?"

"To tell you the truth, I'm terrified of them. One of them talks in pirate-speak." He covered the phone. "Hold on, girls, she's laughing again." Patiently, the man waited for his wife to calm down. "Do you have a solution, honey?"

"Sure, just bring them over."

"Pardon me?"

"Bring them over to our house, Trevor. It'll give you something to look at besides me and Haley."

"But honey, they're trollops."

"That's okay, dear. Trollops need love, too."

"Very well." Trevor grunted, as he ended the call. "Well, girls, this is the second time my wife has told me not to fret over what you're doing to me. This time she's also asked me to take you both to our house."

"Just the other day, Haley gave us the go-ahead to keep flirting with you." Lacy nodded.

Trevor could only shake his head in disbelief. "What manner of conspiracy is this, when my own wife and daughter are in on it?"

"When are you taking us to your house?" Kim looked over her shoulder at him.

"As soon as my session is over, I suppose." He shrugged.

"Let's just cut it short right now." Kim decided, as she got to her feet.

"What about my obligation?" Trevor asked.

"Who cares about that?" Kim replied. She lifted her skirt up to reveal the meaty swells of her ass. "Here, kiss my butt and we'll take care of everything."

"Do I have to?"

"You do if you want to get out of here right now."

"Oh, all right."

Since the butt was only a few inches away from him, Trevor leaned forward and puckered up. That's when Kim thrust her hips back and slapped his face with it.

"Why do I always fall for that?" He snapped.

Kim turned around and brought her face close to his. "You know you like it."

"I do not!"

"Yes, you do. Your pecker's been hard the whole time I've been sitting on it."

"That's because... because I called my wife."

"Let us debate that while you're driving." Kim decided. "Lacy, tell Claudia we are out."

"Check." Lacy went to her phone.

Trevor looked confused. "Why is it necessary to call Claudia, when she's only on the second floor here? Wouldn't it be easier just to walk up the stairs and tell her?"

"Give me your hand." Kim requested.

"Why? What are you planning on doing with it?"

"I'm going to stick it all the way up my butt."

"Then you can't have it!"

"That was a joke, Einstein." Kim giggled. "I'm just trying to lead you out to your car, so we can leave."

"Please don't call me Einstein. I am not him!"

"Come on." Kim grabbed his wrist.

"Can somebody take this pink thing off my head?" Trevor demanded.

"Come on, Lacy." Kim ignored him. Right after, the unlikely trio made themselves scarce.

The drive home was especially anxious to Trevor. Every stoplight, every stop sign he came to, Kim would reach over and rub his crotch. It unnerved him, and sometimes he squealed. It didn't matter if he complained or begged, however, as Kim kept doing it.

When Trevor pulled into his driveway, he didn't even wait for the girls to make their exit. He scurried toward the front door and was extremely relieved when he saw his wife standing in the doorway.

"Be careful, they're right behind me!" Trevor exclaimed, ready to bolt inside.

"Honey, stop for just a second." Tanya requested.

When her husband held still, Tanya pulled the pair of pink panties off his head. Quickly, Trevor ran into the house.

Tanya was twirling the garment in her finger when the two trollops stepped up. "And to whom does this belong?"

"Me." The girl with black hair answered.

"Here, you can have it back. What are your names?"

The girls introduced themselves.

"Well, I'm Tanya. It's very nice to meet you, even if you have been torturing my husband mercilessly for the last couple of weeks. You'll notice that I'm wearing a bikini. This is because you are guests in my house. You're welcome to keep your clothes on, to walk around in your underwear, or if you want you can wear nothing at all. Normally, us regulars opt to be naked. So, come on in, ladies."

Kim paused at the door. "Seriously, I have to know. We've been throwing ourselves at your husband for a long time now, and all he does is sit there and talk gibberish. How do you get past that mess?"

"It isn't easy." Tanya answered. "Trevor has his little comfort zone. If he thinks you're normal he'll come out and talk to you. If he feels threatened or scared, he goes into his comfort zone and will refuse to come back out. He'll start talking your ear off about anything in the world other than sex. You would have had better success if you had been subtle instead of blatant. Even then you'd have to go very, very slowly."

"I see." Kim replied, thoughtfully. "Do you mind if I give him another shot?"

"No, not at all." Tanya shook her head. "Trust me, Trevor needs to get out more, and Haley and I have had our fill of him, no pun intended. I'll even give you a pointer. This whole house is his comfort zone. If you decided to walk around in your underwear, or naked mind you, and you don't make any sudden moves on him, he'll start noticing you all on his own. When Trevor is ready he'll come to you, and he won't be shy anymore. He just has to get used to you being around, that's all."

"He's really cute." Lacy added.

"That's my Trevor." Tanya agreed. "Come on in and make yourselves at home. I've got some spaghetti and meatballs in the oven. You're welcome to stay for dinner."

"Thank you." Kim said. "I think we will stay."

"As I said, you're more than welcome. If you'd like to say hi to Haley, she's right upstairs in one of the bedrooms on the left. I'll give you a call when dinner is ready."

"Thanks again." Kim said.

Tanya shut the door and bustled off into the kitchen, right before the two Fillies started up the stairs. Hardly had Kim taken a couple of steps, when she turned and glanced at her buddy. "Not even a week ago, this would have been enemy territory."

"I guess everything's changed, hasn't it?" Lacy replied.

They trotted up the stairs, made the correct turn, and spotted Haley on her bed with an open book in front of her. Haley looked up as they came in. "Hey, bitches!"

"Hey, whore." Kim acknowledged. "We're not invading your territory, okay?"

"Don't worry about it. I'm calling it neutral ground for now. Actually, I'm glad you guys are here, because of what happened at the meeting today. Mindy put the screws on us Heartbreakers like you wouldn't believe. She was this close to banning us from all further Actions."

"Yeah, that's what happened to us, too." Kim admitted, as she and Lacy took seats on the floor.

Haley shook her head. "I've never felt so embarrassed ever since I got Initiated."

"Me either." Lacy accorded.

"I've been thinking about that." Kim had a defeated look on her face. "We can't do it. We can't run the Fillies like Bethany does. It was a simple Action and we fucked it up. People almost got arrested and expelled because of it. If Bethany was calling the shots, we would have gotten away clean. That's all I have to say."

"So you guys want Bethany in charge again?" Haley asked. "Well, the Heartbreakers want Mindy back in the director's chair, too. Heather, Shelly and I planned today's Action together. We thought we had it all covered. Just look at how bad things worked out. I can't even imagine what would have happened if we'd tried something more complicated. Plain and simple, Mindy doesn't make that kind of mistakes."

"But they're a couple." Lacy reminded them. "Bethany and Mindy go hand in hand. Our clubs can never go hand in hand like that. The entire structure of the Fillies is built to attack and defend against the Heartbreakers."

"If I look at it as an outsider, there are two choices." Haley said. "Either we make Bethany and Mindy enemies again, or we merge our clubs together. Anything else would put both of our clubs at risk. Having said that, Mindy is one of my best friends. She's happy with Bethany. I would never want to take that happiness away from her."

All three girls sat there thoughtfully for the next few minutes.

"Haley, do you hate Bethany?" Kim asked.

"No, not really." The brunette admitted. "Not today. Don't get me wrong. I did hate her at first, with a passion. Mindy always told us to leave our emotions out of it, because then we'd lose our focus. Bethany and the rest of you were the enemy, but there was never any personal Vendetta against anybody that abided by the Rules."

"So basically, the Heartbreakers followed Mindy's lead." Kim figured. "The thing is, there was a time when I thought Bethany really hated Mindy. It showed in the way Bethany talked about Mindy. I swear, it was like after a bad break-up. By the way, the Word on the grapevine is that the Heartbreakers knew ahead of time that Mindy was going to Hibernate, and that she even told you guys that she had a thing for Bethany. Is that true?"

"It didn't exactly happen like that. It was Shelly who figured out that Mindy was acting strange when it came to Bethany. After that, Shelly started keeping a close eye on Mindy. She was the one who told Mindy that she might have a crush, or might even be in love with Bethany. It changed Mindy overnight, because after she thought about it she realized it was true. The next morning, Mindy called Bethany to tell her about how we'd completed the Challenge. They met in a motel room, just the two of them. After they came out of that room they've been together ever since."

"Bethany never told us about that meeting." Kim said. "We've been trying to figure out how she went from hating Mindy to being her girlfriend, overnight like you said."

"Uh, maybe because of how we accomplished the Challenge?" Haley reminded her. "It isn't exactly socially acceptable to do all this daddy loving. We sure didn't want the Word to get out about it."

"Well, we still have a problem." Kim said. "We have two Queens, and we need those two Queens to come out of Hibernation. The problem is that if they do become active again, they'll have to be at each other's throats, because that's the way the whole hierarchy at school is set up."

"As long as the Queens are partners, the two clubs are at a standstill." Haley said. "We can't risk a merger, because if they split up and become rivals again, Heartbreaker hands are going to be in the Fillies' pot, and vice versa. The clubs might collapse if we try to split them up again."

"There's only one way to do it." Lacy said. "Two Queens, one club, but it has to be a new club that recognizes that the Heartbreakers and the Fillies are separate entities. It might also mean that Bethany's going to have pull on the Heartbreakers, and Mindy's going to have pull on the Fillies."

"Wow." Kim said. "Mindy bossing the Fillies around? That's not even a good idea."

"I don't like the idea of Bethany looking over my shoulder either." Haley said. "But you know what? Who pulled us out of the fire today? Who got like fifty balls rolling at the same time, and made such an impact that nobody got arrested and nobody got expelled?"

Kim acknowledged this with a huff. "They both did it, and they both did it together. I guess Mindy called the news people, and Bethany got the Agitators to stand in front of the reporters. Then Bethany moved a whole bunch of people for a sit-in at Admin, while Mindy had another bunch of people around the Principal and the guards that were surrounding our streakers. They did all of it together."

"That's why Lacy's idea might work." Haley said. "A new club, with both Bethany and Mindy in charge. If it doesn't work out, we dissolve the new club and go back to where we are now."

"Do you think they'll even want to do it?" Lacy asked.

"Of course they will." Haley answered. "The whole reason they went into Hibernation is because they knew the clubs won't work well unless they're at odds with each other. If we present them with the idea that they can return to being Queens, but they don't have to be rivals because they're in a new club, it will wipe out their biggest concern. All we have to do is call a meeting of the Elite and make the Pitch."

They heard Haley's mother calling them for dinner.

"Be right down, mom!" Haley called back, as she slid off the bed.