Heather's Sore Bottom


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I sat down beside her and put cream on my finger, again not bothering with a glove. I held her butt cheek to the side and was happy to see my pouty little friend. I painted and daubed it, like putting lipstick on a sock puppet. Then I tapped against it playfully.

"See, that just feels so nice," said Heather. "Does that make me a weirdo?"

"I don't think so," I said, "It probably feels nice for everyone."

I played some more, teasing her by pushing the tip of my finger in just a little and then pulling it almost out. The pucker would try to keep a hold of it, like a greedy little girl sucking a popsicle. Then I pushed my finger in farther and farther until it was in as far as I could reach. And instead of keeping it stiff like a wand, like I usually did, I tried to feel my way around her inside her.

"It feels so plush and cozy in there," I said, hardly believing that I was saying it out loud. But she was paying more attention to the feelings inside her than to what I was saying.

I twisted my finger out. The tip had picked up a brownish tinge and there was an exciting whiff of excrement. I squirted more cream, putting some on my middle finger as well. "OK, here goes."

Her asshole accommodated both fingers easily, but the two of them definitely filled her more completely than one alone. I could imagine her asshole aching for something fat and chubby that would stretch it to the limit. I scissored my fingers apart as far as I could and twisted them around.

"Oh my God," she said. "Oh my God." She had been inching her butt up off the bed so that now she was half kneeling. Her legs were spread fairly wide. I could see her entire vagina, her little patch of pubic hair, her tummy, and the underside of her bra. The entrance of her vagina was open and it was so close that I could easily have grazed it with my other fingers if I had unfurled them.

But I didn't. This was a treatment after all. I had a responsibility to my patient. I brought my fingers back together and slowed down my stroking. The pressure on them suddenly increased as if Heather were bearing down to take a shit right there on my hand.

"Oh my God," she said. "I just can't tell you what it feels like."

I had the sensation that there was still an itch in her asshole had not yet been thoroughly scratched. I could practically feel it in my own asshole. So I continued to move my fingers in and out, being careful not to really scratch her, massaging her inner circumference with my finger tips. I worked methodically all the way around. I had to stand up and lean over her to reach twelve o'clock, and then to turn backwards and twist my arm to get from four to one.

She kept staring ahead with a look of rapt attention. As I slowed down she lowered her hips back down onto the bed. I sat back down beside her.

This had been more than just a treatment session. I don't know if you'd call it sex, but it was at least the next closest thing. I so wanted to touch her naked skin. I wanted to stretch out on top of her. I wanted to meld my body into hers.

"God. I like that so much," she murmured. I pictured her turning over on her back to address me directly, too overcome with feeling to remember that her panties were still bunched down around her knees.

But she didn't. So I pulled the sheet up to cover her, and only then did she turn over and pull her panties back into place.

"You're sweet, Hector," she said, looking up at me from the pillow with a soft, tousled, vulnerable expression. No longer a graduate student, just a girl. A very pretty girl. I could see from her expression that she was aware, like I was, that a line had been crossed, but not sure what it meant or how we should proceed.

I ruffled her curls with my clean hand. "You just get better, OK?"


Heather had only two more days before she was to see the doctor again. Both of us were a little shy of each other after the two fingers, and we went back to more sedate treatment sessions. She made a point of being a model patient. I did my best to maintain a professional, detached demeanor.

The morning of her appointment was bittersweet. The soreness from the inflammation was completely gone, and Heather was pretty sure the doctor would tell her that she was all better. That was great, but it would mean the end of the treatment sessions. We had both come to relish them for their erotic sensuality, and I, at least, had come to cherish them as moments of closeness with Heather. Being with her, caring for her, being so completely in her trust. Would things now go back to the way they had been before? A polite graduate student and a well meaning undergrad, sharing chores and occasionally bumping into each other in the kitchen?

She was still on her stomach, resting her head on her arms. She seemed wistful, too, as if she were thinking the same kind of bittersweet thoughts that I was. I had covered her and taken off the glove, but I was still sitting on the bed beside her, not wanting these last few minutes of closeness to be over.

Finally, she turned over and looked at me. "Hector," she asked, "do you want to have anal sex?"

"You and me?"

"Well, we've kind of been engaged in foreplay for two weeks now. I don't know about you, but I'm worked up to the point that I just have to know what it's like. You and I sort of know our way around by now. I just thought we could try it together. "

"Wow," I babbled. "Yeah. Sure. If you want."

"I want," she said, looking me in the eyes. "I want to know what it's like to have your cock up my ass."

She was trying to sound sexy and provocative, but the words were so out of character that I couldn't help but laugh. She flushed and then laughed herself.

Sex had always been palpably present during our sessions, never more than a look or a touch away. For the most part we had willfully ignored it and remained faithful to our roles as therapist and patient. But now those roles were about to go away.

She wanted to have sex with me! It wasn't that she loved me, it wasn't even really me that she wanted. She wanted the experience. But she did trust me, and she must have felt some bond of affection, because she wanted us to do it together. I looked down at her pretty face on the pillow.

"Well, ma'am," I said, "it just so happens that I'd be more than happy to place my cock at your disposal."

She smiled like a little girl on her birthday. "I'll ask the doctor if it's OK."


I went around with an erection the rest of the day. Heather and I were going to have sex! It wouldn't be real sex, that probably wasn't the best idea between housemates. It would just be fooling around a little. Nothing more than that. We were just going to see what it was like. Heather and me! Sex!

When she got home that evening, I tried not to let my anticipation appear too obvious. The appointment had gone well. The inflammation was completely gone. The doctor commended me on my conscientiousness. "She said I was lucky to have you."

I was dying to find out what else the doctor had said, but she kept chattering on about the rest of her day. At first I thought she was just teasing me by drawing things out. But then I realized that she was shy about bringing it up. So I asked, "Did you have a chance to ask the doctor about what we talked about?"

"I finally got up enough courage. I thought she would be shocked, but she didn't even bat an eye. She assumed it would be with you. She said there's no reason we couldn't. She gave me some lubricant." She blushed, and pulled a tube from a paper bag. It had a picture of a naked man embracing a naked woman.

My excitement was boiling over. "So, . . .?"

We went to her room, both of us excited and bashful at the same time. We were going to have sex! She was going to see my penis. Would we both get completely naked? I decided that I would, whether she did or not.

I took off my shoes and socks, and she did likewise. I pulled my tee shirt off over my head. She had on a striped blouse, and I waited while she unbuttoned it. She really had a lovely figure: a slender waist, a tight, smooth stomach, a pleasing, but understated bust. She was wearing a nice bra with a lacy edging. I'd never really seen her in a bra before, and it would have been fine with me if she had wanted to keep it on. But she reached behind herself and unfastened it.

Her breasts were gentle swellings, like the breasts of Diana the huntress. Not pendulous at all, but unmistakably soft and full and feminine. Alluring. Perfectly proportioned to her tall stature. I gasped. She blushed.

She reached to her waist and unbuttoned her jeans. I undid my belt. She pulled her jeans down and stepped out of them. Her panties matched her bra. With her long, trim legs exposed she looked even more like a goddess. I finished taking off my pants. My erection was unmistakable beneath my briefs, and she was looking at it.

We exchanged shy grins. We were both now wearing nothing but underpants. We fingered them hesitantly, then slowly slipped them down at the same time. My penis sprung out what seemed a foot and a half. We straightened up and looked at each other.

Not a goddess. An angel. Goddesses are chaste and white. She was pink and alive, golden, her cherubic curls, her downy pubic hair, her embarrassed smile. I couldn't help but take a step forward and take her lightly into my arms, the way one embraces an angel, reverently, grazingly. She put her arms around me too, and we just stood there, feeling the smooth, radiant touch of each other's skin. I pressed her more closely, and felt her breasts against my chest, her thighs against my thighs. I ran one hand down her satiny back and over her dear, beautiful bottom.

My penis was pressed up against her leg. But before I could do anything more, she detached herself and took up the tube of lubricant. She put some on her hands and then rubbed it onto my erect penis. I was not used to having anyone touch it, and closed my eyes to feel every nuance.

Then she lay down on the bed. It was like another treatment session, except we were both naked and my cock was free to express its true feelings. I put some lubricant on my fingers and inserted first one, then two into her asshole. I stroked them in and out, and twirled them around, softening her up for what was to come.

"You'll have to raise up," I said. She lifted her bottom off the bed, presenting not only her anus, but her vulva as well. Her pussy was so luscious and inviting that it was all I could do to look away from it. I knelt behind her and maneuvered the knob of my penis up against the pucker of her asshole. Even though I'd gotten my fingers in, I wasn't sure that my penis would fit.

"I don't know if it will fit," I said.

"Let's try at least," she replied.

I pushed the fleshy part of my knob right up against the puckered skin of her anus. My God, I was touching Heather with my penis! I was touching her asshole with it! I was massaging her asshole with the throbbing, fleshy head of my penis! The chubby head, that barely even fit between the soft walls of her crack.

I held her hips and exerted a steady pressure with my own hips, trying to imagine my penis as a narrow finger on the verge of her hole. She bore back against me too, and all of a sudden the tip of my penis sunk right in. Just the head. As if her asshole had just gobbled it up. We were joined together, a dick's length apart, my chubby, fleshy head held tightly in the clench of her sphincter.

I bore down and pushed further in, inch by inch into her tight, slick tunnel, until I was in as far as I could go. My groin, my pubic hair, were tickling her ass. An even coating, the doctor had said, all the way around. I moved my cock in and out of her tight, slick tunnel. I was fucking her ass.

I realized that I was going to come. I hadn't really thought about that. Being inside her rectum was one thing, but ejaculating bodily fluids into her . . . Would she not want me to do it? Would she want me to? Well, it was going to happen, whether she wanted it or not. I shot and I shot and I shot and I shot.

"Oh my God," she said, "did you just come? Did you just come in my ass?"

No need to answer.

"Oh, I could feel every single spurt."

My penis had shot its wad. It oozed back out of her butt. She was rubbing her vagina. She lay down and turned over on her back, rubbing her slit and her mound right above it. I wanted to help, so I leaned over her and licked her nipple. It was hard and firm. I felt her other breast with my clean hand, massaging the nipple with my thumb. They both were firm and hard. Her hand was picking up speed. I flicked with my tongue and gently twisted with my fingers. Finally, with a huge shudder and a soft moan, she came too.

I knelt beside her while she savored her pleasure. She opened her eyes and smiled up at me.

"I'll change the sheets," she said. "You can wipe yourself off if you want."

I did, leaving a smear of shitty lubricant.

"We should probably go clean up," she said.

We snuck out of her room and down the hall to the bathroom, exhilarated to be naked in the public parts of the house. Exhilarated to be naked in front of each other. She wet a wash cloth with warm water and cleaned my penis and balls and inner thighs. I washed my hand, and then used another wash cloth to wash her butt, cleaning off the lubricant, the semen, and everything else that had trickled down her leg.

I really needed to pee, so I just stood at the toilet and peed in front of her.

"Don't flush," she said. She sat down on the toilet seat and peed too, mixing her pee with mine. She grinned, self-consciously. It was the first time I'd ever been with a girl when she peed.

We snuck back to her room. She stripped the sheets off the bed, and I helped her put on fresh ones.

And then things started to become a little awkward. We were both naked. Her bed was freshly made. We had been so eager before that we had not thought about what would happen after. We were no longer therapist and patient, but what were we? Did our new intimacy permit us to now hug each other? To cuddle? To have real sex? To kiss? To fall asleep in each other's arms? These were things we had not yet worked out.

Since we were in her room, it seemed up to me to make the next move. Should we sit and talk? How was it for you? Ugh, No! It was too early for bed. My cock was starting to perk back up again. But sex, real sex, had never been part of the deal. And maybe it was better that way.

So I hugged her. I gave her a heart-felt, brotherly hug, despite the fact that we were both naked. And I kissed her on the cheek, housemate to housemate, despite the fact that my cock was gaining traction between her thighs. And I asked her if maybe she wanted to go out for pizza.

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roveroneroveroneover 1 year ago

They're both sweeties...!

natural flow of things...surprised she didn't reach under herself and diddle her bean while he was rogering her...

me and my sweetie prefer doing it mish...that way can look at her lovely face and tell when she gets off, also easier for her to snake her hand down and massage her clit...

NewOldGuy77NewOldGuy77about 2 years ago

That was quite well-written! Sweet and tender, slow build-up, very nice! 5 stars and favorited.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hi Hector:

Another great story; thank you!!

I am grateful

Whole I have never had anal sex to this date, your description makes it sound so pleasant.

Appreciative in Toronto

PS: Given you live in Calandria, is your hydro electricity provided by a CANDU reactor.?

Best regards,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great story. Please tell me you're planning a sequel

WilCox49WilCox49almost 5 years ago
Another really nice one, Hector.

I'd read this once before, quite a while ago. It's at least as good as I remembered. Hector (referring to the character/narrator, not the author) is entirely believable, and Heather is as well. As is mostly the case with your stories, the pacing was perfect.

Got to watch out about steroids in the rectum (where there are lots of nasty bacteria, and suppressing immune response is not a good idea), but I went looking and some of them are used this way.

Thank you for writing this. I hope you soon post more stories. You're one of the relatively few I find worth following.

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