Heirs of Debauchery - Story 01

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Story 1: Seeds of a new season.
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Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 04/09/2024
Created 06/02/2023
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Story 1: Seeds of a new season

Time's up. Able Spacer 3rd class James Tucker thought to himself as he idly noted the air indicator of his suit. 2000 kpa. The reading said, so about 3 minutes in theory, and a lot less in reality. It's more than enough time to reminiscent about a few things.

There were always the dangers, after all space is the most unnatural place for a human to be in. No one could have- wait, no. Plenty have foreseen the potential of hostiles of an artificial nature. That's why he's on a space combat vessel of the Qantica Void Forces, and had promptly fired upon the unknown anomaly as soon as it appeared on the sensors.

Little good that did. Now he's on a wrecked hull, adrift in the endless space, a painful and all too forgettable death awaits. They're a billion kilometers away from home, and the distance was the least difficult part. Qantica is still a poor country, on a poor planet still picking up the pieces from the end of days.

The most herculean efforts were made for the creation and maintenance of a space force, to fight long gone nightmares and figments of the imagination. It was galling to see his family still relying on horse drawn carts while the rockets lifted off, the fuel of each worth enough to make the eyes glaze over tenfold.

Yet it was all for naught, not because there were no dangers, but because there's no point in fighting the dangers that do in fact exist.

His eyesight was in the process of failing for the last time when he saw the nearby section of the hull gently floated away, and from the opening a handful of humanoid figures tumbled in. It was hard to tell any details, or perhaps there were no details to be found in his oxygen deprived brain...


The first sensation he felt through the endless void of beyond darkness was that of his penis in a warm, wet, and very tight fleshy sleeve. Obviously it couldn't be that of a woman's vagina, or even a fleshlight. Not out there, so far away from home, so close to death.

And it's certainly death. Someone somewhere around said that the best erection comes from the moment of death, and he sure was feeling that. It's like all his wet dreams, where he was pounding the hottest of women with wild abandon. And unlike those dreams, this time he doesn't have to worry about cleaning up afterwards.

After what felt like a while the release came, and it was glorious, the most seed he had ever pumped out in his life. Not that he has any ways to measure that, just his instincts. A good sendoff for a life cut short...

... except it didn't end, his life that is. He's pretty sure of that. He still has his thoughts, and sensations, and even- he could feel his hearing return.

With trepidation he tried opening his eyes, and to his surprise he still has them, though whether or not they're working as intended he could not be certain.

For what possibly series of even improbable events would transport him from certain death in the void of space to a comfortably furnished hospital room, and a gorgeous woman straddling him.

"Wha-" He mumbled, still rather disorientated at the whole thing, his new setting certainly wasn't helping matters. The woman looked at him, something seemingly off about her eyes. Her everything. Just too perfect, too unmarred by the hardships of life-

That's it. It's too clearcut. A lack of details, not lived in. He turned his head around to his left and to his right, finding slight pains but nothing broken. There were a number of other women, all equally nude, as if it's a dream where the subconscious mind did not bother with imagining up clothing.

"I am sure you have many questions, espatier." One of the women, sitting to his left, spoke, while the woman who was straddling him slid off discreetly and gracefully, adding to the dreamlike feeling of the entire experience. "But I can assure you that you are physically safe at the moment."

"Um. Uh." James tried to think of something to say, but now that his concerns were actually acknowledged he felt tongue tied. He does have many questions, but where to even begin?

"But I suppose introductions are in order." The woman said, holding out a hand, which he shook gingerly and hesitantly. Her hand was soft, the skin of someone who never had to do manual labor in her life. "I'm Dr. Nue, but you can call me Rachel." She smiled, a smile with surprising warmth.

"Ah, um. I'm Tucker. James Tucker. Nice to meet you." James stammered, returning the greeting, not really sure where this is going. "Where am I?" He asked, figuring that's a safe enough question, even if not necessarily useful in the grand scheme of things.

If he should be lucky enough to get to that point, which despite the present comforts he could not completely rule out the possibility.

"Not sure if it'll help you," Rachel began, acknowledging the questionable utility of the inquiry, "but you're currently in a hospital, on a planet most agreeable to human habitation, in a star system about 48.7 lightyears away from where we picked you up. Not sure if this means anything." She shrugged at the last bit. So far the galactic decoder has been correct in its assessment of this human's particular accent and dialect among thousands so far gathered, but things are beginning to get rather technical...

"Oh." James said, as realization hit him. The astronomers, and by extension the government, was right. The Star Defense Initiative was still a flop at the end, as his present and recent past circumstances had proved. But they were right about one thing: They were things still out there, among the stars.

That they also happened to be really sexy and apparently likes to prance around naked was not mentioned by anyone, but who could have known that?

"You, your people, are aware of us?" Rachel asked, picking up the cue of his single word. A message from the orbital militia command promptly nudged her, wordlessly asking her to inquire for more information.

"Sort of." James mumbled, realizing that he probably shouldn't have revealed that tidbit of information. But then again, perhaps they already knew everything. After all, these people obviously can cross the vast distance of space casually enough to haul his ass across almost 50 light years. "Basic astronomy. Unnatural light signatures. Deviations to existing background radiation." The bare bones of basics that every spacer had to memorize in basic.

"Oh." Rachel now mirrored the reply, while inside her minds a flurry of communications between her and members of other organizations passed to and fro. More than just an embarrassment revealing the sheer incompetence of the orbital militia and the engineering establishment, the revelation also just unhinged a lot of existing plans.

For if some two-bit civilization who just redeveloped interplanetary travel could figure that shit out, it might as well imply that their own location is as bare as they are in broad daylight out in the middle of a flatland.

It was then the door to the room opened and a gaggle of women barged in, still all beautiful and naked as all the one he saw before. The one at the front of the group, presumably a leader of sorts, turned towards the doctor.

"How much longer does this patient have until full recovery?" She asked the doctor, who shrugged.

"He's already fully recovered for a baseline if that's what you're asking." Rachel replied, the telecommunication between the two filled in the rest of the details for the nanite reboosters. It seemed to be enough for the other woman, who nodded in acknowledgement.

The newcomer then turned her attention to James. "Hera Northwood, diplomatic corps of the Reclamation State." She declared, quickly filling him in on the information. "You'd be happy to know that you're going home."

"Um, thank you?" James said, trying not to be impolite, but also more confused than ever before.

"Well, no use wasting time, up you go." Hera said as she took his hand and easily dragged him up, displaying a strength at odds with her slender frame and appearance. "We have a ship fueled and waiting."

"Wait- wait a moment." James stuttered, waving his free hand, making attention to his state of nudity. Surely they're not expecting him to waltz around in the buff as well?

"Wha- Ah, I see." Hera nodded, noticing the man's rapiding growing erection, which he was trying his best to hide. "Do you need that to be taken care of?"

"Yes- I mean, no." James replied, trying to collect his thoughts and his unanswered questions. How just horny are these nudist women? How do they even get anything done? Are they even human? Is this all a lucid dream? Nothing really makes any sense.

"We'll fill you in on the details as we go." Rachel interjected, trying to give the human some reassurance. The expression on his face seemed to indicate mixed reception.


As the decidedly unusual group of gynoids and one human walked somewhat hurriedly across the streets of New Neo, James gradually got used to the sea of appealing and tempting flesh. Or rather, his attention was taken by the other sights that in their own way, are even more impressive: masses of skyscrapers, huge building complexes, wide boulevards, tasteful parks and gardens. And the cleanness, the pristine nature of it all, a land untouched by radiation and other ailments taken for granted back home. A place people dreamed of and politicians promised but never delivered.

"What a world." He mused to himself out loud.

"You're still listening right?" Hera asked, just realizing that perhaps the baseline might be distracted as his unaugmented senses were being overwhelmed by the sights and sounds around, even though it's not anything special. It's a standard colony package after all, just a bit more developed than most due to the amount of time involved.

"Um yeah, sure." James replied with a blush, for once not because of anything sexual. He knows that what they're telling him is important, but it all pales in comparison to the reality around. 'You're all robots and this place needs humans."

"Good enough." Hera sighed. That this guy seems to be impressed by the colony is all that really matters.

"But why?" James asked again. Why what exactly he wasn't even sure himself.

"It just is." Hera responded deadpanned, having come to the conclusion that an in depth historic explanation will not hold his attention long enough for that, or it might arouse his suspicion. From the poor sample size baselines sure seems paranoid, but then again they sort of have reasons for that. Weirdly enough the response seemed to placate James, until he asked another question.

"Wait. You mentioned that your people's goals are to rebuild the human race, and that means-" He began, almost stopping in his tracks before a gentle push from one of the gynoids guided him to continue walking forward.

"Yes, we acquired some genetic samples from you. Is there a problem that we should be aware of?" Rachel inquired, completely missing the subtext.

"I'm not sure." James said, the answer surprising even himself, as he never really thought about potential descendants. "I'm not exactly in a position to care for them."

"True, you're not even 40 yet, so not into full adulthood." Hera admitted. "Although present circumstances require drastic actions-"

"Wait, what do you mean I'm not a full adult?" James asked, slightly annoyed at the alleged slight towards his relative youth, and slightly disturbed at the implication that these robots are willing to break their own taboos when convenient.

"Social adulthood is much lower in most organic baseline cultures." Rachel quickly reminded Hera, though the lack of confidence in her tone implies that she doesn't even necessarily believe that.

"Never mind that, we're almost there." Hera suddenly said in a transparent attempt to change the topic as they stepped onto the spaceport's tarmac. Belatedly James realized that they have gone through an entire spaceport without so much as a line or checkpoint.

Must be a lack of humans thing.

"Wait, what about clothing?" James then asked, making a point of his nudity yet again. If they're really going back to the planet he calls home, he really would need to get dressed again.

"Acceptable forms of clothing for you will be provided." Hera waved off the concern as they boarded the huge shuttle. And it was huge, not to mention technologically advanced, well maintained, and polished. James felt a stab of envy at the buffet of prosperity all around him, and the banality that these- gynoids, acted towards their good fortune.


Somehow, those gynoids managed to scrounge up some clothing on that nudist planet of theirs. Something about that the relevant factories were long set up and ready to go, but it wouldn't make sense to produce products that would be out of fashion... an absolutely ludicrous line of reasoning, but something James had begun to accept as par the course for a planet so long removed from humanity.

But that's pocket change compared to the starship that they're on for the ~50 light year journey. If anything, if it wasn't for the fact that he saw the ship itself on the approach he wouldn't have believed he was even on one, for it has all the amenities one could expect from a royal palace in those fantasy stories, not to mention a consistent artificial gravity made possible through constant 1G of acceleration. The fuel/propellant costs eye watering but once again, just something that's totally accepted as basic.

And his government thought it was a good idea to fire upon beings who are that prosperous.


The return to his homeworld was rather anticlimactic, all things considered. Sure, there's the usual media circus at the first person to be taken from the world and returned safely, but as the Reclamation State had already established contact, no matter how tenuous, their particular weirdness was somewhat normalized. He was also keenly aware of the purpose of his return, as Hera bluntly told him that they really want to entice all the astronomers, and his safe existence might do their job where offers of unlimited debauchery so far had failed.

Sex crazed nudist gynoids or not, they have the orbital high ground and a lot of firepower, even if they prefer using more peaceful methods


"What do you mean, I'm no longer human?" James asked. The military hospital he's currently at is one of the finest in the country, but still looks dilapidated compared to the lap of luxury he tasted in that other world.

"Well, not that you're an alien or anything." Dr. Aaron, attempted to explain. "It's that those, those- Reclaimers," He used the least sexualized term given to the newly found exo-visitors, "they have indeed injected you with an advanced nanite swarm."

"Like the gray goo?" James asked, suddenly feeling rather terrified. Thoughts of dying and being replaced by some doppelganger popped into his mind, especially with the knowledge that they also got his genetic material already.

"Well, they said that it's just something that would return you to a fraction of the heritage of our precursors, whatever that means. It would explain your current health though." Aaron said with skepticism. "However it would be naive to take their word at face value."

"You think it's all some long con?" James asked, now in disbelief. "But they have shown nothing except-" He stopped in mid sentence, realizing that it's making him look rather suspicious himself.

"Honestly no, and neither does most of the establishment to be honest." Aaron shrugged. "But old paranoias die hard, and so by association you cannot be trusted."

"Wha-" James was about to argue his case, but all of a sudden the motivation left him. He just ran out of fucks to give. The realization that his country, his world had long been broken by the suffering, to the point where they're incapable of seeing good things for what they are. They might still have their pride and dignity, but what's that worth for individuals like him?

"The arrangements have already been made, the Reclaimer are more than happy to take you and settle you into their homeworld." Aaron said, in a mildly apologetic tone, though James could have swore that he heard more than a touch of envy as well. Truly a terrible punishment: to be exiled from this still stricken world and to a paradise world full of every material want. "Don't think of it as a punishment." He added belatedly, knowing what a crock of shit that is.

"Of course not. I totally understand." James said as he stood up, trying to keep a nondescript expression while hiding his anticipation.


"Home, new home." James said as his bare feet touched the grass fields surrounding the starport at New Nue, his body naked as the day he was born, and will be for the foreseeable future.

"That's quick." Hera noted as she casually followed up to him, most of the other newly arrived baseline human immigrants were still slowly unloading from the shuttle, still wearing clothes and carrying luggage. Things that they will find out quickly that were not really necessary for their new lives on this planet.

"Well, sometimes this still feels like a dream." James admitted sheepishly. Though much faded, there's occasionally still a tiny voice in the back feeling guilty about it all, that he doesn't deserve any of this seemingly good fortune, that he's not important enough for such important events that are unfolding, will be unfolding.

"Don't be too hard on yourself." Hera reassured him, having over the past year or so becoming much more perceptive of the subtleties of human expressions. "Your continued existence and sanity should be something to be proud of." She gave him a peck on the cheek, a rather romantic gesture if it wasn't for the fact that her hand was also jerking him off with the skill of an expert more in tune with his dick than he himself.

It won't take long to fill up this world, and perhaps, soon after, the rest of the old inhabited space, whatever that means.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I can't wait to read Heirs of Debauchery - Story 02! Keep up the Great Work

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