Held Together with Daughter

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Sitting on dad’s lap during the bumpy flight.
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It began innocently enough. Kaylee had insisted on spending her break from college at an exotic vacation spot. She'd also been desperate to pull her father out of the house and away from his hectic work schedule as a lawyer so he could finally relax for once.

After a few days on the trip, it was finally time to head home. They were both tanned and rested. But things were about to take a turn for the worst.

They took their seats in the back of the 737. Coach seats. It was the best they could do since the trip was relatively last minute. And since the islands were hot, Kaylee was still wearing leggings and a tightly fit tshirt. She wore flips-flops over her bare feet. Sure, it made her father slightly uncomfortable, and she knew it. But hey, they were on vacation in a beautiful area. So dressing like that was par for the course.

They buckled into their seats and her father instantly closed his eyes and leaned back. Although fun, the trip was totally exhausting for him, and he still had plenty of work back home too. Kaylee, on the other hand, was still a bundle of joy. She was a thin, petite little energizer bunny. She had spent much of the trip swimming along the shore and working on her tan, and even then, she couldn't wait to get back home so she could run track for the college team.

Their moment of pre-flight relaxation came to a crashing halt when a flight attendant came to deliver some crushing news.

"Excuse me, ma'am, sir," the flight attendant said to them. "We apologize deeply for the inconvenience, but unfortunately we're overbooked and we need an extra seat in the back."

"What?" he asked in shock.

The flight attendant remained calm. "Our deepest apologies. We need an extra seat in the back of the plane. We understand that you're a father and daughter, so we'll book you on the next flight together, and even upgrade you to first class, along with a yet-to-be determined cash reward."

"We can't," he said adamantly. "I'm an attorney and I have to prepare for a courtroom trial in a few days. I need to be on this flight."

"Then maybe you can remain on the flight and your daughter can stay behind."

The father and daughter were both in a state of total shock over the flight attendant's request. Questions and answers went back and forth as he challenged the legality and ethics of such a request.

"But I don't understand," he said. "We paid for these seats."

"Yes, and you will be compensated. Right now, we need an extra seat in the back. So either one of you will have to move, or both of you will be escorted off the flight."

The mood turned incredibly tense, and only became worse when his daughter interjected:

"This is bullshit!" Kaylee fired off. "We paid for these seats! Both of them!"

The flight attendant remained cold and calm. "Ma'am. We will not tolerate your erratic behavior. If you don't cooperate, we'll be forced to call security and have you removed from this flight in handcuffs."

"Alright, alright," he said in defeat. "You win. We'll leave. Kaylee, let's get our things."

She turned to her father, distraught. "Dad, no. Fuck this. They don't have the right to do this to us. This is bullying!"

"We don't have a choice."

"Your job though..."

"I'll just have to call the office and let them know that a different lawyer will need to take over oral arguments in court."

As he unbuckled his seatbelt, Kaylee grabbed his wrist to stop him.

Then she turned to the flight attendant. "This flight is three hours, right?"

"Correct ma'am," the flight attendant said, still un-phased by this whole ordeal.

"Well, you can take my seat. I'll sit on my dad's lap."

The flight attendant politely shook her head. "I'm afraid that's against company policy and government regulation."

"What about child-lap policies? I know that flights allow children to sit on their parents' lap for the duration of a flight."

"How old are you?"

"I'm 19," Kaylee replied.

"Then the policy doesn't apply to you."

"Yeah, but I'm barely 110 pounds," Kaylee replied sweetly. "Besides, who's going to know? Either you let me sit on my dad's lap, or I'll put this shit all over the internet. I have a few hundred followers on twitter. You think I can't form an online army against you and your airline? I'll even take a picture of you on my phone and post it everywhere."

Apparently the threat worked and it looked like they were headed towards a compromise. With all the controversy surrounding airlines lately, this was the last thing any of them needed.

The flight attendant gave a fake smile. "Only because you can fit on his lap. I'll check back from time to time. The seat belt better fit around both of you."


With a compromise reached, the flight attendant returned to her duties, hiding her contempt for the petite, mouthy college girl.

Kaylee undid her seatbelt and prepared to sit on her father's lap.

"Kay, what the hell are you doing?" he asked.

"Saving our asses. That's what I'm doing."

"You're actually going to sit on my lap?"

She nodded. "The flight is only 3 hours and I barely weigh 110 pounds. You're a strong guy. You can handle it."

"This whole situation is insane," he said, still dumbfounded by everything.

"Either we had to get off the flight or security would come and kick our asses. I mean, we could have been fucked up."

"Watch your language please. We're in public and you shouldn't talk to your father like that."

"Fine. But aren't you at least going to thank me?"

"For what?" he asked incredulously.

"Do I have to remind you? We nearly got destroyed by security officials. Or kicked off the plane. Now we both get to go home on time."

He sighed, "Thank you, Kaylee. Remind me to reduce your allowance when we get back home."

"Well, don't thank me yet," she said with a mischievous expression. "Your lap might be sore by the time this flight is over."

And that was when Kaylee moved to sit on her father's lap. She enjoyed the mortified look on her father's face. She found it to be hilarious, that her uptight lawyer-of-a-dad would now have a sexy young thing on his lap. And her of all people!

She got comfortable and pressed her entire body weight onto him, all 110 pounds of her. Then she pulled the seatbelt so that it covered both of them.

"Perfect fit," she said playfully.

"I'm sore already."

"No you're not. You're just a little uncomfortable. Here, let me change that, dad."

Kaylee then relaxed her body and leaned back against her father. She tilted her head back so that her hair was rubbing against her father's face, and the back of her head touched his cheek. Her arms and legs sprawled onto her father, and her shapely, toned ass buried into her father's crotch as she wiggled herself for more comfort.

It was like she melted onto him.

The flight attended checked and make sure it was safe (or at least safe enough so that no one would suspect a thing and she wouldn't lose her job over this blatant violation of the regulations). Then she left, giving a little sneer as she turned away.

They sat by the window in the very last row, and two crew members took the other seats. There was tension there and the crew members avoided eye contact because they were so embarrassed over the situation. Plus they looked exhausted from working long hours and it looked like they were ready to sleep. One of them even had an eye mask ready.


It wasn't much longer until the plane took off. Not only did they share the same seat belt, but per the flight attendant's additional advice, Kaylee and her father had to be held together, meaning he had to wrap his arms around his daughter for added safety. Deep down, they wondered if the flight attendant was just screwing with them in some way since it seemed so unnecessary. But it did make Kaylee feel much more comfortable.

Almost immediately the airline employees sitting next to them (especially the one who jacked Kaylee's seat) were fast asleep. Kaylee was reading a magazine while on her dad's lap. And her father was doing gosh-knows-what, sitting there squished with his daughter on top of him.

The whole thing was shaping up to be a miserable flight, especially for dad, and when they thought it couldn't get any worse, it did! There were sudden, unexpected bumps on the flight which caused everyone to shake and jolt a little. How uncomfortable. Especially for dad.

The airplane speakers came on and the captain made an announcement:

"Passengers. We are experiencing a bit of turbulence. Please remain in your seats and buckle up."

Outside they could see the dark clouds coming into view and they instantly knew it was going to be a rough experience for the rest of the trip.

"Looks like we're in for a bumpy ride," Kaylee said. "Hold me tighter so the seatbelt doesn't break."

She grabbed her father's wrists and forced them around her waist to make sure he held her tight. It worked and he practically hugged her from behind. More bumps and more turbulence came and everyone on the flight jolted.

Kaylee, being a free-spirited girl, decided to just enjoy the moment. She lifted her bare feet up a little and put her arms in the air. It was like riding a roller coaster for her and all of her body weight was pressed squarely on her dad's lap.

When more turbulence came, she swayed and she playfully tried to balance herself, with her arms and feet still up, so that she'd still had her entire body weight pushed onto her dad's lap.

"Kay, please stop that," he said. "It's making me uncomfortable."

She turned her head to the side. "Really? Is it hurting already?"

"Just stop doing that. It's inappropriate."


Kaylee put her feet on the floor again with her arms on the armrest. When she positioned her butt properly on the center of her dad's lap, she felt it. Something had suddenly appeared. It seemed hard and only got harder. Longer too. Right in the center of his lap.

Could it be? She wondered. For good measure, she wiggled her hips a little to rub her butt on it. Her eyes widened in revelation when she realized what it was. For confirmation, she clenched her butt checks on the hard thing making her dad squirm.

It was!

Kaylee had experienced enough cock (though not much) in her time at college to know that she was sitting on her dad's erect cock. Ordinarily, she'd be able to spot a hard cock like this a mile away. Guys in college were always offering them to her everywhere on campus. But from her own dad? That's what made this so surprising and hard to believe. Yet it was actually happening.

And she was sitting on it!

She turned her head and whispered in a low voice. "Very naughty. Very naughty indeed, dad."

She didn't know why she had to tease her poor father like that. It just came out. There was a certain part of her, deep down, that found this to be really hot. The taboo was certainly there. She felt an impulse straight from the depths of her pussy.

"I knew this was a bad idea," he said with a hint of inward anger. "Can you move and sit on my left side for a while?"

"Dad, I can't. There's no room. Plus that'll be too much pressure on your leg."

"Then let me go to the restroom for a moment. Can you stand up?"

Kaylee whispered back. "Didn't you hear the captain? There's turbulence. We can't leave our seats. There might be an air marshal on the plane who'll kick our asses if we disobey the captain. I'm being serious."

And right when she said that, the plane turned bumpy again and the passengers jolted.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, clearly feeling horribly embarrassed at the fact that his daughter was sitting on his hard cock and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Don't be sorry. This is my fault. I have an idea though."

Her idea was anything but conventional. She unbuckled the seatbelt, stood a little bit, and pulled her leggings down so that her pink panties were exposed.

"Jesus!" he said in a shocked, loud whisper. "Stop it. You'll wake the people next to us."

"Dad, they're asleep," she whispered, turning her head back. "And the only way they'll wake up is if you keep making noises. Shhh..."

Kaylee pushed her leggings and panties all the way down to her ankles. She exposed her bare ass to her father and wiggled it. And since she was bent slightly forward, she was certain that he had a clear view of her asshole and pink pussy. She also knew full well that her pussy was moist at this point.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he whispered angrily.

Kaylee sat on her dad's lap again, this time bare assed. "No cursing dad, remember?"

"I'm your father. Jesus. This isn't right."

"You're the one with the fucking hard cock. And I intend to take care of it."

Kaylee got off her father's lap for a moment, giving him a false sense of relief, that was, until she reached below and unzipped his pants. He tried to stop her and covered his zipper. Her father had strong hands, but she managed to pry his fingers away. Kaylee's fingers were thin and small. But she had persistence on her side and he didn't put up much of a struggle, as she had expected.

A smile formed on her lips the moment she felt his hard, smooth shaft. It was totally fucking hard and she took a moment to caress it and appreciate it. Her own father's cock. God...

She looked to make sure the airline employees sitting next to them were still sleeping. And they were, with their eye masks on. Perfect. As she held dad's cock upright with one hand, she spread her pussy with the other, then she lowered herself onto her father's throbbing manhood. The best part was feeling her dad's body jerk the moment their sexual parts touched, and the tip of his cock was being swallowed by her pink wet pussy.

"Kay," he moaned softly. "Please don't."

She ignored him. She lowered her body and savored the feeling of her pussy stretching to accommodate her dad's large cock. She wished that her father could see the look of pure pleasure all over her face. But maybe it was better that he couldn't see her. Less awkward. She savored the feelings of all the nerve endings in her pussy being stimulated as her pussy was filled. Inch by inch it went inside. Until finally it was all the way inside, stuffing her pussy, and she sat down again on her dad's lap.

Kaylee turned her head and whispered to her dad. "Feels good, doesn't it?"

She wiggled her hips again to prove her point.

"This is so wrong," he said, hugging her.

"Both your cock and my pussy obviously disagree with that statement. Hang on and relax. Trust me, I know what I'm doing."

It was like she wanted to prove something to her father as she grinded her hips around with her cock-filled-pussy. She did different tricks with her pussy, various moves she learned from her college girlfriends. She clenched her pussy tight and bounced quickly on her dad's cock in short up and down bursts. Then she unclenched her pussy and slowly moved up and down, coating her father's cock with pussy juice. She heard her father moan softly in a repressed way. He started to rub her bare butt which sent a shiver up her spine.

Kaylee froze when the employee sitting right next to her turned to the side a little. She stopped dead in her tracks, wondering if the person was waking up and if she'd be caught. Her hands were ready to reach down and pull her leggings back up, but thankfully, the person went back to sleep.

"Phew," she whispered to her dad, leaning back to him. "That was close."

"I can't believe I'm going to say this, but let's wrap this up and make it quick."

She reached between her legs and patted her dad's balls. "You're the boss, dad."

She was certain that her father's cock twitched in her pussy when she patted him on the balls. Or maybe it was when she called him dad? Either way, she may have found his sweet spot and was sure that he'd fill her pussy with delicious cum.

As she went back to riding his cock, she kept her hand below and continued to softly caress his balls. It worked wonders. She even whispered gentle, sweet things. 'I love you, dad. God, your cock feels so good dad. You're the best, dad.' It was just low enough so that only he'd hear it. And it was driving him crazy.

"We have to end this," he whispered, grabbing her breasts through her tshirt. "I'm so close to finishing."

"Me too. I need to cum. Watch this."

With one hand, she kept on playing with his balls, while with her other hand she furiously rubbed her clitoris in a circular motion, just the way she liked. She kept on clenching and unclenching her pussy, and with her hips, she kept on gyrating in different directions.

Her pussy was fucking wet and she knew she was making a mess all over his cock. She kept up her erotic motions and the sexual power between them couldn't have been any greater.

He squeezed both of her breasts hard. "Oh fuck, I'm going to cum, Kaylee..."

"Do it," she whispered.

She kept at her pussy motions and they both seemingly came at the same time. She loved the feeling of his cum squirting into her pussy. And she loved the crazy intense orgasm she reached from his cock buried in her cunt and her own fingers stimulating her pussy to the fullest extent. It was heaven for both of them. Their sexual parts were coated in each other's orgasms and the mood felt perfect.

Kaylee nearly went limp from her intense orgasm, and when she recovered, she realized that she had accidentally pressed the button to call the flight attendant.

Reacting fast, she grabbed the blanket which sat near the window and used it to cover her naked waist. The same bitchy flight attendant came with a fake smile on her face to see if there was anything she could do.

"May I help you?" the flight attendant asked, holding the same fake smile.

"Umm, no thanks," Kaylee squirmed. "That was a false alarm. Thanks anyway. Bye."

"Well if you need anything, let me know."

"Will do."

As the flight attendant left, her eyes looked down and saw Kaylee's panties by her bare feet. The woman took a closer look at Kaylee's waist, which was covered with the blanket, and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out.

"The mile high club is strictly prohibited," the flight attendant said, leaning forward. "I'll make an exception this once, given our misunderstanding over your seat earlier."

"Thank you," she replied, trying not to be embarrassed over getting caught with dad's cock in her pussy.

Kaylee was certain that the flight attendant had mouthed the word 'slut' at her before leaving.

"Oh shit, we were caught," she said almost humorously.

"I know, honey. That could have been so much worse. You should wash yourself in the bathroom now."

"And waste all this delicious cum? Dad, it's my in-flight snack."

Kaylee reached beneath the blanket and wiped a healthy dose of cum which leaked from her pussy. She showed her dad the mixture of his cum mixed in with hers. True to her word, she stuck her tongue out and licked her snack clean, making sure her dad had the perfect view.

When her fingers were freshly licked, she reached for seconds, then thirds. When it was all gone and her pussy was clean, she licked her lips and smiled, leaning back onto her dad with his flaccid cock still buried in her pussy, and her leggings and panties still around her ankles.

The End

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This actually happened to me, believe it or not. Except the young lady in question was a stranger to me; a fellow passenger on our flight from Hawaii to Virginia Beach. As the plane rotated and we left the ground, her seat collapsed. Her entire row (she was across the aisle from me) fell apart. Thinking quickly, I grabbed her and pulled her to me and held as tight as I could to keep her from tumbling down the aisle. We were traveling business class in a very full plane. I was forced to share my seat with her and as you can imagine, the turbulence had a similar effect on me as it did Kaylee’s dad. It wasn’t too long into the flight that I was introduced to the mile high club. 14 hours of sexual bliss with a hot college student! Ahhhh, memories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It's nice. It could have been even more exciting if the two of them had had to spend more time convincing each other

JohnTom10JohnTom10over 1 year ago

I wonder if she's on the pill :) Awesome read.

NatesthegoatNatesthegoatalmost 3 years ago

Great story as always! Would’ve liked if there was more turbulence so they would go at it again and make for a longer story but still fun and enjoyable

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