Help for the Stepmom

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A stepmother asks for help from her stepson.
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Forty-five year-old Mark Renson lifted his beer bottle to make a toast. "Here's to Chris, who turns eighteen today," he said. "Today he becomes a man, officially, that is."

Lydia, Mark's second wife, took a sip of wine and smiled. "To Chris," she said.

"Yeah," Margie, Mark's twenty year-old daughter said. "To Chris." She giggled a bit before adding, "And to his manhood."

Chris felt like his face was on fire from embarrassment. "Uh...thanks," he mumbled before taking a swig of beer.

"And," Mark said. "Here's to Lydia who turned thirty-six only two days ago. Just think, Chris. Lydia turned legal when you were born."

"Mark," Lydia said under her breath. "I think you've had enough to drink."

"You know, I think maybe in Guam the legal age is sixteen," Mark said, oblivious to the tension he was creating in the dining room. "So maybe Lydia was having..."

"Enough about my birthday," Lydia said. "Let's just let Chris enjoy his, okay?"

"As if," Margie muttered. "Well, happy birthday, Chris. I gotta get headed back to school."

"Oh, come on," Mark said. "You can stay the night."

"No. I have classes tomorrow, so..." Margie stood up, gave Chris on the cheek, gave Mark a kiss on the cheek, ignored Lydia and headed out the front door.

"Wait," Chris said. "I'll walk out with you."

Once outside Chris grabbed Margie's arm and whispered, "Why are you so rude to Lydia?"

"I can't stand her," Margie said. "Jesus. Stereotypical Asian woman, the kind stupid old men fall for. She probably was fucking when she was sixteen."

"And you weren't?"

"Ha ha. Whatever. She broke up Dad's marriage, right?"

"Actually, she didn't," Chris said. "You know Dad met her after he and Mom broke up. Mom had a drinking problem and..."

Margie waved her hand and turned her back on Chris. "I don't wanna hear it. I just don't like her. Fuckin' flat-chested skinny bitch. Someday that Asian ass of hers will be as flat as a pancake and then let's see what Dad sees in her."

"She was always nice to us," Chris said. "I mean, I was eight when she married Dad. She was a great stepmom, you know. She took us skiing, sailing, and..."

"Whatever," Margie snorted. "She's got him going to church now. What's up with that? We used to wear our atheism like a badge and now he's going to church? Jesus. That's all her doing, I bet. And they're trying to have a kid, you know. Just what we need. Some little kid in the house. You see how men look at her, right? They fuck her with their eyes. If she has a kid, well, that's the end of the marriage I bet. She'll...she'll...I gotta go."

"Okay," Chris said with a sigh. "See you whenever."

"Yeah. Happy birthday."

As he watched Margie drive away Chris thought about what she had said about Lydia. It was true—men did ogle her and why not? Even at thirty-six she was gorgeous. Her long black hair hung to her waist and her tits—Margie was wrong about that part of her anatomy. She was small-breasted but not flat-chested. Even if she were...he shuddered at the memory of the many times he spied on her when she showered. Her nipples always seemed to be at full attention on top of her breasts and her ass was as perfect as a woman's ass could be.

When he spied on Lydia he got his biggest thrill when she rinsed her hair, raising her arms over her head and flattening her breasts against her chest. Then her nipples really stood out. Once he actually thought he saw her using the pulsating shower head to masturbate, but her back was to him so all he could do was imagine what was happening.

Despite the fact that his cock was so hard it ached, Chris was ashamed at some of the things he had done. Once he got his cell phone and videoed Lydia as she showered. Another time he crept up to the master bedroom and videoed Lydia giving his father a blow job. Because of her position he really couldn't see much of the blow job but he could see her ass pointed toward the ceiling and that was enough. So many times he had watched the videos and jerked off as he imagined her screaming as he butt-fucked her. Finally, disgusted with himself, he deleted the videos.

Chris waited until his shame passed before going back inside. He was relieved when he saw that his father wasn't around and that Lydia was in the kitchen cleaning up the dishes. That gave him a few more precious seconds to compose himself.

"Hi, Lydia," he said. "Where's Dad?"

"I think the beer got to him," she said. "He went up to bed. Can you help me finish this up?"

"Oh, um, sure. What do you want me to do?"

"See that pile of dishes? I rinsed them but they still have to go in the dishwasher. If you hand them to me I'll put them in."

Chris grabbed the dinner plates and handed them to Lydia one at a time, watching as she bent over the dishwasher. Her breasts, unfettered by a bra, swayed ever so slightly as she placed the dishes in the racks. He scolded himself for looking at her but he just couldn't help himself. Finally, he sighed with relief when she stood up and smiled at him.

"Thanks," she said. "I have something for you." She reached up into a cabinet and retrieved a small gift-wrapped box. "Happy birthday."

Chris took the box and grinned. "What is it?"

"Open it and see."

Chris started unwrapping the box but eventually just tore the paper off. "Oh, man. It's a smart watch."

"I didn't know what else to get you," Lydia said. "I hope you like it. Anyway, I bet you'll be happy when school's over in a month, huh?"

"Yeah, but then I start college in three months. It just doesn't end, does it?"

Lydia laughed. She stood on her toes, gave Chris a hug and kissed him on the cheek. "No, it doesn't. I gotta go to bed. Your Dad is up at five and I have to get up with him to make breakfast—as usual. It just doesn't end." She laughed again and headed out of the kitchen. She paused for a second and turned to face Chris. "You know that stuff about how you're a man now? In my eyes you've been a man for a long time. My God. You were six feet tall when you were sixteen and now—I think you're a foot taller than me. Anyway, happy birthday." She spun around and, with her hips swaying, left the kitchen.

Chris watched her intently as she walked away from him, focusing on her butt as it moved from side to side, his cock getting hard again as he thought about her ass in the blow job video he had made. "Christ," he mumbled. "You're an animal."

As he lay in bed he battled against the images of Lydia that danced in his head, images of her on her knees with his cock in her mouth, or images of her on her back with her legs in the air. He lost the battle, though. Groaning, he stood up and rushed to his bathroom to clean up the jism pooling on his stomach.


Chris stretched and glanced at the clock next to his bed. "Five-thirty. Fuck. Might as well get up." Chris slipped on a pair of sweatpants, rolled out of bed and yawned. "I hope Lydia made enough coffee so some is left for me."

As he headed down stairs he heard what sounded like sobbing coming from the living room. When he peered into the room he saw Lydia, wearing one of his father's dress shirts, hunched over, rocking back and forth. "Lydia? Are you okay?"

Startled, she stared up at him with tears streaming down her face. "Yeah. I...I..."

Chris, horrified, asked, "What is it? What's wrong?"

Lydia shifted her weight on the couch before standing up. "Everyone hates me in this family."

"Oh, Lydia," Chris said. "That's not true."

"It is," she said. "Margie hates me. Your father's parents hate me. And your father..."

"My father? What about him?"

Lydia took a step toward Chris, getting so close their bodies practically touched. "There's no passion between us anymore. We...we used to make love all the time but now...the passion is gone. The excitement is gone. He..." Lydia's voice trailed off as she wiped a tear from her eye.

"Lydia," Chris whispered. "That's impossible. How could he..."

"Do you think I'm pretty?" Lydia took one of Chris's hands and laid it on her cheek. "Do you?"

Chris trembled as the heat from Lydia's body oozed into his palm. "Of...of course."

Lydia closed her eyes and sighed. "Your hand feels so good. Just your touch is so wonderful. I think, maybe...maybe your father doesn't think I'm sexy anymore. Do you think I'm sexy?"

Chris, starting to shake, whispered, "Lydia. I...I..."

Lydia took his hand from her cheek and let it drop. Her eyes drilled into his as she began to unbutton her shirt. "Do you?"

"Jesus," Chris said. " shouldn't..."

Lydia shrugged the shirt off her shoulders and stood in front of Chris in nothing but her panties. She stood on her toes, wrapped her arms around Chris's neck and kissed him. "I have needs, Chris. I need to feel like a woman. Will you...will you help me?"

"I...I can't. My father..."

"Your father just using me." Lydia slid her hand down the front of Chris's sweatpants and wrapped her hand around his stiff prick. "I can tell you want me. Please...please help me with my problem."

Chris groaned with pleasure and with angst. "Oh my God."

Lydia pushed his sweatpants over his hips, dropped to her knees and, before taking his cock into her mouth, whispered, "Please."

"Oh my God," Chris said. "I want...want..."

Lydia stood up and kissed him again. "You want me, don't you?" She slid off her panties, took Chris by the hand and, as he shuffled along with his sweat pants around his feet, led him to the bedroom.

She lay on the bed with her legs spread, her arms over her head and her eyes closed. "Take me," she whispered.

Chris had experienced sex a few times, but always when wearing a condom. When he entered Lydia she arched her back and cried out, "Fuck me, Chris. Fuck me."

Chris found himself in a situation that he couldn't handle. The heat and moisture of Lydia's vagina combined with her lustful moaning overcame him. As hard as he tried to hold off, he couldn't. "I...I'm sorry," he moaned. "I'm...mmmm."

"It's okay," Lydia said. "It means that you like me. You're young and virile. Just keep moving. You'll get hard again. I know how to help." She clamped down with her vaginal muscles and, within a minute or so, Chris was indeed hard again.

"Roll over," Lydia said. "Let me come on top of you."

When Chris rolled over, Lydia sat straight up on top of him, taking him as deep into her body as she could. "You make me feel good," she said. "I feel alive. We're going to do this every morning when your father goes to work. I'm gonna show you how to fuck hard—very hard—and make girls come over and over. When he plays golf on Saturday we'll have hours together. I'm going to teach you how to make love, Chris. I'm going to show you how to explore every little bump on women's nipples and every little space on their bodies. Girls are gonna love the way you treat them. I'm ready, Chris. Come inside me. Let me feel you."

Chris groaned and closed his eyes as he blasted stream after stream of cum inside Lydia. After his orgasm passed and hers as well, she rolled onto her back and sighed. "Thank you, Chris. I'm going to lie here a while before I go to work. I'll see you in the morning again."


Chris stumbled out of the bedroom on weak legs and headed for the shower. He barely remembered getting dressed and was in a daze at school, so much so that his girlfriend, a petite blonde named Mary Ellen, expressed concern for him. "I'm just tired," he said. "But I've been thinking. I want you to go on the pill."

"Chris," she said. "I...I'm Catholic and..."

"Screw that," he said. "I hate the smell of latex. I hate that we have to hold off while I put a rubber on. I hate that it rips my hair out when I take it off. I want to be able to make over to you on a moment's notice. Please, so it for me."

"Okay," she said.

Lydia was right. Her lessons to Chris paid off when he had sex with Mary Ellen. Her orgasms became louder and louder when he slammed into her and, despite the objections she once had, she started to have orgasms when he went down on her. She even started to give Chris back-to-back blow jobs when she was on her period, occasionally taking his blasts of cum on her face.


Chris was ecstatic, but his ecstasy was about to end. Six weeks after they started having sex, Lydia announced, "This Saturday will be the last time we're together."

Lydia's news sucked all the air out of Chris's lungs. All he could do in response was stammer, "But...but...why?"

Lydia smiled and ran her finger over his lips. "I have my reasons. I assure you, though, that you'll like what I have planned for you. I'm going to show you how to have anal sex with a girl and how to make her love it. I can't wait to feel you open me up and stretch me out. I can't wait to feel you blast your jism deep into my butt."

"God, Lydia," Chris said. "What we're doing now is wrong enough but...anal? It seems..."

"Have you ever fucked a girl in the ass, Chris?"


"Do you have any idea how it feels to have the entire length of your cock in a tight grip, how it feels to have the heat of a woman's body surround it, how it feels when you come and..."

"Jesus, Lydia. No. I...I have no idea..."

"Do you want to feel those things? Do you want to be able to fuck a girl in the ass and have like it so much she wants you to do it again? Do you want to fuck me in the ass?"


"Do you?"

Chris thought back to the video he had made of Lydia and how he dreamed about taking her from behind. He swallowed hard before mumbling, "Yes."


That Sunday Chris was once again in a state of bliss despite the fact his time with Lydia had ended. She was right—anal sex with her was like nothing he had ever experienced. And the way she moaned when she came! It was unbelievable.

His pleasurable memories were shattered, however, when his father knocked on his bedroom door and announced, "Chris. Family meeting in the kitchen. Come on."

Family meeting? Chris's mind whirled. His father had found out about him and Lydia. She had confessed. His body broke out into a sweat as he made his way to the kitchen.

Instead of finding his father with his hands on his hips and a glare on his face, he instead found him sitting at the kitchen table with Lydia on his lap. "Good," Mark said. "You're here. I'm going to make a Skype call to your sister."

In less than a minute Margie's face appeared on his father's cell phone. "Listen up, everybody. You probably don't know this but after your mother and I broke up I got a vasectomy. Lydia knew and was okay with it but two years ago she and I decided that we wanted to have a child so I had it reversed. The operation worked, sort of, but my sperm was weak. We tried every technique we knew to no avail. That's when I started going to church. I prayed every day that Lydia would become pregnant and—guess what? She is. We're going to have a baby. She's six weeks pregnant."

Chris almost passed out. Six weeks pregnant. Lydia was six weeks pregnant. It was six weeks ago when she and he started having sex.

As he wavered on unsteady legs he heard sounds of gleeful squeals coming from his father's phone. "I hope it's a girl," Margie said. "I can be a mama whenever you want, Lydia. I can't wait."

Lydia turned to Chris and stared into his eyes. "Chris? Are you happy for us?"

"Uh...of course," he said. "I...I hope it's a girl, too, so I can be the big protective brother."

"Margie," Mark said. "If you can make it here today we'll all go out to dinner to celebrate."

Chris was on the verge of an out-of-body experience. He had to talk to Lydia.


An hour later Lydia knocked on his bedroom door and walked in. "Hi," she said.

"You tricked me," Chris said.

Lydia raised an eyebrow. "Oh? How did I trick you?"

" said that you and Dad weren't having sex any more. You said..."

Lydia put a finger on Chris's lip. "Shhh. What I said was that there was no passion between us. For the last two years all he wanted to do was get his semen in me so he lay on top of me, shot inside of me and told me to lie on my back. I was going out of my mind. I hadn't had an orgasm in like forever and that was making me crazy. I love your father but I was ready to leave him. Then, like a miracle, an idea popped into my head. You know what that idea was."

"God, Lydia," Chris whispered. "That baby is mine. I..."

"You don't know that," Lydia said. "Your DNA is pretty much the same as your father's so we'll never know. All you have to know—all anyone has to know—is that your father's prayers were answered, right? Right, Chris?"

Chris closed his eyes and sighed. "Right," he said.

"Thank you," Lydia said. "I had fun with you, I have to admit, but I had a much more important goal than orgasms. Not that my orgasms weren't great. Especially yesterday when..."

"Okay," Chris said. "Okay." The last thing he wanted to think about at that moment was the image of him having anal sex with her and how she cried out when her orgasms seized her.

Lydia stroked Chris's forehead and smiled. "Let's just say that Saturday was heavenly. I guess what they say is true—the Lord works in mysterious ways."


A week later Mary Ellen lay on her stomach with her face buried in a pillow. "I'm coming," she screamed. "I'm coming again."

"Me...gulp...too," Chris said as he gasped for air.

He lay on top of Mary Ellen until his cock softened. Only when her muscle squeezed him out of her butt did he roll off her and onto his back. Mary Ellen, barely able to move, draped an arm over his chest and snuggled against him.

"My God," she said. "First I go on the pill and now this. I swear to you that I promised never to let anyone do what you did to me. Sodom and Gomorrah and all that. But when I felt your pubic hair on my ass, Chris, I exploded. I came three times in a row, Chris. Three times. When you pushed all the way inside me it hurt so bad but felt so good. It was was like a religious experience."

Chris laughed. "A religious experience? I guess what they say is true—the Lord works in mysterious ways."

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mrdata9770mrdata9770over 2 years ago

(2/3/2022) Lovely very short story. Everybody wins. Five stars.

r0cket69r0cket69almost 7 years ago
Lydia is so so good

Lydia is the perfect stepmom. I specially enjoyed how she took special interest to teach her stepson and prepare him to be a man (LOL). Nice job with the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Older Asian women, yum!

The thought of an older Asian women is so appealing. Wish the story was longer. Hope you write more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Yes, it was different but was also arousing and very interesting. Maybe, Chris will screw Margie and she'll now know how good Chris is and that will make her be better toward Lydia. Mary Ellen will hopefully, want Chris in bed so much that when he does her orally, vaginally and anally; she'll never stop doing him. It will become so very intense that maybe she'll share him with her girl friends who don't do it much or have dufus kinda boyfriends. So much potential here. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

gave you a 2 star you skipped everything that was good

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