Her First Time Ch. 05


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"Let me worry about that, you pick out what you like," he said with a little chuckle.

They were like five-hundred dollars up, some going up to two-thousand! No way was I letting him pay that for one pair of shoes.

But one pair caught my eyes, and it was ONLY $536, discounted from $894. Gianvito Rossi, four-inch heels, criss-cross ankle strap, three diagonal straps across the toes, kind of a black-burgundy mix. I drooled at those shoes, afraid to say anything to Alan. Unfortunately, he recognized my drooling and asked my size. Without even thinking, I told him, size five-and-a-half.

"You have that?" he asked the salesgirl. She said she'd check and was back in a moment carrying a box. I couldn't believe he was actually going to spend that much on a pair of shoes.

"It's just too much," I told him.

"Babygirl, my last year's contract was nine million dollars. I think I can afford five-hundred for a pair of shoes."

My jaw dropped open. I could never even imagine that much money. And one year? My reluctance for the shoes suddenly evaporated.

I sat, waiting. A moment later, she brought back a box, carefully opened it, and slipped one on my right foot, buckling the straps. It was held on with wide, clear straps around my ankle and toes, with the narrow, colored strap attached to those. After she'd done both, I stood and took a few steps. If I thought I loved them before... They were sooo comfortable, even with the high heels. And I knew how they looked, would look with that skirt. Just wearing them made my pussy all gushy.

"You sure?" I asked Alan, imploring him with my eyes that I wanted them!

"You want to wear them now? They look fantastic with those pants," he said.

Yess! I wanted to wear them. I thought the ones last night were good but nothing like this. Those alone made me feel so much sexier. He could tell from the look on my face, "We'll put the old ones in the box," he said, handing over his credit card.

I couldn't believe the difference walking down the mall in those shoes instead of my flats. I felt like a different woman. "You want a manicure?" he asked me.

I looked at my hands. My nails looked nice, I'd done them last night, but I know they could be better, "Love it," I told him. We'd gone past a store earlier, 'Pampered Lady', and went back that direction.

When we went in, Alan told the lady at the front counter, "My lovely Dani would like everything you do," he said.

"You're lucky," she said, "we're slow today. Yesterday you would have needed an appointment." She led me back to another young woman at a vacant manicure station, introducing her as Tammy, "And your name's Dani?" she asked.

"Daniella," I told her, "but I usually go by Dani."

Tammy asked me to sit on the opposite side of the table, "What would you like today, Dani?"

I looked out at where Alan was sitting, out of sight in their lobby, saying that I was getting everything, "I don't know, what all do you do?" I asked.

"Manicure, pedicure, makeup, hair, there's massage in the back, so whatever you'd like," she said.

I didn't want to sit for a massage, so I told her, "All but the massage, I guess."

She looked at my face closely, then my fingernails, "You have any color in mind?" she asked, "I have some ideas what would look really nice on you."

I explained, "I'm going to be wearing a burgundy leather skirt, black blouse, and these shoes," pulling my feet out from under the desk, eager to show them off.

"Beautiful!" she said, "are they comfortable?"

"Very! I feel like I could wear them all day."

I sat with her for the next hour. She started with my hands and nails, then feet. I couldn't believe the difference between what I'd done and what she could do with them. My hands looked delicate, feminine, beautiful nails, and feet likewise. When she finished, she led me over to a hairdresser, Renee'.

When Renee' finished, she took me back to Tammy. "Beautiful," she said, "Your husband..." I shook my head, "... boyfriend?" I nodded, "He's going to be thrilled when he sees you." I was excited, never done anything like this before. Then Tammy went to work on my face.

She worked on my face the next twenty minutes. I wished I could see what she was doing, but there was no mirror. When she finished, she pulled a mirror from her drawer and showed me. Oh my God! The woman looking back at me was beautiful, stunning. Her hair in soft curls around her face, the makeup, I can't even describe, everything seemed so subtle, but the overall effect... Wow, just wow!

Another new perfume, too, different but every bit as enticing as the one from the night before, she dabbed it behind my ears, down my collarbone and gave me a small bottle, "for later," she said. She called it 'Viktor and Wolf Flowerbomb'. It was a beautiful, sexy scent. I loved it.

There was one more thing I wanted to do, "Could you go and ask Alan for the bags we bought earlier?"

She looked surprised, "I thought... wasn't sure... he's Alan Ryder?" I nodded and she smiled, "you lucky girl! I doubt there's a woman over thirty in Tampa that didn't have a crush on him."

"We were friends in high school," I explained. "This is the first time we've seen each other for over thirty-one years. Wanted to make it special."

Tammy's grin was all the way across her face. "I'll get the things," she said.

A moment later she was back and I asked if they had a dressing room I could use. She led me to the back, where they do the massages, and showed me the dressing room. I closed the door and began to excitedly change my clothes.

A few minutes later, I stood in front of the full-length mirror and couldn't believe the transformation. I'd seen those makeover shows on TV and always wondered. Now I knew, it was real. I was living proof, a different woman than had walked in their store. I must have lost twenty years. Beautiful, sexy, and I felt sexy. I put on a little more of the perfume; my elbows, between my breasts.

I twisted my body back and forth, admiring the skirt, the skin it showed up my leg, the sheer blouse, black lacy bra showing through, the hair, makeup, all topped, or should I say 'bottomed', with a giggle, the sexy shoes.

I was excited, ready, felt every bit as sexy as I knew I looked, and stepped out of the dressing room, walking back through the door and past Tammy's station. She looked up from working with another woman and I saw her eyes widen, silently mouthing 'beautiful'. And I know she wasn't just being polite. I was, had never looked like I did then.

When I rounded the wall to where Alan was patiently reading a magazine, his eyes widened and his mouth dropped open, standing up to greet me. "My God, babygirl! I knew... but..." his eyes looking me up and down, face showing his desire for me.

The clock on the wall showed that I'd been over two-and-a-half hours.

"It was worth every minute!" he exclaimed.

He took the bags of other clothes, then my arm and we walked down the mall out to his truck. It was fun, so many heads turning my way. I knew I didn't look like a forty-nine-year-old woman.

I had no idea what was next. What I did know, though was that I was on top of the world. Sexy, provocative, glamorous, with the man of any woman's dreams. I was torn between looking forward to the rest of our day... or the night ahead. My new panties were already soaked.

I also knew I needed help up into his truck with the tight skirt I was wearing. A glance at Alan's groin area confirmed that he approved.

"Would you like a river tour of downtown?" he asked.

Okay, what I really wanted was a tour of his bedroom. My pussy was screaming at me; bedroom, bedroom! "I'd love it," I lied to him. Not really a lie, it sounded like fun and I was dressed for going out and looked forward to showing off, but the other sounded like so much more fun. I was tingling all over with expectation what tonight was going to be like, knowing that every minute it got closer the anticipation would be growing.

There's this thing called a 'Pirate Water Taxi' in Tampa. Robert and I had seen it but wanted the walk. I'd needed to walk off the nervous energy. Today, though, that's where Alan led me after he'd gotten me down from the truck. He held me around my waist and lifted me down, watching my eyes as he lowered me toward the ground, holding me up so my face was at his level and we kissed. And kissed. And kissed. I could have stayed there forever, our lips and tongues working together.

When he finally set me the rest of the way down, my breath was gone, my panties were soaked anew. Nighttime and his bed seemed so far away.

He bought us both a bracelet for the water taxi, then held my hand, helping me on, dozens of other people, virtually all watching me. Or maybe Alan, he was a celebrity in Tampa. We sat for a few minutes waiting for others to board, me holding my knees tight together and enjoying how sitting pulled my skirt up my legs. Alan noticed. I think everyone noticed. I'd never felt so beautiful, vibrant, so many people's heads turned my direction.

"Are you getting hungry?" he asked.

With the excitement, I hadn't even noticed, but I was. The hotel's breakfast had been a long time ago. "I am," I told him

"There's a place on the waterfront, we'll be there in a little while, 'The Ulele', he said, we'll stop there.

We floated slowly along the river, I recognized several of the places Robert and I had seen the day before on our walk, pointing out to Alan the store where we bought the dress. He pointed out the Tampa Museum of Art, the Florida Aquarium, asking me if I wanted to stop there. I would another time. This boat trip just felt too romantic to stop until the restaurant. I was wishing that it was evening, getting dark or even after dark. It'd be even more romantic. Of course, there was somewhere else, even more romantic that I hoped we'd be, instead.

It was almost the last stop before the boat turned around the other direction where we got off for the Ulele, then about a block-long walk. I felt like skipping, I was so happy. But my new shoes weren't exactly skipping shoes, comfortable as they were. Alan held me close the whole way, but he didn't have to try hard. I just wanted to crawl inside him.

We rounded a corner and saw the restaurant with a statue of an Indian maiden in front. He explained, "Her name's Ulele, she was a princess, Tampa's own Pocahontas. Her father, the chief, was going to kill a captive named Juan Ortiz in the 1500s. Ulele intervened and saved his life. She's revered as a heroine here in Tampa.

We sat at an outdoor table and a waiter greeted us with a menu filled with foods I'd never heard of before: Alligator Hush Puppies, Water Works Wedge, Gouda Grouper... "You know, I was so excited last night, I didn't taste a thing. I'm so sorry!"

He laughed, "I knew, you were a bundle of nerves last night."

"And your looking at me like that when you ordered the ice cream, I wanted to..."

"So did I, babygirl, so did I."

"I wasn't going to. I convinced myself that I couldn't. I love my husband and..."

He took my hand, "Babygirl, I know. You have a family. I won't pretend that I don't want you to leave tomorrow, but I know you will."

"Can we not talk about that now, Alan, please. I just want to enjoy what we have today and tonight... and see what comes after that." I wiped a tear out of my eyes. I wanted him so badly!

"Babygirl, you have no idea how hard it is for me to not rip those clothes off you right here in front of the world," he said, emotion dripping out of his voice.

I smiled, "Me too, can we go after we eat? Back to your house?"

"We can go right this instant if you want, babygirl."

I smiled, tempted, "I'm hungry. If we leave now, we won't get a thing to eat all night."

My phone beeped, I looked at it, a text from Robert. I opened it and said out loud, "He's home, my husband." I texted him back, 'Having a great day, thank you so much, love you."

"You want to send him a picture, show him how beautiful his wife is?"

I thought for a minute. After last night... and what he said this morning. He would like it. "Would you?" I asked Alan, handing him my phone.

"How about we ask someone to take it of both of us together," he suggested. So when the waiter came back to take our order, Alan asked if he'd mind taking a picture, passing the phone off one more time.

Alan and I stood, him on my right so I could turn a little, showing the laced gap in my skirt, then Alan reached his head down and kissed me, bending me back with the passion. Then we looked at the waiter, arms around each other for a real picture.

He handed the phone back to Alan, not knowing it was mine. I tried to pull it from Alan's hand, but he held it away, "We have to order, babygirl."

I was anxious to see the pictures, but we looked at the menus again while our photographer waited. I looked at the menu again, there was one thing that had drawn my eye, "I'll have the Shrimp 'n Grits," I told him. I love shrimp and always wanted to try grits. It sounded perfect.

"Sir?" He must not have recognized Alan. I was surprised at the number of people who didn't. Of course, our waiter was young, probably twenty-one, twenty-two, something like that. He'd have been like nine or ten when Alan retired.

"Same thing, it sounds good. And maybe the Jalapeno Corn Beer Muffins," Alan said.

Corn beer muffins? What? Guess I'd find out.

"And a bottle of your Juan Ortiza red wine, the Rioja, please," Alan added.

He left and I told Alan, "You know wine?"

He smiled, "A little, not much," he laughed, "I have no idea what it is, except its expensive so must be good."

I giggled, that was like the Alan I knew so long ago. He'd do things for no other reason than it sounded fun. "Remember the time you ordered that, I don't even remember what, and it was so awful?"

He laughed, too, "I do, it was some kind of sushi, but I also remember what came after."

I blushed, remembering it, too. It had been the first time we tried out the mattress in the back of his truck, under the stars in Columbia Park, people all around. We had been afraid we'd be arrested but quickly got over the 'worrying' part. I think he almost wanted us to be 'discovered'. Not arrested, just discovered, watched. I almost did, too. I discovered that night that I maybe had a little bit of an exhibitionist streak in me, even more than that day in the mall.

"Maybe tonight will be just as fun?" he added. My pussy let out another scream to get on with it! I pressed my knees together, trying to stave off the almost-orgasm. I was that sexually keyed-up, that a simple memory could set me off. Of course, what had happened that night in the back of his truck hadn't been so simple. I'll just say that the awful sushi was a distant memory afterward.

I never tried sushi again. But the back of the truck? It was only the beginning. I guess that was one more thing wrong with the big new truck - no mattress in back.

The waiter brought the muffins, then the wine. The muffins were... different. Good, but something I didn't think I'd want again. Alan enjoyed them, though, and I ate a couple, I was hungry. The second one was a lot better, kind of grew on me.

The waiter poured each of us a glass of wine and Alan tasted, complimenting how good it was. I tasted it, too, not being a wine drinker. It was good, I enjoyed it. I thought a little wine might make 'later' even more fun. It was then that I realized how dumb we were. We'd sat on opposite sides of the table. I'd have loved to have to fend off his hand on my leg like the night before, except there wouldn't have been much 'fending'.

Our shrimp was really good, grits, too. Better than I expected even. But by the time we'd finished them, I was more than ready to go. Then I remembered the pictures we just had taken. I'd forgotten them. I asked Alan to see them. He picked up my phone off the table and pulled up the pictures, showing me; the first one of that kiss and the second looking in the camera. We looked like a couple in love, wanting to be somewhere else, my blouse and burgundy skirt, and the time spent in the 'Pampered Lady' every bit as sexy as I felt.

"I already sent them," Alan said, slipping the phone in his shirt pocket.

I hoped Robert approved. He had told me to have fun and I assume he meant it.

Alan paid the bill and we waited for the boat going back toward where he parked. It was beginning to get dark, the sun going down and reflecting off the river.

My heart rate picked up after we were in the truck actually on the way to Alan's. This was what I'd been looking forward to all day, ever since Robert suggested I stay another night.

He turned down a beautiful street, Bayshore Boulevard, then a side street, Julia Circle, one block and pulled into a driveway, a beautiful house that looked like Scarlett O'Hara in 'Gone With The Wind' would be right at home sitting under the veranda; two stories, tall, stately columns on each side of the covered area over the big, double doors, brick driveway and walkway, palm trees, along with beautiful greenery and flowers. "I have a gardener," Alan explained.

"It's beautiful," I told him.

As soon as he opened the door, two giant St Bernards rushed him, covering him with their kisses. He was on his knees loving them back. "Pete and Repete," he told me, after a silly joke on Monk, an old TV show.

Inside, he took me on a brief tour. I wanted a much briefer tour, one room in particular. There was a swim pool, spa, and huge brick patio in the back; dark, masculine wood flooring; beautiful, big kitchen. "My favorite room," he said, adding, "until now."

I wanted to see his bedroom!

Dark, plush leather furniture; a pool and exercise equipment room with a beautiful, carved pool table and several kinds of workout equipment. No wonder his body was like it did. Every step, I was getting wetter, anticipating.

Finally, he opened a door, solid oak, "My new favorite room," he said. His bedroom! A huge oak bed in the center, patio door onto the back patio, all immaculately clean. Everything was immaculate. He showed me the master bath, floor-level hot tub, big shower, double lavatory.

He took my hand, I was shaking, thinking about that bed. Pulled me back into the bedroom, kissed me with the passion I'd been feeling all day.

"You want to have some fun, babygirl?" he asked me.

I nodded, couldn't even speak. He had no idea!

"You remember the night you let me tie you to the bed?"

I smiled, how could I not remember the fun we had that night that night!

"You and your husband ever do anything like that?"

We hadn't. I'd been almost afraid to suggest it after we married. Now, with how our rejuvenated sex life, I was regretting it. But that's an issue for another time. Now...

"You want to do something like it again?"

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Interesting point of view. This is an unconventional start to marriage breakup. Are there really any people like this in the world. How does this fit, loving wives. This story has made me feel physically ill. Congratulations. I am not a masochist, so I will not be continuing. Who is this meant to appeal to? Sociopaths!

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyabout 3 years ago

Robert. I know I’m late to the party but c’mon. How many soaked panty references do we need. From a woman’s perspective that’s embarrassment.

Hot as hell story. Dangerously erotic. Enjoying the different view perspective

OnethirdOnethirdalmost 4 years ago
Lead up

All lead up this time, so more of an interlude; unless one prefers shopping for lady’s clothes

maddictmaddictalmost 4 years ago

It's what makes this story so fun. Are you Robert or Alan, and when she comes home to you.

Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989almost 4 years ago
Horse paddy

Yeah, I guess why not. It is hard to conceive how a couple married as long as they have been married could do this. He, Robert taking a chance Dani will have her fling and run back home. Dani knows that her pussy will dictate the direction she will travel.

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