Her First Time Ch. 08


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I wanted nothing more than to fuck her right now. But... other plans.

She put on the top she'd taken off earlier, it seemed like an eternity ago, just as freakin' sexy as the bottoms. She climbed into bed beside me, snuggled up to me, and nibbled on my ear. Those 'other' plans, they could...

"We need to talk about... him," she whispered in my ear.

"Uhuh," I knew we did. It turned me on just thinking about him - with Dani.

"So?" she asked, her fingertips just grazing up and down on my manhood.

I didn't know what she wanted from me, the hardness of my cock was pretty much giving away my feelings on her 'relationship' with him.

"I think..." I started to say, my mind going a thousand miles a minute, going nowhere, "I... liked you being with him... staying with him." "What we just did... you'd never have done that." I liked the 'new' Dani, apparently, the 'young' Dani reincarnated. And the new me as well.

"I like... the surprises, not being in control, never knowing what's next, maybe a little... being pushed outside my comfort zone."

I nodded, thinking that I enjoyed it, too. Both of us so far out of the zone we'd been in for virtually our whole marriage. Something that I'd never imagined, from either of us. "I like it, too, the little push." I thought about it a moment longer, "We can do it to each other, but the impetus... I know, that came from Alan." I went on, "And he's made me realize how sexy you are. Maybe how much I've kind of gotten used to that, even forgotten. But now... it all seems so new again."

This time it was Dani's turn to nod in understanding, "and exciting, I feel so alive, like every minute is something new."

"I think... it's partly because I know how he wants you, how sexy you are to him. And I'm seeing you with those eyes." My mind wandered to something he'd said, "Single all those years... because no woman could compare."

I finally decided to blurt out what I was thinking all along, "I want you to see him again, maybe a weekend... if you want to, that is?"

Dani smiled, "I love you, you know that, don't you," snuggling her body up to me and kissing me, more with love than passion. Like the 'old' us. I still liked that, too, mixed in with the new.

"Yes," she said, "to both."

She climbed out of the bed, "I was looking for something when the evening started," rummaging through my closet. "Your jacket, the wool one with the hole in it. It was on this hanger," holding up an old metal hanger, the kind with the twist ties, probably the only one like it still in the house. "What did you do with it?"

I sat up, surprised, "I haven't touched it since I hung it there. You sure you didn't do something with it?"

"Uhuh, I'm sure. I wanted a picture of it to send to Alan. Show him the physical evidence of that night. He still didn't believe me." She went through the rest of my closet, then again, then hers. "It's not here," she finally admitted. That was weird, it had been, neither of us had touched it since that night. I've pushed it aside dozens of times looking for a shirt to wear.

"You copied that security cam footage on your laptop, didn't you?" I asked her, "you can send that to him."

"Uhuh," as she opened her laptop, went to the file directory and started scrolling, "It's gone... not here. I remember it, 'mystery night'. It was there, I remember thinking that it was the last 'M' file in the directory, I'd never lose it."

Now we were getting spooked, big time, everything seems to have disappeared, just as mysteriously as it appeared. "You sure you're looking in the right directory?"

She nodded, "Uhuh, am." She did some more keystrokes, she's a wizard on the computer. "It's not anywhere, I searched the computer, there's no such file. It's gone."

"Okay," I asked her, "what do you remember about that night?"

She thought a minute, "Jen and I were having dinner at the River House, I had a shrimp salad, we even talked about it being the anniversary of our senior year homecoming." She smiled, "I even remember thinking about it being my first time with Alan." She paused a while after that memory, then, "I was surprised you weren't here when I got home and finally went to sleep until you got home and woke me up."

I sat, staring at her, realizing, then it dawned on her, too, "Oh my God! I remembered it, all of it.," clamping her hand over her mouth in shock. Those hours had been gone to her, a blank as if they'd never happened. Now, they were back - and all our evidence had disappeared.

"I have to call Jen, ask her," she said.

She got on the phone, talked to Jenny a few minutes, their conversation had me in total shock, Dani, too. When she clicked it off, "She remembers it all, doesn't know what I'm talking about when I asked her about not remembering."

"It's like... like that night... never happened."

"Except it did... I remember it all... like it was yesterday... how you were over him... him on his back, it's so clear in my mind..." I closed my eyes, reliving in my mind what I'd seen that night. "You had his cock in your hand, holding it at your pussy... and started letting yourself down, inch-by-inch, his cock disappearing inside you... groaning... you paused... about halfway down on him. Took two deep breaths..." It couldn't be any clearer in my mind, like I was watching them together right that minute, "let yourself drop down on him... the grimace on your face, Alan's big groan. He said it was his first time, too. You leaned forward, your naked breasts... kissed him. There was a little bit of blood leaked out..."

I opened my eyes, remembering what it had been like standing there watching my wife's first time. Her face was white... "What?" I asked her.

"Honey..." she paused, a long time it seemed, "it... it wasn't like that..."

I looked at her, it was, "But... I saw..."

"No... I was on my back..." and she described in detail how it had happened, completely different than what I'd seen. "That was how you described it to me that night," she said.

I was in shock. I know what my mind had just seen was what I'd seen. But, had I told her differently? She wouldn't lie about that. I know what had happened that night, what I'd seen, exactly like I just described to Dani. Yet...

"His name, how would I have known his name?"

She got up, pulled her senior yearbook down from the top of the closet, thumbed through it. "There," she said, pointing to a picture of her and a tall, lanky black football player, 'Daniella Foster, Homecoming Queen and her date, Alan Ryder'. She turned the page, there was a big glossy picture she'd inserted a long time ago, her date, Alan Ryder, kissing her on the lips, the second picture - the one I'd 'never seen' before. It was all there, what I thought I had never known before that night. Written across the bottom in his scrawl, 'Best girlfriend ever, Love you, A'

Dani and I looked at each other, almost simultaneously said, "It never happened." It had been a dream, all an elaborate dream. But how... how could Dani still remember the coat? The security camera? So many things that she remembers, too, like the blackout, Jenny's blackout. If it had been a dream, how could Dani remember those things?

Nothing made sense - none of it. Everything that had happened since - it had all stemmed from that night. And yet...

"Maybe he was right," she finally said, "it couldn't have happened... Any other detail you can think of, anything?" she asked.

I closed my eyes, envisioning the scene all over again, what I'd seen that night - or thought I'd seen, "The mole... a little brown mole on his butt, about there," pointing to my right butt. "Didn't think of it until now." I thought a few seconds longer, "Two, there were two right together, that's what made it stand out, why I noticed."

Dani's eyes were big, her face almost white, "He doesn't have two moles," she said. My heart dropped, "He had them removed in college. Said the guys in the locker room were teasing him too much. You... you couldn't have known!"

I thought back to high school, "I never had a PE class or anything else with him, either," I mumbled to myself, I never would have seen anything like that.

It was a mystery that would probably never have an answer. The one thing I was certain of, though, it had happened, all of it!

Wednesday morning, I watched Dani getting ready for school again. My newly rediscovered appreciation for my wife and her revelation about Tom, the teacher at school with a crush on her, gave me a totall different perspective on watching her. When she came out of the bathroom wearing the sexiest blue, bra and panty set, satin covering all the really good spots, lace everywhere else, I had to comment, "Wow," I told her, "someone's feeling frisky today." I liked it. Especially, after last night.

"They're French Lace boy shorts. I know from the way he looks at me, that Tom's always wondering what I've got on underneath. Wouldn't want to disappoint him, would I?" with a big smile on her face.

"He get a peek yesterday?" I asked her. She smiled, seemingly answering the question with a wink.

"Maybe you should invite him here sometime, give him a private fashion show," I suggested.

"Wouldn't want to do that - spoil the mystery for him?" as she pulled on a skirt that came to just above her knees. Nothing sexy about it, she teaches high school kids. But what they can't see...

I spent the day wondering just how she'd 'accidentally' give that peek. Maybe even make it seem like not an accident. Drive the poor guy wild. Well, that and reliving the night before, almost wondering if that had been an elaborate dream as well. I couldn't believe my 'conservative' wife going into a store like she had. And taken that coat off!

And Alan, was she really going to spend a weekend with him? Maybe even frequent weekends? I still wasn't sure how I felt about that. It was so fuckin' hot. And yet... scarier than anything I'd ever imagined! Maybe like... jumping out of an airplane, not quite certain that the guy who'd packed the parachute had ever done it before.

Dani is always home before me. School is out at three-thirty, she typically has an hour or so of work afterward and our store is open until seven. Those extra hours were torture as I wanted to talk to my wife. Dani and I both love KFC, so I called her and told her that I'd pick us up a bucket on my way home; regular, all thighs. Nothing like treating my wife to a gourmet dinner.

There's nothing quite like a nice candlelight dinner of KFC. Well, on the couch, using the coffee table as a dinner table is a close second, so we opted for the second option.

After 'dinner', she told me, "I talked to Bekka this morning."

That got my attention, "You called her? Or she called you?" Somehow, it made a difference. Either way, I was surprised.

"I called her on my lunch break."

Ahh, so Dani was...?

"I think I have a date."

With a girl! "But you've never..."

"I know, maybe a first, huh?"

Along with about a ton of other firsts.

"Sunday's her day off, we're going to dinner that evening."

Like I said, I like this 'new' Dani. My nearly perpetual hard-on was back in force, my imagination working overtime.

"Ready for dessert?" Dani asked me, her sexy smile putting a whole new meaning in 'dessert'. I had my own plans for dessert.

She brought out two bowls of chocolate mousse, something she makes on average about once a year, whip cream piled on top.

I took a bite. "Mmm, it's so good, what's the occasion?"

She acted offended, "Can't I make something my husband likes without there being an occasion?"

"Uhuh," another bite, "love it, thank you!"

She kissed me on the cheek, "You're welcome, just that... I love you."

"No better occasion than that, is there. Love you, too!"

We ate our mousse, then time for the real dessert.

I tugged her up and we headed into the bedroom. "Don't you think it's time we tried out some of the things your new almost girlfriend sold us?" I asked my wife.

When Dani slipped her skirt off, down to those panties, I asked her again, "Tom get a peek today?"

She smiled, sitting on the bed, her legs just slightly apart, "Let's just say that he's making it a point to be in the break room at the same time as me."

It's just that simple to make my cock jump to attention.

What he'd give to watch her slide them down her hips like she was doing about then. "No, leave them on," I suggested.

Dani looked at me quizzically, but pulled her panties back up, then reached behind herself and unsnapped her bra. I liked her in nothing except those panties. I was down to my boxers, so we were even. Except for the big bulge, she didn't have that. Thankfully!

I rummaged in what was now Dani's 'toy' drawer, first pulling out the blindfold. "Next time's your turn," she said as I slipped it down over her eyes. I admit I was kind of looking forward to that, wondering what it'd be like.

Back to the toy drawer, I wanted bed restraints, two of them. I asked Dani to lay down and stretch her arms out. She knew what was coming when I clipped the cuff around her wrist and then around the bedpost, tugging it tight. Then her other wrist, pulling it tight so Dani's arms were stretched tight and she couldn't move them at all.

"Too tight?" I asked her. She shook her head no.

Next, the hoop. I love that thing. From Dani's reaction the other night, she does, too. It holds her legs together so her pussy is so tight. That had been about the most incredible orgasm the other night.

"Knees up to your chest," I told her. I slipped the hoop over her back and the back of her thighs up to her knees, then clipped the crossbar in place in front of her tummy, locking it in place, trapping her legs tucked tight up to her tummy, knees together.

"What would Tom think if he saw this?" I asked her, Dani's French lace panties pulled tight across her pussy, nothing else on.

Dani moaned. "You like thinking about him seeing you like this, don't you? Alan already has, he'll probably think of something new next time.

I climbed in the bed with her and nibbled on a nipple. "Bet Tom would love to have this titty in his mouth, too," as I sucked hard on her breast, hollowing out my cheeks. Dani flaunched around, not able to move much of anything; fingers, feet, her head. Guess I should have put that leather collar on her, too late now.

"You ready to try that other toy?" the big dildo. "Pretend it's Tom's dick going inside you the first time? Maybe the start of another weekend with Alan? It's about the right size."

Dani's moans were an indication that something I'd said was hitting the right kind of nerves. I climbed back off the bed. My dick was hard like a stone pillar. I got it out of the drawer, then out of the box. Damn, it looked big. "It spirals, Rebekka say anything to you about that?"

She laughed, "Maybe it's for screwing."

That gave us both the giggles.

I took it in the bathroom and ran hot water over it, warming it like Rebekka had suggested, then sat down on the bed and ran my fingers over Dani's panties, pressing them ever so slightly inside her. They were so damp. "He get to see these today?" I asked her.

"Mmhmm, in the break room. We've been making a game of it, getting a few minutes of alone time."

"So he knows you're showing him? That it's not just accidental?" I'd already slathered the lube on the dildo and had teased pushing her panties aside, holding the dildo there between her legs where she could feel it starting to press. "You watch him get hard for you? It make you wet when he sees you?"

"Uhuh, uhuh," was all she could get out.

Her hips had started to respond to my ministrations and I began to press it inside her, just an inch. "Ohh!" she began emitting low moans as I pressed, another inch, then another.

I began to twist it, to 'screw' her. Slowly, ever so slowly, each full twist bought me another inch. Her hips were rocking, humping, her legs held tightly together, almost a continuous wail coming from her mouth. I almost wished not so I could see her pussy opening up.

"You imagining this is Alan's cock inside you or Tom's?" I pulled it back out, pressed it in, as far as before, no further, Dani whimpering. "You going to think about this tomorrow when you show him your panties?" Another full twist, another inch inside her. "Maybe one day you should really surprise him, skip the panties completely," rocking the dildo back and forth a little, pressing it against her clit when I pulled it out and pushed it back in. She was gasping, breathing hard, trying to get air into her body.

"There's still another four inches. It all going to fit?" as I worked it up and down a little more. My cock had been inside her with this hoop over her legs. I knew how tight it would be, how sensitive she was. And if what Rebekka had said about that lube was true...

The dildo was probably five inches inside her. "That enough for now? Maybe we should just leave it like that for a little while."

She whimpered, "No... please...," her hips bucking back and forth, arms pulling at the restraints, wracking her body on the bed.

I rocked the dildo back and forth a bit more but left it where it was, just watching and listening to my wife's moans. "Think I'm going to get a glass of water, be back in a bit," I told her.

I went to the bedroom door, opened and closed it, like I'd left the room, then stood there, watching Dani somewhere between misery and bliss, groans coming from her mouth, my cock about to burst in my pants.

I don't know how long I stood waiting, watching Dani flaunching back and forth on the bed, maybe five minutes or so before I quietly stepped back to the bed and pulled the dildo out of her. "Nooo! Please!" Dani screamed. If she and I hadn't been having sex the last two nights, I'd have come with that scream. It was... otherworldly, I have no idea how to describe. I was so fuckin' hard!

I left her like that, helpless on the bed, whimpering, and took it to the bathroom, running more hot water over it and more lube before sneaking back and pushing her panties aside again, pressing it back into her as far as before, then started twisting,

In between the pants, sweat running down her face, Dani tried to speak, "Ye... ye... Ohgodohgodohgod!" as I began to twist a little more.

I felt her body begin to spasm, the wail from her mouth intensify. I was almost afraid she was going to break the ropes holding her arms the way they were pulling, her body trying to curl up as an orgasm wracked through her, spewing out loud, unintelligible noises, spit dribbling down from her mouth. I twisted it deeper, the full nine inches, pulling and pushing, doing whatever I thought I could to intensify the orgasm wracking her body.

It seemed like it was never going to end, went on and on and I couldn't control myself a second longer. I pulled it out and plunged my cock inside her, again and again, thrusting my steel rod into her, exploding, spewing cum, hardly able to breathe, Dani's already tight pussy milking the cum, pulling it out of me.

I thought perhaps I was having a heart attack. It was the most violent orgasm I had ever had. It took a long time, lying beside her, before I was physically able to begin the process of unentangling Dani from her restraints. Her body was soaked in sweat, our bed was even soaked.

Okay, I'll admit, the brief thought went through my head, 'top that one, Alan Ryder!'

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miket0422miket0422over 2 years ago

After the "dream" it was almost understandable that Robert allowed Alan and Dani their time together after dinner Saturday night. Letting her stay with Alan on Sunday he was gambling that she loved him enough to return after giving her the fantasy she'd had for 31 years.

Now Dani finally gets him to understand that Jerry fucking her was real... And he's turned on by it? Even as loving and understanding as Robert is being portrayed he should be pissed that Alan thought it was ok to repay his gift by just giving Dani away to another guy.

This story is becoming less and less believable by the chapter.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyabout 3 years ago

Just keeps getting more crazy

samanddave69samanddave69over 3 years ago
Another great story

Thank you for taking the time to share your wonderful erotic mind , we cannot wait for the next instalment


premshankerpremshankeralmost 4 years ago

Considering 'real love' husband allowed gracefully Dnai to have a day with her Ex Alan.

How come Alan waited his whole life for 'baby-girl', turn the opportunity in 'kinky sex , abuse in all forms and BDSM of dirty carnal pleasure

We expected blissful love when two eager lover meet after long and reciprocate the old act to re-kindle flame of passion.

It mismatch their physical contact ,even the 'threesome'

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
OK, Glad tickets to Kennewick a(Pasco), are only

... $99.

"Rubbush"!?!?? Ok ... But such erotic rubbish,....

Next ....?...

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