Her First Time Ch. 22


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I took that as permission, unballing Betty's; a skimpy, lacy bikini, not quite a thong but very small and very sexy, closed my eyes, and inhaled the aroma as Alan had done, "Mmm, you're so right!" My hand, too, went under the table, feeling the heat emanating from between Betty's legs; pressing fingers into her slit, prompting more groans from her. God, she was damp. And so fucking hot!

"So, we going to play Dani's game or just fuck?" Jenny asked.

Personally, I was kind of in favor of the latter.

"No, we ARE going to do this!" Dani said, gritting her teeth, "Richard, turn over a card." We all could tell from the expression on Dani's face that, if anything, Alan had intensified his assault on her pussy. I didn't with Betty, just continuing to tease, the same as she was doing with my rock-hard dick.

"I second it... not that I'm particularly opposed to the other option, either," Jenny said, "Richard... a card."

I could tell how nervous Richard was, his fingers were shaking, besides the look on his face. I suspected he'd never been in a situation like this. He's a pediatrician. I guess medical school and facing all those new moms and dads with their little baby in his care didn't exactly prepare you for something like this. I'd have said the same just a few months ago, scared to freakin' death.

His shaky fingers reached for a card, turning it over, an eight. Dani smirked, she'd know what was on the index card with the big eight on it. Richard looked at her, obviously noticing the smirk, "What?" he asked her.

"I didn't say anything, go ahead, turn it over," she told him.

His hand moved to the index card, starting to pick up the corner, peeking under it, "No, just flip it over," Dani said.

He put it back down, his hand covering it. "Turn. It," his wife, Jenny, told him. Poor Richard looked like a nervous wreck, might be right at home with a baby's or child's life in his hands but this was outside his comfort zone. By the look on his face, a LONG way outside. He reminded me of how I was feeling that first time, after dinner in our hotel room in Tampa, Dani with Alan.

Very suddenly, Richard flipped the card over. 'Roll the dice, kiss the person.' Then it went on in smaller print, 'a real kiss, at least a minute, preferably longer.'

"Okay, it says to roll the dice," Jenny said. She looked excited, I doubted she'd ever seen her husband kiss another girl, at least not like this, especially judging from Richard's reaction.

He took a deep breath, rolled the one dice around in his cupped hands, and dropped it on the table, a six. Dani giggled, looking at me. It took me a second to realize why, I was the 'six'. "No, not gonna happen!" I looked desperately around the table, all three women were giggling, Richard looked just as stricken as I felt. "We gotta have some new rules for this," I spouted.

"Whatcha think, girls," Jenny asked, "we let them off the hook?"

Dani, sweet Dani, came to the rescue, "I'm not really into watching guys with guys," she said, "I vote we modify the rules, no guy-guy."

Thank God, I thought! Thank you! "So that makes the vote at least four?" looking around the table.

"Nope," Jenny said, "this is strictly us girls' vote, Betty?"

Betty giggled, "I think it'd be kind of cute, I vote no." She got pretty intense stares from all three of us guys.

"Guess it's up to me, then... I kind of agree with Betty," Jenny added, "'cept we might have some mutinies. Okay, what about the other way, us girls?" she asked.

I spoke up, "We get to vote on that?" I asked, "seems only fair if you're voting on us guys."

"Nope," she answered, "unless you want me to vote no with Betty, gonna be up to we ladies."

"I'm... okay with it," Dani said with a smile on her face. If my dick hadn't already grown quite stiff, those few words would have done it.

"Betty?" Jenny asked. Betty smiled and got a little bit of blush on her face, nodding. My heart was pounding, anticipating.

"Okay," Jenny said, "we good, Rich, guess you can roll the dice again."

I think there were three huge sighs of relief at the table, Richard picked up the dice and rolled it as he had before, this time up came three little dots on it, Jenny, his wife.

"Oh no," Dani said, "that's not gonna work, no spouses, either. Rich, roll again... except this time..." she looked at Betty, "Betty, you're even, I'm odd, it's going to be one of us."

Richard picked up the dice a third time, cupped it in his hands, swirled it around, and dropped it on the table. It rolled around and landed with one little black dot facing up. I glanced up at Dani's face, the grin spreading across her gorgeous face.

"You sure?" Richard asked my wife.

She was already scooting her chair back, "Oh yeah," she answered, "been wanting to do this for so long!" She walked over to Richard's spot at the table, "Scoot your chair back," she told him, standing alongside.

Once again, I couldn't take my eyes away as Dani straddled Richard's lap and sat down, adjusting the slit in her dress as she did so that her bare pussy was pressing against the stretched hard fabric of his slacks. Richard's the professional in the room and he dresses it. He wasn't wearing a suit but a very nice pair of slacks and dressy, silk shirt. And now my wife's naked pussy was rubbing directly against the tent in those slacks, her legs spread far apart.

Dani glanced over at Jenny, I guess for her permission, which she promptly gave with a smile and a nod. Richard sat there, reminding me a little of the tar baby in Song of the South, that kind of 'what the hell am I doing here' blank look on his face. That silly line went through my head, 'Tar baby, he just sot there.' Yeah, dumb, I know. Richard was no doubt more nervous than any new mom had ever made him. But from the size of the tent Dani's private part was rubbing against, his body wasn't nervous, not in the least. It knew exactly what it wanted.

Dani took his cheeks in her hand and whispered, "I've been wanting to do this for ages!" just an instant before their lips made contact.

Dani's lips pressed against Richard's, he appearing stiff, frozen in place. But Dani wasn't deterred, she wrapped her hands around his neck and pressed her body to him, crushing her breasts against Richard's chest.

It was fascinating to watch, how Richard's hands slowly went around her waist, his features softening, finally opening his mouth a little to let Dani's tongue explore, after perhaps a minute -- maybe less, maybe more, fully kissing Dani back.

Not only fascinating but so fucking erotic, Dani seducing this man who she'd apparently secretly been harboring a crush for who knows how long, 'ages' as she'd put it.

The two of them were fully engaged, mouths open, tongues exploring, hands roaming, one of Richard's tangled in Dani's hair. Dani pressing her body, rubbing her naked pussy up and down against his erection. She found his other hand, the one not in her hair, pulling it up to her breast, pressing it against her.

I couldn't stop myself, so fuckin' turned on, my fingers pressing inside Betty's slit. Was this that 'moment' that I'd foreseen earlier, something between Richard and Dani?

No, I realized, it was something far more, but what? My body was vibrating with the anticipation, not the least of which was watching Dani with her best friend's husband -- or my fingers inside Betty.

I had no idea how long it might have been when Dani's lips parted from him and we all heard her, "... going to fuck you," as she pulled away, both Dani and Richard breathless.

"That, boys and girls, is how it's done," Dani murmured as she sat back down in her chair.

Alan leaned over, squeezed Dani's breast, pinching her nipple through her dress much as Richard had, and kissed her, soft and passionately. I remember thinking earlier that it would be thrilling to see Alan and Dani with our friends here. I was right, especially when he pushed a strap down off her breast and leaned down, rolling a nipple between his lips, slowly working it into his mouth, then her whole tit, just briefly. "Like old times, Babygirl."

Dani's head was lolling back, mouth open, hands scraping through Alan's short, curly hair, a moan escaping her mouth before she gripped his hair and pulled him away, "Ohh, feels so good... but you're cheating," she said, "much as I want... haveta wait until the game says you can do that."

"Ahh, but babygirl, your titties are so suckable!" He looked over at Richard, "Next time, you gotta..."

Richard's face was just as red as Dani's, tugging the strap back over her shoulder, at the same time interrupting Alan, "Your turn, Betty, a card."

Now, we all had an idea what to expect. I was trying to get that vision out of my head, Alan sucking my wife's tit in front of her best friends. Damn, if my pants weren't already so damned tight...

Now it was Betty's turn, her petite shaking hand inching onto the table, then turning over her card, a seven. She looked around the table, her same hand going to the index card, "I'm almost afraid to see what's on it."

"I think before you do, I need a refill of my drink after watching my best friend seduce my husband," Jenny said. Not to even mention her best friend's tit being sucked by a big, black, ex-NFL star.

"Good, I think we all do, anyone not?" Alan asked. We all agreed that the refill sounded good, so he and Dani got up and mixed another, bringing them back to the table along with refilling the platter of brownies, just what we all needed. I had a pretty damned good idea how this game was going to end, especially after Dani's comment to Richard. Not that I had any intention of complaining! Didn't think anyone else did, either. There wasn't much doubt before it started, either.

We also took turns getting up to use the bathroom. I know that I didn't want having to pee interfering with whatever was going to happen later. Not easy, though, I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about.

We were all sat back down, Dani passing around the brownie plate. I don't know about anyone else but I was getting so unbearably horny!

It was finally time for Betty to turn her index card over, the seven card. 'Roll the dice, answer the person's question. Must be honest and may have followup questions.'

Well, that seemed pretty damned tame! Especially, after Dani kissing Richard. I think she might have even been a little disappointed by the look on her face.

She picked up the dice, bounced it up and down a little in her hand then threw it up a little higher and moved her hand from underneath it, letting it drop on the table. It rolled around and finally showed six dots. I looked around, and Jenny announced, "That's you, silly."

Ahh, so it was. Now, what the hell what? My mind was whirling a million miles an hour, this was something I'd never have expected, What the heck was I going to ask Betty? Only thing I could think of was how the hell she'd ended up here? Then it hit me, that night at our house five weeks ago, was that Betty? Was last night Betty?

"Okay, Betty, just wondering, have you ever been with Dani before... sexually, I mean?"

She looked over at me with a quizzical look on her face, "Uhh... no... not... yet," as she glanced over at Dani, blushing a bit. Then back at me, "You thought we had... umm...?"

What the fuck? It had to have been Betty! And not even last night?

I glanced at Dani, who was sitting there with a smile on her face, then mouthing what looked like the words, 'later, tonight.' Or, maybe it was my imagination

And that feeling of something looming was getting stronger by the minute it seemed.

"Okay," the instructions had permitted follow-up questions, "how did Dani get you to come tonight... not that I'm not thrilled you're here, but I don't know... just seems kinda... not like the Betty I know?"

She glanced over at Dani, like she was asking permission. Guess she got it, from Dani's little nod.

"Dani and I have been friends for a long time," and I didn't know this how? I wondered, "after my divorce we started having lunches together... I guess it kind of morphed into talking about our sex lives, you know, like women do... or at least, Dani's versus my non-existent... and then this last week, at one of our lunches... think it was Tuesday, she mentioned this little party she was having... and what it might entail." She hesitated for what seemed like a long time, her face blushing all over again, "And I guess I have to admit that I've had a pretty big crush on you for practically since I started in the store. So..."

My mouth must have dropped open when she said that. The 'friends with Dani' part was surprising, but not overly. Everyone is friends with Dani. But, damn, the crush part? That threw me. If I hadn't already been sitting...

"That answer your morbid curiosity?" Dani asked, with a smirk on her face.

"NO! Dammit, who the hell was the woman last February?... And what about last night?" I sputtered, the frustration oozing out every pore.

She laughed. LAUGHED! "Guess you better hope you get a chance to ask me a question, huh, husband?"

I stuck my tongue out at her. Just to demonstrate what a mature adult I am.

Then I turned back to Betty, "Thank you, Betty! I can't tell you how much I feel honored, and right now, I have a hell of a crush on you, too!" squeezing her thigh right about where her panties would have been if she'd still had them on. Oh, one thing I forgot to mention, Betty's pussy lips were au natural, hair and all. I kind of liked that. Actually, a lot, especially how damp it was. I hoped that I'd get to munch before the night was over.

"You done?" Jenny asked, "think it's your turn to flip a card now."

"Yeah, I guess... if my wife isn't going to spill the beans." Dani let out another giggle.

"I promised," she said, "not to tell."

"Well, the cards and dice play right, you'll have to, won't you."

She rolled her eyes, "Turn your card over."

I did, a nine. I was hoping for a damned jack! She'd have had to tell me.

Dani smiled, she knew what was on the index cards. Maybe it was 'ask anyone a question'. But it wasn't, it was the same as the seven, 'roll the dice, kiss the person, etc. etc. etc.' I could live with that, not the question card I was hoping for but pretty darn good.

"Okay, same rules, has to be one of the girls, not me. That leaves Jen or Betty. Jen, you be even; Betty, odd." Dani told us.

"Uhmm, can I say something first?" Jenny asked. Then before waiting for an answer, she suggested, "I'm going to defer, think it's Betty's turn for some fun... Besides, I've already been there, done that... and quite a bit more," she added.

My heart was pounding, anticipating 'that moment' that my insides had been screaming. Was this...?

Betty stood, took my hand, "Can we go in the bedroom?" she asked, her voice wavering like she was as nervous as I was.

"Nuh-uh, gotta be here where we can watch," Alan answered. Guess he's a bit of a voyeur, as well as Dani's lover. After that night in the hotel room with Tevin and Dani and some of the other things, like that strip club, yeah, he most assuredly is.

"Okay... but you could come to the bedroom and watch, too," Betty offered as an apparent compromise.

"Yeah, like that," he agreed. The others all scooted their chairs back, and Betty and I led the procession up the stairs to one of our guest bedrooms. By then, there was a lot of stumbling. The rum was having its effect.

"No way," Dani said when I pushed open a bedroom door, "you go to our room."

My heart rate was well up in the triple digits. Was this going to be the time when Betty and I...?"

Dani had bought new sheets for our bed just for tonight, silk sheets, no doubt for her and Alan to bounce in, smearing cum, as well as numerous other naked activities. Now she was, I guess, offering those sheets to Betty and me. I might be separated by a few years from my mama's wisdom, but I ain't no fool. Betty on those silk sheets - don't look a gift horse in the mouth!

She lay down, holding her arms out for me to join her, no argument from me! I lay down on her right, and she rolled over, facing me. When I was picturing this, it hadn't crossed through my horny brain but now, it was a little hard not to. When she rolled over on her side, it let her dress slip off her legs, both sides, leaving those glorious legs that had been hidden away for so many years wide open and exposed.

And her perfume. Oh, God!

Her lips brushed against mine, her tongue like a snake flicking its tongue. Except this was no snake's tongue, this was the woman who'd kept my store's books for what, the last ten years-plus.

She snuggled closer, wrapping one of those legs around my body, her kiss slowly becoming seriously sensual. Arms wrapped around me pulling me in, and my hand went to her naked butt cheek, searching for that glorious slit into what I knew would be heaven when the inevitable happened.

Everyone else in the room ceased to exist, only Betty; her lips, her pussy, her breasts pressing into me, her hands and arms wrapped around me. I was wishing that my lower half was as naked as hers but knew it would come.

My cock was so fucking hard, pressing against my slacks, against Betty, her humping my hidden-away shaft.

"Okay, people, think that's about enough," Dani said. God, I hated that woman! Her damned rules. No, I didn't 'hate' her. But sometimes...

Anyway, we managed to get back to the dining table in our respective chairs. I was still woozy from what had just happened with Betty, think she was, too. Well, maybe the rum had a little to do with that, and maybe the brownies for how damned horny I was. On the other hand, Betty might have had a little to do with it, too.

It was Dani's turn, she flipped her card, a jack. "Oh goodie!" she said, "I know exactly what I want." She giggled, "Someone's going to get nekkid!"

Yeah, about time!

"Bet," Dani'd turned toward her, "I think it's time..." Betty's face was already turning red. "I want... that dress off... and my husband... to suck those luscious tits."

Yesss! I almost threw my fist in the air in celebration. My next thought, how'd she know they were luscious? Not that I was disagreeing, realizing that I'd ignored them upstairs. But now...!

"Yes, take it off! Take it off!" Jenny started a chant. Richard, Alan, and Dani all joined in, "Take it off, take it off!" Betty's face was bright red. She was going to be first. I was thinking about my part in this little show, the 'sucking tits' part. Maybe more? My libido took another leap into the stratosphere.

Betty stood up, started to unbutton her dress, then stopped, "I can't... not like this... with the guys watching." Her shyness, the Betty I knew before tonight was maybe making an appearance?

"Blindfolds, I'll get them blindfolds."

That 'feeling' hit me all over again like a ton of bricks. What was it? My heart was pounding. Seemed like my heart had been pounding all night.

"But, let's go back upstairs, think this should be in the bedroom, too," Dani suggested. No complaint from me! Like I said a little bit ago, my mama didn't raise no dummy. Once we were upstairs back in the bedroom, Dani dug out the blindfold we'd played with a few weeks earlier and a couple towels. I was the recipient of the blindfold, and I presumed that Alan and Richard had the towels wrapped around their heads over their eyes. I wasn't sure, I couldn't see.

Dani led me over to our bed and helped me to lay down, then I heard what sounded like clothes rustling, Jenny saying, "Yes, you go girl."

Dani's voice a moment later, "Oh my God, Bet, you have such beautiful tits! You have got to start wearing something different."

My heart was pounding! Finally... Betty laying down on the bed beside me, her small, shy voice, "Okay, guys, you can take them off."