Her Son's Best Friend Ch. 03


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She stopped my awkward speech by kissing me on the lips, "Shush! Not necessary, Mrs Bradley, we just did something that felt nice."

"Oh God," I tried to continue, "I am so embarrassed that now you too know about me having sex with the boys."

Whoops! She pulled back to look at me and I wondered if maybe Jeremy had not admitted that he had had me too, particularly since he was now her boyfriend. But if so, she didn't say anything. However, her next revelation stunned me, "You shouldn't worry about doing it with Kurt, after all, your Adam has been doing it with Jeremy's mum ... for months, I understand."

"What?" I shrieked, startling her, "Adam and my best friend, Janice. Oh my God, how could he, that's so wrong."

"But Mrs Bradley, isn't that what you've been doing with Kurt?"

My hypocrisy was huge, I was so shocked that my boy would be in a sexual relationship with the mother of his best friend, and yet that is exactly what I had been doing ... although maybe to qualify it, Kurt wasn't actually Adam's best friend.

She peeped around to see where Jeremy was, then whispered, "But don't let on that you know ... Adam told me so I don't know whether Jeremy actually knows."

I promised that I wouldn't say anything, but as we all cleaned up, and I said goodbye to my young friends, I didn't know how long I could keep this news to myself. I was already furious at Janice.

I was awake half the night, stressing over Georgia's revelation to me that my very own son, Adam was having sex with his best mate's mum, just the same way that I had been having sex with Adam's best mates, Kurt and Jeremy.

At the dawn, I reached the conclusion that I would have to force a confrontation. I couldn't allow this to continue, even if it meant that my relationship with the boys would come out. I was just so offended that Janice – a mature woman - could allow this to happen, that she could seduce my precious son in such a way. My God, could I hear myself? I had done exactly the same thing. It all must stop now. Terry left for work at 8 and at 5 past, I called Janice, "Hi, it's me, we need to talk about some stuff that's been going on. I think maybe that Jeremy should be involved too, is he there? Are you both free this morning?"

"Err, yeah I guess so, yes he's around ... but I'll need about an hour though. I haven't put my face on yet, can't leave the house without looking my best."

'Yes, I'll bet you do, especially if you're likely to see your lover – my son - when you get here,'I thought, steeling myself for the confrontation that I now believed was inevitable. "Okay, then about nine, is that good for you both?"

"Yeah Barbara, that's fine. God, you've got me intrigued now, what on earth is so important?"

"We'll save it till then, see you!" I told her abruptly, hanging up the phone.

I was still in my negligee, but I had slipped a light gown over it. I hurried around the house, picking up a few things, making it tidy. Adam had been up late and left a few empty beer bottles and a snack plate around. I picked up his shoes and socks and a tee that he had been wearing and took it into his room.

I was tempted to drop the shoes loudly, to wake him up. I was just so annoyed at the revelation that he and Janice were getting it off. Placing the shoes on the floor beside his bed, I saw that he was still sleeping soundly – on his back, the sheet had fallen to the floor. He didn't wear pj's, hadn't since his teenage years. He usually just wore a pair of boxers.

As my head rose beside my son's bed after placing the shoes down quietly, I looked across his body and my gaze was drawn to his penis - it was standing impressively erect, straight up, a solid core of male power. My God, it looked so good that I just stood frozen to the spot, admiring it. To think this handsome – and obviously virile – young man had come from my body twenty years ago. Just look at him now, pleasing Georgia and Janice with this impressive penis.

Terry and I had had him circumcised. Looking at it now, I was glad that we had. It looked so perfect, so smooth, the skin shiny and taut, the ridge behind the head revealed no indication that the skin had once been cut there all those years ago. I bent over to peep closer at it, a little embarrassed that I was perving so blatantly at my own son's penis.

It's just that I had become somewhat obsessed with the male organ of late, and was considering myself something of an expert. There had always been Terry's in my life, and of course my first husband. I knew the shape and texture of those like the back of my hand. But lately, I had added Jeremy's and Kurt's penises. Goodness me, is that word right, or should a multiple be called penisi?

How had he become so big in his sleep? What was he dreaming of? My God, there was a clear drop of pre-cum oozing from the tiny eye of his penis. Before I could stop myself, I reached out a finger and swiped across the rigid head, scooping up the clear drop on the pad of my finger and bringing it to my lips. There was no taste, but I relished it and imagined there was. I thought that it should taste like honey.

I had dragged my finger across the tip of his erection quite firmly in my pursuit of that drop of nectar and it caused his hard-on to wobble back and forth a couple of times. I held my breath, hoping that he wouldn't wake, but the breathing went on ... slightly heavy breathing, I thought.

His hand moved, but he seemed to be still asleep. It shifted down his body and, would you believe, he grasped the hard core of his erection and pumped it a couple of times. It seemed to angle towards me. My God, is he offering it to me? My eyes tore themselves away from this hard penis. I stared at his face, his eyes, expecting to detect that he might be waking. But the steady sound of his breathing just droned on ... he was definitely still asleep.

I don't know what possessed me, why I would do such a thing, take such a risk. I can only think that this obsession I had developed about the male penis drove me to it. But I leaned forward and placed two hands so softly on the bed, supporting my upper body as my head lowered to just above the tip of his vertical erection.

My tongue snaked from between my now very wet lips – I had been salivating at the sight of his penis – and I stroked my tongue across the tip of his hard-on. It wobbled once more from the pressure of my licking stroke, but its solid rigidity brought it right back to the 45 degree angle at which it rose from his body.

My eyes shot up to check for any reaction on his face. There was none, not a flicker. I don't know why, but I tried again. My tongue swirled across the head of his penis and I checked for vital signs again. Sound asleep!

What was it, did I have some sort of death wish? Did I actually want him to wake and find his mother sucking on his hard penis, giving him a blow job? A blow job ... now there's an idea! My God, what had I become? I pursed my lips into an oval shape and slipped them quite firmly over the whole head of his penis, locking the lips around the ridge behind the head. His heavy breathing seemed to falter slightly and I heard a positive murmur escape from his mouth.

I eased further forward, bringing my knees onto the bed so that now I knelt alongside my son's hips, my head bent over with the head of his penis in my mouth. Emboldened, I pushed my mouth down, inch by inch swallowing in his shaft until the head touched the back of my throat and I could feel his wiry short hairs against my lips.

His breathing stuttered again and that hand that had momentarily pumped his erection just before I started, landed on my head like it was holding me there. I peeped up his firm body, toward his face, but there was still no recognition, nothing to suggest that he was awake.

I sucked my mouth firmly all the way back up the shaft, and his whole body shuddered and his hips thrust upward, like he was trying to reconnect his hard penis back into the mouth that was withdrawing his erection from it. But just as my lips reached the top, holding only the head just inside my mouth, I plunged my mouth back down his shaft, faster and firmer this time.

"Uummmm!" he murmured and his hand gripped the top of my head so firmly, I could not lift up again even if I wanted to. I held just about all of his shaft within my warm wet mouth. "Oh Georgia," he mumbled, "you're getting so much better at that."

My God, it had to happen, what was I thinking? He was definitely awake now, although in his dreamy sleep, he thought it was Georgia. My God, why would he think it was Jeremy's new girlfriend? Was this girl getting around with everybody? And what on earth would be his reaction ... to see that the woman who held his penis in her mouth was his own mother?

I peeped up, he still hadn't opened his eyes. He probably still thought it was Georgia ... but why? I couldn't get away now, I had come this far ... my son held my head firmly over his hard erection while I sucked on it. I had heard of incest, but had never thought that I would be involved in it. But I was, and I had come this far through my new-found obsession with the male penis. Better finish what I had started, whatever the cost.

I pulled my mouth back up his shaft and Adam relaxed his grip on my head enough to let me bring my gripping lips back up until only the head remained inside my mouth. Then I applied my tongue and I went to work on that sensitive bit of skin on the underside just below the head.

"Oh yeah, Georgia babe, where did you learn to do that? Have you been practising?" He was humping his hips up at me, only ever so slightly, just enough to start a rhythm going. I helped by really working my tongue on that soft sensitive underside while maintaining the clamp of my lips over the head of his penis. I didn't know how much control he might have, but I was determined that when he came, his cum was going nowhere else but down my throat.

Now my head was bobbing too, taking him in, sucking, licking. I even added my hand around the bottom of hi shaft and used the fingers on my other hand to gently fondle and stroke his balls that were now becoming taut from his arousal. I figured it wouldn't be long ... confirmed by listening to his breathing that was loud and faster. He – my son Adam – was reaching a peak.

"Oh my God, mum, what are you doing?" he screamed out at the top of his voice just as I felt his penis spasm violently and felt the surge of his cum splash against the back of my throat. I clamped my lips so firmly halfway down his shaft and allowed his spasming penis to thrust one discharge after another to the back of my mouth and down my throat. I swallowed again and again as each hard spasm delivered more of his cum.

He had obviously opened his eyes right at the moment of release and was stunned to see that it wasn't Jeremy's new girlfriend Georgia, but his loving mother that was bringing such carnal delights to his body. He had said nothing more as the euphoria of his orgasm had totally consumed him, but I worried now about his next reaction.

When I felt that no more cum was going to eject from his tip, I used my tongue to lick away any whitish residue and pulled my mouth from off his penis. I licked my own lips while looking up along his body, waiting for some reaction. There was none, his eyes were closed. I slid my still nightwear clothed body up alongside his, bringing my face up next to his face.

"Adam," I said tentatively, feeling so contrite, "Adam, I'm so sorry, I just lost myself, I can't explain, but I came in and saw you lying there, all exposed, your penis was up, rampant. Adam, I'm so sorry, but I just had to do that. I know you think it's wrong, but I've just become so confused lately. Please forgive me!"

He turned his head toward me, "Mum, that was the best damn blow job I've ever had. A guy doesn't expect a mum to be good at doing that. I must admit it's quite a shock, to wake up and find your own mum sucking your cock. I suppose I should be shocked ... and I guess I was. But whatever your reason for wanting to do it, I have to tell you that it felt great! But mum, I don't think it should become a habit."

I was so relieved, the full ramification of what I had done didn't hit me until he called out to me in shock just as his cum hit the roof of my mouth. Those next few minutes while he came down from it were the toughest I've ever been through – other than maybe having Jeremy squeeze that mammoth penis of his into me.

"Adam, I don't know if this is the right moment to say this, but I have to say something. Georgia told me about you and Janice. I have to say that I was shocked about that. I know at this very moment I am not the one to be taking the high moral ground, but I am so disgusted at Janice for seducing a young man like you."

"Mum, what on earth are you talking about?"

"You and Janice, Jeremy's mum, Georgia told me all about it, how you and she have been getting it off for months now."

"What? No way, mum, no way! Georgia's got it all screwed up, I haven't had sex with Janice. Shit, I just told her the other day how I would have liked to, how hot I thought Janice was. But hell, she's your age, mum! I know that sounds a bit hypocritical after what you just did for me, but I couldn't see myself banging a woman of 40 something."

"Really?" I gave him a quizzical look, "she was so convincing, she said that you and Janice had been an item for a while."

"So not true, mum ... honest, I swear! Georgia's a bit of a fruitcake, mum, I wouldn't believe anything she says. She and I got it off together, and the next thing, she's on with Jeremy. God, he can have her!"

'And so did I,'I felt like saying, but thought better of it.

At that moment, the moment I found out that my son Adam had not been having sex with the older woman, Janice, the doorbell rang. Oh my God, it was 9am, that would be Janice with her son Jeremy in tow, here to hear my accusations about her affair with my son.

"Who could that be, mum?" asked Adam, giving me a curious look as I lay in my son's arms, feeling my whole world crumbling around me.

The End

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tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110over 3 years ago
The chickens come home to roost?

Is she finally going to get what she deserves? The author has left that to the reader.

The sex in all three chapters of this story is hot, and the suspense is tight. Mrs. B is totally reprehensible. She deserves to be caught out by her son, Janice, and Terry.

Great story. I loved it.

mactheknife2mactheknife2over 3 years ago

I'm sure you could do another few chapters, Janice could join in plus Georgia etc., nice little harem. Sort out Terry and his secretary. Enjoy your work quite erotic. thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
penisis penises

Wow!! is all I can say. I was getting tired of all this cucks wanting to see their wifes with another man. This story is superbly written. at moments it makes you forget it fantasy only. Don´t stop now keep it going a while longer. Just need to put Jeremy and Kurt in their place let them know this will be a one on one or nothing at all. No more bringing friends in for the ride.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Yes what happened next you should make chapter 4

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