High Price for a Threesome


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For over an hour Mona flooded his face with her honey as he explored every inch of her charms. Swirling his tongue under the underside of her clit, as he followed this up with long languid licks up her slit she poured her essence all over him, her warm musky taste and smell saturating his face.

As he snacked on Mona, he kept shuddering as his wife was using his cock as her own pleasure tool. Feeling her wet tight walls close over his manhood he shivered, and every ten minutes or so he came dangerously close to spilling. As he felt himself getting precariously near the edge of no return, he began snapping his fingers like crazy to slow his wife down.

When Julia saw the signal, she paused and went slower. She was loving this and as she positioned herself on his shaft so he was constantly pounding into her G-Spot she, like Mona, was hosing Bill down with her juices. With a devilish grin she did keep pushing the envelope, delaying her pause a little longer each time he started snapping his fingers. She wanted him on the edge but not over, but she definitely wanted to see how close to the precipice she could move him. The desperate and frantic snapping of his fingers she took as a badge of honor, and she made a game of seeing how quickly she could make him start his castanet like performance.

Hours went by and Mona gave out first, sliding off of his face like a spent wet rag doll. Cooing as she curled up under his armpit she instantly went to sleep, her pussy buzzing and twitching with pleasure. So many orgasms had been licked and sucked out of her gorgeous cooch, her body could not take anymore and as soon as her head nuzzled up against his hard body as she fell unconscious.

Looking down at his now revealed face, Julia smiled. It was completely drenched. Mona's copious nectar had flooded over him quite well, and he looked like a glazed donut. As she kept grinding into him, she began to shake and moan as yet another giant toe-curler exploded out of her womb. Seeing him snapping so desperately she lifted off of his amazingly hard cock and joined Mona by nuzzling under his other armpit.

Bill was in heaven, although he really needed to shoot worse than ever now. Humping the air desperately to try to signal that his needs were still unmet, both girls just smiled as they slept, somehow subconsciously teasing him even in their sleep as they used his chest as a pillow and both flopped their hands onto his lower stomach.

All night long he throbbed and twitched as the two slept deeply, unaware that their naked presence and the strong smell of pussy that hung in the air kept him painfully hard. The feel of their sexy sated bodies pressed against his kept him primed and ready, but finally he began to get drowsy. Exhausted by the evening, and with his balls excruciatingly aching as his cum boiled inside, he fell asleep as well. As he drifted off, he hoped that his wife would keep her promise and take care of his needs in the morning.

When Bill awoke, he found that he was still bound, but now was sadly alone. Listening desperately for sounds of either girl, he heard the distinct sound of bare feet padding down the hall before finally reaching the room. He was so desperate and hard, feeling insanely horny as the night before had been the most erotic of his life.

Playfully wagging his cock back and forth as both women entered he said "Don't forget about me! I think we have some unfinished business!"

His wife winked at him before turning to Mona and winked again.

To Bill's disappointment both women were clothed, but as they walked over to the bed, their flimsy robes were dropped and their gorgeous naked forms were displayed to his famished eyes again. Each now sitting on either side of him, they both ran their hands all over his body, from his heaving chest to his aching cock. Feeling their fingers begin to stroke him once more he whimpered.

Simultaneously stroked by the two hot women, Bill's breathing became shorter and sweat began to pour out of him. He was so close to cumming, it was hard not to hose them both down instantly. He was enjoying the dual handjob but he had hoped to empty his balls into either his wife's pussy or Mona's throat, so he was oddly sad. He had enjoyed himself so much the night before, it seemed so anti-climatic now to end this way.

Seeing his face grimace as he got closer to release, Julia began to slow her motion. Stroking his face with her free hand, as Mona now started to lick his balls she spoke.

"OK Bill, here is the deal. Yesterday, and especially last night, was the hottest I have ever gotten in my life. Talking to Mona she agreed, and from the feel of your marble like rod in my hand, I can see you concur."

Bill only could moan out a yes now as she kept on pumping.

"So I am going to offer you a choice. I promised yesterday morning I would reward you if you were good, and you definitely passed my test. Now, I will let you choose how this ends. If you want, just say the word and we will both keep stroking you until you shoot. Then we will all kiss, I will unlock you and we can go have breakfast, never to speak of this again."

Hearing this Bill screwed his face into a frown. He figured that was what would happen, but hearing it spoken like that was a downer. His face brightened however at her next words.

"Or, you can agree to keep this party going. Frankly, you had us both so turned on yesterday and especially last night, Mona and I are willing to make this arrangement permanent. Now, if you take this option, the threesome arrangement will continue for as long as we all want it to, but only under MY rules." Her hand skillfully running tiny circles over his freneum she smiled as it was obvious his will was shattering.

"Those rules might be harsh but YOU, my sexy hubby, have awakened a monster in both Mona and I with your writhing and moaning and begging. We now have discovered that nothing gets us both hotter than seeing you beg. So what is it going to be, a temporary relief to your aching balls or the most erotic experience of your life by giving up control of your cock to two desperate horny women?"

Bill was whimpering again now, his wife skilled teasing fingers dangling him on the edge. Despite wanting nothing more than to explode a deluge of his hot boiling cum all over everyone immediately, his answer to her question was obvious.

"Yes, OH GOD YES!! PLEASE JULIA, PLEASE!! Anything, I I I I don't want this ever to end!!"

Smiling wildly Julia stopped stroking and whispered something into her friend's ear. Giggling, Mona leapt off of the bed and ran out of the room.

Still panting and writhing on the bed, Julia now laid on Bill's chest and kissed him deeply, tasting Mona's pussy on his lips and instantly getting wet again. Sighing deeply as she felt his body quiver under her, she whispered.

"I love you so much babe!! You definitely made the right choice!" Hearing Mona come back in she sat back up on the side of the bed and continued.

"OK Babe, let's get this new arrangement started properly." Looking up and seeing that he was still tied down tightly, she grinned. "Now, close your eyes and receive the new symbol of your new status as our fucktoy."

His face grinning widely, he closed his eyes and was overwhelmed as he felt both women pulling and prodding his balls forward. The grin increased as he felt something being slipped over them and some other cool object brushing up against his cock, teasing his flesh. His curiosity was insatiable, but still not wanting to fuck this up so he continued to keep his lids closed tightly. He did wonder greatly what new wondrous plan his creative wife had in mind for him. He sighed though as he knew it was now totally out of his control as he had turned his body over them. Every nerve was on high alert as he heard the distinct metallic sound break the silence in the room.


His eyes immediately popped open and his mouth gaped in astonishment as he saw that a stainless steel metal cage had been placed over his cock and balls. To his growing horror he saw it had two small padlocks fastened onto the opening and despite feeling relatively comfortable on his skin, it looked quite escape-proof. Looking up at his wife and getting ready to ask her what was going on, his stomach dropped when he saw both Mona and Julia grinning back at him and winking. Around their necks and hanging from matching golden chains were two keys swinging between their cleavage.

Throwing his head back hard onto the pillow he only could stare blankly up at the ceiling in desperation and worry over wondering when, if ever, he would be able to shoot. His rational mind, that part not drenched in hormones, feared that he was going to now have to pay a hellishly high price for this threesome and his cock continued to throb in its new metal prison. His fears were confirmed and his balls started buzzing even worse as Mona and Julia both said that today would definitely be another good day to hang around the pool and Julia looked down into his desperate pleading eyes and spoke.

"Mona, I think we should see how much we can ramp it up today from yesterday. I want to see how many whimpers we can get old Bill here to croak by sundown."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Absolutely horrible end! Pay back is going to be even worse. Call a lawyer because we’re done…love is more than just desperate horny sex. Wife wants her cake and love be munched as well. No just No but HELL NO. Next time I see you will be in divorce court.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The divorce should be started the second his hands are free

thomashwhitethomashwhite8 months ago

As a victim of teenage molestation where I did say no and where I did get off, actual consent is very important to me in a story purporting to be about a loving or consensual relationship. I’ve missed out on a lot of sex because I won’t sleep with anyone where they might not have the ability to consent including they are drunk, high, need a place to sleep, are afraid to make a scene, aren’t in their right mind because they are too horny, etc. I don’t ever want to leave someone feeling victimized. As a switch that doesn’t mean I can’t Dom. I just need to know that is truly what someone wants.

I can also truly get in to non-consent stories, but they have to not pretend that they are loving or consensual. Your rapist should know they are a rapist.

I guess in the end I was disappointed as this story was one of the few stories I’ve found where the femdom was loving and consensual. That was right up until the end of the first night. I was all in there. I could be in that headspace. Then the ladies didn’t come through on the promise that his wife had made the entire time and repeated all that time. While they controlled his orgasm it was done with a consent based upon a promise to have an explosive orgasm that night. Much of the joy and buildup was based on that premise. If he was a Good boy he would get his prize. Part of being that Good boy was refraining from getting off. Self denial in those circumstances is quite stimulating. Part of the fun of self denial in those circumstances is that you know you are giving up an orgasm you could have now in return for a better one later. And he did everything. In the end she left him on purpose unfulfilled. He was left to feel unsatisfied but still trusting that it was a mistake and she’d fallen asleep. His consent was still justified.

Then they change the rules. Actually they’d changed them the day before without his consent and didn’t let him know it. They got his cooperation under false pretenses. Therefore what they did was non consensual. It was a form of rape.

If you go back and read the first day in the context of she’s not going to give it to him then everything changes. He appears to be making look the fool by his wife. If he knew he’d lose the pleasure of self denial because you can’t self deny something you aren’t getting. They weren’t even allowing him the option of the lesser orgasm. In the end he is allowed only the pleasure of stimulation. He is expected to get his entire pleasure from just serving them because he will not be allowed his own orgasm. Very strong fun but still absent the mind space of this story on first read.

But, he agreed to a continued set of actions based upon his premise of getting the joy of the day before under the rules of the day before. A reasonable choice for someone who believes his wife wasn’t a manipulative liar.

Continuing that manipulation she never explained those rules had changed. That they were harsher to him. That he was going to be involuntarily emasculated and possibly physically damaged. That he was going to lose the small orgasms and most if not all of the big ones as they couldn’t be counted on to let him have one. For all we know she may have become one of those for whom permanent denial was her ideal. He had definitely deserved an orgasm the night before and she took it from him. We also definitely know the joy of self denial would be stripped from him. So at least one layer stripped from his pleasure.

That his rational mind was might suffer from this arrangement is made clear in the last few paragraphs. Small fear can be titillating in the context of a session. Rational mind fears induce stress and are bad for mental health long term. He has significant reason for rational mind fears when dealing with these two as they’ve already proved untrustworthy. They’ve also emasculated him which is a definite mental health issue for most. They’ve even made it public by visibly key holding. Unfortunately as the only way to continue the wild sex with both of them is to accept the damage that he doesn’t yet understand. He will probably do that and the damage may crush him before he’s willing to give up that pleasure. Just look at gamblers, addicts, etc. Just because it’s fun doesn’t mean it’s good for you.

I also don’t have time for blackmail in a situation purporting to be loving. If Bill wants more than a disappointing handjob after all the pleasure he gave them last night and all the promises his wife made (he was supposed to be rewarded spectacularly) he has to agree to give up all control and significantly change his life in a manner he can’t trust. In other words give up free consent.

The only appropriate response to a blackmailer is to take option 3. Walk away. A blackmailer does not have your interests at heart even if they purport to be doing it for you. The love you thought was there is gone.

thomashwhitethomashwhite8 months ago

While I did greatly like the story flow there are parts I directly hated and I didn’t feel aligned with their lives.

- they tended to have great kinky sex. Most of the time he was Dom but they swapped. No where indicated that either of them had wanted that to change. One time as Dom where she doesn’t keep her promises and now it’s only full time sub for him?

- a long healthful marriage like theirs with the love they expressed would take trust, communication, and true consent. There wasn’t even standard aftercare communication after the session. And, a hard Dick does not indicate all that’s going through someone’s mind. It is not communication. So, she never bothered to get his point of view before deciding on changing his life. He deserves that. The changes were put on him with little discussion when he was at a point where the chemicals running through his body due to playtime had seriously compromised his ability to consent. They never even explained what it meant. And it was done where they had his mind at a point where he could not think as acknowledged in the story. She had already changed the terms on him and by changing the term this way she again demonstrated a lack of trustworthiness. Are the women just gonna keep changing the rules to suit themselves better? Make him hard and change the rules. He’d been sub before with extensive denial but never left hanging. Never shown signs of wanting this full time.

- overt manipulation is not usually a sign of a truly healthy living relationship. So it is something out of character for Julia. Whether the manipulation went back to bringing Mona in, pushing Mona in to this, or after they talked about earlier Ramone incident, the ladies had no intention of Bill having an orgasm. Shows faithlessness and sudden selfishness on the part of the wife. And, if you remember the women never saw Ramone again. Whether because he didn’t like it or they didn’t respect him because he was only an object for them.

- the change from the first half of the story to the part where she starts lying and manipulating him was very jarring. I was enjoying this as a mutual play time session. Then it wasn’t.

- how long will the husband put up with this before he just leaves. And takes his wife’s lifestyle with him? Everything becomes commonplace over time. Femdom in a household where they are both switches can get old. As he feels more manipulated and isn’t at home in sexy time but in his normal part of life will he still be okay? “Life” isn’t all about sex. Sex isn’t always about the hottest sex. Sometimes it’s comforting or you just want something different. But they don’t have a true sexy time anymore. It’s full time femdom now. No space for anything else.

- this one bothers me the most in many of these stories. Life and sexy time are two different things. What’s ok in a session can be devastating in life. Many of these stories don’t even acknowledge that part. Many type A people may be subs. Sexy time running over to real life can destroy that dichotomy. Can destroy the real life. She took denial in sexy time and just turned it into his permanent life. How will that change bleed over. Did she just emasculate her type A husband and his business results flatten out? Do the things that he initiated in the marriage outside of sex just stop because he’s controlled? Does she even have any respect for her husband any longer as he rolls over for her? How can you love someone you don’t respect?

- why is it always the ones in these stories who extoll the benefits of denial never end up denying themselves? There has not been anything to suggest getting off at least once a day would stop his pleasure when faced with a day of denial like that again. It only helps the Dom when they are too shitty to take the time to raise it again. They want to short cut him into obedience. Not loving but lazy.

- and being in denial and being caged are far from the same thing. I think a big part of the fun on day one was Bill holding out. He had plenty of time to erase that ring on his Dick. He had possession of himself. But he wanted the prize. He wanted to hold out. Self denial is a lot of fun. The cage takes that away. He has no choice. He might as well not have a Dick. . Entirely different mind space. “I want to please them so I get the prize and I have to hold out” vs “Oh I have no choice so I only concentrate on them and forget about me”. Since they gave him no choice on the cage they really don’t care what was fun about it for him and have given no clear indication they will allow him an orgasm. Having the key displayed in that circumstance could be quite demoralizing.

- he was doing everything for his wife’s love, a chance at Mona, and knowing he’d get a mind blowing orgasm. He didn’t get that chance. His faithless wife knew that when she went to sleep. He didn’t indicate while laying between them that he didn’t want to get off or that he was mentally ok with it and felt the denial at that point was better than getting off. He didn’t indicate the next morning that he didn’t want to get off. He was disappointed that they didn’t get him off at the height of his arousal and believed he’d believed appropriately that it wouldn’t be as good. So, she presented him an option of a shitty orgasm to end the fantasy she provided and no further fun or more mind blowing fun with some denial thrown in. It’s not really a choice and I’m sure when he agreed he thought that they’d do more denial with the promised good ending this time. She certainly never indicated that she was gonna change the whole game right after this agreement. Because once again agreeing to holding orgasms and being caged are not the same. The fun comes from entirely separate places.

- and I saw no indication that this successful guy wanted to feel a full time emasculation. There is no doubt that’s what this Loss of Dick is. What will he do when he goes to the gym? Gets it clunked at work? Needs to take a piss while outside with buddies far from a bathroom?

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Good premise.

Bur all sex is serouusly rushed. Mechanical.

We don't knned to know that the firls teased him for an hour. We need to know how. Step by step. Details. Details. Details.

You need to learn the difference between PEEK and PEAK.

You need to understand that "HERTZ" is not just a number of vibrations, it's the number of vibrations per second.

Nothing much with his balls except to discuss how full they are.

Three stars.

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