High Rise Exhibitionist Ch. 11


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This could turn out to be a very delightful afternoon and the anticipation of the afternoon began to build for me.

"I've got a couple appointments this afternoon Janice." I said to the receptionist as I approached the door to our office. "Call me on my cell if anything needs immediately attention." I added.

The sky was filled with puffy white clouds as I exited the building a soft breeze keeping the heat from building too much. Francine's car was gone as I walked past the spot where she had enticed me at the beginning of the day. The mental image of those creamy white thighs and luscious tits were reason enough to agree on this luncheon date. I slid in my car and turned the ac on high to cool the interior down before pulling out and heading toward the mall. Francine's car was parked right where she said it would be but she was not in the driver's seat. I found a space near hers and let the engine idle with the ac running figuring she'd show up sooner or later. From my space I could see the shoppers coming out of the mall and waited for Francine to appear.

Five minutes then ten passed and I was starting to get a little perturbed with waiting for her. It must have been a full twenty minutes and just before I was about to leave that Francine appeared from the mall. She was carrying a pink shopping bag. I couldn't wait to hear her explanation for making me wait this long.

As she approached my car her warm smile and seductive walk kind of made the wait worth while.

"I'm so sorry." She said as my drivers window slid down.

"Glad you finally made it back I was about to leave." I replied.

Her smile diminished just a little as she offered an explanation. "I had to run in to VS to pick up something. It always takes me longer than I expect when I'm shopping at VS.

I had no idea what the fuck VS was but since she was now here I decided to let it go.

"So where would you like to have lunch?" I asked.

Francine thought for a moment then offered. "Some place out of the way dimly lit with circular booths would be perfect."

I laughed before answering. "That's quite a challenge finding a place like that."

"I sure you'll do your best baby." Francine replied.

"Jump in and I'll see what I can find on my GPS." I said.

Francine walk around the back of my car and opened the passenger door. She tossed her pink shopping bag in the back seat and slid into the front seat.

I pressed the navigation button for eating establishments in the area and a list of over thirty popped up on the screen.

"That's so cool." Francine offered as I started scrolling through the list looking for one that might fit her request.

Fortunately the list comes up by distance from your current location so the out of the way part wouldn't be a problem.

"Here's one." I said pointing to Emile's Lounge on the screen.

Emile's was twenty eight miles from the mall and I assumed with the name it was Italian which was our best shot at dimly lit and circular booths.

With Emile's highlighted I pressed GO on the screen.

A message popped up. "Arriving at destination in 37 minutes."

Thirty seven minutes isn't too bad it would give me time to explore just exactly what this blue eyed brunette had in mind for the two of us.

As we headed out onto the expressway I set the cruise at sixty eight and turned my head to glance at the sexy woman seated beside me.

Francine was watching me and she smiled when I glanced in her direction.

"So tell me what VS is." I asked.

"Oh my god Allen it's the best store in the whole mall. I shop there as often as I can or as often as my pocket book will allow." She said.

"So it's expensive?" I asked.

"It can be baby but you only get what you pay for." Francine offered.

I glanced at her again for a second before I asked. "What does VS stand for babe."

"Its Victoria Secrets my favorite shop in the whole mall." Francine replied.

"Oh." I said then added. "I couldn't for the life of me figure out was the initials VS stood for."

Francine giggled at my admission then said. "I thought everyone knew VS stands for Victoria Secrets.

She crossed her legs and pulled her skirt up a little. Running her pale pink fingernails over her stockings she said. "I get these at VS baby."

"And these." She said lifting her leg and sliding her nails down to her four inch heels.

"I like those." I offered.

Francine was apparently on a topic she loved to talk about so I let her go on.

"I buy these conservative styles for work Allen. But I have some really sexy ones that I like to wear when I'm feeling frisky." Francine said.

"I have this one pair that laces up to above my ankle that look incredible when I wear them with seamed stockings." She continued then added. " I paid over two hundred and fifty dollars for those shoes.

"I'll have to see you in those." I requested.

"We'll see." She replied with a seductive grin on her lips.

"So you buy your stockings and shoes at VS." I said.

"Oh my god not just stockings and shoes they have the most awesome selection of lingerie and pajamas not to mention very sexy dresses." She replied.

"So what did you get today Francine?" I asked.

"It's a secret baby." She replied giggling after she spoke.

"Lovers don't keep secrets." I said.

She laughed then said. "But Allen we're not lovers." and after a pause she added. "Yet."

"How about the kinky stuff like leather or latex?" I asked wondering if Francine's fancy ever went that way.

"No Allen VS is where I shop for SLS when I want to pick up something in latex I usually do that on line at Fredericks of Hollywood." Francine replied.

"Now I know Fredericks." I said. "But what is SLS?" I asked.

It's silk lace and satin silly." She said giggling.

I smiled and kept my eyes on the road watching for the exit we needed to take. So this raven haired blue eyed vixen not only like the finer sexy offerings of Victoria Secret but also went in for some of the more kinky items that Fredericks sells. I liked that and if things worked out today perhaps I'd have the opportunity to she Francine's kinky side too.

"Here's our exit babe." I said as I flipped the turn signal and moved into the exit lane.

"Good I'm famished." Francine said.

Emile's was just off the exit ramp in a small strip mall. It has a covered entry way and two big wooden doors.

I parked a couple spaces from the entry and said. "Well let's hope this place fulfills your desire."

I got out of the car and quickly walked around to the passenger side. Opening her door I offered my hand to help her out of the bucket seat.

Francine smiled and took my hand as she turned and lifted her leg giving me a spectacular view of her creamy white thigh above the dark hem of her thigh high stocking. It instantly brought a smile to my face.

As she stepped out and straightened up she smoothed her stove pipe skirt down the front of her thighs then offered. "I love wearing these tight fitting skirts but they don't give much access for a quick lift your skirt kind of fucking."

"Not to worry I'm not much into a quick lift your skirt kind of fucking anyway." I replied.

"I like that." Francine replied.

I offered her my arm and we walked slowly toward the huge red wooden doors to Emile's.

It was about quarter to one as we stepped inside and were greeted by a young blond working the lobby.

"Good afternoon Sir." She said.

"Hello miss we'd like a table for two please." I replied.

"Would you like to sit in the lounge or the dining room?" She asked.

Francine instantly replied. "The dining room please."

Picking up two menus the young lady said. "Right this way."

As we entered the dining room I whispered to Francine. "Looks like we picked the right place."

It was dimly lit by the warm glow of single bulb lights hanging over each table and the even warmer glow of candles on each.

As we followed the young blond Francine spotted where she wanted to sit.

"Can we have that round booth over in the corner please." She asked.

"Of course no problem." The young girl replied.

"Bingo." I whispered.

Emile's was exactly what Francine had requested and I smiled knowing that would allow her to play out what ever plans she had for our first date.

"Here we are." The young girl said.

Francine smiled widely at her and said. "Thank you so much."

"Your very welcome." The blond replied then added. "Someone will be with you shortly."

She turned and walked away as Francine slid into the deepest part of the circular booth. She patted the seat next to her and said. "Join me."

I slid in next to her and turned to look at her face.

"This certainly is quite romantic don't you agree?" I asked.

Francine smiled widely her brilliant white teeth flashing at me as she replied. "Couldn't be more perfect baby."

Her raven colored hair framed her sexy face and those bright blue eyes sparkled in the candle light. I slid my hand onto hers and said. "I believe I'm going to really enjoy this."

Francine turned her hand over and cupped mine in hers before she replied. "I'm already really enjoying this baby."

Just then a second young woman approached.

"Can I get you a drink?" She asked.

"Francine?" I said.

She didn't hesitate one second and replied. "Two martinis please."

"Very good." the waitress replied then added. "I'll get your cocktails and give you some time to look over our menu."

She turned and walked away and Francine squeezed my hand before saying. "Martinis make me so horny."

I laughed and asked. "Did you have one for breakfast today?"

Francine giggled and answered. "You're so bad."

"We'll see." I replied.

She lifted my hand from the table and slowly moved it under the cloth bringing it to the top of her thigh. "Feel free baby." She whispered.

Francine turned her hand over to rest on mine as I slowly moved my hand toward her knee.

"Your going the wrong way." She said.

I reversed direction and ran my hand up her thigh feeling the smooth fabric of her skirt slide under my palm. When I reached the point that the top hem of her thigh high stockings ended I paused and whispered. "Better?"

"Much better babe." She whispered. "But don't stop there."

My hand moved up a little more until it reached the point where her legs joined her torso.

"Very nice." I commented feeling the firm muscles of her thigh under my touch.

Our waitress appeared from the bar carrying two martinis on a tray.

"Here you go." She said as she placed one in front of each of us.

"I'll give you some time." She continued as she turned and walked away.

I lifted my drink and offered a toast. "Here's to kinky sex." I said.

Francine clinked her glass to mine and said. "To hot steamy kinky sex."

She took a huge gulp of her drink and nearly finished the whole thing.

"These go down so smooth." Francine said.

So she was admitting to enjoying hot kinky sex. I seized the opportunity and asked. "Is anything taboo with you?"

She smiled and thought for a moment before answering. "I don't do animals and I find golden showers very degrading. I'm not into severe pain or strong bondage but other than that I'm pretty much open to anything."

"Threesomes?" I questioned.

"Or more." Francine quickly replied.

Our waitress returned and asked. "Are you ready to order?"

Francine lifted her martinis glass to her lips and finished her drink.

"I'll have another." She said smiling and handing the empty glass to our waitress.

"Don't you want something to eat?" I asked.

"I'm going to skip lunch Allen. I'm trying to lose a couple pounds." She replied.

I was kind of hungry so I asked the waitress. "Do you have an antipasto we could share?"

"Yes of course." She replied.

"Good let's have two martinis and the antipasto then." I asked.

"Very good Sir." She said as she turned and walked away.

I turned to Francine and asked. "Thought you asked me to buy you lunch?"

Francine smiled and replied. "That was just a ploy to get you out of the office so we could spend some time along together."

Even though I was convinced that this raven haired vixen would be an awesome lover I still wasn't sure I wanted to get involved with a married woman. I decided to explore the reasons Francine was considering an affair.

Giving her thigh a light squeeze I looked into those sparkling blue eyes and asked. "So I know now that you're tri-sexual."

Francine's grinned and interrupted me. "What's tri-sexual."

"Willing to try anything sexual." I replied.

She grinned and said. "Okay I'm tri-sexual."

"Tell me about your sex life at home." I said.

"There's not much to tell. My husband was raised in a very strict catholic family and believes sex is always done in the missionary position. On those nights when we have sex it's usually over within twenty minutes." She explained.

"So you don't actually shop at VS or Fredericks for his enjoyment?" I asked.

"Oh no." Francine answered. "I have a very select group of special friends that I shop there for." She added.

So Francine was having ongoing affairs with at least more then one guy. I assumed that since she had been coming on to me so much recently that she was looking to add me to that select group of special friends.

Rather than assume I just asked her. "And am I to become one of those special friends?"

She smiled widely a sparkle in her bright blue eyes told me what she was about to say. "Could be we'll just have to see won't we."

The waitress returned with our drinks and the antipasto I had ordered.

"Here we are sir." She said placing the salad between Francine and me.

"Thank you." I answered.

Francine took a healthy sip from her second martinis and turned toward me as the waitress left she slipped her hand beneath the table and began massaging my thigh.

"You have very hard leg muscles." She remarked.

I grinned and replied. "Keep touching me like that and there will be something else very hard."

"I was hoping for that baby." Francine replied as her hand moved up a little on my thigh.

That unmistakable twinge in my cock began and I knew that if Francine continued I'd have a raging erection for her to touch.

I picked at the salad eating only those parts that most interested me.

Francine squeezed my thigh and whispered in my ear. "Any affect?"

That was enough of us beating around the bush. I slid my hand onto hers and moved it between my thighs.

Francine instantly cooed as the back of her hand pressed against my swelling cock.

"How's that for effect?" I asked.

She smiled and with a sparkle in her bright blue eyes she said. That will do just fine."

Her hand turned over and she grabbed my hard cock shaft through my slacks.

"Hmmmmmm." She cooed. "Yes this will do very well." Francine added feeling the length of my growing erection.

I smiled knowing she was satisfied with the size of my cock.

"And what about these?" Francine asked as she dipped her hand deeper between my thighs and cupped my balls. "Will they give me plenty of smooth hot cream?" She asked.

"I guess we'll have to wait and see baby." I replied.

"I hate to wait." Francine remarked.

I took that as an invitation to make a suggestion.

"Well Francine we could blow this place off and go back to my place. I certainly don't want to keep you waiting." I said.

Her smile widened and the sparkle in her beautiful blue eyes intensified as she answered. "I thought you'd never ask."

Francine gulped down the rest of her second martinis and I motioned for the waitress.

"Can we get our check please?" I asked.

"Is there something wrong with your food Sir?" She asked.

I instantly replied. "No no, we just realized we have some place else to get to this afternoon." While handing her my credit card.

"Very good Sir." She replied and turned to run my card.

A minute later I was signing the slip and thanking the waitress for her understanding. A larger than necessary tip would help her understand better I assumed.

Francine slid over and we headed for the door. I opened the passenger door and watched her slide into the passenger seat. This was the third time today that I watched Francine get into or out of a car seat and each time I was rewarded with an awesome view of her creamy white thighs.

As I rounded the car I thought to my self. I can wait to see those silky smooth thighs completely uncovered.

Returning back to town always takes less time. I'm not sure if it's because your driving into familiar territory or because your just in a hurry to get home but the drive back seemed to take a lot less than thirty eight minutes.

To be continued...

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NakedinNCNakedinNCalmost 14 years ago

Interesting ending to this chapter. I hope you continue.

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