Hiking with Mothers

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Two mothers bring their sons hiking.
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Story about two mothers and their sons. All characters are over the age of 18. Comments and feedback is appreciated, whether it's pointing out bad spelling, criticism or just telling me you liked the story.


It was a hot day in June when Sarah and her friend Jennifer, Jen for short, drove through the back roads leading to the cabin. The cabin was Jen's. She had gotten the it as part of her divorce while Mark, her ex-husband, got the house. Out of the two of them, she had always been the only one interested in hiking and exercise, and that was pretty much all you could do in the remote location it lay.

They had both brought their sons with them. Rick was Sarah's and Matt was Jen's. Ever since Jen and Sarah became friends they had made it a kind of a tradition to visit the cabin and spend time away from civilization for at least a weekend or two each year.

Though they were both 18 now, the guys never complained and actually seemed to enjoy spending time with their mothers. It also helped that they were friends from school.

Jen and Sarah were both single mothers, divorced, though Rick's father was completely out of the picture while Jen had had to share custody of her son. Even though he didn't need to now that he was technically an adult, Matt still spent every other week with each of his parents.

"It will be good to finally get away from the city," Jen commented.

"Oh, god yes. If I have to sit through traffic another minute in this heat I'm going to fucking loose it," Sarah responded.

Jen shot her friend a disapproving look for her language, but she didn't seem to notice. She glanced at the rear-view mirror to watch for a reaction from their sons but they seemed absorbed in their discussion about some kind of video game. She knew her boy was 18 now, but she still had a hard time letting go of things like watching her language around him. Sarah was much more outspoken, and had a pretty brazen personality in general.

"But seriously, I've been looking forward to getting out here. I've been so stressed at work lately," Sarah frowned to herself. They had both taken Thursday and Friday off for their long planned trip, and so had a good few days ahead of them to relax.

"Yea, I get that. I've been looking forward to this myself. Spending time away from everything, just us and our kids," Jen said.

"Hardly kids anymore..." Sarah commented, her voice lowered.

"They will always be our kids," Jen countered. Yet she had noticed the same things Sarah had. Her son, and Sarah's, had grown into fine young men.

Jen's son, Matt, had curly brown hair just like his father and a jawline to kill for. Rick had straight jet black hair, just like his mother, and looked like a real lady-killer himself. She was sure it wouldn't be long until they had to deal with girls lining up in hopes of dating them. Luckily they were both a bit on the shy side when it came to such things, which was probably the only reason she had avoided dealing with those problems so far.

She and Sarah were pretty damn good looking themselves, at age 38 and 39 respectively. They should be, with the effort they both put into keeping themselves in shape. But work got in the way for them. It was one of the things that had brought them together, along with their divorces, kids and shared interests. They had hit it off immediately, and had been great support for each other. Sharing stories and difficulties as two single mothers had made their friendship strong.

They came to the end of a small dirt road and pulled up to the cabin. It lay just by a small lake, which had a couple of other cabins and vacation homes built around it, but the house itself was secluded. Jen stopped the car and got out to breathe in the fresh air.

"Aaah... Do you smell that Sarah? Freedom." She smiled.

"Hah, yea I think I do," Sarah replied.

They walked up to the front door to unlock it and inspect the inside. Matt and Rick went to the back of the car and popped the trunk to retrieve their bags.

"Back again huh?" Rick commented and looked at the old cabin.

"Yea. It's been a while," Matt responded.

"I've been working out since last time though," Rick bragged. "You better not drag me down on the trail."

"Suuure, we'll see who drags who down," Matt laughed and punched his friend playfully in the shoulder.

"Hah. Yea, fuck you too," Rick retorted, not sounding like he meant it.

After picking out their bags they followed their mothers inside. The cabin only had one floor, but was big. The main attraction was the spacious lounge, complete with a fireplace, two couches, an old TV that hardly got any reception and a dinner table. The kitchen was in a open area connected to the rest of the room, with a counter between it and the sitting area. Other than that there was a bathroom with a shower and two bedrooms, which each had 2 beds in them. Naturally, the moms slept in one, while the boys occupied the other.

It also had a small porch in front and a patio in the back with a hot tub. They used the hot tub often, as it was great for loosening up stiff muscles after a long day of hiking on the surrounding trails.

Matt and Rick strolled into their room and began unpacking. They made sure to plug in their phones in the power socket, and Matt checked that he had brought the extra battery for his. You never knew when you were gonna run out of power when hiking in the middle of nowhere. Especially if you liked to listen to music while doing it.

They eventually walked back out to the living room. Their mothers had already changed and were ready to go.

Matt snuck in a peek at his mother in her outfit. She was wearing a sleeveless purple shirt that stuck tightly to her form, showing off her generous bosom. With that she had some sort of black leggings which, again, left little to the imagination. Only the fact that they were black obscured the form of her firm ass enough not to be inappropriate.

Holy fuck, she looks hot, Matt thought before he could stop himself. He had been sneaking in looks at his mom for a while now. Since around the time he turned 18 he had started to notice what everyone else already knew. She was fucking hot. She was probably the hottest woman he had ever met, with Rick's mom a close second.

Rick, unbeknownst to his friend, was doing much the same thing. As his mother turned to pick something out of one of her bags he carefully turned to look. She was wearing a white tank top similar to Jen's and beige, quite short, shorts. Her ass strained against the material as she bent over. Rick regretfully tore his eyes away before anyone could catch him. His attraction to his mother was his deepest secret, and a big part in why he didn't mind going on these trips.

"You guys ready to get going?" Jen asked the boys.

"Sure mom," Matt replied.

"Ready, miss J," Rick said.

"Just Jen, Rick. I've told you before," she admonished, but smiled.

"Okay then.Jen," he answered, smiling back. Matt shot him a suspicious look.

Jen laughed off the flirty youth and got an amused look from her friend. They all made their last preparations, including stocking up on water, and left the cabin. It was still only around noon. They had plenty of daylight left and not a cloud in the sky.


They took the dusty gravel road, surrounded by bushes and high grass, to the less traveled path that lead toward the mountains and hills. The area was covered in signs and information for prospective hikers. Information they were already familiar with.

The sandy path was littered with rocks and wound over hills covered in mostly yellow grass and groves of trees. They walked for a long time, working up a sweat in the midday sun. Matt and Rick walked up in front, a bit ahead of their mothers, jumping up rocks and bursting into competitive sprints every now and then. Jen and Sarah easily kept up, but paced themselves and enjoyed being able to converse between just the two of them.

"So how's your love life?" Jen asked. "Find anyone who isn't a complete loser?" she wondered, with a smile on her face.

"Ugh, no." Sarah frowned. She thought for a bit. "My love life is like this trail," she explained. "Barren, dusty and with only the rare occasional visitor."

"Hah! Yea, same here..." Jen laughed, but her friends description explained her own situation a bit too perfectly. God, she really needed to get laid.

"The only single men I meet are the ones at work, and you know what I think aboutthose guys," Sarah said.

"Mmm... same here. Maybe we should just sign up on one of those dating sites?"

"And comb through a hundred more losers like the guys at work? Count me out." Sarah got out her water bottle and took a drink before she continued. "I'd rather pick up one of those young guys in the city who gives me looks when I walk by."

Jen gave her friend a doubtful look.

"Oh, come on. I know you get them too. Remember when we were out shopping last time, and that cashier was all but drooling over you?"

"Jeesh, I'm not even sure that guy was legal," Jen replied.

"Yea, but that's my point. If we can still attract guys that young we could have anyone. You can't tell me you haven't thought about just picking up some young hunk from the bus stop and bringing him home with you."

"Um, not exactly that. No. But I see your point," Jen conceded. "But it's not that easy in reality. Besides, I prefer to at leastknow the person I'm going to have sex with," she countered. She knew her friend saw it the same way, whatever she said.

"Well, then maybe we should pick up the two hunks wedo know," Sarah said and looked ahead of them, smiling mischievously.

Jen gasped. "Jesus, Sarah. Those are our sons."

"Obviously we would 'swap' sons. You can't tell me you're not impressed with how good looking they've become." She got a distant look to her eyes, already imagining how they would accomplish it.

"That might be the craziest thing you've ever said. And that's saying a lot," Jen interrupted her friends daydreaming.

"Tell me you don't think they look hot," Sarah challenged. When Jen didn't respond she continued.

"See, you do.I would give you my blessing if we swapped, I trust you."

"God, you're such a perv. Besides they would never go for it, even if you tried," Jen said. Sarah looked at her expectantly. "Okay, okay. Yes, I trust you. I would give you my blessing, but it's never going to happened."

And I wouldn't want to swap anyway, a voice whispered in the back of Jen's mind.


They arrived at their destination after almost 2 hours of walking. Surrounded by trees and green grass, a small waterfall flowed down into a basin of water that ran out into a stream. It was one of their favorite locations, and surprisingly not as popular a destination as some other places. Predictably, it was a Thursday after all, they had the place to themselves.

The guys immediately ran down to the stony edge of the pond to gauge the temperature of the water. Jen and Sarah set out to find a place to lay their picnic blanket and fished their bathing suits out of the backpacks. They used their towels to change in.

As soon as they were done they ran down to the water. Jen smiled at the way Matt and his friend ogled them in their bikinis. She knew she looked good, but it felt good to get some confirmation every now and then. They splashed around in the cold water while their sons left to change.

"Can you believe those are our moms?" Rick asked, looking at the two beautiful women playing in the water.

"No. Could you imagine if girls our age looked like that?" Matt said. Rick nodded his approval. "It seems kind of unfair," Matt said, mostly to himself.

"Yea... If she-" Rick stopped himself. "If they weren't our moms we might have had a shot." He looked at Matt, but he hadn't reacted to his Freudian slip.

"I don't know. I think they want older men. All women do," Matt said, dejected. At least, all the girls their age seemed to want to date older guys.

"Yea I guess..." Rick answered.

"Come over here you two!" Sarah yelled. "It's great!"

The two youths walked down and joined their mothers in the cool water, which felt great against their skin after walking in the summer heat.

"Hey honey," Jen greeted her son, strands of her brown flowing hair pointing to her cleavage. "Doesn't the water feel wonderful?"

She watched her son's eyes roam over her wet body. He looked as if he couldn't help it, just reacting on his hormonal instincts and shyly looked away as he caught himself. She smiled to herself. It really did feel good to be appreciated, she had spent a lot of time picking out a sexy bikini for herself after all. There was no harm in getting to show off a little.

On an impulse, she waded over to Matt and pulled him in for a hug. He stammered his surprise as she wrapped her arms around him and mashed her breasts against his chest. She was a bit taller than him and she noticed he was staring down at her considerable cleavage protruding just below his face. To add to that, she thought she could feel something hard inside his trunks rubbing against her leg. She should probably have been bothered by that, but it only made her happier.

"Um, what was that for, mom?" Matt asked as soon as she let him go.

"Oh, nothing baby. Just happy to be here with you." She smiled widely at him. "I've so been looking forward to this trip."

Jen looked carefully through the clear water down at her son's swimming trunks, but she couldn't quite make anything out. She knew it was wrong, but she really wanted to see just how excited she had gotten him.God, I really do need to get laid, she thought, a little embarrassed but nonetheless curious.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Get in here so I can hug you too," Sarah ordered her son.

Always having to one-up her, Sarah stood up further as she pulled him in and wedged her son's face between her breasts.

"Jesus, mom! What the hell?" he exclaimed, but didn't pull back. Sarah laughed at his reaction.

"Come on sweetie, I'm just messing with you. Or don't you like mommy's tits? Are they too big?" she asked and leaned forward to give him a better view.

"Of course not! They're fine... um, I mean they're okay," Rick stumbled over his words, bright red in the face.

She really is shameless... Jen thought. More impressed than anything else.

Matt cursed his friend for his luck. Rick looked embarrassed, but he would have given anything for his mom to do that to him. Their mothers had very similar bodies, and though he didn't know exactly how cup size was measured he thought their mothers had D, or even double D sized breasts. Either way they were pretty big, without looking too big. He had fantasized more than once about having his face mashed into them like that, among other things.

He was suddenly splashed in the face with water and turned to find his giggling mother. Before he knew it they were all wrestling each other in teams, the mothers on top of their son's shoulders. Both the guys were secretly happy they could keep their lower half's under water. Being between their attractive mothers thighs while they wrestled each other was having the expected effect.

After swimming and enjoying the water in more wholesome ways for a while, they all got up to dry off. They lay in the sun, spread out on their towels. The guys were listening to music while Jen and Sarah talked.

"You're crazy, you know that?" Jen whispered to her friend once she was sure their sons weren't going to hear.

"What do you mean?" Sarah smiled and feigned innocence.

"You know what I mean. You can't push your boobs in your son's face like that."

"Oh, come on. That was just some harmless fun," she defended. "I saw that 'hug' of yours you know. Are you going to tell me you didn't enjoy that more than you should have?"

Jen felt her face heat up. She hadn't thought she had noticed that. Sometimes she knew her too well.

"I just haven't gotten laid in a while, okay?" Jen said in a hushed voice. "It just feels nice to be appreciated, even if that's as far as it goes." She held her friends eyes with a don't-you-judge-me look.

"I knew it!" Sarah said and smiled gleefully. "Don't worry though." Her expression got serious. "I know exactly how you feel. I love it when Rick gets all hot and bothered around me. Makes me feel less like an old lady..."

Jen's eyes widened at her friends confession.

"You mean you've, uh, made him 'hot and bothered' before?" she asked, suddenly curious.

"Well," Sarah's mouth took on a mischievous expression, "lets just say I'm of the opinion that I should be able to clean my own home wearing whatever clothes I like."

"Oh my god Sarah! You slut!" Jen chided. She still smiled though, and couldn't help but imagining herself doing the same thing. Perhaps bending over in her yoga pants at home, giving her son a full view of the ass she worked so hard to keep in shape. The idea of teasing him like that sent a tingle between her legs.

Sarah laughed at the way Jen subconsciously bit her lip and got a far away look to her eyes. She knew her friend all too well, she could be as wild as her if pushed into it.

They spent the day at the waterfall. Enjoying their packed lunch and using the rest of their time to swim in the clear water and enjoying the sun. By late afternoon they decided to call it a day, and made the long trip back with plenty of daylight to go.


By the time they made it back they were all feeling the effects of walking in the heat. They took turns showering and then collectively decided to spend their time resting on the furniture in the lounge.

The atmosphere in the cabin was very relaxed, as it should be after a day of walking. Everyone was spent, and they naturally kept their voices low to suit the mood. Matt and Rick decided to stretch their legs on the couches and mess around with their phones while their mothers walked outside to the patio to talk.

Jen and Sarah made dinner with the boys help, carrying out whatever task their mothers gave them. They had a lovely meal outside, served with white wine for the ladies and one glass each for the eager 18-year-olds. The sun was still up by the time they were done eating and after drinking some more wine Jen and Sarah decided they should start up the hot tub before it got dark.

It wasn't long until they were relaxing in the steaming outdoor hot tub, feeling the soothing effect of the warmth on their tense muscles.

"This always feels amazing mom," Matt mumbled blissfully as his mother walked up behind him to climb into the warm water.

"I bet it does honey," she said and climbed into the warm water before carefully sitting down. "Oh, yea! Just what you need after a day out." She sighed happily as the warm water embraced her.

Matt opened one eye to look at his mother's bikini clad body as she lowered herself. He fought back an impulse to reach out and touch her. He almost groaned in disappointment though, she looked so damn sexy.

He tore his gaze from her and found Sarah watching him, smiling.God damn it. She didn't notice that, did she? he thought, cringing.

Jen and Sarah were still finishing their wine out of glasses standing on the sides of the tub. Jen could feel her the alcohol getting to her a little. That would have to be enough if she wanted to avoid a hangover tomorrow. Together with the bubbling water it had a very relaxing effect on her though. She met Sarah's understanding eyes as they both lowered themselves further into the inviting liquid.

"Mmm... this feels nice..." Jen whispered to herself in the steam of warm water meeting colder air. She moved her hands over her stomach and legs, feeling all her muscles relax. As she moved her hands back up her legs she stopped at her inner thighs. She rubbed slowly, feeling a familiar tingling come to life between her legs as she did.