His Rising Stars

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Ronnie gets lucky after a drought of two years.
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His rising Stars

I got down from the green three-wheeler outside the inter-state bus terminal. The ride had been good. The Eco friendly vehicle rode on batteries so there was no noise or no smoke. Moreover it didn't bump a lot despite the sorry state of the roads. I wouldn't have minded if it had the upbeat mood I was in.

My business here in the capital had concluded to everyone's satisfaction and to my great delight. The deal worth five million was complete. This was the first major project I had been entrusted with and was company's first foreign venture. Our company made medical equipment. And company had the copyright to this new device. There was no dearth of orders from within the country and now for the first time we were going to export merchandise worth five million rupee to Bulgaria.

The good thing was that we were going to provide only the parts. They were going to assemble it on their own and were going to print and put labels on the cartons in their own language. So it was going to save us a lot in work hours and also the cost of label printing and pasting, increasing our profit margin.

I entered the bus terminal and immediately saw the big Red Mercedes bus with 'Travel with Star' boldly printed on its side. People were boarding it. The final signatures on the deal were put at 3pm and I had immediately booked a ticket for 5.45 pm.

Company should give some incentive for jobs completed to perfection. But that is not how the Pvt. Companies work. But I didn't dwell on the subject for long. I was already enjoying a lot of perks. Company was giving me daily allowance to the tune of two thousand and I was being paid for Ist first class air travel and stay at any hotel with rating of 3 to 5 stars. It totaled to more than nine thousand. I had traveled by AC bus stayed in a mediocre hotel eaten outside at roar side Dhabas and spent only 2000/- out of that so my bank account had already grown by seven thousand.

But a token incentive means recognition and that will come handy later while climbing up the ladder. But I was not the only one who had worked to make it a success. There were three others. One was Jotsyna, a woman a few years older than me (I am thirty) of happily married type and very strict in nature. You can't talk to her about anything that is not job related. Nobody had ever dared to compliment her let alone flirting.

Then there was Rajesh, gay with a capital G. Everybody at the company knows about him but I have never heard anybody talking about it. He is a sincere worker and a first class engineer. He is fair skinned with dark hair and eyes, clean shaven with virgin looking pink big and juicy baby lips. I doubt if there are any hair on his delicate body below the eye brows. His ass is big and he walks swaying it like women. I had thought of starting something with him. Not because I was inclined toward same-sex relationships. I had never been with a man before. It was just that I was getting desperate. More than two years had elapsed since I broke up with Anuradha, my college sweetheart. A drought had set in. I had lost any hope of it lifting any soon.

But my thoughts remained thoughts they never materialized into anything positive because we both were very conscious about our reputation in the company and also because I didn't know how to go about it. Anyway, I was not very keen about it. Though there was always some sexual tension whenever we were thrown together in the line of duty. But such instances were few and far between.

The third person was our legal adviser whom we met very rarely. We all should get some commendation maybe a simple letter of appreciation. I decided to talk about it with my manager. He was a man in his mid fifties so he was going to be around for four or five more years. I will have to put it to him very tactfully.

I had switched off my phone. I knew soon everybody will start ringing me. But I wanted to keep them on the tenterhooks for a little longer and I wanted to relax and enjoy the small triumph. I wanted to reach home as soon as possible, take a hot bath, cook something filling and carry the dinner, a half bottle of Signature and my laptop to my bdroom, watch some hot stuff and jerk off myself before passing into the slumber land.

I boarded the bus. My seat number was 24. It was on the two-seater side. That was good. I don't like the three-seaters on the driver's side. They are always very congested and on the wrong side. You can't watch the scenery from there. The window seat next to mine was already occupied. A Mama with heavy artillery Sat there reading a book. She was big boned and her ample bosom was quite tempting. She was dressed immaculately and wearing very little make-up but still looked very pretty. These days anything in a female attire looked pretty to me.

Despite her broad body frame there was enough space for me to settle down comfortably. I placed my overnight bag on the shelf above our heads and sat down. She gave me a quick look-over. I tried to keep poker face. She moved an inch away from me, a symbolic gesture telling me not to intrude here personal space, and was again engrossed the book she was reading. She had covered the book with brown paper. It looked like she cherished it had been reading it time and again. Must be some religious mumbo-jumbo, I thought.

"Good afternoon." I mumbled politely. She acknowledged it with the slightest of nods. I wouldn't have seen it if I was not looking at her directly.

Not interested. No woman was interested in me. To hell with her! I said inwardly.

Easier said than done.

I checked her out. She was wearing a silk sari tied low to show off her flat tummy with a half sleeved blouse to go with it. She had covered her naked arms with pallu of her sari. I was dying to rub my arms against the flesh of her arm.

It was the first week of November. One couldn't decide whether it was summer or winter. Days were hot and the nights were nippy. Trees had not yet shed their old foliage yet. Sun had already moved to the west but it was still warm.

At last the driver took his seat, released the brakes and put the motor in gear. There was a sudden jolt and our thighs rubbed against each others. She gave me a sharp sidelong glance but I kept sitting with a poker face looking straight ahead as if completely oblivious of whatever was happening around me. She again made a token gesture of moving away, half an inch if we go by the scale and buried her head back in her book. I stole a glance to look at the header of the book. ...ories was all I could read. So it was some kind of story book.

It took us nearly half an hour to weave our way through the city traffic and reach the national high way. The driver had to apply brakes every few seconds to weave his way through incessant traffic. Every time our thighs grazed each others. She stopped bothering about it after the third or fourth time. She just decided to let it be. That was perfectly alright with me too. So by the time we reached the outskirt of the city our thighs were sticking together firmly. I could feel the warmth from her soft thighs seeping into me through the soft material of her dress. It was giving me a nice hard-on and I didn't know how to hide it.

She also must have felt our bodies warming up. It must have made it difficult for her to concentrate on her book. She closed the book heaving a sigh and looked out.

"Nice scenery, the crops swaying in the breeze against the backdrop of orange sky, the sun setting on the far horizon." I said trying to start chat her up. Don't know why but I always find myself at loss of words in the company of fairer sex.

"I find it very boring." She said curtly and gave me a look I couldn't interpret any which way.

She again opened her book. I deliberately rubbed my thigh against hers. She tightened her thigh muscles and didn't budge from her place. After sometime I took my hand off the hand rail in front of me and placed it on my thigh. My finger tips touched her firm thigh. She moved away instinctively.

I immediately moved my hand in my lap between my thighs. My mouth went dry. I got ready to face an angry salvo. To my great relief no bombs exploded. She kept her calm and turned her face away to look out of the window.

But her leg moved back in place to lightly touch my thigh.

That was an unexpected but a positive response. It was encouragement. I slowly brought my hand back on my thigh my fingers felt her thigh. It didn't elicit any response. I caressed the top her thigh with tip of my index finger. This time she responded by opening her legs a little. Our thighs were sticking to each other snugly. My fingertips again moved on top of her thigh. I caressed her thigh lightly. She kept looking out of the window.

I could not decide the next course of action, I could move my hand down to caress her knee our move it up wards towards her crotch and tummy. In the end I decided against both options and moved it towards the inside of her thigh. That brought prompt results. She opened her legs wider. It cleared all and any doubts. I boldly caressed her inner thigh. It was softer than the outer part and fleshier, plump. She stopped looking out of the window took out a shawl out of her hand bag lying next to her and covered her thighs with it. My hand under it was now hidden from any prying eyes, free to roam where ever it pleased.

She leaned towards me. I could feel her heat. I started boldly feeling and rubbing her thigh moving up and down. My fingers were close to her cunt lips. I could feel the heat emitting from her vulva. I had moved too close to her treasure. She suddenly sat up erect.

"It has grown very cold. Is'nt it?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said. She was already unfolding her shawl. She covered us both with it.

"I am tired." She said putting her head on my shoulder. I lifted my arm from under the shawl and wound it around her shoulder. She made herself comfortable turning towards me with her head resting half on my shoulder and half on my chest. Her massive breast was now stuck to my ribs. I could now easily feel both her thighs and could even reach her crotch and vulva. But I wanted to get into her sari.

"I am going to get some shuteye. I leave you to your own devices." She whispered into my ear.

"Your devices' you mean?"I whispered back naughtily.

"Whatever." She said and touched her lips to my ear. Electric waves spread throughout my body. Whole my body quivered with pleasure. I couldn't believe it was happening.

She immediately closed her eyes. I caressed and fondled her for some time and then paid attention to the bosom stuck to my chest I slowly moved my hand up towards her breast and caught her right boob in my left hand. I rolled her nipple and crushed it between my forefinger and thumb and pressed and squeezed it.

She immediately caught my hand "Oh! No. You will make me scream."

I wrapped my hand around her big breast and gave it a light squeeze.

"Oui!" She moaned with pleasure.

She snuggled further into me. I took her other breast and played with it for some time. Her breath had become shallow and fast. I opened the top button of her blouse and slipped my hand inside. I took her nipple between my fingers and squeezed. She covered my hand with hers and we both kneaded and squeezed and pressed her big breast.

"My panties ae al wet." She said hiding her face in my chest.

I lifted her chin and moved in for a kiss but she quickly hid her fac in the shawl. My pecker was eager to jump out of my pants. I looked around. All the passengers within the sphere of vision had either their eyes shut or were yawning and ready to doze off. I moved the hand under the shawl to her knee and started slowly snagging her sari and petticoat upwards.

At last my fingers touched her naked knee and muscles of her leg twitched. She folded her leg and placed it in my lap. I covered it properly with the shawl. The soft silky touch of her thigh was making me go crazy.

I wanted to rub my dick on her delicate body or jerk it while pleasuring her with the other hand. I moved my hand up and felt her panties, moist with her secretions. I rubbed her puffy swollen love lips with my fingers and found the trigger button hidden betwixt them. I gave it a squeeze. She let out a loud sob. We froze. But nobody around us was apparently paying attention to us. I crushed the clitoris between my thumb and fingers. The material of her panties was soft and I could feel everything easily. I caressed her crotch and ran my finger between her cunt lips.

"I am moving in." I whispered.

I tried to put my fingers inside her panties through the elastic waistband. But it was nearly impossible because the angle was not right.

"From downwards." She dropped a hint in my ear.

What a fool I am. Why didn't I think of it? I let my hand slide over her crotch and down the pussy lips and found the leg-opening. My fingers slipped in. The tips of my fingers felt the soft flesh of her swollen pussy lips. I rubbed her cunt lips one by one. The vulva was clean shaven. Her swollen and fluffy cunt lips were silky, slippery with her secretions. She dug her teeth into my shoulder.

I found the naked clit and rolled it between my fingers. She was breathing heavily into my ear. I let one of my fingers slip inside her. She was wetter than the slush of a quagmire. I added two more fingers to the previous one and pressed her clitoris with my thumb grinding it against her pubic bone.

"I am on the verge of..." she couldn't complete the sentence. Her body shuddered and she clung to me tightly sinking her teeth deeper into my shoulder. I stopped finger fucking her. Her inner muscles tightened around my fingers. I rubbed my cheek on her head. She took out her hand from under the shawl and touched my lips with finger tips. I kissed them. I felt her vaginal muscles relax slowly. I took out my fingers and she clasped her thighs shut tightly.

I brought my hand out of the shawl it was soaked with her juices. I brought it close to my nose and took in the smell of her sex. She knew what I was going to do next. She caught my wrist but not before I had licked my middle finger. She let go of my wristed and I took my time licking my fingers soaked in her tasty juices. She kept looking her face turned beetroot red.

"You are very tasty." I spoke into her mouth. I slipped my hand under the shawl and wiped my hand on her thighs smearing them with her own juice. She adjusted her sari and took my hand in hers and slipped her fingers in mine. She squeezed my hand. I tightened my embrace around her and brought her mouth close to mine.

"Will you like to return the favor?"I asked her. She nodded her head vigorously unable to respond with words.

"Wait." She said after a pause. She was still holding my hand hidden under the shawl. She caressed it, felt the hairy back of my hand and felt the webs between my fingers. Then she slowly moved her hand from her lap to mine. The material of my pants was not very thick. She slowly massaged my thigh and moved her hand to me scrotum. She squeezed and rubbed my balls and moved upwards. She wrapped her hand around my cock and looked at me with wide eyes.

"My, my! It is sooo thick!

Her fingers move downwards to the balls and then traveled back upwards slowly, towards tip of my cock.

I lifted her hand and undid the fly. She slipped her small hand inside and wrapped it around the girth of my cock over my undies and shook it slowly. She slowly moved her fingers upwards to feel cock's head. She exclaimed with surprise "How long is it? A foot!"

"Nine inches only."

"Can't believe it, I have never held or seen anything like that before." She whispered "you measured it?"

"Someone measured it for me."

She gave my cock a hard squeeze and tried to sneak into my underwear. I made it easy for her by loosening my belt and undoing the only button of my pants. She immediately grabbed the cock and pulled it out of the underwear. Her hand was cold but warming up quickly. She brought her mouth close to mine.

"Lift the shawl I want to see it."

"Only, if you promise to show me your pussy." I teased her.

I lifted the shawl to give her a sneak peek. She took her time looking at my cock shaking it slowly at the same time. I was thrilled by the situation and feeling hornier like never before.

"Faster." I begged of her. She increased her speed but I was not yet anywhere near orgasm.

She stopped to rest her arm.

Nobody is watching, you can steal a quick slurp if you want." I told her jokingly.

To my surprise she dived into the shawl and quickly gulped down as much as she could. She stayed like that for long moment. I felt cum rising in my tubes. But she took it out of her mouth licked the tip of the cock. Her head bobbed up out of the shawl and I taking advantage of the moment smashed my lips on hers. She didn't mind it at all. She was past caring.

"It is so hard." She murmured in my mouth.

"Yeah! Steel hard."

"Steel! Gold, idiot! Gold, 24 carat." She squeezed me and giggled.

Her soft husky voice was music to my ears. I wanted her to keep on murmuring encouragements in my ear in her honeyed voice. She again clasped her small fingers around my dick and got busy with her mission. But she had to give it up before bring it to the desired end. The over head lights suddenly came up. She quickly moved away from me and in her hurry hit her head on the window pane. I zipped up at once and tightened my belt. We had entered the city limits. We could see the skyscrapers hurrying past us.

We kept our backs ramrod looking straight ahead. Iturned to her she smiled and turned pink. She looked prettier than before and her cheeks dimpled when she smiled. She came closer and wrapped her arm around mine. A pressed my arm against her ample bosom.

"You live in the city or are you visiting." She asked.

"I am from here only. And you?"

"That is wonderful. Where do you live? I live in Model town."

"You live Model town? My office is in the bank square. Your home must be only a stone's throw from my work place." I said.

There was a long pause. Passengers had started moving around collecting their things and getting ready to get down.

"At which stop are you getting down? She asked me, her voice showing a hint of apprehension.

"Last one."

There was a long pause. Passengers had started moving around collecting their things and getting ready to get down.

"So, you will get down at the bus station." She said thinking something. "Okayyy! I will also get down there and take a cab back."

"You won't need to. My car is there in the car park. I can drop you home."

"Won't it be risky?" She said nervously. Her demeanor had changed immediately the moment we entered the city limits. Gone was that bold woman. Instead I was looking at woman unsure of herself, nervous and scared.

"I will drop you a block or two short of your destination."

She nodded timidly.


At the bus depot we waited for others to get off first. As the time to part drew closer our hearts sank. I was thinking fast to delay the moment. We disembarked last and started walking towards the car park silently. We both were emotionally wound up. I handed the receipt to the attendant and moved to my car. She went to the passenger side. She looked at me, smiled lamely and climbed in. I got in after her. I guided the car out of the parking and stopped on the curb.

"Do you want to eat?" I broke the silence at last.

"I think I should hurry home."

"A quick snack." I said literally pleading.

"OK." She said giving up. It was clear she can't make up her mind.

"I will be back in a jiffy. What do you want?"

"A vegetable sandwich with lots of vegetables and lots of mayonnaise and a coke."