His Wife's Sister Ch. 02

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He finds himself alone with his sister-in-law again.
4.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 12/05/2012
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Mark Levine lay naked on his back. His wife, Loren, straddled his waist as she slipped his erect penis into her warm pussy. This is the first time they have had sex since she returned from a business trip last Saturday...the day that Mark had a sexual encounter with her little sister, Amy. In the past week, Mark had kept busy at his job at a car dealership, staying late even when he didn't have to. His only day off since the previous Saturday was on Wednesday, and he spent the day preparing for an anniversary party they were throwing for Loren's parents that upcoming Sunday. He didn't see much of his wife that week as he purposely avoided her. She was kept busy herself with her work and getting everything ready for the surprise party they were throwing in two days. She complained about not seeing Mark much that week, but was also used to his work keeping him busy. She noted that he seemed busier than usual, and wanted to surprise him with a romantic evening that Friday night.

"Oh, you feel so good honey," Loren purred as she ground her hips into her husband's. Loren knew that Mark had off that weekend, but they would be too busy preparing for the party on Saturday and hosting it Sunday to spend any intimate time together. "Oh yes baby," she lustfully moaned as she began bouncing on his hard dick.

Mark stared up at his wife as she impaled her pussy onto his engorged cock. At 28, she didn't look much different than the day he married her, almost 4 years ago. Her long blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders and over her 36-C breasts. Her nipples rose to her touch as she grabbed and rolled them between her fingers. Her flat stomach perfectly showed off the tattoo a few inches below her bellybutton: two sparrows flying towards one another, each with a leaf in it's mouth. She said it symbolized Mark and herself flying towards each other, each bringing a piece of what would become their home together. He watched her fat pussy swallowing his cock again and again as she bounced up and down. It was a gorgeous sight.

And yet, Mark couldn't stop himself from thinking about her sister, comparing their bodies. They were similar in a lot of ways; same hair color, same pretty face, similar breast sizes. But Mark couldn't help thinking that Amy's body was firmer than his wife's, probably a result of playing sports at the college she just graduated from and the fact that she was 6 years younger. His thoughts filled with the memory of her naked body as she stood in front of him. Her well-toned physique, those perky breasts, and that gorgeous pussy were burned into his mind. And those eyes. Her enchanting deep green eyes. His wife had blue eyes, also deep and beautiful, but Amy's luscious green eyes seemed to be burned into his very soul. He couldn't keep himself from thinking about them, and the rest of her, throughout the week. Her hot mouth sucking him dry as she knelt on the floor in front of him...the saliva and cum that flowed down her body, dripping off her tits. He thought about the stream of cum that dripped from her pussy as he ate her out, causing a wet spot on the couch beneath her. His mind swirled with thoughts of her smell, her body, and her touch. It consumed him.

As his wife fucked him harder and faster, her moans reminded him of the way Amy moaned when she came in his mouth. As he watched his dick glide in and out of his wife, slick with her juices, all he could think about was Amy's tight, young, wet pussy. He imagined his cock sliding in and out of it, the look of ecstasy in those green eyes as he banged her with all his might, her screams of pleasure as he brought her to orgasm.

"Oh fuck yeah!" Mark yelled as his cock exploded deep inside of his wife's pussy.

"Oh yeah baby," Loren moaned as she slipped off of him and laid her head on his chest. "I love you honey."

"I love you too," Mark quietly responded. She had no idea that his strong orgasm was caused by the thought of fucking her sister.

The next day, as Mark sat at the kitchen table across from his wife, he was racked with conflicting feelings. He felt guilty about cheating on his wife, no doubt, especially with her own sister. He loved Loren and he would never intentionally hurt her. The encounter with her sister was anything but intentional, yet the bigger problem was not just that it had happened, but the thoughts that had been filling his mind since it happened. The husband in him was filled with doubt and guilt. The man in him was filled with lust for that hot 22-year old body that had lain before him so willingly a week ago.

"So Amy said she stopped by last week," Loren said between bites of her bagel.

"Um what? No! I didn't see her," Mark blurted out, then silently chided himself for the aggressively defensive response.

"Yeah she said she just dropped off those punch bowels, let herself in with her key. She said you must've been upstairs when she came by," Loren remarked casually. She appeared unconcerned with his quick denial.

"Oh yeah...I must've been," Mark replied quietly, relieved that his lie reflected Amy's. How was he ever going to keep this up? He hadn't seen Amy since that day. He knew she would be at the party tomorrow, and he had no idea how he would respond to seeing her again...or how she would respond to him.

"She's coming by in a bit to help set up for the party. She says Mom and Dad have no clue about it. They think we're all going out to a quiet lunch!"

Mark's mind suddenly spun out of control. Amy, there, soon!? He would be alone with just her and his wife. He didn't think he could do it. Being in a large group with them would be hard enough, but being with just the two of them would be agony.

"Oh, um, didn't I tell you I have to work today?" Mark said apprehensively.

"What? No! Honey, we need to get ready for the party today! We need you to help! I thought you had the weekend off!" Loren exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah, I know, but Bob told me yesterday that I'd have to come in today. Tom is sick or something. I thought I told you last night," Mark lied.

"Okay honey," Loren sighed resignedly, "if you have to go, you have to go. I guess Amy and I can manage without you."

"I'm sorry honey," Mark said as he rose from his seat and kissed her on the head. "I'm gonna go take a shower."

"It's ok sweetie, I understand. Just remind me to kick Bob's ass the next time I see him!" she yelled as Mark walked up the stairs. It was going to be a long day, he thought to himself.

Mark showered and dressed, wondering what he was going to tell his boss, Bob, as to why he was coming in on his day off. He went down the stairs and grabbed his briefcase.

"Ok honey, I'm off," he yelled as he put his hand on the door.

"Oh bye baby, have a good day," Loren said as she quickly came around the corner and gave him a kiss. Amy was with her. She must've arrived when Mark was in the shower.

"Oh...hi Amy," he said with a sheepish smile. Her hair was up in a tight pony-tail and she was wearing a snug t-shirt and a pair of tight jean-shorts that showed off much more of her tanned legs than Mark wanted to see at the moment. He quickly looked at the ground.

"Hi Mark," Amy answered in a tone that conveyed nothing but normalcy. Apparently she was going to be better at hiding the truth than Mark was. He quickly turned around and walked out the door.

Mark's boss was surprised to see him, but chalked it up to his employee's work ethic. Mark spent most of the day finishing up what little paperwork he had left. After he left work, he went to a movie theater. He sat in the back row, filled with guilt. He was now hiding from his wife. After leaving the theater around 10, he called Loren to say he was on his way home. He asked her if she wanted him to get anything, and then he casually asked if Amy was still there. When told she wasn't, Mark headed home. His wife was lounging on the couch when he got home, tired from preparing for the party all day.

"Hey baby," she said as Mark walked in, "another long day huh?"

"Oh yeah...you know busy time of year and all," Mark lied. "Everything ready for the party?"

"Yeah babe, everything's set up and ready to go. We're gonna have to get the cake tomorrow morning but other than that we're ready." Loren yawned. Mark grabbed some left over pizza and sat at the counter. Loren soon went up to bed, and Mark followed shortly after. He had no idea how tomorrow would be. Him, Loren, Amy, their parents, and thirty or so friends would all be together for most of the day. It was going to be interesting to say the least.

The next day, Mark and Loren got the cake and last minute things for the party, then began receiving guests into their home. At around noon, Amy brought Loren's parents, who were shocked to see that they had been led into a surprise party. Mark spent most of his time in the yard, manning the grill, and as far away from Amy as he could. He barely saw her for most of the day, until it was time for her parents to open the presents everyone had brought. Everyone gathered in the living room as Loren and Amy handed the presents to their parents. As the presents were opened and fawned over like they are at most parties, Mark tried not to look at Amy, but couldn't help it. She was wearing a yellow sundress with white flowered print, the thin straps clinging tightly to her tanned shoulders. Her hair was styled in a fashionable bun, with golden curls hanging down the sides of her face. She wore just the right amount of make-up, a light blush and a slick pink lipstick. She looked heavenly. Her dress ended just above her knees and she finished the ensemble with a pair of white high heels that accentuated her shapely legs. Mark's eyes drank her in, lingering on the slight cleavage popping out the top of her dress. As she smiled and laughed while engaging with her parents, sister, and guests, Mark found himself staring at her. Suddenly she looked in his direction and their eyes met. Mark's heart stopped. She realized he was staring at her and he thought he noticed her blush slightly. Then she smiled at him, a warm inviting smile shared between two people with secret knowledge. Mark felt his cock twitch in his pants, and as Amy went back to her conversation, he went back to his grill determined to keep his eyes off of her for the rest of the day.

Later that evening, as a smaller group of guests remained talking and laughing in the living room, Mark washed some dishes in the kitchen. He was suddenly aware of a presence behind him and he turned to see Amy.

"Oh, hi Amy," Mark stuttered.

"Hey Mark. I just wanted to get a chance to tell you that I'm ok with everything that happened last week," she said. As she spoke, she put her hand on his shoulder and gave it a little rub.

"Oh...um, ok," Mark stumbled through the words. He really couldn't think of anything else to say. He felt his dick begin to grow in his pants.

"I just don't want things to be awkward with us, ok?" she asked as she gave his shoulder a squeeze.

"Um, ok Amy," Mark managed to get out. He didn't know what to say. He knew what he wanted to say. He knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to tell her that he couldn't stop thinking about her. He wanted to grab her, pull up her dress, rip off her underwear, and fuck her silly right there in the kitchen. He shook the thought from his mind. Amy smiled that warm, inviting smile at him again and bent forward to kiss him lightly on the cheek.

"Thank you," she said, smiled again, and walked out of the kitchen. Mark was completely befuddled. Thank you? What did that mean? He tried to go back to washing the dishes, but his mind was on anything but what he was doing. What did that mean to their future, and the future of his marriage? Mark's mind spun.

A few hours later, as the last remaining guests were leaving, Loren and Amy's parents thanked them all again, then left as well. Amy stayed to help clean up. As Mark cleaned the grill and backyard, Loren and Amy worked on cleaning the living room and kitchen. Mark could hear them laughing as they talked but couldn't make out exactly what they were saying. As he went back into the house he noticed they had opened the last bottle of wine and each had a filled glass in hand.

An hour or so later the house was relatively clean, and the three of them discussed the party and how well it went. As the last drop of wine was finished, Amy said that it was probably time for her to go.

"Oh honey, can you drive Amy home please?" Loren asked Mark as she rose from the table a little wobbly. "I think I've had too much wine today," she laughed as she held on to Mark's shoulder for support. Mark's mind spun once again. Alone, with Amy. She only lived ten minutes away by car, but Mark was unsure about being alone with her for any amount of time.

"Um, ok hon," Mark mumbled. Amy smiled at him as he got up from the table.

"Thanks babe," Loren said as she put her arms around his neck and kissed him, allowing her tongue to swirl in his mouth. "I'm beat. I'm gonna probably be asleep by the time you get back!" Loren laughed as she gave her little sister a hug and walked upstairs.

Mark led Amy to his car and they both got in. As Mark started the drive, he tried to make small talk to cut through the sudden awkwardness.

"So, your parents really seemed surprised."

"Yeah totally," Amy giggled, "they had no idea."

Mark looked over at her as she spoke, slightly glancing at the bare skin of her crossed legs. He quickly looked away. They spent most of the rest of the ride in silence, as neither could think of anything to say. As they neared her parent's house where she lived, Amy suddenly reached over and grabbed Mark's arm. He became rigid immediately, his heart in his throat.

"I'm sorry," she said. He looked over at her. She had tears in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Mark asked.

"I didn't mean for what happened last week to happen. I mean, I didn't intend it. When I saw you there naked, stroking your...I just...I just got so turned on. I'm sorry. I just...I haven't been with anyone for a while...and...you looked so hot, I just..." Her voice trailed off as she began to sob.

Mark pulled the car over a couple blocks from Amy's house.

"Hey, hey, don't cry," he said as he reached over to put his arm around her shoulders. She collapsed into him, her head on his chest as she cried.

"I just know you love my sister and I don't wanna hurt that and I didn't mean to...." Her voice trailed off again.

"Hey, Amy," Mark said as he lifted her tear streaked face to look into her eyes, "I had just as much a part in it as you did. It's not your fault. Trust me, I wanted it just as much as you did." She looked up at him sharply.

"You did?" she asked tentatively.

"Um...well, yeah," Mark said quietly, "You're a beautiful woman." Amy's eyes lit up and she smiled at Mark.

"Thanks Mark. You're really a great guy." She pulled her arms around his neck and buried her head into his shoulder. The smell of her hair filled Mark's nostrils and he breathed deeply. After a few seconds, Amy faced him again. She stared deep into his eyes and a smile spread across her lips. Slowly she bent forward and kissed him. She softly pressed her lips against his. It was somewhere between a sisterly kiss and a celebratory kiss. Mark didn't know what to think. She let her lips linger for a few seconds, then pulled her head back and looked at him, a strange look washing over her face as she tried to read his. Then, she slowly bent forward and kissed him again. This time it was a long, slow, deep kiss. Mark's mind spun. He could taste the wine on her tongue as it penetrated his lips. He knew he should stop her, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He found himself kissing her back, running his hand through her hair as he pulled her into him.

Their tongues met like old lovers dancing after years apart. She scooted closer to him and clasped her arms around his neck. Mark was intoxicated by the smell of her perfume as she leaned into him. Her tongue traced circles on his neck as his arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her even closer. The center console became an obstacle, and Amy hurdled it, jumping into Mark's lap. Her hands unbuttoned his shirt as he kissed her neck. He dropped a hand to the side of the seat, pushing it back away from the steering wheel to give them more room. As he did, Amy's hands dropped to his belt and unhooked it. She unzipped his pants and slipped her hand into his underwear, grabbing his semi-hard cock in her hand. She stroked him to full hardness, then pulled his pants and underwear down around his ankles as he scooched his butt to let her do it. She hiked her dress up and straddled his lap. Mark continued to kiss her neck, slowly moving down until he reached the top of her dress with his mouth.

She sat back, looking into Mark's eyes as she pulled the straps off her shoulders. She let the dress fall around her waist as she reached behind to unhooked her bra strap. Suddenly, those beautiful perky breasts were once again in Mark's face. He took one, and then the other, into his mouth, flicking her nipples with his tongue. A small moan elicited from her mouth as he did. Soon their mouths met again, their tongues swirled and danced as they kissed passionately. For the second time in a little over a week, Mark was passionately kissing his half naked sister-in-law. His mind was a web of confusion again as thoughts and questions flew through his brain faster than he could focus on them. But unlike their first encounter, a new element was present this time. For most of the week, Mark had been imagining this moment. He had fantasized about having sex with his wife's sister. He had thought about it more times than he could count. The last time was a purely physical response; he had been excited from watching the porno and Amy's young flesh spurred him on. There was no thought, nothing but a physical need for satisfaction. This time, he wanted it. He wanted to be right here, with Amy straddling his naked lap. He wanted to rip her underwear off and push his hard cock into her young pussy. He knew he shouldn't; he knew he should stop this and forget anything had ever happened. But he knew that he wanted it. He thought that she wanted it too. Her description of why she did what she did last week, he knew he turned her on. It was exciting for him to hear about how she desired him once she saw him naked; how it led her to her actions last week. He wondered if she had fantasized about him like he had about her all week. He assumed she had, or she wouldn't be doing this now. It wasn't just a reaction this time.

"Oh Mark, I've been thinking about this for so long," she purred, as if reading his mind. "I know I shouldn't...but I want to be with you." Her words seemed to go straight from Mark's ears to his cock. Knowing she wanted it turned him on all the more. This wasn't one person taking advantage of the other in a compromising situation, like it may have been last time. This was two people coming together in a shared thought, two people realizing that no one was at fault, no one was to be blamed. Both wanted it, and both knew it.

Amy rocked her hips back and forth as she sat on his lap, grinding her pussy against Mark's hard cock. He could feel the wetness through her underwear as she rubbed her pussy up and down the underside of his cock, teasing him. Her underwear wedged in her pussy as she ground it against his cock again and again.

"Oh Amy," Mark whispered in her ear, "it feels so good." Amy smiled at him before kissing him again. Mark became aware of just how close he was to having sex with Amy. Her slick pussy was rubbing his cock. He only had to pull her underwear aside and slip up into her. He suddenly became very uneasy with the idea. He wanted to fuck her. He desperately wanted to feel his cock inside her young pussy, but he also knew it was a much bigger deal than just getting a blowjob from her. He was suddenly unsure about the whole thing. He looked out the window of the car. They were parked next to the closed post office. Residences were just twenty yards away. Unsure of whether he wanted to go all the way with this, he realized he definitely didn't want to do it here, like this.