Holiday with Friends

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Our holiday turns into a nightmare.
5.3k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/18/2022
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It was late summer 1996. I was sitting at our dining room table playing monopoly with the kids, Lisa our eldest was trying her best to steal from the bank while my attention was on the twins. They were arguing over who's turn it was as usual.

Thursday night is my night with the kids, Marie has to deal with them all week. Its hard work with two 4 year old's and a 10 year old who thinks she is 17. Thursday is her night out with the girls.

My name is Martin Smith, a carpenter by trade. I tend to work long hours and quite often fall to sleep in my favourite comfy chair in the evenings while my wife watches the TV. I'm married to Marie, we have three children. I cherish my weekends with her and the kids.

Lisa was the first to hear the key turn in the lock, she leapt from the table to greet her mum as she came in. Marie had a huge grin on her face as she came through to see us at the table. I looked up.

"Hi I was just about to put these to bed, you are back just in time."

She put her hand into her handbag flinging what seemed like a snowstorm of notes onto the monopoly board. They fluttered down mixing with the play money. £10s, £20s everywhere!

"I won £4,000 on the bingo, we are rich!"

The kids were squealing, Marie was screaming. I sat there speechless, shocked.

"We can do that holiday after all!" An excited Marie beamed at us.

I smiled at her.

"Let's all sit and calm down for a sec, is this for real have you really won 4 grand?"


She said, with a big smile on her face.

I picked her up, twirled her around and hugged her. After we had all calmed down we snuggled the kids into bed. We settled down and cuddled up on the sofa to talk about a holiday we could now afford because of this windfall.

We agreed on a week's break somewhere in the Mediterranean, Ibiza or Corfu. It was a great feeling both of us buzzing.

In bed that night she was wonderful, lots of kissing and cuddling. Marie was in a great mood, she gave me a long sensuous blowjob. Something she had not done in ages, she was on fire, I hadn't seen or felt her with this passion in a long time, I offered to return the favour but she said no, she was beat.

The next morning I was gone early before anyone was up. It felt good at work knowing we could take the kids away with no money worries. The day flew by.

I returned home around 5pm to the smell of roast chicken as I entered the house. I was walking down the hallway towards the kitchen when I heard Marie chatting to someone. It turned out to be our neighbour Jenny, they were giggling like schoolgirls looking at our laptop.

Marie looked up.

"Marty, we have been looking at holidays. How do you feel about Jenny and George coming with us. We have been pricing up villas with private pools in Ibiza, we could share the cost what do you think?"

To be honest I was looking forward to a holiday with just us and the kids, but looking at the two of them I couldn't bring myself to say it.

"That would be great." came out of my mouth.

Marie had also invited them around this evening for dinner so we sat there going over what we all wanted from a holiday while eating. The girls were ecstatic, they loved aunt Jen from next door.

A few weeks later here we are in Ibiza, on a complex of villas with a small clubhouse with local entertainment.

I couldn't knock the villa, the two girls had made a terrific choice. Four bedrooms, a pool, a huge lounge leading to a big BBQ area with views overlooking the sea.

The ladies unpacked while George and I took the girls out of the way to explore the complex. The clubhouse was nice it had a small bar with a dance floor, maybe a dozen or so people in there.

It seemed friendly. The itinerary pinned to the notice board of what was to become the entertainment for the coming week. Magicians, dancers, comedians and singers. The usual stuff for family holidays, except Monday night was Adult Night. NO minors.

George asked the girl behind the bar about it.

She said, "We have a hypnotist and some rather racy comedians on Mondays, it can get a bit rowdy."

"Hmm sounds good, shame you have the kids Marty" laughed George with a uncalled for smile on his face.

"One day this will be you and Jenny my friend, you won't be laughing then!" I fired back at him.

That evening we settled the kids to bed and had a lovely meal out on the patio watching the sunset over the sea. George had barbecued ribs with a Mediterranean salad as a thank you for letting them tag along.

Marie went over she put her arms around him and kissed the back of his neck as he stood at the BBQ.

"Thank you George."

She turned, looked at me and Jenny sitting at the table staring open mouthed.

"What!....We are on our holidays? It was very nice of George to show off his cooking skills." She says defensively.

Smiling at us both she came back and sat by my side, her hand rubbing my leg dangerously close to my groin, I think as a way of getting my mind off of the neck kiss.

The rest of the evening was uneventful apart from the way George kept glancing at Marie in a lustful way, hopefully my imagination. Jenny seemed to be oblivious to it.

We had quite a few beers between the four of us and at about 11pm Jenny declared she and George were heading for the bedroom, leaving Marie and me to clean the patio area up.

After 20 minutes we decided to call it a night too. As we passed the closed door of our friends bedroom we heard the bed creaking rhythmically. It was obvious what was going on, I was holding Marie's hand and realised she had stopped outside the door as my arm was dragged back. She was listening to them fuck.

I said quietly "come on, don't eavesdrop."

She seemed entranced. She turned, looked at me "They are fucking in there!"

I grinned and said "come on, we can too!"

I pulled her away from the door and up the hall to the next bedroom, as we walked to the bed she pushed me backwards. I felt the bed touch the backs of my legs, she put her hand to my chest as I fell onto my back as she shimmied out of her panties. She had a pure look of lust in her eyes, she jumped onto the bed and straddled me kissing me hard.

Her tongue was probing my mouth as we heard a high pitched squeal through the thin wall between our bedrooms. This spurred Marie on to sit up and move her body up mine. Her pussy literally slid up my chest leaving a moist trail she was so wet.

The smell of her arousal was overwhelming as she purred.

"Eat me like you are a starving man!"

She planted her soaking wet pussy over my mouth and gyrated back and forth. She had freshly shaved this morning and was lovely and smooth, she held onto the headboard and pushed down onto me as she listened to our neighbours fucking their brains out.

My cock was straining in my shorts and I could not release myself as my arms were pinned by her legs. She spun a bit on my face leaving me with my nose against her ass and my tongue in her pussy. She was starting to grunt and moan loudly madly pushing backwards and forwards.

I managed to free my arms to touch my steel hard cock in my shorts, She slapped my hand away and held onto my wrist with her hand. The noises from next door were getting louder too, maybe they didn't want to be outdone by Marie.

Marie became even more vocal, "Oh God, suck on my pussy, eat my ass!"

She was quite loud, they must have heard her next door. I had never heard her become so vocal, I liked it. I traced my tongue over her rosebud and between her lips over and over. I was getting so turned on my shorts were soaked in precum I needed to be touched badly.

She raised herself up a little to move backwards to allow my mouth to stimulate her clit. I flicked it with my tongue trying to suck it into my mouth as she writhed on my face.

She mashed her pussy into me and came like I've never seen her before, she squirted juice all over me into my open mouth, my face, my hair.

Marie was quivering and shaking, her legs clamping my head, her nails almost drawing blood on my arm. Her orgasm was so explosive her whole body was alive and tingling, I had never seen her orgasm like this. She was a gibbering wreck.

I didn't know whether it was my performance or the noises of passion from next door that got her off so massively but I didn't care, now I just needed to cum.

She fell forward with her face buried in my groin and bit me through the shorts, It was enough for me and I came in my pants.

The next morning at breakfast it was weird, none of us could really look at each in the eyes over the cornflakes. An uncomfortable silence until Jenny laughed and said

"I wish my George could eat like that!"

I spat back my cereal into the bowl and nearly choked coughing and spluttering.

"The cereal I mean" she said with a wry smile.

That broke the ice, we all laughed and said we all got a bit carried away last night. Lisa looked at us like we were all mad, the twins were oblivious.

After breakfast we all decided to split up and give each other some space. Marie and I took the girls to the beach while George and Jenny went shopping. We had a great day playing with the girls in the sea and building castles in the sand. We drifted back to the villa about 4pm, George was there alone sleeping on a lounger by the pool. The girls noise and play woke him.

"Where is Jenny?" Marie asked him.

"In bed, I think the heat got to her while we were shopping. She will be ok soon I'm sure."

"I hope so, I know you both wanted to go to the hypno night tonight."

A little while later Jenny came out looking a bit rough and we all sat on the patio having some beers and spaghetti.

Jenny said to us.

"I really am shattered why don't I babysit the girls for you, you two can go to the show tonight with George"

We talked it through and decided if she really wasn't up to it then yes please it would be great to have a night out without the kids.

An hour later we kiss the kids goodnight. "Be good for Aunt Jen."

Then myself, Marie and George walked over to the clubhouse, Marie in the middle arms linked with both of us. We were a bit early so managed to get a large stage side table. George got the first round of drinks. As it was a complex bar it was ridiculously cheap. Two double Vodkas and coke with a double Bacardi and coke was less than 12 Euros.

A night to get legless cheaply was on the cards. The club started filling up by about 9pm. The show was due to start about 10pm.

A young couple aged about 25 asked if they could join our table as we had 3-4 extra seats available. Marie smiled and nodded of course no problem.

He was Geoff, she was Connie. Both looked extremely fit they were a really good looking couple. As a thank you they bought our table another round of drinks and two huge jugs of sangria.

Marie and myself were both getting a bit tipsy and the show hadn't even started yet, George was knocking back the sangria like it was water. The club was heaving by the time the show was about to start. The lights were dimmed as the compare said over the mic,

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to present our world famous ADULT NIGHT!"

The crowd roared and clapped. The noise went up 10 fold.

"As you all know, tonight we have our resident comedians but tonight the show will be a bit more spicy as the kids are all tucked up."

The crowd cheered and roared with laughter again.

"If anyone here gets offended by sexual inuendo or sexual behaviour..............TOUGH SHIT!"

The whole place went into uproar again. I looked to my left, Marie was sharing a conversation with George and Connie as the 1st comedian took to the stage.

He was as rude and crude as its possible to get, we were all drunk by now and for the life of me I couldn't remember a single joke. All I know is my sides and stomach were hurting so much and tears were rolling down my cheeks from the laughter.

The manageress was hunched between Marie and George saying something I couldn't quite make out.

When she left I asked "What was that about?"

"We have been asked would we like to be part of the Hypno act. I told her we're up for it" She giggled.

The comedian finished his set and the GREAT SPANDIDO took to the stage.

"Hello out there!" He bellowed into the mic.

"HIYA SPANDIDO" The crowd chanted back, I had the feeling this was a regular crowd.

"Are you all ready to all be humiliated and have a fun night?"

Another big cheer from the assembled crowd.

I looked towards Marie and mouthed, "Humiliated?........Are you sure we are up for this?"

The act started tamely enough, he had people thinking they were goldfish, or had them waiting tables, he even got one lady thinking a needle was sticking into her bum every time she sat on a chair. We were falling about, it was a great night so far. Spandido then looked into the crowd.

"I need two more people on the stage, a man and a woman for a bit more fun, I need you to all know from the off that I won't make anyone do what they really don't want to do. Your minds have an on/off switch built in that will not allow yourself to do this ok?"

Then he smiled into the audience and did an exaggerated wink.

He pointed to Marie and George.

"AHA, we have our victims......I..I mean volunteers"

He said with a grin.

So George took to the stage with my wife in tow. I was relieved because I thought Marie meant myself and her were going to be stars of the show.

I think I was going to enjoy this, in my book there is nothing better than watching others making fools of themselves. Everyone cheered and clapped them onto the stage.

The Great Spandido had them face each other sitting on chairs, side on to the crowd.

"Now Marie, is it right you are married?"

"Yes, very happily" she replied smiling at me and the crowd.

"What about you, are you as happily married George?" Quips Spandido.

The crowd roar with laughter again as his answer is drowned out. He then turned and started with Marie, he was whispering something into her ear then clicked his fingers. Her head dropped, I was shocked it had taken less than a minute to get her under.

He turned to George and did the same, it took a little longer but the result was the same. George's chin was in his chest.

Spandido looks to the crowd and says,

"Now for some fun!"

The crowd cheer and holler again.

He gives some instructions to the pair on stage.

"Marie, you are livid! Go to your husband George and put him over you lap and smack his ass! George, your wife has caught you stealing the next doors panties off her line, take your punishment like a man!"

It was then that it sinks in to my boozed up brain, Spandido thinks THEY are man and wife on the stage. I find it hilarious and get a fit of drunken giggles.

Marie storms across the stage with a look of thunder on her face and sits on George's chair. She shouts at him to get over her lap which he meekly does. She rips his shorts and pants down in one swift movement and lays into his ass like a mad woman.

Everyone is shrieking with laughter, poor George is on the verge of tears, his ass is scarlet. She is really going to town screaming what a pervert he is. I have tears falling down my cheeks, cheering her on with the rest of the crowd.

Unknown to me and the crowd this is turning George on. His cock is starting to swell and grow between Marie's legs.

She screams out "YOU FUCKING PERVE!...You are enjoying this! This is making you hard! I should've listened to my mum and never married you!"

She jumps up sending poor George tumbling to the floor. He makes a grab for his shorts to hide his raging hardon.

Spandido taps Georges shoulder and whispers

"George SLEEP"

He remains motionless with his dick standing to attention and his pants around his ankles facing the baying crowd. Marie still thinks George is her pervert husband and whacks his cock hard with her outstretched hand. It flaps back and forth sending a glob of precum across the stage hitting a lady on the next table.

Most of the crowd are standing now, some on their chairs screaming and making such a din.

Connie turned to me and says.

"Your friends are going to shit later when they realise what he is making them do!"

It clicked with me then that not only my Marie, but our two young guests at our table think the two on stage are the man and wife too. I try to tell her but the crowd erupt into frenzy of noise as my wife on stage grips George's hard cock. Spandido has given her more instructions.

I cannot believe what I am seeing as she starts to wank him off on stage in front of everyone. I stand to stop it and protest but am just as quickly shoved back down into my seat by the biggest hand I have ever seen by the huge bloke standing behind me.

He snarls into my face,

"SIT THE FUCK DOWN you're in our way!"

"But..But"....I stammer drunkenly.

Her hand is a blur now flying up and down. I look around feeling like I want a hole to swallow me up. Everyone is oblivious to my predicament. They are all glued to the sight before them cheering like crazy people. I see Geoff has a big grin on his face. Connie has her left hand buried in his lap, my God!. My wife is up there wanking my neighbour off while the couple next to me is doing the same bloody thing!

Spandido says,

"Wake George"

His head snaps up, his eyes open. He sees me sitting directly in front of him as my wife is jerking him off. I can see his eyes open wide, he is panic stricken.

"Sleep George!"

His chin hits his chest again.

Spandido says to Marie loud enough for us all to hear,

"Marie, you don't want to waste that tasty cum do you? We think you need to suck your hubby."

NOOOOOOOO!! my foggy brain is screaming!! I am in turmoil, what do I do? My head is spinning I have had too much to drink, this great lunk leaning on me from behind is not helping. She drops to her knees and takes him into her mouth, the view from the back is her head bobbing back and forth.

Spandido says to the pair,

"Shuffle around a bit, let the crowd in on it."

He moves them sideways, I see my wife of ten years, the mother of my wonderful babies sucking on this man's cock like it's a lollypop. Again I make to move from my seat only to have the man behind me lean on my shoulders to keep me down. I can usually hold my own but this fella is huge and I am half pissed.

She takes his whole cock to the root her eyes are bulging. Her nose is buried in his pubic hair it's gone into her throat!

Weirdly for some strange reason I think....she has never deep throated me! I can't believe that's what's going through my mind as this is happening ten feet from me.

I find I am getting an uncomfortable feeling in my pants as my cock starts to swell. Why the fuck am I getting turned on by this?

Spandido shouts,

"Marie WAKE"

All of a sudden she stops. Her mouth is full of cock, she looks up and sees.......GEORGE!

She looks terrified, turns and sees the whole crowd laughing and clapping. Her wide open horrified eyes are fixed on me.

"Marie SLEEP" He says, tapping her shoulder.

Her head dips, her forehead is resting on the dripping cock in front of her.

Spandido looks into the crowd grinning. "Marie I think it's time you two fucked"

YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS screams the feverish crowd.


I scream as loudly.

Marie is suggested to take her knickers down, Spandido throws her skirt up her back. George is instructed to take position doggy style. I sink into my chair and close my eyes tightly wishing I was somewhere else.

Connie shakes at my shoulder saying, "Wake up LOOK AT THEM, he's going to fuck her, you will miss it."

I am so embarrassed I cannot tell her that's MY wife up there. George sidles up to my wife and his wet cock slides straight in, no resistance at all. He is instructed to go steady at first, just push in and out with long slow strokes.