Holly: A Cheating Slut Wife


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It took the group about 3 minutes to notice we were standing there watching them.

Holly was the first to speak saying (what every cheating whore says when they get caught) "Oh my god Bubba you were never to find out about this. I'm so sorry."

"Sorry for the interruption folks, I'll only stay for a few minutes then you can get back to your fuck fest." These people were frozen in place I don't know if it's the shock of seeing me, the security guards or both.

"Holly, don't bring your cheating whore ass back to my house. Your stuff will be in the driveway tomorrow between the hours of 7pm and 9pm. At 9:01pm what you don't take will be stored in the garage until I take it to the city dump on Thursday. From this moment on you're not welcome in my house. Don't try to get in; I'm changing the locks tonight when I get home."

"Bubba please let me come home so I can explain."

"What is there to explain? Let me see you love me right."

"Yes I do love you!"

"You stupid cunt you don't have the slightest idea what love is. Maybe you think you love me but I don't ever want your kind of love."

"Please don't say that."

"Shut up you whore and listen. I don't care what you have to say. Nothing you say will change the fact you're sitting there with Mr. Johnson's cock up your ass, or that Harry was fucking your pussy or you sucked off my father. There'll never be a way to explain the fact you can deep throat someone else's cock but not your husbands. You can swallow a load of cum from my fathers cock but you won't swallow my load. You can take RJ's cock up your ass but you won't let your husband touch your ass much less fuck it. No, I don't care for your kind of love and if you were on fire I wouldn't piss on you to put the fire out."

My Dad got brave and said "Bubba you need time to cool off. Why don't we stop by your house tomorrow and talk about this."

"I don't need time to cool off. You and your whore are not welcome in my home either."

"You can't talk to me or your mother like that! I'm your father and I won't allow it in my home."

"You don't deserve my respect and I'll talk to you anyway I see fit. Not to worry I'll never set foot in this house again. Now sit down before I beat the shit out of you. George I'll never respect you or Barbara enough to call you Mom and Dad again. I don't care if you are swingers. If you're both happy with being swingers then more power to you. But you ceased being my parents the moment you fucked my wife. How in the hell can you look at yourself in the mirror? How could you fuck my wife and still look me in the eyes? No as far as I'm concerned you both died today."

Taking a moment to look around the room, I discovered all dicks were soft and not a condom in sight, the women were looking down at the floor covering their tits with their hands and the only person crying was Debbie. I'm not sure if she was crying for me, because the guy that was fucking her ass stopped or because she was strapped to a table.

"Holly. Look at me bitch! I must say you've really fucked me over by fucking my boss (Harry), my best friend (RJ), your boss (Steve), your bosses boss (Mr. Johnson), my father, if I'm not mistaken I see your old boyfriend David back there. I'll review the video later and identify everyone so my attorney will know who to name in my petition for divorce on grounds of adultery. Jim and Derrick are my independent witnesses to your adultery."

At this point everyone seemed to get their voice back. I won't bore you with there threats and pleas.

"Folks I want you to listen to me very carefully now. I never want to see any of you ever again. If you should find yourself walking toward me I strongly advise you to turn and go as far away from me as possible. Take this warning seriously. I'll beat the shit out of you if you get within my reach. This goes for you too George I'm no longer your son I'll be your worst nightmare if you ever approach me. Now I want each one of you to look at me and tell me you understand what I just said. You'll be on tape stating I've warned you and you understand. Mr. Johnson we'll start with you."

"Now you listen here young man I'll destroy you in this town if you mess with me."

"Shut up you pompous ass. It seems to me I've every right to talk to you any way I want to. What gives you the right to fuck my wife? Consider this your one an only get out of jail free card, because if you want your ass kicked just bring it on. You've been warned, I have you on tape fucking my soon to be ex-wife, I have witnesses not to mention you're on video. Now do you understand my warning?"

"Bubba you'll hear from my attorney in the morning you dumb ass."

"Mr. Johnson have you been through a divorce before?"

"Yes, I have."

"Good does the name Ben Simmons or Brian Anderson mean anything to you?"

"Yes they are divorce attorneys."

"Are they any good?"

"Yes they were my ex-wife's attorneys. I'm still paying my ex-wife because of them."

"Great they happen to be my attorneys. I'm sure they'll enjoy watching you on video fucking my wife, threatening to ruin me, and getting your ass on the witness stand where you will be named as an adulterer. Once again, do you understand my warning?"

"Yes I understand your warning."

"That wasn't hard was it Mr. Johnson. Now it's your turn RJ."

"Yes I understand."

"Not so fast. RJ you need to know I'm very serious about you not approaching me. I thought you were my best friend, someone I could always count on the have my back. Fucking my wife was more important to you than our friendship. You didn't stop fucking my wife when you found out I suspected Holly of having an affair. No...you kept everyone informed about the status of our surveillance. Hear me and hear me good. If you ever get within my reach I'll beat you so bad they'll have to take you to the hospital. You've been warned so if you forget and I beat the shit out of you don't go charging me with assault. This also goes for the rest of you. RJ, do you understand what I just said?"

"Yes I understand and I'm sorry."

"Bull shit...you're not sorry you're a sorry piece of shit."

I then turned my attention to Jason asking "Jason is your wife here with you today?"

"Yes she's the redhead sitting next to your mother."

"Never refer to Barbara as my mother ever again. My mother is dead!"

"So it was your idea for Jason's grandfather to follow Holly?" I asked.

"No. We as a group came up with the idea. This was the best way we could think of for us to control the investigation. I'm sorry we didn't mean to hurt you."

"Bull shit! I know all of you are sorry...assholes. You're sorry you got caught. If you really felt sorry for me you'd never have fucked my wife not to mention that ya'll continue to fuck her after I suspected she was having an affair. Ya'll looked for ways to control the investigation and convince me that Holly was a faithful wife, but ya'll never planned to stop fucking her." Pausing a moment to catch my breath and control my anger.

"So it was the group's idea and not yours?"

"Yes that's correct."

"Were the grandparents aware they were being used? Do they know Holly is a fucking whore?"

"Oh...no. None of them were aware they were, as you put it, being used. We were all surprised at how many wanted to help."

"Jason, do you understand what I'll do if you get where I can reach you?"

"Yes, Bubba I understand."

"Harry, I'm taking tomorrow off as a personal day to get the whores stuff out of my house. On Thursday after I get back from the dump I'll stop by the office and give Bob my letter of resignation. I strongly advise you not be in the office Thursday. I don't see your wife here so I'll assume she doesn't know about this fuck fest. Have no fear she will know before the end of the week. Harry do you understand and believe everything I've said?"

"Yes I understand. Please don't tell my wife."

"I can't believe what a stupid group of assholes ya'll are. From now on I suggest you only accept couples into your group that agree to share their partners. Holly knew I'd never agree to this life style and she should've been honest with me before we got married."

At this point Holly spoke up "Bubba I couldn't tell you. You...you...you wouldn't have married me."

"You got that right...I'd told you to go to hell in a heartbeat. You knew this and you continued to fuck behind my back. I've wasted 4 years of my life loving a cheating whore, but I'll not waste another minute of my time giving a shit about you. Now keep your fucking mouth shut and don't interrupt me again."

"Harry your wife deserves to know she is married to a lying cheating asshole and I promise you she'll know before the end of this week. Anything she needs from me to help her I'll gladly provide her and any other spouse wanting my help. Ok...let's continue."

About half way through this process a man, I didn't know, started cussing me. He was about my size so I guess he thought he'd whip my ass. So as he came toward me, I stood my ground, ducked his wild left hook, hit him in the balls with the pipe, stood him up with a left uppercut then kneed him in the balls. He fell to the floor holding his balls. As one of the women ran to his aid she looks at me saying "I thought that big guy was here to stop a fight."

"You're correct he's here to stop me from going after you. If you attack me they are to stand and watch me beat your ass. I'd like to thank this dumb ass for allowing me to show you what will happen if you ever get close to me in the future. Let me remind you I'll not track you down and physically hurt you but if you get within my reach I promise I'll hurt you. Now I hope everyone understands I'll do what I say I'll do."

It took a few more minutes but I finally got everyone on tape stating they understood my warning.

"OK before I go I want to remind you not to ever contact me. I don't want to hear from any of you. Holly you are only allowed on the driveway. Don't walk around the house, don't knock on the door, don't stand in the driveway and don't call out me name. You have 2 hours to load you stuff and leave."

I turned to walk out the door when I spotted a video recorder mounted on a tripod. I removed the camera and turned once again to the group and said "Great I'll take this with me. This should be very interesting to watch and listen to. Don't worry I'll return the camera after I make a copy for my attorney."

Jim and Derrick stood outside the door while I got on my motorcycle and rode home. Jim, Derrick and Connie were to wait outside another 30 minutes before they came to my house with the evidence.

At home I changed the locks, I'd already bought, and the message on the answering machine, before grabbing a beer and waited on Jim, Derrick and Connie.

Derrick told me Holly and her fuck buddies were quietly getting dressed and leaving within minutes of my exit. It seemed no one wanted to talk all they wanted to do was to get the hell out of there as soon as possible.

Jim handed me the memory cards. I thanked them and they left wishing me luck.


A lot's happened in the past six weeks, so grab another beer and I'll do my best to bring you up to date.

Review of the nanny cam video showed Holly slowly enter and look where the nanny cams had been. When she didn't see them she actually went through the entire cabinet as well as checking behind the cabinet looking for the cables. The nanny cam in the garage showed Holly looking under her car seat. You could see a smile on her face knowing for a fact the digital recorder wasn't in her car.

Mr. Johnson's attorney did call my attorney, Brian Anderson, the next day. Seems Mr. Johnson wanted to make a deal to keep his name out of the papers. It also turns out that Mr. Johnson wasn't the only one wanting to keep their names out of the paper. When Brian Anderson called wanting to know what I wanted to do. I responded "tell them to make me their best offer by tomorrow and I'll let them know. The offer has to be in writing. I will not accept anything verbal."

Holly followed my instructions and spent a little over an hour loading her stuff into a truck. When I went outside at 9:01pm everything was gone.

Thursday morning I met with Bob and gave him my letter of resignation. When he asked why I was leaving without working out a two week notice. My response shocked him when I said "because I caught Harry and RJ fucking my wife Tuesday." I paused and handed him a couple pictures to prove it. Friday Harry and RJ were fired.

On Thursday Holly's dad left a message on my voice mail wanting to know what in the hell was going on. His message pissed my off so I emailed him some great pictures of his daughter. He hasn't called back.

Karen, my sister, called me Thursday night wanting to know what was going on. I asked "do you know your parents are swingers?"

She paused then softly she said "Yes."

"Did you know they were fucking Holly?"

A longer pause this time before I heard "Oh my god you found out!"

"So you knew and didn't tell me! Not only did I find out I've got pictures. Now I'll tell you the same thing I told your parents. You just died!" I paused to get control then in a loud clear voice I said "Never ever try to contact me again! May you and your parents rot in hell!" Slowly I hung up the phone. The next morning I called the phone company and got a new unlisted phone number.

Because most of the people I caught Holly fucking were my friends I made some life changing decisions. First I didn't do anything wrong so I'd continue living my life with my head held high. Second I started running on Monday and Wednesdays and do my weight training by myself.

Deep down in my gut I knew there'd be at least one dumb son-of-a-bitch wanting to talk with me. It took a little over a week before RJ thought it was safe. As I was leaving the Y RJ got out of his car and walked toward me. I stood there with my hands in my pocket waiting on him. About the time he reached me I took my hands out of my pocket. Then...Let's just say I'm a man of my word. He only spent one night in the hospital.

I met with the wives of the men wanting to buy there way out of trouble yesterday in Brian Anderson's office. I provided them with copies of all my evidence including their cash offer. The money offer made me feel like Holly's pimp. Someone should've told me Holly was a whore—I should've been told. Cheating on your spouse isn't acceptable to me and these women needed to know what kind of men they were married too. They'd have to decide how it would affect their marriages not me, but they deserved to know.

Brian Anderson met with Holly and her attorney and played them a video from me with my settlement offer. Holly agreed to my terms. After the meeting Brian handed me a letter from Holly which I immediately tossed in the trash without opening.

Oh, I forgot to mention my house is just that "my house". My grandfather (the football coach) left me one of his rental houses in his will. He died before I ever met Holly. Let me tell you it is great to have a house without having to make mortgage payments.

Every day until I changed phone numbers Barbara called and left a message. Her message was always the same. "Bubba I'm so very sorry and I'll always love you."

What I don't understand is how she possible can love me. I don't know about you but I don't think that's the kind of love a mother should have for her son.

Will I ever forgive Holly? You can safely bet your last dollar that'll never happen in my lifetime. I'm a one woman man and I'll never share my wife with anyone.

The video tape from their fuck fest wasn't any fun to watch but I did learn a few things. Such as, Holly thanking Mr. Johnson for the race tickets and she thanked RJ and Jason for keeping her and the rest of the group informed. Next she said "I'm going off the pill January 1st so Bubba and I can start our family. So the only person I'll have sex with will be Bubba."

Someone I didn't know asked "will you come to our parties and give blow jobs?"

"No, if I do that you know I'll end up getting fucked."

Good old Mr. Johnson "Holly what about my lunch time blow job?"

"I mean no sex with anyone until I'm pregnant. I'm going to make sure Bubba is the father of our children. The day after I find out I'm pregnant we'll have a big party to make up for lost time. Speaking of lost time enough talk I need to get fucked."

Holly was really serious about having my baby, but she was looking forward to fucking someone else as soon as she got pregnant. This is the way I'll always remember Holly...a whore that's ready to fuck someone else.

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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal1969about 1 month ago

fun story about some really stupid people in a crazy scenario.

I would have enjoyed a little more of Holly and the group's future. how many got divorced, did the ex-parents gravesite get desecrated with feces, where did Holly end up, did he get money out of holly's employer or did they get ruined, did he get the hell out of dodge and find happiness.

desecrationdesecrationabout 1 month ago

He escaped a special kind of mentally deranged hell with those people. Running away is not always a retreat, or rather a retreat is not always a defeat.

ChuckyLaFongChuckyLaFongabout 2 months ago

Talk about detail oriented!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Just leave a leaking nitrogen cylinder in the basement, and inherit the lot.

Hardday1953Hardday19533 months ago

Very good, but a little hard to believe.

Talking about stupid, the wife portrayed as Holly would have given away her sexual needs a long time ago. She's just not that smart!!!!!!! Five Stars, good effort.

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