Holly's Croupier Strip


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With that Greg asked the men to offer their suggestions of what sort of leg wear was adorning Holly's gorgeous pins. Greg started to write down the guesses on the flip chart. Out of the 15 guesses 2 said tights, 10 said hold ups and the remaining 3 plumped for suspenders and stockings.

Greg then turned to Holly, hand on hips "Well, my dear, are you going to let us know which of these lucky guys have guessed correctly?" he asked her. Holly started to blush. "Your cheeks appear to be a little flushed my dear" Grey said to her. "Why could that be?" Holly put her hands to her face in an attempt to cover her reddening cheeks. It had been a good plan not to tell her precisely how the events would enfold, because it made her act in a more innocent manner and made things more arousing for her audience.

"It's just the thought that some of you are correct. I knew some of you would be of course, but it makes it more real now that I have to tell you" explained Holly.

"You did agree to tell us as I recall my dear" said Greg.

"I know, I know" said Holly shyly.

"Well?" said Greg

"OK, OK" she said. "If I just say then that 3 of you guessed right, is that enough for you?"

Holly's sexy declaration was followed by most of the guys making gestures of approval to each other and a few mildly lewd whispered comments because now we all knew how she was dressed beneath her satin skirt, or at least part of her attire.

Greg looked at Holly's increasingly flushed face.

"It's very nice for you to tell us my dear, and certainly a thrill to find out" He told her.

Holly blushed even redder.

"Not surprisingly we took a healthy sum for that particular question chaps, and I'm sure you won't object if our lovely hostess has her fair share" said Greg. With that he handed Holly a few of £20 notes. He paid some cash to the 3 guys who had won the bet and put another wad into an envelope on the side by the flip chart.

"That's for later" he said, but didn't explain what he meant by that. "You guys still have plenty of dosh left?" he asked his fellow workers. Nods and answers in the affirmative came back.

"Plenty left love, anything else we can bet on?" said a middle aged guy sitting at the front. Greg turned to Holly. "Well sweetheart, Mike here wants to know if there's anything we can bet on. Anything you would like to suggest for a bit of extra cash?" "I can't think of anything else" said Holly in a demure fashion trying to appear as though she really meant it.

"Are you sure my dear, I think the guys could come up with a few things?" Greg questioned. "I don't what you mean" she said rather coyly, with a hint of knowing exactly what they mean. "I don't what else I can possibly think of that you can bet on."

Greg looked Holly up and down in a way that said I know what we'd like to bet on. Then he appeared to be focusing his gaze towards Holly's lovely rounded bottom which was beautifully encased in her very close fitting skirt.

"I think we're all proper gentlemen to be too suggestive my dear, but really, you can't think of anything else we place bets on?" said Greg.

"No I can't, honestly" she replied. "OK, maybe I need to give some gentle hints to help you along" he explained.

"Let's see. So far you've been very obliging in what you've divulged so far. Your age, which I think everybody, was pleasantly surprised at. Your vital statistics, well at least the best part of them. Also that you're a lady who like to dress somewhat provocatively in regard to certain items of clothing that us guys would not normally see. Do you agree with me so far?" he asked her.

"Yes, I suppose so" replied Holly. "OK then, with reference to the said items, we were banking on that there may be there may be other things you're hiding from us under here?" he probed. He reached out and lightly tugged on the side of her skirt.

Holly pulled the skirt away from his probing fingers and took a step away before putting her hand to her mouth in mocking shock.

"I wasn't expecting you to say something like that" she said.

"I sure you weren't my dear, but do we presume correctly?" he enquired suggestively.

"Sorry" replied Holly, with a puzzled look, genuinely not understanding the way Greg had phrased the question. "Let me put it another way" he started, "You're wearing something else under there besides the garment that's holding up your stockings?"

'Oh, I see" she sighed.

"I wondered what you meant when you said 'other things'".

So you do know what I'm talking about then, you're not just teasing us?"

Holly then started to put on a bit more of butter wouldn't melt in her mouth innocence act. "Well, I suppose you think I might be wearing a petticoat" said Holly.

"A petticoat?" questioned Greg

"Isn't that something old ladies wear" he asked.

"I am an old lady" Holly joked.

"36 isn't old. You'd pass for 25" shouted a guy from the group.

Greg decided to play along with Holly's innocent act.

"Can we bet on the petticoat then dear?" he asked.

"I didn't say I was wearing one, I just thought you wanted to know if I am" she replied.

"Well a petticoat wasn't the first thing that came to mind" he told her. "You're just teasing girl aren't you?" "No, of course not" she said a little coyly. "I thought that is what you meant".

"Really?" said Greg. "You're the only one in the room who did then cos I'm sure these gentlemen weren't thinking about that" he replied. Holly looked puzzled but I could tell it was faked. She knew exactly what they were referring to but kept up the pretence a little longer.

"Not a petticoat?" she asked

"No" replied Greg adamantly. Trying to appear annoyed but not succeeding.

"What then?" she asked, with a knowing smile.

"Now I know you're just playing with us" said Greg.

"Yes please" shouted Mike from the group

"Enough of the smut" said Greg

Greg sat down on a chair a few feet away from Holly and looked at her.

"It's like this my dear. When I enquired about something else you might have on under here" he started. He again lightly tugged at the hem of Holly's skirt. This time she didn't pull away.

"We were referring to an item of clothing that most ladies wear underneath their skirts, considerably smaller than petticoats. Forgive me if I wrong guys, but what most men have fantasies about being described by the wearer"

Greg's tone was more than suggestive which left Holly in doubt what he was talking about. She slid her hands down over her waist to her hips and held her fingers loosely on the sides of her skirt where her panties would be. Then she pressed her fingertips into the front of her skirt just below the waistband precisely where they were. She looked down at her hands. "You mean these?" she said.

"So you are wearing something?" he asked obviously knowing the answer.

"Of course" replied Holly "What sort of girl do you think I am"?

"One that's eager to please and willing to go along with the next bet" said Greg.

"Can't think of what you can bet on, I've already told you I have something on, so all bets are off". She said. "Oh I don't think so my dear" said Greg.

"All you've told us is what we guessed already. There's certainly one thing that I can think of that we'd like to have a flutter on".

He turned to the group as if to confirm their agreement. Lots of affirmative comments came back.

Holly knew what they were getting at. She knows that there's one glaring question men want to know about the item in question, but she decided to keep up the innocent act for a little longer.

"What do you mean?" she probed.

Greg knew she was teasing everyone on purpose so he played along too.

"OK, so let's see, we both know the article of clothing we are talking about, yes?" he asked.

"I think we do" she said nodding her head.

"Good. Now, if they thought they could get away with it, what question would any red blooded male dare to ask a lady about that particular piece of clothing?"

Holly knew the answer, and her expression proved to everyone they knew she did but once again she teased them by playfully raising her forefinger to her lips.

"Oh, I give up, I think you're going to have to tell me" she said.

I think this was the first time most of the group realised she was willing to be as naughty as they hoped she would be. "If that's want you want then, at the risk of getting my face slapped, here goes" he told her. "My dear the next bet is..............to guess what colour knickers are you wearing?"

Holly raised her hands to her face in an extravagant display of mock astonishment. "Boys, boys" she exclaimed. "What a question to ask a lady. Don't you know there are some things a lady likes to keep private?"

"I'm sure there are" said Greg. "But you did sort of force it out of me" he replied.

"I know, I know" said Holly, still playing the surprised little girl role. "But really, I don't know. What a thing to say to a lady"

Greg held his hands up as if to emphasise what he'd already said to her.

He then took the bull by the horns. "In the spirit of keeping the fun going, I think we should all write our guesses down, put your name by your suggestion, and then our lovely lady can decide if she really does want to enlighten us as to the shade, or shades, of her intimate attire". He told them.

The expression on Holly's face suggested she could only agree to it.

"Alright alright, I suppose there's no harm in you all trying to guess. It could be quite fun to hear what you think I'm wearing under here". She said.

As she said it she pointed with both forefingers aimed straight at the point on the front of her skirt where her panties sat hidden enticingly beneath her skirt.

"OK, guys, you heard the lady. The question is....and I'm sure there isn't one of you who hasn't thought about it. What colour knickers does she have on"?

Greg passed a piece of A4 paper to the nearest guy, and he scribble down his guess, then passed it on. Holly stood there watching and smiling to herself , wondering what all these men were thinking as the sheet was passed from one guy to the next. When the last of them had written down their prediction he handed back to Greg. He read out the various guesses.

"OK, let see what you all think, you load of perverts. 2 of you think she is wearing black knickers, 4 say white, very virginal. We have 4 suggestions that she might be wearing a pink pair and yet another 4 again say Holly chose to put on a blue pair today. One strange person says they are orange with green spots. Who knows, he might be right. Who am I to second guess a woman?"

Greg looked at Holly. "There you are. The chaps have all had a guess. I think this means you are obliged to tell who has won the bet?" A knowing smile appeared on Holly's lips. She placed a finger on her chin in a deliberate attempt to tease and look provocative. "Let me see" she said taking the slip of paper from Greg's hand.

"2 of you think I have something on that matches my skirt. One of you thinks I still wear the type of knickers that I might have worn when I was still in junior school. Orange with green spots, how silly, I'm not that off the wall, what have you been drinking?" "Apart from that gentleman, I notice you've all guessed that they're one colour. Didn't you think there may be two colours, or even more?"

"They've all seen a few pairs in their time, so they realise that being such a classy lady you may like to wear, shall we say, decorative lingerie" Greg answered.

"But I think they were just voting on the main colour. I think you're just teasing us aren't you, or are you deliberately delaying telling us?" He told her.

"No, of course not" Holly replied demurely.

"I suppose it's natural to go for a single colour isn't it?"

"I must say it's very flattering but also a little embarrassing to think all you lovely gentlemen are so interested in what I choose to wear under my uniform, I've never been asked that question at any other casino before"

"It's a topic that has fascinated us guys for years my dear" said Greg. "Are you going to tell us, or are we going to have die of curiosity?"

"We all have to die of something" She laughed.

"I suppose I shouldn't keep you in suspense like this, it's naughty of me".

She then grabbed a chair and placed it in front of the group and sat down and slowly crossed her legs, making sure her skirt did not ride up and reveal any of the delights hidden underneath. She wasn't about to give anyone a peek before she was ready.

She continued "Gentlemen, I am happy to tell you that...." she smoothed her skirt down very deliberately and provocatively taking time to linger over the precise area where her panties would be, more or less outlining the shape of them around her hips. "Here.... the colour that is most prominent on the tiny garment beneath my skirt ......" she paused again. "Has been guessed correctly by four of you clever boys".

Greg looked thoughtful for a moment. "Hang on a minute!" he exclaimed. "That means you they could be any one of three different colours".

"You're teasing us again aren't you, you naughty girl?"

"Am I?" she asked, knowing full well she was.

"You're driving us poor guys crazy, have pity on us, if we don't find out soon, I think we may have to find out for ourselves". Greg announced.

"Really?" said Holly.

"And how would you do that?"

"I'm sure the guys would think of a way" Greg replied.

Holly looked shocked and disgusted but it was all an act. She was secretly hoping one of the guys would grab her, lift her skirt up and put her knickers on display to everyone.

"Now I don't want you guys to get any ideas" She said. "There are ways of letting you know without the need for any unnecessary behaviour"

"And what ways are those?" said Greg.

"Well" said Holly, "I could just put you out of your misery and tell you."

"About time too" said Greg.

Holly replied "Or I could think of a more interesting way"

"Such as?" replied Greg in excited anticipation.

She stood up from the chair and moved it to one side. She then proceeded to turn around so she had her back to the group. She bent forward a little which made her bottom stick out. She put her right hand on her hip just above the waistband of her skirt and slowly slid it around brushing the small of her back through her blouse before it finally came to rest above the zip. She straightened her back and felt for the zips small metal slider. Once she located it she lifted it delicately with her thumb and forefinger. She provocatively played with it, flipping it up and down but without pulling at it, resisting the urge to undo the zip.

"You can see this skirt is very tight. Its part of a new croupier's uniform. I haven't worn it before, it may be a bit tricky, and I can't really see what I'm doing but...." she paused for maximum effect. All the guys had shifted forward in their seats when Holly had turned around. It was the first time they'd seen her properly from the rear and it was a delightful sight.

She continued. "I suppose I could try my best to tug at this a little bit" she wiggled the slider again. "And....if I move my hand gently downwards the zip will slowly unfasten and the two pieces of my skirt will gradually separate. That way you might then be able to get an answer to your cheeky question"

Some of the guys were now visibly drooling and more than one or two had visible signs of stiffness in their crotch region. Not that I was looking, but it was becoming rather obvious considering the view and the enticing language from Holly.

"Then only problem is... I am kind of worried that because the skirt is so tight it might be difficult to do it on my own. I don't want to break the zip. This outfit is on hire and I'd have to pay for any damages" she explained.

"You could just pull it up love" One guy called out, followed by a chorus of approval from the rest. "But I can't you see" Holly continued "It's even too tight to do that. The only way is to unzip it. What about if I give a go and see how far I can get the zip down. If it looks like I'm having trouble I'll let you know. Is that alright with you fellas?"

Again, the response was loud in the affirmative. "OK here goes" she said, taking hold of the slider again.

She purposely bent forward again. She really didn't need to because it would be easier to undo the zip if she stood up straighter, but it enhanced her gorgeously rounded bum to full effect. She played with the tiny metal clasp and gave a gentle tug and the whole room heard that sexy sound that is exciting to any red blooded male of a ladies zip is being engaged down signalling the imminent removal of a dress or a skirt. She drew the zip down about an inch, and although it seemed to be working fine she abruptly stopped its southward movement. Her enraptured audience who were holding their breath in anticipation then gave a huge collective sigh of disappointment. "No I don't think I can do it myself without getting it stuck and damaging the zip" She told them. "I can't reach behind and still do it properly, the skirt is too tight" "What do we do now then?" said Greg "You're going to have to resort to plan A and just tell us"

"But that wouldn't nearly as much fun as plan C" she told him.

"Plan C?" Greg questioned

"Yes, plan C" she said

"Where I ask one of you gentlemen to help me"

"But you said you can't reach round to pull it down, how's that going to help?" said Greg.

"Oh, I was thinking whoever volunteers can unzip me all the way down not just this tricky bit at the top" she explained.

With that statement from Holly, every one of the gentlemen in the room voiced their willingness to volunteer, and loudly. Well nearly every one.

Holly took a step back in mock surprise.

"My my so many volunteers" she said looking at the eager faces of the horny group in front of her. She then noticed a guy, probably in his early twenties who hadn't been so keen to put his hand up, looking a little shy. This was Kevin. Kevin worked in a betting office as a clerk behind the front desk. He still lived at home with his mother at the age of 24. He'd never had a girlfriend. When the guys in the shop had nights out he always left early and always drank soft drinks, never alcohol. He was big into Sci-Fi movies and he was still a virgin. Kevin was still interested in women though. He looked at porn on the internet and bought occasional DVD's. Some of the older women who came into the shop liked to talk to him and maybe mother him a little. The 2 young girls who worked part time in the shop teased him a bit, not sexually, but made fun of the fact that he still lived at home. They weren't cruel but all the same it made Kevin even more introverted. Even though she'd never met him before, Holly had spotted Kevin's demeanour during the evening and guessed he was somewhat nervous and probably uncomfortable even being at the party. This was her cue to give him a thrill and make all the other guys jealous of shy little Kevin.

"OK, OK" Holly called out.

"I didn't think there would be such a big reaction to that proposal".

"Are you joking?" said Greg.

"I'm surprised they all didn't just try to rip your skirt off without being asked"

"I don't know how you're going to choose from so many eager guys".

"It needs to be someone who will do it carefully and gently. I think I know who would be best" said Holly. She pointed at Kevin who was desperately trying not to be noticed.

"This young man is going to be my choice" she announced.

With that Kevin looked extremely nervous and shook his head

"No, not me, let one of the other guys do it please, I don't mind" he told her.

The other guys, although disappointed that Holly didn't pick them, certainly could see the fun in making Kevin have the pleasurable task of helping the gorgeous lady uncover the delights beneath the black satin skirt.