Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 002

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Mike inherits an old house - There's a banshee on the porch!
5.8k words

Part 2 of the 116 part series

Updated 05/10/2024
Created 08/31/2017
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*Hey all! Thank you so much for all your support from the first chapter. It felt really good to see so many people here giving me positive feedback. In this chapter, Mike gets to spend some additional time with Naia, as well as learn a bit more about the house.*


A Banshee on the Porch!

"Whoa!" Mike splashed water everywhere in his haste to get out of the tub. This time, Naia didn't fight him as he scrambled out into the bathroom, covering up with a towel. She pouted as he slid across the floor, looking for his pants. Seeing that she hadn't moved from her spot in the tub, Mike felt his heart rate level out, the burst of adrenaline gone.

"Who...what are you?" He asked, trying to keep his eyes off of her breasts. Other than the strange markings on her ribs, her skin was flawless.

"I am Naia." She smirked. "Though I suspect we are past names at this point, Mike. I am full of your cum, after all."

"So it wasn't a dream." Mike slid his pants on, the fabric catching on his wet skin. "That still doesn't tell me anything else. For instance, how you got here." He had been alone in the tub, and she had appeared from beneath the water.

"I've been here for quite some time." She swished the water with her hand. "If you don't mind-" she waved her hand and the spigot came on, warm water filling the tub. It filled even faster this time, until another wave of her hand turned it off. "It's been a long time since I've had a hot soak."

"What do you mean, quite some time?" Mike crossed his arms. "You're lucky I don't just call the cops."

"You won't do that." She pulled a handful of water over her breasts, letting it run free across them. "You and I are linked now. You are struggling with what you saw, but accept that it happened and want to know more. You are also afraid that you are suffering a psychotic break which will only be confirmed when the cops arrive and find nothing but a tub full of water."

Mike stared at her, mouth open. "You can read my mind?"

Naia laughed, a beautiful sound that echoed off the tiles. "Not quite. Just general stuff. I would far rather have this conversation here in the water, by the way."

"You practically raped me," Mike told her. "If I get back in there, I assume you are going to try again."

"I hardly raped you." Naia looked angry. "You were the one jacking off in my tub. I did what I did out of self-preservation, by the way, and I happen to know that you enjoyed it."

Mike sighed. Being angry was getting him nowhere. "Okay, give me a second to calm down. If you can read my mind, you should be feeling that this is a little much for me right now." He walked toward the tub, staring warily at its edge. "If I sit, do you promise not to pull me in or anything?"

"Yes." She moved away from the edge, allowing him a better look at her body through the water. God, she was gorgeous.

"Let's back things up a bit. Fill in the gaps for me. Let's start with who and what you are."

"I'm Naia." She ran her hands across her body. "This is what I am. I am a nymph."

"A nymph?" The gears in his brain spun. He had only heard the word used in nymphomaniac. "Can you elaborate?"

"I am a water spirit." She stirred the water with one finger, summoning a floating sphere. "My spring was dammed up over a century ago. Luckily, the water was diverted through the fountain in the yard, and eventually pipes were installed to allow spring water to come up through the pipes to this tub so that I could come inside."

"For what purpose?"

"I think you know." Naia winked at him. "Nymphs are sexual by nature. The person who built this house did it to protect me, and he and I had quite the life here together. It was too cold in the winter to fuck outside, so this was a pretty good compromise."

"What do you need protecting from?"

"My spring was going to be destroyed. If it ever stops flowing, either it forms somewhere else or I die. Which I was quite close to doing, I might add."


Naia nodded. "When Emily died, the house went unused for a really long time. The fountain became clogged, and the fixtures in the house never flowed. There's a slight trickle in the fountain, but minerals are backing it up. When you turned on the bath, it gave me just enough energy to manifest."

"Wow." Mike was watching the tiny sphere of water float above the tub. It occasionally touched down on the water's surface, bouncing once more into the air.

"Yes. But I needed more. Nymphs can channel sexual energy into magic, but we try not to because it causes links between us. That's why some of us drown our sexual partners."

"There are more of you?"

Naia nodded. "There used to be. Modern civilization has not been very kind to my race."

"Tell me more about our link."

Naia blushed. "The first spell was to help unclog the fountain. It was minor, but if you were to die, I could make it through another winter."

"If I were to die?"

"While I was taking in your essence, I looked into your soul. If I hadn't liked what I saw, I would have drowned you. Don't take it personally."

Holy shit. "If you got what you wanted, then why the second spell?"

"When I looked inside of you, I found a man who grew up without a home, one who needed a family who could love him for who he is. The second spell was selfish on my part, but we will both see benefit."

"What does it do?" He asked.

"I swapped a small part of your soul with mine," she admitted, biting at her lower lip. "That way, you and I would be forever linked, and you would be more likely to stay here."

"PART OF MY WHAT?" Mike stood, balling his fists. "You took part of my soul?!?"

"Swapped. No taking, an even exchange." She stood up, water trailing from her body. "It's like a gift, but magic always needs an equivalent exchange. By taking part of your soul, you and I are forever connected. By taking part of my soul, you have been given certain gifts."

"You can't just take-" the watery orb now had a twin, and tiny lights sparkled within, relaxing him. "So, what, I go to Hell now or something?"

"Silly man." Naia splashed the water at him playfully. "This isn't some demonic pact or anything. When you die, your soul goes with you and the piece I gave you comes back to me. So relax. As long as I don't terminate the spell early, our continued existence benefits each other."

Mike sighed, rubbing his head. This was too much. "Okay, so tell me about these benefits."

"Traditionally, precognition, mind reading, things like that. However, those have fallen out of vogue, as the last thing we want is for you to call attention to yourself, or this house. Instead, you will find yourself far more charming than usual, a natural beauty of sorts. Heightened sensitivity of your senses and just enough of those earlier abilities to keep you out of danger. Oh, and a gift more for me." She leaned forward, pressing her breasts together. Mike's crotch twitched in his pants. "You no longer have much of a refractory period. I figured that's a fair trade for not being able to win the lottery."

"So a magic boner and a spidey-sense. Fucking fantastic," Mike muttered to himself.

"Well, and a permanent psychic link to me." Naia pouted. "You're being rude."

"I'm sorry Naia, this is just a lot to take in." He was staring at her breasts, the way they pushed together, her tiny nipples rigid just above the water's surface.

"Get in the bath with me," she purred. "I can help you relax."

"You still haven't told me what you get from the link."

"Your protection." She leaned back, her breasts bobbing on the surface. "This home needs a guardian, a human who won't expose our secret to the world, one who will care for us until his dying day. When I read your spirit, I knew that you could be the one who protect us."

"Us?" He peeked out into the bedroom. "There are others nymphs?"

Naia shook her head. "I'm referring to the house itself. Emily was the last guardian of this place, and it holds many secrets. If this house should fall into the wrong hands..." Naia shivered, though the water was warm. "I'm afraid I can't be of much help in discovering them, as I am unable to leave this room. That, and I can't actually tell you."

"Why not?"

"It's the house." She frowned. "Powerful magic, a Geas. When Emily died, the house's protective magic kicked in. It's like being unable to remember someone's name, even though you are looking right at them. There is something important that I want to tell you, but it floats away from me when I try to focus on it. I'm afraid it will be that way until you can figure out for yourself the real purpose of this house."

"Secrets, huh?" Mike thought back to his college days, low-key hacking into servers just to see what was there. "Sounds like a challenge."

"I wish I could help, I really do." Naia frowned. "I have huge gaps in my memory, but the main thing I remember is Emily."

"You knew my Great Aunt well?"

"She was a good friend. I know you picture her in your mind as some old woman traipsing through the house, but she never looked a day over twenty seven. Not until the day she died, anyway. The magic preserves beauty, but doesn't prolong death."

"Interesting." Mike stroked his chin. "So, I'm going to be young forever."

"On the outside." Naia smiled. "And I think I can make your stay worth it."

"I'm going to be honest. I'm not really good with women." Mike stared at her naked body, his cock twitching once more. His body and brain were disconnected, his body suddenly ready but his mind hesitant. His mother's voice was distant, but it was still there.

"I saw that." Naia trailed a finger down between her breasts. "A lot of pain in your past, something holding you back. You'll find that our new bond will alleviate that somewhat."

"What, are you my therapist now?"

"Even better." Mike hadn't realized how close he had come to the water. Naia slid her finger into the waistband of his pants, pulling him close. "My magic has created a special bond between us, one that enhances trust, allowing you to momentarily forget." Tugging the band of his pants down, his cock sprung free, pointing directly at her mouth. "I can teach you to overcome your pain, if you will let me." She stroked his cock lovingly, her fingers magically warm and wet. She gazed up into his eyes, adoration on her face. "Please let me do this, Mike. Please."

"I..." Mike stared at the woman in his tub, the one who radiated warmth and safety. For the first time he could remember, he had become lost in the moment, the slight heat of her breath teasing the head of his swollen dick. Gone were any thoughts of his childhood, the house, or what had happened earlier. Her eyes were shimmering pools, glowing with an inner light of their own.

"C'mon Mike. Let's do it right this time." She continued stroking. "With your permission."

Mike was breathing hard, his fingers stroking lightly at her hair. She broke eye contact, staring hungrily at his cock. She was panting now, and his cock tingled with every stroke.

"Please," Mike begged her. "Please." He couldn't put the feeling into words, but he needed her.

She leaned forward, sucking him in gently, her teeth just barely sliding across his foreskin. He shivered as she took him all the way to the root, one hand stroking his balls while the other slid around his hips. She sucked on him for several seconds, and he moaned softly, unsure what to do. She broke away, a trail of spit connecting her mouth to his dick.

"Get in." Her voice was husky, her hands pulling down his pants. He helped, pushing them to the floor as she caressed his balls, rolling them gently between her fingers. He stepped into the bath, her mouth finding his dick again. She grabbed him by the hips, moaning quietly as he thrust into her mouth. Already, his body felt light, his muscles relaxing as the magic took hold of him. He popped free from her full lips, and she reached up for him as he knelt down, their lips finding each other. He ran fingers through her blue hair, tracing the line of her jaw. She clutched his shoulders, breaking free of his kiss to suck at his collarbone.

"Everything feels like electricity," he told her, meaning every word. His skin was practically tingling, her touch igniting tiny sparks between them in the warm of the bath.

"Part of that is my magic," she whispered in his ear, her breath hot. "The rest of it is me."

His hand moved down her belly, parting the thick folds of her pussy. She was impossibly tight. He worked her cunt this way for a few minutes, rubbing at her clit with his thumb. After a minute of this, he realized that something felt odd. Pushing back from her, he stared down.

"Is that a piercing?" He asked. In between her labia was a shiny sphere.

"That's my clit," she giggled. She stood, sitting on the edge of the tub and spreading her legs. Pulling back her folds, he saw that her clit strongly resembled a pink pearl. He ran his finger across the top of it, causing her to gasp. It was smooth, yet hard.

"Is it always like this?"

"Only when I'm this turned on." She said, smiling. "It's called a Nymph's Pearl."

"God damn." He moved closer, taking in her scent. The aroma made his head swim. "May I?"

"You're such a gentleman." Grabbing the back of his head, she pulled him in. He opened his mouth, gently sucking in her Nymph's Pearl, moving it around with his tongue as he slid two fingers in her pussy. Naia gasped, digging her fingers into the back of his head as he rolled her Pearl around in circles. Moaning, she wrapped her legs around his head, squeezing him tight.

From his position between her legs, her scream of delight sounded like distant thunder. He switched from two fingers to three, her eager pussy gobbling up the extra digit with no effort. He pulled his fingers free, lapping at her inner folds with his tongue, marveling at the salty-sweet taste of a nymph's vagina. Hands clutched at his neck, her legs trembling uncontrollably as he drove her to the edge.

Sucking the Pearl back into his mouth, he slid his fingers back into her, curling them upward.

She screamed again, soaking his face with her cum. Three rapid bursts of fluid coated him completely. Startled, he pulled away, wiping his eyes clear. It had the same taste that she did, with just a hint of spice. Naia, reclined on the edge of the tub, was gasping for air, her body suddenly limp.

"I've... I've never seen that before," Mike told her. His cock was absolutely throbbing.

Naia's eyes glowed from within, the water in the bath suddenly becoming steam. Rolling over, she lifted her ass into the air, clutching the rim of the tub.

"Fuck me, Mike," she hissed, the water's surface becoming choppy. He wrapped his hands around her hips, staring down at the juicy curves of her ass. Oddly, her prominent pussy was missing its neighbor, the long curve of her labia stretching farther back to where her asshole should have been.

Sensing his pause, Naia looked over her shoulder. "Nymph's don't need assholes. Now hurry up and fuck what's in front of- Oh God!" Mike, wasting no pretense, shoved himself inside her awaiting hole. Her body lurched forward as he pounded her from behind, giving no thought to her pleasure at all. Somehow, this didn't seem to matter to Naia. She panted like a dog, her raspy breath echoing off the tiles of the bathroom.

"Holy shit," Mike shouted, desperately shoving his dick inside. His newfound sensitivity was driving him wild, and he clawed at Naia's ass cheeks, his excitement building. The water around them bubbled with energy, tiny water spheres taking flight and hovering in the air.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!" When Mike came, his vision turned black around the edges, the world briefly losing focus, his back arching as he filled Naia with hot sperm. She let out her own shriek, pushing back against him as her back spasmed, ripples traveling down her spine and legs as she shook uncontrollably.

"Oh Mike," Naia moaned, going limp beneath his hands. She sank into the water, and Mike joined her, the two of them easily floating side by side.

"Naia." Mike was officially spent. He ran his fingers through her hair, sighing to himself as her fingers traced circles on his chest. "That was absolutely magical."

"I'm glad you liked it." Naia kissed him on the neck. "Consider it a down payment."

"For what?" He asked.

"For taking care of me. This place." Naia's face was suddenly serious. "If you choose to stay, you will find out that there's a lot more to do than just live out our days fucking. There are some really bad people out there, people willing to do anything to get their hands on this place."

"Because of you?" He asked.

"The man who built this house didn't just do it for me. He was a collector of magical items. These objects have tremendous power, and he hid them well. My job is to guard the house-because of the spring, I can never leave, so I was the best choice to be its guardian. Every time the house is passed to a new caretaker, I either make the pact like I have with you, or the new owner suffers an accident. Also..." Her face went blank for a second. "Damn. It's that thing I want to tell you again. I just can't remember, it's so frustrating. Anyway, I can't leave this room, or the fountain, once it's repaired for that matter." Naia stroked Mike's stomach lovingly. "Please fix my fountain. I miss being outside."

Mike stared at the canned lights in the ceiling. Magical artifacts? This night had taken a strange, impossible turn. "It shouldn't be too hard to figure out where these magic artifacts are kept. The house is big, but it's not that big."

Naia smirked, kissing Mike on the lips. "You keep telling yourself that." Yawning, Naia stretched. "I'm exhausted. You get some of that muck pulled from the fountain, and you and I can stay up all night if you like."

"Consider it done." He stayed with her for a while, but the water grew cold. Bidding her a good night, he watched as she vanished beneath the water's surface, the cool liquid flowing down the bath drain. Drying himself off, he stretched out on the giant bed. Within moments, he was asleep.


The bed was probably a hundred years old. God alone knew how old the mattress was. Somehow, Mike awoke from easily the best night's sleep in years. His body was in the same position it had been when he fell asleep. Yawning, he stepped down on the hard wood floors, his left ankle popping. Rubbing the back of his head, he strolled naked to the toilet to pee. He flushed the toilet, stepping out into the main bathroom. The tub was still there, glistening in the light of the morning sun.

"Naia?" his voice quivered, slightly. The events of last night were fresh in his mind, and he wondered how much he would crack if he discovered that it had all been a dream.

"I'm still here." Her voice echoed from inside the tub. "I'm always here. Now go get some work done. You and I can play later."

Mike laughed, leaving the room behind. Breakfast was last night's pizza, quickly reheated, and some soda. Mike quickly threw together a grocery list, food he would need for the week ahead. He stepped out the back door, staring at the poorly kept yard. The house itself was built near the top of the hill, and Mike realized that the back yard's high stone walls ensured privacy. A wrought iron gate at the back of the yard led out into the woods behind the home, but someone had strung a chain across the bars, a giant padlock holding it in place.

The fountain was in sad shape. No water could be seen in its giant basin, which was now full of silt and dead leaves. Mike sat on the side of the fountain, looking at his laptop. A quick Google search yielded several ways he could begin to restore it, but he was either going to have to look for tools or buy them.

"Fuck it," he muttered, adding the tools to his shopping cart. He didn't feel like spending hours looking through the house trying to find what he needed, and the local home improvement store had a service counter pickup option, which would get him home and back that much faster. Closing his laptop, he stood up to go back inside.