Homelands Pt. 03 Ch. 01

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Frank struggles with what he did to Lily.
9.2k words

Part 25 of the 79 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 07/30/2011
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Part Three picks up where Part Two left off. Be advised that if you haven't read Part One and Part Two, the story may be quite difficult to follow.

This is primarily an incest story, but it is also sci-fi/fantasy, and supernatural elements are not incidental to the plot. Additionally, most chapters will feature elements of other categories, particularly group sex and anal.

All characters are over eighteen. All acts are consensual.


I felt her presence before I heard her footfalls or smelled that hint of vanilla.

Ordinarily, I would have been able to tell what kind of mood my aunt was in. But she'd done something or other to prevent me from being able to do. I could feel her Libido, feel how it vast it was, but I couldn't read it.

A few months ago, I'd figured out how to mask my own Libido. And I'd been quite proud of the accomplishment too. I'd imagined that I'd finally discovered something about our powers that even Aunt Iva didn't know.

So much for that.

"Hi, Iva," I said.

"Hey, Frank."

She came and sat beside me on the bench swing. Her eyes followed mine out to the lake at the bottom of the hill, and past it, to the wooded shore. "Nice view."

"Yeah," I said. Here, in Autumn, the trees all grew tall and their leaves always painted a beautiful picture. "I missed this place."

"So why'd you disappear?" she asked. Before I could answer, she added, "Well, okay, I guess that's obvious. But why were you gone for so long?"

As if she really needed to ask that any more than why I'd left in the first place. If she hadn't figured it out already, I'd have seen her long before now. Even though I'd learned to mask my Libido, I couldn't hide from her. Not even by leaving Autumn and wandering the most remote corners of the Homelands. The others, I could hide from, sure. But not Iva. Therefore, she'd obviously been deliberately giving me the space I needed.

"I dunno," was all I said. Though of course I did.

I'd killed my wife. In self-defense, yes. But the more I thought about it, the more sure I was that I could have escaped without harming her. She might have been trying to Devour me, but when I Devoured her, that was more out of convenience than necessity.

"You have to forgive yourself eventually," she said.

I wasn't sure how much she knew about what had happened. But since this was Iva we were talking about, it was a safe bet that she knew more than a little.

"Do I?" I asked.


"You know, for a while, I tried telling myself she deserved it," I said. "Your mother thought she was spying on me for Silas. So I tried to believe that. But it just doesn't add up. She'd been dropping hints for a long time that all she wanted was to get as far away from politics as she could. I think if she'd Devoured me, she'd have gone and taken our kids back from their foster families and disappeared somewhere to raise them in solitude. Away from every other immortal. Away from a world in which people routinely kill those they love in hopes of gaining just a little more power. And can you really blame her for that?"

Iva placed a hand on my thigh, just above my knee and squeezed gently. "I didn't know her well, but that was the sense I got too. That's not the point, though. Whatever her motives, however hard a life she led before she met you, however fucked up our world can be, she still meant to kill you. You had every right-"

"But that doesn't mean it was right," I cut in.

Her hand retreated into to her lap. "I'd have done the same."

"And not felt any guilt?"

She didn't reply.

"Some days, I wish she'd still been on good terms with her family," I said. "Good enough, at least, that some brother of hers, or maybe even the father she hated so much, would come looking for me. Be no more than I deserve."

"Funny you should say that," Iva said.

I finally took my eyes from the reflection of the trees in the lake and regarded my queen.

She was every bit as beautiful as I remembered. Her skin was like porcelain, smooth and pale. She had modest crows' feet and laugh lines, but otherwise, her complexion was flawless. Her red lips were overfull, soft and pouty. Though her hair was golden, her lashes and eyebrows were thick and dark, and her eyes brown.

I wanted to lose myself in those eyes. Feel those lips pressed against mine. Wanted to feel her silky blonde hair pour between my fingers.

But there was a reason for this visit, and it wasn't that she'd missed my touch. I forced myself to focus and asked, "Why is that funny?"

"Welllll," she said, drilling a hole in the hardwood planks of the porch with her bare foot. Her hands were tucked under her thighs and she stared down into her lap. The very picture of innocence. A little girl caught stealing a cookie fresh out of the oven.

This from the woman who'd Devoured her father because he'd, at one point, refused to have sex with her. The woman who'd Devoured Silas' daughter for reasons unknown, and my brother because he was Shadow to a queen she sought to depose. Who'd Devoured my nephew after he'd killed hers, and Devoured several others on my command. A woman who'd shown no sign of regret for any of the lives she'd taken, save the first.

But. Despite all that, she had passed up a great many opportunities to do me harm. That she was dangerous, there could be no doubt. But I still trusted her.

"When do I leave?" I asked.

"At your leisure. But sooner is better than later," she said.

"It's the Shadowed Glade then, is it?" I asked.

But I knew the answer. Why else would it be funny that I'd mentioned Lily's family?

Iva nodded.

"Have you heard from them? Or is this, what, preemptive?"

"I guess the latter," Iva said. "Ostensibly anyway."

I raised an eyebrow at her.

She ran a hand through that sheet of golden hair. "My mother."

"Can be a real bitch. What of it?" I asked.

"We've been fighting. A lot."


"Lots of things," she said, in a tone that suggested that there was no need to elaborate. Nonetheless, she did. "I'm too idealistic. Too focused on reforms that are only going to backfire anyway. I'm not doing everything I need to be doing to protect myself. To help build a lasting legacy for House Farrier. Blah, blah, blah."

"I particularly like the sound of that last part," I said.

When was the last time either House Orwin or House Farrier had put two rulers on the throne in a row? Since at least the time when Grandma Noreen sat the throne, it had more or less been Orwin then Farrier then Orwin then Farrier, over and over and over. And I'd never even met Grandma Noreen. So it had to have been a long time.

If you counted me as an Orwin, anyway.

Of course, something told me that maybe Grandma Kaitlin wasn't so inclined to remember that I also belonged to House Farrier.

Iva frowned. "Yeah. I have a feeling the next fight we have might be about why I've left you and Brianna lying around."

Lying around?

"So she is back, then?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah," Iva said. "For a while now." With frantic waves of both hands, as if clearing away smoke, she continued, "That's not the point."

She looked so cute just then, with that little overdramatic gesture, that it was no easy task to let her finish.

"I was going to send Wendy anyway, so I figured it'd be best to send you too, and let you deliver an apology in person to House Furcas. But obviously my real hope is just that once you're out of sight, you'll be out of mind."

I didn't know what to say to that.

Grandma Kaitlin had generally been good to me. Scary, yes, but in an overprotective kind of way. Of course, that was then. Before things had changed. After all, I was only her grandson. Better to see me on the throne than my cousin, sure. Half Farrier was better than none. But now that her own daughter, a full-blooded Farrier, sat the throne?

"Frank, you're so sweet." Iva planted the lightest of kisses on my cheek and ran a hand through my short hair. Her hand lingered on my neck for a few moments before retreating.

That little touch alone sent jolts of electricity down my spine. I felt Little Frank stir. It took me a moment to remember what we were talking about.

"Probably should have thought about this before I named you as my heir."

"Probably," she said. "Or maybe I should have warned you."

Would have been nice.

But I shouldn't have needed it. No one had ever accused my grandmother of being overly sentimental. And time hadn't made her any more so.

On the other hand, if I hadn't put her on the throne myself, would it have mattered? If I hadn't, if I'd left the throne vacant, there'd have been a succession ritual. And there was no real question about how that would have turned out.

"So how far is Grandma going to push this?"

"I don't know," Iva replied. "But I don't want you to be around when I find out."

I sighed and wrapped an arm around her.

Iva rested her head against my shoulder. "So, anyway. Like I said, the story is that you're going to present an official apology on behalf of the court. Which, by the way, means offering Lily's father to ask any restitution of you that he wishes." She waited a moment to see if I'd react to that. I didn't. "Besides Wendy, I'm also sending Mel and Sean with you."


"They've been itching for the throne since before you claimed it. If I don't send them away, I might as well Devour them myself."

Probably so, from the sound of it. Fuck. What a mess I'd left behind.

As usual.

"And Wendy?" I asked, voice heavy with resignation.

"Know how I was just saying that my mother thinks' I'm too idealistic? Well, one of the first things I did that pissed her off was I decided to make the prime minister's office an elected position."

I laughed. "I can see how Grandma might not have been crazy about that, yeah."

It was such an Iva thing to do, though, that I was surprised she hadn't suggested it when I was still king. Maybe she would have, if I'd hung around longer.

"Well, I established a Lords' Council," Iva said. "We're not exactly talking universal suffrage. There are ten permanent seats, all held by...whatever. You don't care about the details. Long story short, I thought they'd elect Wendy, but they decided to go and replace her with Harold the Hack instead."

I dimly recalled Harold. His house was one of the smallest and least influential. Which meant he'd owe a lot of favors to his supporters on the Council. And, if Iva intended to give the endow the office with any real power, that would be quite valuable.

"So," Iva continued, "I've decided to set Wendy to work writing that textbook we once talked about. And what better place to start than with the courts we know the least about?"

Reasonable enough. But it felt more like I was the real impetus for the trip, and Wendy the one who got tacked on, rather than the other way around.

"So I'm to offer to let Lily's father ask for any restitution that he wishes?" I asked.

"Well, you said he disowned her, right?" Iva asked.

I frowned at her dodge. "Yeah."

"So, I'm sure it'll work out fine."

"How reassuring," I said.

Iva huffed. "You're a big boy. Seen the world and all. You can take care of yourself."

Seen the world. Right.

"Lily once told me her father makes Silas look like a newborn pup," I said. "And it seems like no one who's met Silas can so much as mention his name without pointing out that he's not someone you want as an enemy. What do you suppose my late wife's father is like then? Probably a real friendly and understanding guy, wouldn't you say?"

"So run away again. See if I care," Iva snapped.

I took my arm off her and slid a little away. "Where's this coming from?"

My aunt leaned down and buried her face in her hands. "I'm sorry. I know you needed some time. And I really didn't want to bother you. Wouldn't have, even after I saw that you came back, if I didn't think I had a really good reason. I just can't believe you left me all alone like that!"

"All alone? Sounds like Grandma's about as active a Shadow as anyone could-"

"That's what I need help with!"

I sighed, slid back over to Iva and took her hands in mine. "I'm sorry," I said. "But Iva, honey, if I was whispering in your ear, helping you figure out ways to subvert her will, don't you think it would be even worse?"

"Probably," she said, over-enunciating each syllable. "You just don't know how hard it is trying to tell myself that, even with all the shit I let my mother talk me into doing, it's still worth it. That I'm making enough of a difference with the other stuff. Because I'm really not sure that I am. Plus," she paused, searching for the right words. "Well, basically, you just don't know how much I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," I said.

She stared at me flatly, all but declaring my words a lie.

"Stop it," I said with a laugh. "I feel naked when you do that."

"And you have a problem being naked in front of me now?"

By way of response, I leaned in and kissed her. With our lips still locked, I slipped out of the bench swing. Then I picked her up, supporting her weight with hands cupping her ass. I turned around, stumbled over to the porch rail, and propped her up on it.

At last, our lips parted, and we both gasped for air. I stared down at her, drinking in her feminine form. She wasn't quite as voluptuous as my mother, but she definitely had a woman's body. The wispy blue dress clung to her delicious curves, and hid just enough of her large breasts to almost appear decent, particularly when compared to her usual attire.

It was pretty, and I wouldn't mind seeing her wear stuff like it more often, but just at the moment, she really, really needed to be free of it.

I grabbed a fistful of the hem and pulled, burning up some energy to make sure it came away clean. It was like I was pulling away cobwebs.

My aunt gasped, closed her legs, and instinctively covered her breasts.

Well, covered her areola anyway. It would take a lot more than two hands to cover her breasts. They weren't as huge as my mother's, but they were quite hefty all the same. She had modest but pleasant curves from the waist down, a flat but not toned stomach, and the slightest bit of love handles. Some men would find that unattractive, but I thought they were cute. Almost as cute as the way she'd blushed and covered herself up, then laughed nervously at herself, and allowed her hands to fall away.

She gripped the rail as I went to my knees and pried her legs apart with my hands.

I started off strong, but just as she was approaching orgasm, I backed away and launched into my merciless tease routine. One moment, my tongue was assaulting her clitoris relentlessly. The next, it was as if I'd forgotten where it was.

"Oh, you bad, bad, man," she whispered.

I tried reading her Libido again, and found that her mask was gone. I studied her closely, trying to discern the different types of energy roiling about inside her. Grandma, the first woman I'd read this closely, had a taste for kink. Iva? Not so much. At least not by the standards of our kind. She ached for the simple, physical pleasure of intense stimulation. But more than that, she wanted to feel desired. And cared for.

I sensed, too, that she did in fact feel that way with me.

There was also a darker, greener, strain. Targeted at my mother.

There was little enough I could do about that.

I could try to tell her that I didn't really feel the same way about my mother now as I once had, that I didn't really miss her, that I wasn't just a moment ago comparing Iva's heavenly body to my mother's. But it was literally impossible for me to lie to Iva.

Nonetheless, I could make her feel special. Because she was, even if she wasn't the only woman who was special to me.

Only after I guided her through her second orgasm did I start to add all the supernatural flourishes. Floating hands and mouths tended to her glorious breasts and stiff pink nipples. Meanwhile, I stroked her hair, kissed her neck and ears, pinched her love handles, massaged her feet, licked and sucked her hips, planted a string of soft kisses down her thighs, and wrapped spectral mouths around her fingers and toes.

Again, I brought her to the edge, then backed away. And did the same again. And again.

"Yes, yes...ungh...that's it...you better let me...oh FUCK!"

Her orgasm left her Libido fully exposed. I gasped when I saw just how powerful she'd become. She'd never been weak, and she'd grown steadily stronger while she'd served as my Shadow. But I still wasn't prepared for the tidal wave that crashed into me. Even though I was deliberately trying to stem the flow of energy, I was nearly knocked flat on my ass.

At the same time, I felt so powerful, and so free of even the slightest discomfort, that I too reached climax. Just from the rush of drinking her energy in.

My aunt slowly climbed down off the rail, panting. Her knees buckled. I steadied her with one hand. Of which, there were again only two.

Iva wiped a sweaty lock from her face and said, "Sometimes I forget you're a man."

"Um, is that a compliment?"

She laughed and pinched my nose between her pointer and middle fingers. "It is. No one knows a woman's body the way a woman does. I give myself the best head. And my mother is right up there. But that was something."

Memories of Iva sixty-nining herself came to mind. Freaky and sexy at the same time.

Her chest rose as she breathed in, then fell again as she exhaled. "If you backed away again that last time, I'd have ripped your head off. But you didn't. So, all things considered, we'll call it the next best thing to perfect."

I pulled her up off her feet and kissed her. Our tongues sparred gently. Electricity shot through my body. The soft touch of her skin drove me insane with lust. Abruptly, I ended the kiss, spun her around, bent her over the porch rail, and took her from behind.

"Oh!" she whimpered. "Frank. I've never seen you this wild."

I winced with guilt. My mother loved me wild. But Iva preferred me tender, controlled, and disciplined. Her Libido told me that the surprise of it, if nothing else, was working for her, for now. Nonetheless, I slowed down the pace. And I didn't tug on her hair or slap her ass nearly as vigorously as I would have my mother.

Again, I waited a while before bringing the supernatural flourishes back. First came the hands and mouths. Then an extra cock so that I could fuck both her holes at once.

At one point, blue bolts arced off both our bodies at once, met in mid air, and with a deafening clap, delivered intense orgasms unto us both.

Our orgasms either lasted inordinately long, or we experienced a long string of nearly continuous ones. I couldn't have said which. One way or another, we were in a constant state of climax for so long it almost became unbearable.

Cum dribbled out of both of my aunt's holes, down my sac, and dripped down to the deck beneath our feet. Still my balls pumped more and more inside her.

After a while, I pulled out. She went to her knees and I shot jet after steaming jet of white spunk onto her face, neck, and breasts. I plastered her eyes shut, coated her lips, nearly sent some up her nose, and drenched her tits.

After that, we still weren't quite done. I sat down on the porch swing and she climbed in my lap, straddled my hips, and started riding me. As she picked up steam, I started to worry that we might knock the swing off its chains.

Like Mom and I had broken a bed that one time.

The frown on her face told me that she sensed what I was feeling.

Of course she did.

Unsurprisingly, then, it took longer than before for us to get off again. We hardly spoke. Just worked at it, slow and steady, like it was a chore.