Honor Thy Mother & Thy Father Ch. 03


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Bruno was irate. "That sonofabitch was close enough to see the color of my jacket and no one saw him."

Patricia said, "Who packed my bags? Was the phone in my bag before the clothes went in, or afterwards?"

Cynthia said, "I packed your clothes, and there was no cell phone in it, when I closed it up."

"Don Bruno, can you get access to the hospitals security tapes? If you can, we can see how he disguised himself to get by all the security that was around me, and how he put the phone in my bag."

The Don looked at his people, and said, "Why do I have to get suggestions like these from a 22-year-old girl, when I have you people, who are supposed to give me these ideas? Angelo, get it done."

"I am already on the phone, sir."

Patricia nudged the Don with her elbow. She leaned over to him and said, "I do not want to get your people in trouble, they are very faithful to you. Do not yell at them."

"Patricia, if I do not yell at them, the will not believe it is me."

When they arrived at his home, there was a police car stationed in front of it. Angelo went to find out what was going on. He talked amiably, with the police officer for a few minutes, before returning to speak with the Don.

"Don Bruno," he said, "it seems that Zabo has sent a letter to the District Attorney advising him that your son has been kidnapped, and being held, out of state, for ransom. He would like to speak to you, at your convenience, about this matter."

"Tell the police officer to thank the District Attorney for his concern. Stephano is on vacation, in Switzerland, after a grueling academic career and is out of touch for at least another three weeks, while climbing in the Alps. The letter must be a hoax."

After the message was delivered, the police officer left the scene, and Don Bruno entered his home. Patricia was delivered to her home shortly thereafter. She went over her equipment, looking for any sign of tampering or devices that could indicate her equipment was being piggybacked to another source. She ran her alternate debugging program and found two hidden programs that did not belong to her. She smiled because they were so infantile. She left them in her computer so the culprits would think she had not noticed them. However, she would only give them the information she wanted them to have.

As she was making dinner, something disturbed her. The people at the satellite center were very smart. They were too smart to have put in such a primitive program. It had to be a ploy. She had been set up to find those two programs, so she would not look deeper to find the real ones. It was something that she would do herself. She went back to her computer and did it again. When she found them, she said, "Very cute guys, really cute, now I am going to get even with you for playing with my computer."

She picked up her landline and while she was pushing the buttons she said, "I have to go to the print shop tomorrow." She heard 'Click Click' before the telephone started to ring, and her foster mother picked up the phone.

"Hi, mom, how are you..." They had a short family conversation that seemed innocuous enough, if anyone was listening in.

The next day when she arrived at the print shop. She went into the basement and hooked up to its computer with her 'Garden of Eden' flash drive. She tuned in the frequency for the satellite center outside Miami, and once she received the tone, she sent the message.

30 seconds later everything electronic in that center died and unnatural death. Computer experts, technicians, electricians, and anyone who was anyone in that facility was looking for a reason for that failure. They could not afford to be off-line. Every moment meant millions of dollars in lost transactions. They could no longer track the movements of shipments of goods. They had lost everything, and they did not know why. They were in the dark, and they had to explain to someone why the billion-dollar investment could not produce what was promised. All this happened because they played with the wrong woman's $6000 laptop computer. Apparently, you did not fuck around with Mother Nature, or Patricia Parent Garrett.

Hysterical phone calls came from the very top. "Patricia, what are you doing," Michael Free demanded to know. "We have lost contact with their satellite facility."

"Why do you always blame me when something goes wrong?"

"When something like this happens, Patricia, it has your fingerprints all over it."

"They hid a bug in my computer. They thought they were being very cute about it too. I just sent them a message, to keep their fingers out of my pie."

"It works both ways. If they cannot track the movements of their goods, neither can we. Turn them back on Patricia."

"Are you always going to ruin my fun, Michael? I worked a very long time developing this program. I worked even longer on the program to reverse it. I think I am going to charge you, my hourly fee for this service."

"How many hours could you possibly charge me to turn them off, and reverse the process."

"Let me see, three hours a day, over six years at $800 an hour comes to $3,504,000 for this service."

"You are going to charge me more than $3 million every time you do this?"

"3.5 million dollars, Michael, I do not want you to shortchange me."

"You are going to bankrupt the Bureau."

"If you had said Please, I would have done it for free. You have made me very angry with you, Michael."

"I swear your mother should have spanked you."

"I have the feeling you want to spank me."

"You have no idea how many times that thought has come past my mind, and it has no sexual connotation involved. I just want to beat some sense into you. You are putting yourself in constant danger, and you have no idea how to defend yourself."

"Thank you for your concern, Michael, but I have to do it my way. I believe my dad is in New York. If you could keep some people around me surreptitiously, that would be fine. However, I do not want to see them. If I notice them, Bruno's people will also. I know they are watching me. There are two women that are always around me. I stay close to Bruno, to keep him comfortable with me. I do everything he asks, quickly, professionally, and correctly. He has never found fault in anything I have done. One day, the Justice Department will have to call him in. They will have to ask him about his involvement with the murders of Laura Parent, Patricia Parent, Sandra Francis, and the 40 students at the University of Massachusetts. They will have sworn statements from Laura Parent, Patricia Parent, and William Zabo stating the facts of his involvement with a crime family, his father's assassination by the other members of the commission. The U.S. Attorney will have conversations recorded within the last few months, at the request of Mister Zabo, and with the approval of the Federal Courts, between Bruno and William. You have to have all of this set up now, Michael. I will be talking to my dad every night. We will be playing chess, while they will be playing checkers."

"All right Patricia, I will talk to the Attorney General and get the ball moving. It will not take him more than two days to get everything set up in New York. Keep your father on the move. He is not to stay at the same place for more than one day. Give him my cell number. If he needs help, have him call me, and he will have it. And dammit, turn their satellites back on so we can follow their movements."

"Michael, you must calm down. It sounds like your daughters are getting close to giving you that heart attack."

"Patricia, since I met you I have decided my daughters are angels."

"Their satellites just came back on Michael, and you did not say please. That will be $3.5 million within the next 30 days, or there will be a 2.5% interest charge every month thereafter."

"I told you my daughters were angels."

"The money will go to charity in your name, Michael."

"You are going to kill me, Patricia."

12. Language and The Arts

Jemma returned home to her apartment after six grueling hours of language training, wanting only to climb out of her clothes and submerge her body into a hot tub. She was in her fifth week of training, and her throat hurt from the constant repetition of vowels, consonants, and combinations thereof. Her back hurt because she had to stand while doing these exercises. This she did not understand. As a flight attendant, all she did was stand for hours on end, while the aircraft was in the air. It should be no different, while speaking into a microphone. The worst part of her day was listening to herself on each playback. She had never heard herself speak before. Now she was embarrassed by her own voice. She threw her bag down, turned into the hallway leading to her bedroom, and started unbuttoning her blouse. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks. Had she seen someone sitting in her living room? No, it was not possible. The alarm was still activated when she got home, and she had turned it off when she entered. However, something still gnawed at her. She turned around and walked back towards the living room. She peeked around the edge to see if anyone was there.

Sitting by the fireplace was a man reading a newspaper. Her eyes opened wide as she recognized his hair. She screamed, "Edward, is it really you?"

He raised his head and looked at her with a big smile on his face. "Jemma, do you always give strange men the key to your apartment; and the code to your security alarm?"

She screamed again, as she crushed him in her arms "Edward, you do not know how happy I am to see you. How are you? How was your trip? How long can you stay here with me? Talk to me, dammit, say something."

"Jemma, are you quite finished now?"

"Yes, Edward, I was very excited to see you sitting here in our apartment."

He did not answer her, he put his lips to hers and brought the sparkle back in to her eyes.

"Edward, you nasty man, I just came."

"Absence does make the heart grow fonder!"

"Can you imagine what would have happened if I had not seen you for the three months you said it might be?"

He smiled at his lovely lady, and said, "If it ever is that long, Jemma, I will make sure the first time I kiss you, we are in the bathtub."

She buried her head in his shoulder as she giggled at his statement.

"Edward, may I ask you for something?"

"Yes, you may."

"Can we take a shower, and make love for the rest of the day?"

"It was exactly what I had planned Jemma. So tomorrow you may ask me for anything else you want. I also have a gift for you. Would you like it now, or afterwards?"

"You are enough of a gift for me. Your other gift can wait until tomorrow."

"Towels are laid out on your bed. Champagne is in the refrigerator, and the telephone is disconnected. Shall we take our shower, now?"

Jemma nodded her head, and began undressing where she stood. She had lost a little weight, since he had seen her a few weeks ago. He would talk to her about it later. She was not to be upset, while they were apart. She was minutes from Washington, D.C., all its cultural events, and fine restaurants. She was to make use of them. He wants to her to expand our knowledge base, both educationally and culturally. She would never be able to match his or Laura's capability, and he would never compare them to the other. However, while she was here he wanted her to use this opportunity to explore her new universe.

She climbed into the shower first, and turned on the water. He climbed in after her and quickly pinned her against the wall.

"Oh, Edward," she cried lustfully as he attacked her breasts with his teeth and tongue. His left hand pulled her hair back exposing her neck to him, and his right hand went to her pussy and invaded it. If they were under the stream of water coming from the showerhead, it would be easy to understand why so much fluid was flowing from her body. However, they were not, and Jemma was in heat. He knelt down in front of her, suctioned his mouth against her pussy, and drank from her 'Well of Life.' His tongue tortured her clit, as his fingers probed her ass.

Jemma cried out, "Yes, Edward, fuck my ass. Make me come again. I want to come just like the last time."

Edward replied, "Jemma, I was lucky last time, this time it may hurt."

"Try, my love, try it for me. I will tell you if it is too much for me to bear."

Jemma had a variety of lotions and liquid soaps in the shower, and he was going to use them to their best advantage.

"Turn around Jemma, grab the wall, and spread your legs. I will try to bring you to heaven, again."

"I was already in heaven, when I saw you sitting in the living room. Everything else is a bonus. Do it to me Edward; pleasure me with your hands. My body is yours to do with as you please. I love you with all my heart."

Edward moved the shower spray to hit Jemma on her shoulders and back. He moved lotions onto the floor, to help ease his fingers entry into her ass. His left hand moved to her cunt. He inserted two fingers into her vaginal canal and searched for the rough spot on the top of her lining. His thumb was on her clit and playing with it softly.

Jemma cried out, "Harder, please, you know I like it harder."

"Jemma, have I ever let you down, have I ever left you hanging on the edge, and not helped you over the precipice to your orgasm."

"No Edward, you have always taken care of me wonderfully."

"I am going to take you on a trip up a very tall mountain. A slow and painful climb, where each breath requires deep concentration, and when you finally reach the top, my love, you will see a supernova no woman has ever seen before."

"Take me there Edward, I trust you with my body and my soul."

He continued playing softly with her clit, as his fingers slid slowly against her G spot. Her hips began to move in a slow lustful dance with them.

Water was cascading down her back, and he wet his right hand with it. He lubricated it with soap, and went after her ass hole with one finger at a time pushing the soap inside, and twisting the finger around to leave as much of the compound inside as possible.

Jemma did not react to these first intrusions. She reacted when he put his thumb into her ass. She danced her ass around it.

He soaped three fingers, and brought them to her entrance. He removed his fingers from her pussy and held on to her belly as he pushed the three ever so slowly into her rectum.

This got Jemma's attention. Edward asked her, "Would you like me to reduce it to two fingers for a little while, until you become more comfortable?"

She replied, "Yes please Edward, I seem to be a little tight today."

"I will not go any further than you want me to Jemma. I am going to go to one finger, and lubricate your inside more. Relax while I do this."

True to his word, he used one finger to drive more lubricant up her rectum; and deeper into her chute. He coated his fingers with moisturizer and told Jemma, that he was going to put two fingers into her.

He held her by her belly again, but this time his pinky was on her button, massaging it, and attempting to distract her. He put three lubricated fingers close together and pushed them into her ass, quickly.

She did not react, like she had the last time. Her hips were moving and her head was up, instead of down.

"How are you, Jemma, how do you feel?"

"This is great Edward keep going. I will be able to take another finger in a moment."

"I am going to put more lotion on you. I want you to bend down further, stick your ass out towards me, and spread your legs as wide as you can. I will not allow you to fall."

"I know Edward, I trust you." She felt more lotion being poured onto her asshole and prepared for him to put another finger in her.

"Play with your pussy. I want you to cum as I put my next finger in you; just like we did the last time."

Jemma placed her head against the shower wall for balance. She moved her right hand to her pussy, played its lips, tunnel, and clit. She was pummeling her vagina with her fingers, while Edward was pummeling her ass, with his. In her brain, it felt like stroke and counter stroke. She was pushing in, as he was pulling out. She wanted to change it to hammer blows. She hesitated, and pounded in as Edward did. Two piston strokes were hitting the core of her body at the same second. Sparks flew to her brain as she came.

Edward yelled, "Good girl, wonderful girl, you are dream come true, Jemma, a wonderful dream."

She was still coming off her high and Edward's words kept her floating, between heaven and earth for that much longer.

Edward folded his pinky finger into the palm of his hand, and pushed it into Jemma's ass without any problem. He poured more lubricant into his palm and closed his thumb into it. He poured more lubricant over his thumb and wrist until they were saturated. His left hand moved to her pussy, and he shoved three fingers inside her pussy swiftly. Jemma's head reared back, as Edwards hands pounded into her. Her hand had been evicted from her cunt. She moved it to her clit, and played with it forcefully. She could see the mountaintop. Edward told her that each breath would require extreme concentration and as she looked at the precipice, she concentrated with every fiber of her being. Nothing else mattered, except getting to the highest point of that mountain. It was inches away; seconds away. She reached out her hand and...

Edward sensed that Jemma was about to reach the top. She was standing on her toes. The muscles in her legs were taught, her right hand was moving over her clit, like a blur. Her head was back as far as it could go. Her mouth was open her breathing had stopped. She was ready to scream. He pushed his hand forward quickly, and it happened. Her asshole opened up, accepted his hand up to his wrist into her colon, and closed tightly around it.

Jemma screamed at the top of her lungs, fluids poured from her body as her mind looked over the top of the mountain. She saw this Star flash into Plasma bright enough to light her entire universe. She was in awe of this Stars magnificence, however, she was totally and blissfully unaware that it was she who was magnificent.

Edward was in a conundrum. The water was getting cold. This was not a five-star hotel, where it would run hot for hours upon end. He had planned to leave his wrist and hand inside her ass so Jemma could see that it truly fit there. This would have to wait for another time and another place. He poured more lubricant around her rectum, and removed his hand slowly from her. He watched as the muscles closed to its normal size within seconds. That never ceased to amaze him. It never ceased to amaze him that a woman could give birth to a child the size of a watermelon through an opening the size of a lemon. God was certainly great in his design of the human body.

He cleaned his hands, washed Jemma's backside and turned off the water. Every time he went to pick up his beauty, he reminded himself to start exercising again. She did not have an ounce of fat on her. However, she was nearly 6 feet tall, and 130 pounds. He was only 60 pounds heavier than she was, and truth be told, his muscles were a little out of shape. He did not want to have an accident carrying her to bed every time they played this game in the shower. When this thing with Bruno was over, and he had to decide where they were going to live; wherever that was, there would be a gym set up in their home.

Jemma's eyes popped open, and she said, "Oh God, you are at it again."

"Correct me if I am wrong, Jemma, but wasn't it you that said 'Can we take a shower, and make love for the rest of the day?' There was no mention of taking a nap, or a break in that sentence was there?"

"Edward, not only am I going to have to learn to speak properly, I am going to have to learn how to use the language properly."
