Honor Thy Mother & Thy Father Ch. 05


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Alan said to William, "The fact that the director signed this tells you how important this operation is. Let's try not to let him down."

William looked at Alan and replied, "Why don't we just try to live through this first, and worry about pleasing him later."

Stephano watched alpha and go towards the wall, where his chain was anchored. He watched him, as he count out ten links from the wall. He twisted, and pulled on that link, and the chain came apart.

"You have to be kidding me. All this time, that is all I had to do to get out of here?"

"I took a chance, Stephano, and thought you had never heard of something called 'a master link.' 90% of all chains have one. All you have to do is find it, undo it, and walk out."

"Neither my father, or any of his men ever told me about that. I should kick them all in the ass."

"If your father keeps his word, you may get a chance to do that. Put your hands behind your back, and do not try anything foolish. I have been nice to you so far. I would hate to break your arm, when we are getting ready to leave."

Stephano put his hands behind his back, and Alan put the cuffs on him. "Where are we going?"

"There is an aircraft waiting for us. They are the only ones that know our destination."

Alan put Stephano in the back seat of the Dodge Ram and tied his feet to his hands, so he could not move. William got into the back seat with him and put Stephano's legs on his lap.

They pulled the large canvas over Stephano, hiding him completely. If William saw trouble coming he could lie down, and cover himself with the canvas quickly. The guns and ammunition were in the Kevlar box and tied down securely in the bed of the truck. Alan sent his final message. He informed his contact they were on the move; and no further transmissions would be sent from this location. He did not wait for reply. He closed down the transceiver and put it back in its box. He folded up the satellite antenna and put it back where it belonged also. He took a final look around the cave, making sure nothing incriminating was left behind. He turned around and went to the driver's side of the truck, and got in. He started the engine, queued up the GPS and waited for it to stabilize. Once it was ready he started out to the east at a leisurely pace. He did not want to break a spring or a shock absorber this early in the trip. "If it has to happen," he thought, "let it happen closer to the airport."

It was only 8 miles from the cave to the intersection of Alternate 89A and Spring Creek Ranch Road, if you could go in a straight line. However you could not go in a straight line unless you could fly a truck. They had to take detours to the south around major depressions in the ground, and these tall things called mountains, they had to go between. However, they made good time and were at the crossroads just before dark.

William got out of the truck and crawled 25 yards to the roads shoulder to see if there was any traffic coming from either direction.

He lay there for fifteen minutes before there was a break in the traffic, and he signaled Alan to start moving.

As Alan approached William, he yelled at him to jump into the bed of the truck, and keep his head down. As soon as William was in, Alan punched the gas, and swung the truck on to northbound 89A. He turned right at the next intersection, and drove into the development for 1 mile. He stopped to let William get back into the truck.

Alan returned to 89A just in time to see two black Impala's speeding south, towards Cottonwood. He gave William Sergeants number and told him to give him a heads-up about these two cars.

When William was off the phone, he said that Sergeant had two radar traps on 89A within 10 miles of one another. If these guys ran the first one, the second one would block the road ahead of them.

Alan said, "That man would make a good police officer anywhere."

Alan kept looking in the rearview mirror every few moments and he began getting an itch in the palm of his hand. He did not like getting an itch in his hand, because trouble was close at hand.

"William get down, I think we have a tail."

William got under the tarp with Stephano, and put a gun to his ribs. "Do not move or shout. It will be the last thing you ever do."

The black Impala closed to within three car lengths of the Dodge and checked its license tag. It was not a rental. It was a local tag; so they stayed behind it for a few more miles. When the road widened to two lanes, the Impala pulled up alongside the truck and lowered its windows to get a clearer look at the interior of the vehicle.

They could see there was only one person in the truck, and the boxes in the back made it look like a work vehicle. They picked up speed and started to leave the truck behind. However, when they saw the Dodge take a turn onto Red Rock Loop Road, and the only thing down there was a closed State Park, they jammed on their brakes, made a U-turn, and raced after them.

Alan saw the brake lights go on as he started his turn, and he asked the hemi for everything it had to give, and it had a lot. The engines screamed like a thoroughbred, and charge down the road. Alan did not slow down for the wooden gate. He blasted through it. He continued around the loop towards the Red Rock's Millers Visitors Center. Standing by the building were Susan, Jemma, and Patricia waiting to be picked up. He stood on the brakes bringing the truck to a rapid halt.

He yelled, "William, stay where you are. Susan you drive across the bridge and follow the dirt road to Turkey Creek Road. The GPS will tell you where to go after that. Do not worry about sparing the gasoline, just haul ass. Girls you get in the front and strap yourselves in I will be in the truck bed."

Things seemed to be moving in slow motion until Alan yelled, "Here they come, Susan. Move this thing."

Susan dropped the gears into four-wheel-drive and pushed the gas pedal to the floor. As she turned onto the bridge, she did it on two wheels, because she did the turn to sharply.

Alan yelled at her, "That is a good way to get rid of your husband, lady."

As she turned on to the dirt path that led to Turkey Creek Road, Alan wished he had driven himself, because he was bouncing all over the steel bed of the truck, and it hurt. He knew if he survived the next few minutes, until they made it to the next paved road, he would never get hemorrhoids.

He forgot to take into consideration his wife's driving ability. When Susan came off the dirt road, she hit the soft shoulder of the paved road, at a 60-degree angle. The truck jumped into the air, and bounced 3 times, before settling onto the pavement.

Alan yelled, "I give up. Will you let them shoot me now? It could not possibly hurt me anymore than I am hurting now."

Susan yelled, "Shut the fuck up, I am trying to concentrate on driving."

Alan replied, "Is that what you call this?"

Alan watched as the Chevy came over the same ridge the truck had just passed, and when it landed, it was all over. The car's rear axle broke and the engine exploded upon impact.

"Beta, that is three cars accounted for. We have one more bad guy looking for us. I am going to break out a rifle to keep them at long range."

The GPS shouted, "Right turn 1000 yards, Verde Valley Schools Road.

Susan yelled, "Alan we have a problem. There is a black Impala blocking the turn."

"How the hell did he know we were coming this way? Susan, head straight for him and at the last second cut the corner and turn onto the road. Everyone keep your head down, they are going to start shooting; and so am I."

Alan put the M-16 into automatic, and pressed himself against the left wall of the truck. As soon as he felt Susan hit the brake, and start her tight right turn, he depressed the trigger and started firing at the car that was blocking the intersection.

Apparently they did not know anyone was armed, because they did not fire back, until the Dodge was about 500 feet down the street. At that range, pistols are useless.

Alan had shattered windows and ruined some leather seats, but did no real damage to the functions of the car. The four men climbed into it, and chased after the truck.

Alan yelled, "Susan, my grandmother walks faster than you drive."

"Fuck you Alan, you come up here and do it."

"Susan, did you just asked me to come up there and fuck you?"

"Somebody kill him. If he tells you one more joke I will crash this truck into a cactus just to see him pull out the needles."

"Susan, they are gaining on us. We have a 403-in.³ hemi engine and they have a measly 302 horsepower fuel injected engine. When our baby grows up I know which one of us is going to teach her how to drive; and it is not going to be you."

"Someone take the wheel, I have to go back there and kill him myself."

"Do you see what I mean folks; she is forty-two years old and she has yet to take responsibility for life. I get her pregnant, which her first husband told her it was not possible. She has yet to thank me. I get her to orgasm four five six seven times a night and she does not thank me. I asked her to drive faster, instead of slower. What does she do? She does not thank me, she goes slower. She shows no appreciation for what her new young, virile, husband brings to her elderly, declining, golden years."

Susan's blood pressure went through the roof. Steam was shooting out of her ears, and her foot jammed the gas pedal down to the floor. The Dodge leapt forward, leaving rubber on the road behind it.

Alan stuck his head through the little window, in the back, and asked; "Dear was it something I said?"

Susan, Jemma, and Patricia said in unison, "Go fuck yourself Alan."

Alan replied, "You girls should talk to my wife, before you say something like that. My equipment is big enough to accomplish that task."

Jemma and Patricia looked at Susan who was blushing from the top of her head to her neck.

Susan said, "Do not ask me, I am driving."

"Congratulations Susan, I guess he is a keeper."

"I do not know about him girls, but his prick is."

The GPS came on and said, "S.R.179, 1 mile.

"Susan, you have to get us across 179 before they see us. Turn left on Cortez and come to a complete stop behind the first house. I will get out and see if they bought the deception."

Susan approached the intersection at high speed, downshifted, hit the brakes hard, and slid to a stop. Traffic was busy in both directions. She dropped the transmission into first gear, revved the engine and as soon as she had the first little opening she gunned it across the first medium and around the back of the first northbound car. She turned left onto Cortez and jammed the brakes on again.

Alan moved as quickly as he could, which was not fast at all, because he had been bounced around the truck bed since Red Rock, and he was hurting. He moved to a vantage point where he could see the intersection and waited to see the Impala. When it arrived, he could see the people inside looking in every direction, and the discussion that ensued. One man opened a cell phone and made a call, apparently asking for instructions. Unfortunately he did not turn south as everyone anticipated, he turned north towards Sedona.

Alan said, "Shit, he knows what he we look like and we have to get to Williams Villa without him seeing us again."

He returned to the truck and advised every one of the situation. "William, you drive because you know the fastest way to your Villa. Susan went into the back seat. Keep your gun on Stephano. He should cause you no problems, but if he does shoot him in the leg, do not kill him, please."

Stephano made his first comment of the trip. "Thank you Alan, at least I know your name is not alpha now."

"Susan, he knows too much. If he causes a problem, kill him."

"I am sorry alpha I did not say a thing."

"Okay, we are back to shooting you in the leg."

Susan got out of the driver seat. As she turned, she was met by her husband's glowing smile. "Don't you grin at me; I am not going to forgive you for a very long time."

"How long do you think it will take you to forgive me?" He grabbed her and kissed her, until the people in the truck yelled, "Would you two get a room."

Alan replied, "I would, but she is angry with me."

Susan smiled, "I told you, that New York wit of yours is going to be the death of you."

A shot rang out, and hit Alan in the back and he crumbled to the floor. The black Impala turned the corner onto Cortez from the north as Alan regained his feet.

Alan pushed his wife and yelled, "Susan get in the car," as he struggled to get into the bed of the truck. "Go William, go."

By the time William had the truck moving the Impala was less than two car lengths away. Alan picked up the M-16, and without exposing himself fired blindly. Apparently he hit something, because the next sound he heard was the car hitting mailboxes, and coming to a halt.

William turned north on Highway 179, and disobeyed every sign and speed limit that was posted. As he closed in on Sedona he passed the first radar trap, which was pointed in the opposite direction. One of the police cars left that position and took up the chase.

As police car closed the distance, William pulled over to the shoulder and got out of the truck, and walked to the back with his hands up. The officers had their guns out as they approached.

William said, "The men in the black Impala shot at us, and hit Alan. We have to get to my apartment quickly. Can you help us?"

The officers called in to their chief for instructions. They were told to offer any and all assistance they could. They told William to go and they would watch for any black Impala heading their way.

William said, "I would prefer an escort if that is possible?"

One officer said, "Lead the way, and we will be right behind you."

Susan took the first aid kit from the inside of the truck and went to Alan's aid.

William continued on towards his villa, and arrived there without further incident. Instead of the parking it in front where it could be seen from the roadway, he drove it around the back and parked it behind the artificially made dunes, which were part of the landscape for the development.

Everyone walked into William's home through the rear sliding doors, except Alan who was carried in. They put him on the kitchen table to assess his wound.

Stephano was seated on a couch and looked unhappily at Patricia. "So, you were part of this plan also?"

"Yes I am. Actually, I am the leader of this group. Would you like to know why? Before you answer that question, be prepared for the truth, because it will hurt you and I am not the type of person that minces words, as you well know."

"Yes, I would really like to know."

"You know the story about my father telling the commission about your grandfather stealing money and being executed by them. Your father's swore to get even. The commission told him that he was not allowed to go after my father as long as he remained overseas. They would allow him to go after anyone here in the states that William was attached to, as long as it did not interfere with business. That left my mother and I in your father's crosshairs. My father hid us. He changed our names; he gave us money; he bought us a ranch in upstate New York. We never bothered anyone. We had no contact with your father or any of his people. However, for 20 years your father looked for us. He would not let us live in peace. He wanted his pound of flesh. He finally found us. He killed my mother at our Glens Falls ranch. They beat her to a pulp, tied her to a chair, and blew the house up around her. Then they came after me. They placed a bomb in my room at school. It was attached to my telephone. They did not know that my mother had warned me, and that I was already gone from the college. Someone at school answered the phone in my room, and the bomb killed forty students. Your father was trying to kill me, and he killed forty innocent people in that attempt. He also had them put a bomb in my car. They did not know I received a new one as part of graduating first in our class. My best friend Sandi was driving my car home on the Massachusetts Turnpike when it blew up. There was so little left of her it was almost impossible for them to make a positive identification. Initially they thought it was me. That day changed my life. I had never done anything wrong. I had never stolen a stick of gum. On that day I swore I would kill your entire family starting with your father. I do not mean your mother and your aunts and uncles or you. I mean the Valentino family. The mobsters that run wild in New York. I was within two or three weeks of accomplishing that goal when something happened and it got derailed. That is why you were kidnapped. That is why you had to suffer and think that I was being tortured. That is why we needed you to give us all the information you had, so we could put your father and everyone else involved in organized crime in New York in jail."

"Did you ever have feelings for me?"

"It is funny you should ask me that question, because my father asked me the same thing. I did have feelings for you. I could never have married you, because of your connection to the Valentino family. However, you with the first man to make my heart tingle. When we kissed, I did kiss you back. I did like it, very much. I was so conflicted I had a headache for days afterwards."

"So due to my family lineage, I have no chance with you at all."

"I am sorry Stephano, I like you a lot. Under different circumstances I would have enjoyed your company; but the answer is no. There is no chance for us at all."

"Then my father has not only ruined the lives of forty children, hundreds of parents, and your life, he has also ruined mine, because I am in love with you."

"Would you testify against your father because of what he has done?"

Stephano replied, "Yes, I will."




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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Since Jemma is the wife of Patricia’s father, she is Patricia’s stepmother, not her mother-in-law.

deJay_13deJay_13almost 7 years ago

Please get a good proofreader and grammarian to make an otherwise excellent story much more readable. It will make me change a three or four star grade into a strong FIVE star!

TSreaderTSreaderabout 8 years ago
A very good chapter!

So much detail! It bounces around a bit, break lines would be great for web postings... I'm really enjoying this novella, you really did great on this... On we go... :D

arrowglassarrowglassover 9 years ago

Can't get enough...on to the next chapter!

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