Hope and Desire

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A sexy 'Cloak and Dagger' liaison.
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This story involves the characters Tandy Bowen and Dt. Brigid O'Reilly from the TV show Cloak and Dagger.


Sat alone in her little apartment Dt. O'Reilly held back a yawn; struggling to read through her case notes in the deepening darkness. Disinterested with administrative procedures she looked out through the steamy window to the streetlights beyond; heavy droplets of rain obscuring her view. The brunette sighed; New Orleans was a different bird.

Stroking back a loose lock of wavy brown hair O'Reilly considered for the millionth time why she had left New York for this backwater town; where police peddled drugs instead of busting them. Maybe she wanted this, maybe crooked cops weren't so intimidating when aliens kept raining from the sky at home. Then again; maybe something supernatural was happening here...

A sudden knocking jolting her back to reality O'Reilly sprung from her chair. Suspicious of her unexpected visitor the brunette thumbed the hammer of her police-issued firearm, holster still strapped around her hip; Whoever came to the door of a Cop at 1 am wanted something badly. Stepping towards the entrance she instinctively tensed, all too aware of the enemies she had been making recently. Leaning against the flimsy wooden portal she peered cautiously through the spyhole.

Visibly relaxing, O'Reilly released the grip of her weapon to open the latch and pull back the security bolt, swinging open the doorway to reveal the young woman on the other side:

"Well this is unexpected."

Shivering, Tandy Bowen smiled back weakly:

"Hey Dt. O'Reilly."

"Ready to give me that statement Ms. Bowen?"

Gripping her flimsy jacket tight around her shoulders, the homeless girl shook her head:


Crossing her arms O'Reilly bit back her frustration; this unexpected visitor was as stubborn as the rain rushing down from above. Over the last three weeks she had repeatedly tried to find this girl; now she was on her doorstep.

"So what brings you here?"

Inspecting the girl's face O'Reilly realised just how drenched Tandy truly was; cold droplets of rain dripping down over her sweet features, bright blonde hair matted into wavy golden tendrils:

"Uh-hmm, well my house..."

"You mean the hole where you are squatting??"

"Yeah, well it has a leaky roof..."

Watching the stubborn girl shift awkwardly on her doorstep, the Detective frowned as she finally spoke up:

"Sooo... Could I maybe crash here tonight??"

Careful to remain professional O'Reilly cleared her throat as she leant against the doorframe:

"Out of the question: I'm a cop and you're a juvenile delinquent. Besides why not stay with your Mom??"

Again watching those big brown eyes drop back down to the doormat, Maddy felt a pang of sympathy as the girl responded:

"She's back in rehab."

Making eye contact, the two women stared back at each other from across the threshold, Shield and Dagger facing off for several long seconds. Swallowing her pride, Tandy made a final plea:

"Look, I know you're investigating me so this is probably, I dunno, inappropriate. I get that. But you said you'd help me and I... I don't have anywhere else to go."

Considering what Tandy was saying the Detective's rational brain fought her emotional heart, well aware of the codes of conduct she would be breaking by letting this girl/con-artist crash in her apartment. On top of that Tandy was a skilled manipulator; known for grifting marks across New Orleans. What if she was just her latest stooge? Standing before Tandy now however, silhouetted against the dark night and rain beyond, O'Reilly couldn't help but see her vulnerability. Groaning she thumped the side of her head against the wooden frame, making a grudging decision:

Stepping aside for her a bright smile lit up Tandy's perfect face, the girl gratefully stepping out of the rain into the Detective's small apartment. Closing the door behind the blonde, O'Reilly grimaced as she stepped off the doormat, tracking water across the carpet as she shrugged off her backpack:

"This is it?"

Big brown eyes surveying her shabby surroundings, Tandy crinkled her nose disdainfully.

"Wow. How are you making me regret this already??"

Exasperated O'Reilly shook her head, stepping around her bedraggled houseguest:

"Its a studio Bowen, not a penthouse. Unfortunately for you I can't afford any bigger. Given that you live on the streets I'm surprised you have such high standards..."

Biting her tongue, Tandy lowered her head:


"Its fine. But you're still gonna have to sleep on the couch..."

Eyes again trawling over the dim open space, Tandy's gaze fell onto a stack of evidence boxes piled high against the back wall:

"That'll be fine."

Meeting the brunette's steely eye once; Tandy sensed the warmth beneath the Detective's tough exterior, the sharp but attractive brunette emitting kindness in-spite of her rigid loyalty to the law. And Tandy knew she could use that:

"Sooo... what do you go by when you're not on Duty Officer O'Reilly?"

Allowing herself a small smile, the brunette responded honestly:


"Well I'm Tandy."

Nodding O'Reilly looked her guest up and down, remembering the girl was still soaked; the young blonde trembling in the dim light of a bare bulb. Still drenched, the Detective noticed how her crisp white top and bright blue jeans had been stained by the harsh downpour. Material left practically see-through, her eyes lingered unconsciously on the blonde's chest, the saturated cotton clinging to Tandy's pale skin; revealing the outline of a blue bra. Clearing her throat awkwardly, the Detective tore her gaze away:

"You must be freezing. I'd better find you something to dry up..."

Striding over to the bathroom she left the girl to herself. Removing her jacket and tugging a phone from her tight back pocket Tandy hastily wiped the screen; making sure the device was still functioning. When the Detective returned she gratefully accepted the soft green towel offered, the brunette wrapping it around her shoulders before brusquely rubbing her down. Initially uncomfortable in this awkward embrace, Tandy eventually accepted the other woman's help, strong hands working over her curvaceous little frame.


Nodding back curtly, for a moment both women held each other's gaze, O'Reilly still holding the blonde girl in her arms. Fingers brushing together, Tandy was suddenly overwhelmed by feelings of Hope:


Standing in an endless white void glorious warmth pervaded Tandy's young mind, flashes of feeling cascading all around her.

Just out of reach she could see two women wrapped up in each other:

Slick skin sliding against skin, droplets of rain dripping over naked flesh.

Dark wet hair mingling with familiar golden locks.

Swollen lips clasped together, soft tongues tangling between open mouths.


Flinching Tandy pulled away from the Detective, big brown eyes impossibly wide as the ecstatic vision receded:

Watching on, O'Reilly was suspicious as the girl gasped for breath:

"Something wrong??"

Blinking, Tandy swallowed her surprise:

"No! I-I just didn't realise you were sooo... friendly."

"Sure..." O'Reilly responded skeptically, "Just remember this is one night only Bowen, at least until the storm passes."

Tandy nodded uncertainly:

"One night stand... Got it."

Eyebrow definitively raised O'Reilly turned away from Tandy; refusing to be baited by this strange girl as she returned to the table with her files. Then, remembering the reprobate's reputation, she turned her chair to face the room; making sure to keep Bowen where she could see her.

Still in disbelief, Tandy considered what she had experienced; of course she knew that her powers allowed her to see the hopes and desires of a person in a hyper-realistic way. But did Detective O'Reilly really have the hots for her? Or was that just a passing Fantasy?? Whatever the case, Tandy herself had unintentionally absorbed some of those lustful feelings; the dampness between her legs thankfully disguised by her soaking wet attire.

Gradually regaining her composure Tandy settled down on the couch, squeezing rainwater from her long blonde hair as the Detective worked, happy to kick of her sodden white trainers and rest up after being in the storm. Passing some time on her phone she soon found herself uncomfortable in her damp clothing, her thoughts drifting back to the sexy mind-meld. Catching the Detective's eye once more Tandy considered what she'd learnt; maybe this was her play. And if she was ever going to grip on her powers whom better to test them on then a unsuspecting Cop with some deeply repressed sexual urges?

"What'cha workin' on?"

"That's classified."

"Don't you ever, you know, sleep??"

O'Reilly shook her head wearily:

"Not tonight. Gotta Big hearing tomorrow for a case I've been working on."

"You're not prepared??" Rising from the settee, Tandy tilted her head curiously as the brunette responded:

"I like to be-"

Catching Tandy unfasten her pants, O'Reilly paused mid-sentence:

"-diligent. What are you doing??"

Glancing carelessly back at the Detective, Tandy responded:

"What? They're soaked! besides its just us girls right?? Unless you were 'hoping' this would happen..."

O'Reilly shook her head in exasperation:

"Don't make this worse than it already is Tandy: Its bad enough I'm letting a suspect sleep in my apartment!"

Tandy scoffed: "Well then don't look if it embarrasses you!"

Undeniably transfixed, O'Reilly watched as the homeless girl struggled to wriggle out of her skintight blue jeans, revealing her adorable bubble butt to the Detective as she twisted in place. Mouth hanging open, the brunette's eyes widened imperceptibly as Tandy rolled the fabric down her perfect pale legs before bending over, pert young behind swaying before her eyes as the girl tugged each leg free.

Throwing her pants over the nearest radiator, Tandy twisted back to face the Detective, pleased with the brunette's stunned reaction. Fingers tugging at her skimpy blue underwear she sauntered over to the table, pulling up a chair.

"So you must be some Detective huh?"

Not waiting for a response Tandy grasped the hem of her wet fabric, peeling the top up to her armpits:

Enraptured by this sexy sight, O'Reilly didn't respond immediately, biting her lip as the impetuous girl wriggled out of her tight white shirt, sweet round breasts bouncing free as she twisted in her seat:

"I-I try to be."

Tugging the flimsy cotton over her head, Tandy's golden locks cascaded free around her bare shoulders, the girl shaking out her wet blonde locks as she threw her top aside. Finally wringing out her hair, O'Reilly could only stare as droplets of water dripped down her neck, disappearing into the cleft of the girl's busom. Eyes following the flow, the Detective took in that sweet round chest, cupped in a virginal white half-cup that was at least a size too small.

Swallowing hard, O'Reilly finally met the girl's gaze, Tandy staring knowingly back at her:

"What are you really hoping for Detective??"

Clearing her throat awkwardly, the brunette scowled:

"I'm 'hoping' Ms. Bowen, that you will stop bothering me so I can get back to work!"

Leaning back in her chair Tandy only smiled more widely, brazen in her half-naked state, accepting O'Reilly's defensive response as a tacit confirmation of her awakening desire. Spying the Detective's badge on the wooden surface the blonde turned it over, eying her own attractive reflection in the shiny brass shield:

"Is that really all you want?"

"Give me that!"

Reaching over to snatch back her badge their fingers brushed once more. Overcome by another intense vision, Tandy shuddered in her chair:


Feeling intense passion overwhelm her inexperienced mind, Tandy watched two familiar females descend into wanton lust:

The brunette buried her face between the perky breasts, hungrily devouring the mewling blonde before taking a nipple into her mouth.

Firm hands sliding down the curve of her spine, the brunette's fingers squeezed the girl's delicious rump, parting plump cheeks before mashing them back together.

Full of lust and passion the two fell backwards, writhing together; their bodies interlocked.


Tandy withdrew her hand, pupils dilated by the vivid images, heart beating twice as fast; shivering at O'Reilly's subconscious desire.

"You alright??" Concern creasing O'Reilly's sharp features, the brunette laid down her case file on the table to stare back at the bewildered girl.

Tandy nodded shakily, pressing wet thighs together beneath the flimsy surface:

"I-I'm just cold."

"Fine. I get the hint, you can have my bed."

Stepping back from the table O'Reilly took Tandy's hand, leading the girl to the back of her shabby apartment: At least if she put the street thief to bed she could get back to work.

Still shocked by what she had experienced Tandy swallowed her arousal; realising she had gone too deep into this woman's suppressed desires. After all Dt.O'Reilly was practically a stranger! And a woman! Whatever private kinks the brunette had Tandy was sure she wouldn't act on them. And yet if Tandy was going to get what she really came for she might just have to tug on that thread:

Setting Tandy down on her messy sheets, O'Reilly positioned herself beside the half-naked girl; still dressed in only her skimpy underwear. Seeing the blonde racked with indecision, again the Detective felt the urge to comfort her; lifting the duvet around quivering shoulders:

"Look, I know things have been strange for you recently, investigating into Roxxon, all that history. I will bring them to Justice. You can trust me alright?? I can help you, I promise."

Strangely, having seen inside the the brunette's mind, Tandy did trust her; completely. Nodding her eyes shimmered; witnessing so much cruelty in this city made her appreciate Dt. O'Reilly's genuine compassion. Leaning over, O'Reilly brushed back the girl's wavy blonde hair over her ear as she responded:

"Nobody is ever this nice to me..."

Putting an arm around the girl's shoulder O'Reilly smiled:

"Well I'm not just anybody."

Feeling hope rising through her body Tandy held O'Reilly's eye, the spark of mutual attraction burning between them. Gathering her nerve, Tandy elected to act on Brigid's stolen feelings:

Leaning forward she captured the O'Reilly's mouth in an insistent kiss.

Shocked, O'Reilly's eyes widened as Tandy's sweet lips pressed against her own, her mouth quickly suppressing her own as the girl tilted into the kiss, the sudden silence in the room only disturbed by the heavy rain outside.

Amazed by her own daring Tandy found she immediately enjoyed this new sensation, eyes closing as she held the Detective close.

Sealed together for several long seconds, the brunette felt the girl's sweet tongue slip forward, gently caressing her stunned lips. Remembering who she was O'Reilly broke free, a fine string of saliva breaking between their mouths.

Immediately O'Reilly began to panic:

"Tandy! That, that was not what I-"

"Was hoping for??" Tandy responded slyly: "I think it is."

Leaning in again, O'Reilly instinctively rebuffed the girl's advances, scrambling backward only to fall back against her bed. Not missing a beat, Tandy followed, lifting a bare thigh over the brunette, effectively straddling the older woman; the sheets around her falling away to reveal the delicious body underneath:

"Tandy! I can't! I Can't!! This is sooo wrong on so many levels! I'm a Cop! You're a witness, a suspect!!"

Ignoring the Detective, Tandy leant over the splayed brunette, tearing open her plaid shirt to reveal a conservative green bra underneath. Smiling wickedly the girl pawed at the woman's chest, fingers curling around her bouncing bosom. Arching her back Tandy pressed her body downward, not content until they were wrapped up together.

Holding her breath, O'Reilly felt a million thoughts cascade through her mind. Of course she had had trysts; hell she'd hooked up with a uniform in the back of his squad car days earlier, but this was different. Right??

Fingers slipping down the girl's bare back O'Reilly felt the light blue fabric of Tandy's panties brush against her fingers. Biting her lip the Detective felt a forbidden urge, instinctively grasping the blonde's behind. Feeling strong fingers give her ass a good squeeze Tandy smirked; hopes becoming reality. Coming out of her irrational haze however, O'Reilly leant up on her elbows, pushing the blonde girl back:

"Tandy. You know I can't!"

Blinking hard the blond relented, sitting back on her haunches as O'Reilly rose up. Biting her lip, Tandy stroked back wavy blonde locks as she tried to rethink her strategy: What was she doing? Were these her desires or Brigid's?? All O'Reilly wanted was to help her... How could she use that?

"I'm sorry... sorry. I know this is fast and you barely know me. Its sooo weird... I just; I just need someone to hold me right now..."

Listening to the usually tough girl blather her excuses, O'Reilly saw embarrassment, that plump, oh so kissable lower lip trembling as the girl spoke. Was this genuine? Or just another manipulative play by a Street Thief? Did Tandy even know??

The single bare bulb that lit her apartment shining down on the girl, Tandy glowed like an angel above her; as if the bright light illuminate the blonde's best qualities. Whatever her crimes there was still goodness here; a person that needed her protection.

An insatiable heat rise up inside her belly from where she had suppressed it, O'Reilly scowled, her own resolve crumbling due to Tandy's sexy guilt-trip:

"Goddam it!"

Leaning forward she captured the girl's lips once more, stilling the trembling blonde as she held her in her arms; determined to comfort a victim in her hour of need. Procedural restraint falling away, this time the brunette opened the girls' mouth with hers, tongue twirling together.

Lips smacking, blonde and brunette hair tangled as they twisted into each other, kissing over and over for several long minutes. Finally pulling away O'Reilly panted for breath, peeling the shirt from the shoulders and throwing it aside as she spoke to the enraptured blonde in her lap:

"One night stand alright Tandy? And you can't tell anybody about this."

Nodding insistently, Tandy ran her hands over the brunette's smooth skin, distracted by the maturer woman's glorious body:

"One night stand. Got it."

Still anxious, O'Reilly squeezed the girl's hands insistently:

"No seriously Tandy, I could lose my job if anybody found out about this. I need you to keep a tight, tight lid on it. Understand??"

Ignoring the Detective: Tandy reached behind her back, quickly unfastening her own bra and peeling it away from her succulent chest:


Cupping her hands around the brunette's face, Tandy grinned:

"No more talking."

Overwhelmed by the two perfect peaks before her O'Reilly swooned. Impatient, Tandy pulled her head forward, burying the Detective's face between her boobs, gasping as the brunette latched onto her heaving body, lips kissing tender flesh as Tandy fulfilled another of her secret desires.

Smothering herself in those oh so sweet tits, O'Reilly soon forgot the code of ethics as she focused on pleasure; enjoying the incessant warmth and snugness she found between the blonde's perky breasts. Lips pressing against soft white skin, her tongue lathered Tandy up before her mouth instinctively wrapped around an erect nipple, the Detective soon suckling on the girl's engorged bud. Brushing back the Detective's dark hair, Tandy swooned as she watched those sharp eyes close, lashes fluttering as she bit on her hardening peak; saliva dripping down the curve of her breast.