Hot Tub Trio Ch. 04


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"That one is my favorite." I tried to copy her casual, nothing-weird-about-this-conversation tone.


"Looking at a nude woman is hot but watching people have sex is hotter. I guess that makes me a voyeur."

Ann nodded. "I guess it does." She didn't sound weirded out so I tried to relax. She flipped back a few pages.

"What about her?" She pointed to a blonde with gigantic tits shoved up to the level of her chin and a bald pussy.

I made a face and shook my head.

"Why not? I thought guys loved big boobs?" Once again all I heard in her voice was curiosity.

I shook my head again. "Some maybe but not me, not that big anyway. Gross. All I can think of is how sweaty she must be under those monstrosities. In real life she probably uses half a can of baby powder a week just to keep the yeast infection under control.

Ann made a face. "That's disgusting."

I nodded, "my point exactly. Gross. Besides," my voice trailed off. "Never mind." I had thought of an old school yard joke but at the last minute decide it might not go over very well.


I shook my head.

"God," Ann growled, "I hate that crap. Just say it."

"More than a mouthful is a waste." I abbreviated the joke but Ann stunned me by completing it.

"Unless you're into titty fucking," she intoned with a shake of her head. I gaped at her.

"Three brothers, remember?" She flipped the pages. "Who else you like?"

I shrugged. "The others are all okay I guess."

"Don't be such a chicken. Who do you look at when you masturbate?"

I just stared.

"Oh come on," Ann snapped. "You think there is anyone alive who doesn't know that guys jerk off all the time?" She held up three fingers. "Three brothers. You have any idea what the laundry hamper smelled like. Talk about gross. Speaking of which," she twisted around and bent over.

When she turned back to face me I was horrified to see she had my shirt dangling between two fingers. The shirt was brown, the drying smears of greyish white stood out. She crinkled her nose.

I snatched the shirt out of her hand and tossed it toward the mattress. "Ha, ha, very funny," was the best I could manage to come up with.

She returned to the magazine. "So who? Or is it only the couple?"

I was still mortified but I leaned toward her and our legs touched. Hers was hot. I could feel its heat through my jeans.

I turned a couple of pages and pointed, a blonde but one with normal sized boobs. She sat backwards on a chair, turned so that the most of her left breast was visible. She straddled the chair. Her butt gave Ann's a run for the money.

Ann nodded, as if helping me to decide on a paint color or carpet pattern. "Boobs or butt?"

"Both," I admitted.

She paused to take a drink of her tea. She had to sit up to do so. Her nipples were clearly outlined beneath her top. I took a long pull on my beer, vowing not to let my hand shake. She sat her tea down. When she leaned back over the magazine somehow her whole thigh was now pressed against the side of my leg.

She flipped back to the front of the magazine, to the Forum section.

"So which letter do you like the best? 'Hot Day at the Beach', 'My Roommate's Sister' or ooh maybe this one, 'Wife's First Threesome'?"

"Not in that one."

Ann looked over her shoulder at me and then glanced around at the half a dozen or so scattered magazines, about a quarter of my collection.

"Which one?"

I answered by getting up to fetch it. She could easily have reached it but, nervous as I was, I still wanted her to see that I had a hard-on. She must have noticed but said nothing. She simply pushed the current magazine aside to make room for the one I carried back to the couch.

She leaned closer, watching as I flipped through the pages to find the letter that for the time being was my favorite. Now both her shoulder and her leg pressed against me.

"That one," she asked, confirming which letter I was pointing to. I nodded. She settled back on the couch, partly leaning against the couch and partly against me and began to read. I drank my beer.

The letter purported to describe how the writer had snuck under a table while at a company picnic and ate out his girlfriend, who was of course sans panties taking advantage of a long tablecloth for cover.

She looked at me over the magazine when she finished. "Voyeur again huh?"

I shook my head. "Can't be. It's more exhibitionism than voyeurism and even that is questionable since on one saw them."

"So is it the danger factor thing, the risk of getting caught?"

"Jesus Ann I don't know. I don't analyze the damn things. If I like it I like it."

"Okay, fine, don't get your panties in a bunch."

I decided to be honest. "I like it because he goes down on her, okay?"

"That turns you on? Wow?" I didn't know how to interpret that comment. Was it weird that I thought it would be hot to eat a girl's pussy?

She tossed the magazine on the table. She slipped her feet out of her flip-flops, swiveled her hips and pulled her legs up onto the couch. She faced me, sitting cross-legged on the couch, hands resting on her ankles. Her eyes were dark, almost black, and shone in the afternoon light that filled the apartment.

"So you are into blondes huh? Is that why you never asked me out?" Ann's hair was almost as dark as her eyes. Her grandparents were from southern Italy and she shared their olive skin and dark hair but to her great fortune not their hirsutism.

"No, the woman in the photo just happened to be blonde."

"Still doesn't explain why you never asked me out though." I opened my mouth to answer but she continued, as if she weren't changing the subject. "Want to play a game?" She didn't wait for an answer. "Truth or dare. I get to go first."

I frowned. "Why do you get to go first?"

"Well a gentleman wouldn't quibble but if you insist. Pick a number between one and ten."


"Sorry that's incorrect. I go first." She smirked daring me to object.

I shrugged figuring it was no use arguing.


"Well what?" I snapped, irritated at my inability to follow the conversation.

"Truth or dare? Do I really have to explain the rules? How did you get into med school anyway?"

"Fine, dare."

"Eat a spoonful of butter." She demanded without hesitation.

"What? I don't have any butter."

"Margarine is okay."


She cut me off. "You picked dare. Your choice. Do it."

I did my best to look pissed but it didn't faze her. I stood up and walked around the couch while Ann's eyes followed me. I got a spoon out of the dish drainer, opened the fridge and retrieved a yellow container of Flieschmann's margarine. I removed the top, drug the spoon across the surface, held it up for her to see, popped it into my mouth and pulled the nasty glob off the spoon with my lips. I dropped the spoon in the sink. I didn't bother putting the margarine away but simply dropped it on the countertop.

Of course the damn stuff won't do down. It coated my teeth and roof of my mouth. Ann giggled at my grimace. I sat down and drained the last of my beer. That didn't help; the beer was still cold and seemed to solidify the damn stuff. I kept swallowing and working my tongue over my teeth trying to rid my mouth of the cloying taste and texture.

"Truff or dare," I asked with a margarine-induced lisp.

"Dare," Ann answered at once.

I smiled; sure I had her now.

"French kiss me." My mouth was still coated with margarine.

She leaned forward, grabbed my head between her hands, pressed her lips to mine and darted her tongue in and out of my mouth before I had time to think "sonafabitch".

She sat back with a smile and clapped her hands. "You didn't say for how long." She explained. "Truth or dare."

"Truth," I grunted, still fighting to rid my mouth of the damn margarine.

"What base have you made it to with a girl?"



"Nope, that's two questions," I replied with a shake of my head. "Truth or dare."


"Kiss the bottom of your foot."

She eyed me. If she tried her legs would be wide apart. I was quite blatantly hoping to see her pussy. Without a word of protest, she used her hands to pull her left foot to her lips then let it fall back to the couch. Her shorts pull tight but I couldn't really see anything, except that maybe they looked a little damp.

"Truth or dare."

"Truth," I sighed, as it became clear I didn't have the wits to beat her at this game.

"Have you ever masturbated in public?" I start to reply but she holds up a hand. "If you've ever masturbated in public where was it?"

I consider lodging a protest but I knew the judge was biased.

"Library stacks."

"Really?" she squeaked eyes growing wide. "In the library."

"Uh-huh, it was late, I was horny, the re-shelving cart had already been through and no one every goes into the economics section. Didn't take long."

She makes a face. "Did you ejaculate on the books?"

"No, of course not."

I was appalled. I love books. The idea of desecrating one was shocking. I couldn't believe she thought me capable of such an act. Cumming on a book? Obscene. Jerking off in the library stacks? Perfectly reasonable.

"I went to the john first and had a couple paper towels stuffed in my back pocket. The only got scared after I came. I realize how much shit I could get into if I got caught. I got zipped up, dropped the towels and rubbed them around with my foot. If I had heard footsteps I would have hustled around the corner and pretended to be perusing a book. But no one was near. I dropped the used towels in a wastebasket and went home."

She shook her head. "Wow, you are a perv. But a tidy one." She did not wait for me but simply stated, "truth."

"If you've ever masturbated in public where was it?"

"I haven't." I cocked my head. "Truth," she pantomimed swearing on a Bible, "I haven't."

"Truth," I said by way of surrender.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yes." I replied automatically.

She leaned forward and smacked my leg. "No, that was a real question. I'm starving."

I shook my head, not letting her off the hook. "No way Ms. Play-strictly-by-the-book. I said truth and you asked a question and I answered. It's my turn. And yes I'm starving too. Truth or dare?"


"When the delivery guy brings the food you have to answer the door topless."

She tilted her head and gave me a long look. "Seriously?"

I nodded.

"Seriously," I assured her. "I'll let you pick the restaurant and I'll pay but you have to answer the door topless, including no bra, that's the dare." I was sure she knew I'd let her off the hook if she refused.

She rolled her eyes. "Apparently Farm Boy you failed to notice I'm not wearing a bra." She sounded irritated. After a moment she gave a single nod of her head. "Campus Corner Pizza, pepperoni and black olives."

I hate black olives but it seemed churlish to say so. I nodded assent.

"Truth or dare," she said by way of sealing the bargain.

"Nope, games on hold until you complete the dare." I got up from the couch. "I'll order the pizza."

She giggled and I looked at her puzzled. She pointed. Hers were not the only pants that were damp. My jeans were tight enough to keep the tenting to a minimum but there was a half dollar-sized circle of darker blue right where the bulge in my jeans ended.

There wasn't much I could do about it so I ordered the pizza. When I hung up the phone I turned to Ann.

"Ready for a beer."



I grabbed two more Rolling Rocks, handed her one before I sat back down. My back was to the sofa arm and one leg resting on the couch. Ann still sat cross-legged. She seemed calm enough. I on the other hand was being to feel like a dick.

"Ann I'm being to feel like a dick. My dare is dumb and kind of mean. Let me think of another one."

She shook her head as she took a sip of beer.

"No. I picked dare. If it is someone from campus I'll tell them you forced me and beg them to not tell anyone." She had her thumbnail between her teeth as she spoke, looking as nervous as if she were about to be summoned to the Dean's office already.

The look of horror on my face made her giggle. I was beginning to like the sound of her giggle. I was also gaining a great deal of respect for her acting ability. That was less painful than acknowledging my gullibility.

"Vinny, paisano, I'm not on campus any more. We are college grads remember? Even if I was I'm not sure I would care much. One true rumor is as easy to dismiss as a dozen false ones. Relax."

We sipped our beers in silence for a few minutes.

"I'm Dutch and Irish."

"Huh?" She looked confused.

"I'm Dutch and Irish. I'm not a paisano. My mom's mom mom, maybe another mom in there was from Holland. Vince is short for Vincent, the painter."

Ann nodded and returned to her beer. It was clear I was more nervous than she was. I lost interest in talking, concentrating instead on the sound of footsteps on the rickety stairs. As soon as I heard them I bolted off the couch and grabbed my wallet, intending to pay and spare Ann the dare. I grabbed a twenty and turned toward the door.

Ann was already there, hand on the door, back to me. Topless.


The knock fell before I could move. Ann paused, squared her shoulders and opened the door. The guy was about our age, probably a summer student. He was looking down, fumbling with the delivery bag.

"It comes to eight dollars and.." At that point his voice tailed off and he simply stared.

"Sorry, how much?" Ann's voice sounded normal to me.

"$8.45," the delivery guy mumbled.

Ann held out her hand and the guy stood there, still staring at her chest the fucking cretin. With a shake of his head he finally spoke.

"Manager insists we have to get paid first. Sorry."

"No problem." She turned to me and I got my first glimpse at my future bride's left breast. "Vince you have a ten?"

I was my turn to stare. Ann tossed her head in faux irritation and took the two steps needed to put her in the "kitchen" with me.

Her breasts were beautiful.

"Vince? A ten?"

I mutely handed her the twenty in my hand and she strode back to the door.

"Ten back will be fine," she said as she handed the delivery guy the twenty. He took it, handed her two fives, fumbled to get the pizza box out, handed it to her, gave one nod of his head, turned and rattled his way down the stairs, no doubt anxious for some quality alone time.

Ann sat the box on the small table, crossed to the sofa, pulled her top back on, facing me as she did so, giving me a nice long look at her breasts.

"Truth or dare?" she asked.

I simply stared at her, realizing how much I wanted to pull her top back off and waltz her over to the mattress on the floor that served as my "bedroom".

I jumped when Ann made the sound of a buzzer. "Time's up. I'm afraid you forfeit the option. The official on the field will make the call and the call is...dare."

She shifted her weight to one foot and brought a finger to her chin. If she had been a sculpture she would have been "goddess in thought". She dropped the pose, walked up to me and gave me a very quick and very chaste kiss before stepping past me.

"I'll think of something while we eat. Where are your plates?"

We ate in silence. I didn't eat much; my head was going in circles. We finished our beers. I got Ann her second, me my third. The plates were shoved to the backside of the plywood coffee table and we resumed our positions on the couch.

Her first question caught me off guard. "You wearing underwear?"

"Um, yeah. But that is a question not a dare. So it should be my turn."

She shook her head, looking very grave. "I did pick dare which I have yet to pronounce. The question was outside the bounds of the game." She raised her eyebrows asking silently if she need to explain the facts to me in simpler terms.

"Fine," I conceded with a toss of my head that was intended to demonstrate my concession was in no way to be construed as agreement with her argument. It was simple, abject surrender.

Ann nodded, seemingly satisfied with my acquiescence. "Tee shirt, jeans and underwear for you, top, underwear and shorts for me, three vs three, even Steven. I dare you to play strip rummy."

I got the cards.

In less than ten minutes I was down to my boxers and Ann remained fully clothed. It was my turn to deal. I squirmed, trying to keep my boner from slipping out the fly of my boxers. I won and she dropped her top behind the couch. She dealt. I lost.

I stood, too turned on now to be embarrassed, hooked my thumbs in the waist of my boxers and tugged them down. When I stood my erection pointed straight at the ceiling. My balls were stuck to the inside of my left leg. I casually pulled them free and continued standing.

"We still playing or is this round over?" I asked.

"I don't see that you have anything left to take off, so I guess it is your turn. I'll choose truth."

"How many lovers have you had?"

"Um, not your most gallant question but four."

"Dare," I whispered.

Ann stood and pulled her shorts and underwear off in one sweeping movement.

"Make it five," she whispered as she stepped into my arms.


I had never been naked with a girl before. Even the times we had gotten to the topless stage it was usually in a dark car. My pants had never been completely off and only a couple times were they even pushed off my hips. Seeing her and feeling her soft body pressed against me was overwhelming. I pulled back, fearful she would object to my hard-on pressing into her belly.

She put one arm around my lower back and pulled me in close.

"Don't pull away, why did you do that?" She had her head lying against my shoulder and her breath tickled the hair on my chest.

"I was afraid it, my hard-on, my erection, would, you know, bother you, that's all." I kept my hands on her shoulders.

"Why would it bother me doofus? I've been trying to get you in bed for the last semester. God guys are dolts."

"Really? Sorry. I don't know what I'm doing here, what we're doing here."

Ann tipped her head up and kissed the side of my neck.

"You are getting ready to take me to bed and we're going to make love. You're doing fine Vince. It doesn't even have to be tonight, but soon I hope." She stepped out of my arms and sat down on the couch. She patted the spot beside her. "Sit beside me."

I did. She picked up my arm and draped it across her shoulders as she leaned against my side. Her nipple pressed against me, a pebble in a pillow of soft flesh. Her fingers began to drift across my chest, just firm enough to avoid tickling.

"Where are you usually when you make out? Here? On the mattress?"

"No, usually in the car."

She pulled back to look at me. "You can get girls to make out with you in the back of your tail-pipe dragging Pinto but can't get them out of their pants? Really? You've never had a girl up here?"

"No. I was afraid the old biddy would evict me."

"Oh Vince, you are a farm boy aren't you." The sting of her comment was soothed by the smile in her voice and soft kiss she planted on my chest, just above my right nipple.

"Actually I kind of like that," Ann whispered. When she spoke again in was in a tone I had heard often in our study group. It was her 'okay enough goofing off let's get down to business' tone.

"Okay, well I've been in your car. Your couch has to be more comfortable than the back of your Pinto. Are you usually in the back?" I nodded. "How do you sit?"

"I'm usually in the corner," I mumble as I moved to lean against the arm and back of the couch. "Like this," I explained, though no explanation was required.

"Do they lean on you?" Ann asked as she scooted over to settle in beside me. I nodded. She looked at me, all serious, "then what?"

"Well we usually kiss and if it seems like things are going okay I'll work my hand under the back of her shirt."