Hotel Shilton


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During the evening, Ulla asked me, "Ballu, what made you think of the clip on earrings?"

"Frankly, I don't rightly know. The idea just came to my mind. Maybe it was because I had bought clip on earrings as presents for them. Ulla, why did you get agitated when I mentioned them? Do they have some special significance in your life?"

"Actually they do. They bring back unpleasant memories."

Despite requesting her several times to elaborate, she did not say a word more. Ulla and Harry left the party at 2 a.m. and I followed shortly thereafter.


With two girls and five boys, our Ulla went to have a ball,

But instead, the five boys balled her in tandem, poor doll,

She left her home and came to the land of Keats and Milton,

Today married happily to Harry, the owner of Hotel Shilton.


The next day being Sunday, I got up late. When I went down for lunch I found that the party lasted until five in the morning. The twins were still in bed recovering from the night's bash. That night after dinner Sheena told me that tomorrow papa has to go to London and would only be back late in the evening. He has asked them to do some shopping for the hotel. They also had a class to attend therefore, they would have to miss out on Monday afternoon.

"No problem." I told her.

On Monday afternoon as I sat in the lobby glancing through the local newspaper Ulla asked me if I would like to join her for a cup of tea. Thankful for her company I followed her into the kitchen. I watched her as she brewed the tea and poured out a cup for me.

Ulla asked, "Ballu, why are you staring at me like this?"

I immediately apologized for my rudeness and said, "If I tell you the truth you will get annoyed."

"Tell me please. I won't get angry with you," she said.

I said, "Ulla I was thinking, you are so beautiful, sensuous and desirable."

She blushed prettily and to my utter surprise, she suddenly jumped up and swirled round on her heels. Her skirt ballooned up to her waist. I could see her shapely legs and her white panty.

"What do you have to say about my figure?"

I did not reply but I got up, took her in my arms, and planted a tender kiss on her sensuous red lips. At first, she tried to push me away but then suddenly grabbing my head pressed her lips to mine.

After a long passionate kiss we separated and she panted in my ear, "Ballu, it is not safe here. Let us go to my bedroom. We will be more comfortable there."

In her room, I helped her to undress and as I pulled off her panty, I saw it was already wet. I looked at her naked body. Her figure, as I have already mentioned earlier, was superb. Her tits were firm and hard. The pink nipples erect with excitement. She had removed every trace of hair from her crotch. I kissed her boobs and sucked the pretty pink nipples. They became even harder. I moved downwards towards her lower lips. I licked and sucked on them. She was in throes of pleasure. She caught my hard member and pulled it towards her mouth. We were soon in sixty-nine position. After some time we both came with a loud satisfied sigh.

As we lay recouping she said, "It has been years since some one has licked me down below."

When I was hard again, I spread her thighs and entered her love tunnel. I started to stroke it with long slow strokes. I raised my head and looked at her. Ulla's eyes were closed and she was enjoying herself.

With each stroke, Ulla said a loud, "Ah." I pulled my cock back to the entrance of her cunt and then inserted it slowly or with a jerk back into her. Sometimes I gave quick short strokes and sometimes long slow ones. I kept varying the length and the pace of my strokes. Her hips started to move in rhythm with my in and out movement. Suddenly Ulla clutched me and pressed me hard to her body. Her hips moved in a feverish motion and a wild look came into her eyes. I sensed she was very close to coming and I was not far away. I began to thrust viciously into her, ramming her so hard that with each stroke her tits rolled back and forth.

She began to gasp, then to moan. She arched her back and thrust her head back, her eyes clinched tightly close. We were both trembling and shuddering, our breaths coming in gasps. With a loud scream, "BBAAALLLLLUUUUU I AMMMM COOOMMMMING," she came immediately, triggering off my orgasm also.

Gradually our motions slowed and we continued to make soft "ahhhh" sounds. We both opened our eyes. Our lips drew together and we kissed a long tender kiss. Soon my cock became soft and I withdrew it from her heavenly fuck tube. We lay panting next to each other.

Ulla said, 'Thank you Ballu, after a long, long time I have had such an intensive orgasm. It was really lovely. What would you like me to do to give you pleasure."

"If you really want to give me pleasure then tell me with whom and under what circumstances you had sex for the first time."

She looked surprised then said, "Ballu it was a sordid affair. I still feel so ashamed about it."

"Nevertheless please tell me," I pleaded.

"All right. Would you believe me if I told you that I don't know who took my virginity?" she whispered.

"Well if you put it this way it does seem quite improbable but do tell me what happened," I told her.

Ulla said, "It happened when I was still in school in Sweden. I was young, innocent and shy. My best friend Inge was quite the opposite. She moved with a fast crowd.

"One beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon she persuaded me to accompany her and her friends for a swim to the beach house of her boyfriend Gustav. Three girls Inge, Ingrid and I along with Gustav and four of his friends piled into a station wagon and drove to the beach house. All afternoon we swam in the sea and sunned ourselves on the beach. It was really nice and I enjoyed myself thoroughly.

"In the evening, we came into the beach house for refreshments. Gustav brought some beer. I was not a drinker but not to be the odd man out I joined them. I took small sips while the others were really drinking fast. Gustav started to kiss Inge. Everyone was laughing and joking. Then a boy lit a cigarette and passed it around. When my turn came, I also took a puff. After a few puffs, I felt nice and lightheaded. I wanted more. After a few more puffs, I felt I was floating in the air and everything around me looked rosy.

"From that point onwards, I have no memory of what happened. Next morning I woke up in my own bed. I was still dressed in the same clothes I had on the day before. When I went to take a shower I saw my panty was stained with blood and stiff with dried cum. Tears filled my eyes. I knew in my heart that I was no longer a virgin.

Here Ulla paused and looked at me. I said to her, "Why have you stopped? I am sure you tried to find out as to what had happened. Please don't hide anything, tell me all."

She resumed her tale. "That afternoon I went to Inge and asked her as to what had happened."

She looked coldly at me and said, "Nothing important happened. You only lost your cherry."

"That much I have already guessed from the condition of my clothes. Please tell me who took it?"

"You don't know?" she asked me incredulously.

I got annoyed and shook her. "If I had known would I be asking you? I have no memory of what happened after I took a few puffs from the cigarette. I had no idea that I was smoking a reefer. Why don't you tell me you stupid bitch?" She saw that I was serious.

She said, "Ulla you really behaved very badly. Frankly I also don't know who deflowered you but for your satisfaction I will tell you all I know". This is what Inge told me "After you had taken a few puffs you started to guzzle beer and kept smoking. You sat laughing and giggling. I was not paying much attention. Gustav and I were doing some heavy petting. You must have seen us because you shouted, 'What is wrong with you boys, none of you want to follow Gustav's lead,' and giggled obscenely.

The boys converged on you. You said, 'Hold it boys I am not running away. Let us decide who takes the first turn.' You then pulled off your clip on earring and those worn by Ingrid. Ingrid protested and tried to stop you but there was no stopping you. You told her to mind her own business. You then told the guys that you would hide the clip on earring in the room and the guy who finds yours first gets the first turn and went into detail of the order to follow. I saw Ingrid leave the room in disgust. I was busy with Gustav and was not really paying much attention to you.

"Suddenly I heard you shout, 'AAAYYYIIIEE,' and heard you say, 'Oh my god that hurt,' the boys laughed loudly. I looked and saw you were on the floor with your legs wide open and the naked bottom of a boy moving hard and fast on top of you. The other three stood around you with their pants down and erect cocks. I could only see their bums and not their faces.

"After twenty minutes or so some boy shouted, 'Gustav what are you doing there. You can bang Inge any day but today is Ulla's day.' To my utter disgust, Gustav left me and moved to you.

"Then I heard you say, 'Oh Gustav you too.' Ingrid and I were really cheesed off at your behavior. We told the boys that we wanted to go home but they were not yet finished with you. They only agreed after we threatened them with the police. Gustav was driving. The guys pushed Ingrid and me in the front and four of them got in the rear with you in between them. All the way home, they kept pressing your boobs, kissing and fingering you. You kept giggling and egging them on. They wanted to drop Ingrid and me off first but despite your atrocious behavior, we insisted that you be dropped off first. There was no knowing what they would have done to you later. When you got off you cheerfully told them, 'Thanks guys it was very nice. We must do it again sometime.'

"By the time Inge finished her story I was in tears. I was so ashamed that I persuaded my parents to send me to England to finish my school. My grandmother was English. I had spent many a vacation with her family therefore the language was no problem. So I came here."

"You poor thing. It really must have been a nightmare," I told her kissing away her tears.

She laughed and said, "Now you also know why I got so agitated at the mention of clip on earrings. They reminded me of the most terrible day of my life. They say, 'Every cloud has a silver lining.' The silver lining in my case was that I did not get pregnant. We have to thank the Lord for his little mercies."

We then made love one more time. As we were dressing, I asked Ulla as to when we could be together again.

She looked doubtful and said, "Ballu, actually I did not want this to happen. I don't know what happened to me I was shocked when I heard my voice inviting you to my bedroom. I think we should not do it again."

When I insisted, she reluctantly promised to tell me if she saw another opportunity. In my heart, I knew that she had said this only to please me. I also knew that if there has to be "a next time" then I would have to find the opportunity.


Next day both Sheena and Sheeba had a preoccupied look,

They told me they knew I had enjoyed their mama's nook,

They also guessed I had explored maid Mary's love nest,

Amid tears and anger, they banged their fists on my chest.


As arranged, the twins came to my room the next afternoon. They had a preoccupied look. They undressed mechanically and responded to my kisses and caress in a detached manner. I could see that their heart was not in the love games on hand.

"Your party was very successful," I said.

They did not reply.

"What is wrong? You girls still tired after your party?" I tried again.

Sheeba turned angrily towards me and blurted out, "Ballu how did you like mother yesterday?"

Surprised at the outburst I said, "What are you talking about?"

"Don't try to play the innocent. We know mummy had a whale of a time yesterday but what we want to know is did you enjoy yourself also?" Sheena persisted.

"Don't be silly girls. Don't you remember that I met you in the lobby when you returned from your class yesterday?"

"Of course we remember but what you don't know is that was not the first time we returned. When we reached our class, we found it had been canceled. Then after making the necessary purchases we came back to the hotel. Not finding mummy downstairs we went up to her room to tell her that we were back. As we reached her room, we heard her go, 'BBAAALLLLLUUUUU I AMMMM COOOMMMMING.' Not wanting to embarrass mummy we went out again only to return later. It was then that you met us in the lobby," Sheeba explained angrily.

It was now my turn to keep quiet.

"You know Sheeba what I was thinking," Sheena said, "I am happy that granny had returned to Sweden before this... this Ballu came here otherwise he would not have even spared the old lady."

Thankful for the change of subject I tried to divert their attention further, "Why not? It would have been a pleasure, if you girls got your beauty from her."

Both turned angrily towards me with their clenched fists raised to strike. I ducked and said, "Easy sweethearts, you might get hurt."

"He has already had all the three Potts. I only wonder why he has not yet diddled our Mary," Sheena continued to speculate.

I immediately put on my "holier than thou" expression but Sheeba who was looking intently at me said, "Don't be too sure sister. I think this sex maniac has also ploughed the field of poor Mary. Am I glad that we asked him to keep his libido in control during the party, otherwise he would have lived up to his name."

"Now girls, that is not fair. What does my name have to do with all this?" I protested.

"Your name has everything to do with it. Your name is Ballu that is "Ball-u." Every female, old or young you meet, you want to do nothing but to "ball" her. If you stayed here in Brighton for few more weeks you would start a regular harem."

"Hey, that is a pleasant thought. In the party all your friends were very cute specially Susan. I would have loved to...."

Here they interrupted me and out of frustration started to hammer their fists on my chest shouting, "You beast ... you..." with tears flowing freely from their beautiful green eyes.

I caught them tightly in my arms, held them close to me, and kissed them until they calmed down. Then I tilled their garden of love to restore their good humor.


In the lobby I sat and heard Harry on the phone say,

I will come to you for three days starting on Sunday,

On spur of the moment, I decided to extend my stay,

Telephoned my friend I would visit but with a delay.


Couple of days later I was sitting in the lobby when I over heard Harry telling someone on the phone that he will visit them on Sunday and be with them for three days. Recognizing the opportunity to have Ulla again I decided to extend my stay.

I approached Harry and requested him if I could stay for a few days more. I told him that instead of Sunday as scheduled I would leave on Thursday. Harry made a show of consulting his bookings and told me that it was fine. He also added that he is required to visit a supplier on Sunday and would be back only on Thursday noon.

As I turned to leave his office, I saw Ulla standing behind me with a sensuous smile on her lips. Apparently, she had heard our conversation.

On Sunday evening, I told her that I would come to her room later that night. She whispered not to come as the girls would be there but she would come to my room after they retire.

When Ulla came that night, I was waiting impatiently for her. I took her eagerly in my arms and kissing her pulled her down on the bed.

When we had undressed, Ulla said, "Ballu you lie down and relax. Today I will give you pleasure," and took my erect rod in her mouth. Slowly she moved up and with a deft movement inserted it in her lower opening. She moved up and down. Her tits danced around in such a fashion that I got harder. I pulled her to me, inserted a finger in her ass hole, and moved it in and out in rhythm of her strokes.

"Oh Ballu your finger feels so nice. It has been a long time since I have had anything there." I then pushed the second finger into her and rotated it. She was ecstatic. After fifteen minutes, we came together and lay exhausted.

"Ulla, have you had anal sex before?" I asked.

"Yes, but with only one person," she replied.

"Ulla, tell me with whom did you have anal sex previously? Harry ...?" I said leaving the sentence unfinished.

"No, no not my sweet dear Harry. He believes in conventional sex only. He even does not like me sucking him off. You see when I was in school here I went out with number of boys. I was even intimate with a few of them. Then I joined college. In college, I met a guy called Shamim from Afghanistan. I think he said he was a "pathan." We went out together for a long time. We got intimate. He persuaded me to have anal sex with him. I was in love with him and dreamt of marrying him, so could not refuse.

"At first I found it very disgusting but later I started to enjoy it. One day I discovered that he had left the country. All my dreams were shattered. Later I found out that he liked boys more than he liked girls. He had seduced the young son of the family he stayed with and was sodomizing him regularly. One day the parents found out and called the police. To escape the law, Shamim, leaving all his belongings behind took the first plane out of the country.

"Then I met Harry who was on a business trip. We started seeing each other regularly. Harry fell in love with me. One day he proposed. I knew he was much older to me. I was not in love with him but liked him very much. A girl cannot have everything. I accepted and came here.

"Yes, I have also heard that the 'pathans' do like boys more than they like girls. Anyway, Ulla remember - All is well that ends well."

"Ballu you are right. Things have ended well for me. Yes, I am very happy. I have not regretted my decision even once."

I then asked her if she wanted to have anal sex with me.

"You don't mind? I would love to try it again."

"Of course not. I too love anal sex but since it has been so long for you, it might be painful."

"Doesn't matter I did not die the first time and I will survive again." She crouched on all fours with her head down on the pillow and spread her ass cheeks with her hands.

First, I entered her regular orifice from behind and after several strokes until my rod was nice and slippery. I took some juice from her cunt and applied it, in and on her back entrance, to reduce the pain of entry. Then I placed my cock on her butt hole and pressed. I did not make any headway so I increased the pressure.

"Oh Ballu it is hurting. You are too big," she cried.

"It will soon be okay," I said and pushed harder. Suddenly her sphincter gave way and my phallus entered her butt hole.

"UUUUUUIIIIII it is paining," she screamed.

"I am in. It will not hurt now," I told her and pushed the rest of my prick inside her ass hole.

"OOOOHHhhh," she said. I started to move my cock in and out of her rear hole. She kept groaning for some time. Then her groans changed to moans of pleasure.

"How does it feel now?" I asked.

"It feels very nice. Don't stop. Yes, keep going. Harder," she panted. While I pushed my doodle in and out, I squeezed her boobs and pinched her hard nipples. After ten minutes of this in and out motion, I shot my load into her rear tunnel. She returned to her room in the wee hours of the morning.

The next three days were like living in paradise. In the morning, Mary came and in the afternoons, I enjoyed the twins. At night, I played love games with Ulla.

Omar Khayyam had said, "The moving finger writes and having written moves on." Time does not stop for anyone.