House of the Rising Son


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At least Mum was still talking to me, even if our tryst never came up in the conversation and, with other members of the family usually within earshot, I just couldn't say anything to Mum to find out the lie of the land.

So for four whole days I had to resort to my good old fist with nothing more enjoyable than a mess of hot spunk to clear up. Life was getting boring.......

And then, it was Sunday and today even I could have a lie in, but no, I awoke at some ungodly hour to find my Dad leaning over me.

"Morning," he whispered as he gently shook me.

"Hi..... Oh hi Dad," I managed to say, having been abruptly awakened from my sleep.

I pulled myself upright and reached for the glass of water by my bed. A quick mouthful cleaned away the taste of the night, even if the water was flat and stale. I shook my head.

"What's up Dad?"

"That's up!" he said, pointing to the tent my morning hard-on had erected.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed but Dad put his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry about it -- in fact keep it up!" he said as he sat down on the edge of my bed.

"Wh....? Why? What....?"I bumbled, still not being fully awake.

"I came down to your room to ask if you'd like to join us," said Dad, to my astonishment, "Yeah -- don't worry -- you'll enjoy it!"

I was obviously still looking perplexed, so Dad carried on.....

"Your mother and I have always been very open with each other, so I know she's always rather fancied you. Well, you've always been her favourite, so something was bound to happen eventually. So when your mother told me all about your bit of entertainment I wasn't in the least bit surprised really -- in fact, good for you, young man! Glad you measured up!"

All I could do at this moment was to release my breath, which I seemed to have been holding for ages.

"So -- so -- so what are you doing here then?" I asked Dad, despite him having told me a few moments ago.

"I'm here because your Mum's feeling frisky and because we don't have to rush today and because we thought perhaps you'd like to join in," said Dad, standing up, "Interested?"

And now that I was properly awake, I was VERY interested -- even if a bit scared.....

"Yeah!" I said excitedly and I threw back the duvet and leapt out of bed -- suddenly realising that I was in the nude, with a hard-on -- and that Dad would see it. I was instantly shy!

Dad had foreseen this scenario though.

"Hey -- nice cock!" he said, "Matching pair I reckon!"

And so saying he dropped his pyjama trousers to reveal his own erection waving before him.

I couldn't help but look -- I was captivated in a way by the first real-life hard-on other than my own that I'd ever seen close up.

Dad hitched up his pyjamas, walked up to me and faced me.

"Check 'em out," he said, dropping them again, "See -- near enough a pair!"

Side by side, our two penises matched to the nearest half inch. We were both uncut and we both had comparatively large knobs which, because of our excited state, were revealed and were both glistening in the morning sunlight.

"So," said Dad, "Are you ready? Keep it quiet though. Tony's gone out but Sally's still in bed -- but you know how heavily she sleeps, so we'll be ok. But keep the noise down anyway....."

"Does this mean that you're going to let me have sex with Mum again?" I asked, still a bit nervously.

"Definitely!" said Dad, "I'm relying on you to keep your Mum fucked whenever I'm knackered so I hope you've got plenty of spunk in there!"

So saying he grasped both our cocks together and squeezed them. My penis jerked and stiffened in his hand and I gasped from the sensation.

"Eager, aren't we?" he said with a big grin, "Come on then. Remember to keep it quiet."

"I need a piss first," I said as I headed to my en suite toilet and soon my bladder was emptied although I'm pleased to say that my erection remained.

Throwing my dressing gown on, together we trouped down the hall and into the big bedroom, in the centre of which was their super king-sized bed that I'd always been jealous of. But now I'd be able to use it too!

Dad shut the door behind us and locked it. Mum was nowhere in sight....

"Sweetheart," Dad called out.

"In here -- just had a shower," said Mum, "Just coming."

And a few moments later Mum came out of the shower room clad only in a big towel. She pulled her shower cap off, letting her auburn tresses tumble about her shoulders.

"Oh hello Chris -- lovely to see you," said Mum, coming across the room to kiss me. We linked lips and held the poise for a few moments to enjoy one another. Mum tasted wonderfully minty -- I doubt I tasted half as good!

"Would you like to help me dry off?" asked Mum, slowly undoing the knot that held her towel in place.

I glanced at Dad but instead of him frowning or otherwise objecting he held up his thumbs and winked at me.

"Get on with it," he said as he stepped out of his pyjama bottoms and cast off his jacket, "Or I'll do it for you!"

As he spoke Mum pulled the ends of her towel apart and dropped it on the floor and now she stood there before me, as naked as Dad was and taking the cue from her I shrugged off my dressing gown as well.

My cock, which had lost it's stiffness for a while now woke up again and promptly began to stand up as if to see what was worth getting excited about. With one look at Mum, he jerked into rigid stiffness. A bead of precum oozed from the tip and slowly, viscously, it lost its grip on my penis and stretched out until it reached the floor.

Mum licked her lips and swallowed a mouthful of saliva -- she was obviously conditioned to the sight of a dripping cock in the same way that Pavlov's dog's had been conditioned to meals.

"Come on, I'll get cold just standing here," said Mum, "Get a dry towel for me and get drying!"

Dad was already coming to my rescue with a nice warm dry towel and so I set to work, starting on Mum's arms and shoulders.

Soon I turned her around so I could do her back and was able to enjoy her silky smooth skin as I traced her shoulder blades and then her spine. I followed it down to her curvy buttocks where I concentrated my efforts for a while, before moving down to dry her long luscious legs.

By the time I'd finished her back, Mum was positively purring.

"That's lovely darling, you're so gentle," she said and as she spoke she backed up towards me and with a little lift up onto her toes she was able to slot my penis into the cleft beneath her bum. She pushed back harder so I had to brace myself as my penis slid between her legs. She was still damp down there but it wasn't a lubricating dampness, so my cock kept sticking rather than sliding. But I got the idea -- and the promise that came with it!

I turned Mum around and went down to finish off drying her legs and feet. I dried between her dainty toes and up past her ankles; holding and caressing her calves and then drying around her knees. Soon I was up to her thighs but I wanted to save the tops of them for a bit I stood up to start again at her shoulders.

Mum moved forward this time and did much the same action as before, to allow my penis to slide between her thighs from the front this time. And this time he slid a bit more easily, causing me to look at Mum's face.

She was smiling happily and she blew me a kiss, which I caught from some six inches!

"You're getting me excited," she said as she moved her hips back and forwards, sliding her flesh over my cock.

"And me!" I replied, "I can hardly wait!"

Dad, in the meantime, had reclined onto the bed and now lay there playing with his erection.

"Nor can I Chris," he said, "Come on -- don't take all morning!"

On his prompting I stepped away from Mum, allowing my somewhat wetted penis to spring free of Mum's slot and cupping the towel in my two hands I raised them to Mum's breasts.

She let out a happy sigh as my hands clasped her tits and I need hardly add that instead of just drying them, I gave her breasts a good massage and squeeze until her nipples were standing hard and eager.

Mum's breath was coming faster as I moved downwards to her tummy whereupon I got down on my knees and then leaned forward and kissed her navel. I felt Mum shudder as I did so, so I pushed my tongue into her little cavity, causing her to gasp with pleasure.

My towel was almost superfluous now -- Mum was almost drying herself, such was her degree of arousal, but I used it as an excuse to just feel her creamy smooth body.

And finally I worked my way down to her abdomen and her pussy -- and by now the scent of her arousal was wafting around. I'd have a job keeping that part dry!

Firstly I made sure that there was no excess moisture on her thighs or belly; then I got her to spread her legs a bit so I could get my hand and the towel between them.

I was in heaven as I pushed my hand between her legs -- I was rubbing my hand across the bottom of her pussy and I could feel Mum's hips moving to facilitate contact between her slit and my hand.

She was now moaning quietly as I finished off my work between her legs and brought the towel up to her pussy itself.

"Open your legs a bit more," I asked and Mum quickly obliged.

I noticed that as she did so she tilted her hips forward to push her pussy nearer to me. I breathed in the erotic aroma -- my face was only a foot away -- I so wanted to kiss it!

Dad had been watching me and now he piped up.

"Get in there, son, lick her pussy!" he said, rubbing and rolling his balls, "Suck her clit! Get her nice and wet!"

Mum hummed her approval above me and not being one to disobey my parents I leaned forward and kissed her, right on her clit!

Mum sucked in a quick breath and a big smile crossed her face.

"You bastard!" she breathed, "I wasn't expecting that! Don't stop though!"

No way was I going to stop! I shuffled in a bit closer and wrapped my arms round Mum's bum, pulling her pussy to my face. With my fingers I spread her lips apart to reveal her glistening, slippery, swollen inner lips and her weeping vagina. Above it her clit now seemed to throb and jerk with her pulse; its hood pulled back as far as it would go.

I stuck out my tongue and ran the tip from one end of her slit to the other, ending in a quick twirl round her clit and Mum clamped her hands round my head to hold me close to her sex. It was all I could do to breathe now and every breath was suffused with Mum's wonderful fragrance. Nuzzling my face right into her cleft, I stuck my tongue as far unto her hole as I could, twisting and twirling the tip around inside her and enjoying the taste of her lubricating juices.

Above me, Mum was going ballistic -- her fingers were digging into my scalp -- her breath was coming faster and more erratically -- her body was twisting and jerking as my tongue sent wild sensations through her.

And then I felt her pulling me upwards -- by my hair it felt -- and in moments I was standing there before her once more, once again with my cock buried in between her legs.

"Fuck me, darling -- come and fuck me, you sod!" she groaned, kissing my face all over, "Get your cock up me, please."

In a few seconds Mum was laid out on the bed beside Dad -- her legs wide spread.

"Come here Chris, get him in -- now!" she groaned, "Don't waste time -- just put him in me -- I'm going to cum in a moment!"

I scrambled onto the bed and slid between her legs, my face landing on her tummy. Mum's arms stretched out to me, entreating me to move up her body.

Planting a sloppy kiss on her tummy I slid my body up, up, until I felt my penis make contact with her flesh.

"Hurry, hurry -- I'm going to cum!" cried Mum, "Get him in me now!"

I reached down between us and positioned my cock where I believed her hole was and just pushed. There was a brief period when nothing happened; when our skins stuck and wouldn't slide and then Mum's lubrication did its work and my penis just plain disappeared inside her.

Almost immediately Mum began thrashing about; her hands clawing at the bed sheets. I could feel her cunt gripping my cock; squeezing and caressing it, sucking and grasping at it as she approached her climax.

Beside us Dad had put one hand on Mum's breast, playing with her nipple while the other hand kept up a steady up and down action on his cock. He beamed happily at me.

"You've got her going!" he said, "She'll come like a bucking bronco in a moment -- hang on tight!"

Quickly I started sawing my cock in and out of her hole; her tightness rubbing over the ridge around my knob; her copious lubrication counteracting the pressure between our bodies.

I started slamming my cock into her -- I too was eager to cum and eager too to enjoy Mum climaxing on my cock and soon we were both panting wildly.

"You cumming?" I asked between breaths, "I won't be long -- please cum!"

"I am -- I am," groaned Mum, "Just getting there. Nearly there -- oh yes -- oh yessssss! Oooooooh!"

"Yeah -- yeah -- yeah!" I grunted in time with my thrusts, "Come on then, Mum, cum with me!"

"I am, darling -- oh ooooooo!" she howled, "Ooooooooh yesssss! Yesssss!"

Together we hit the heights; just as Mum peaked, so did I -- one last crescendo of rapid thrusts and a final breath hold -- and I was cumming!

"Ah, ah, Aaaaaaaaah!" I cried as the floodgates opened and my spunk began erupting. Deep up inside my mother, my incestual cock was discharging volley after volley of hot sticky sperm into her tight but remarkably capacious vagina.

"Oooooooohhh!" I cried as a powerful spasm sent another load spurting from my penis.

"Aaaaaagh!" cried Mum as her body shook and turned to jelly beneath me.

With that last eruption I too collapsed; my body sinking onto the quivering wreck that was my mother's body. Together we lay there, getting our breath and energy back.

And beside us Dad was still gently stropping his cock, its head gleaming with his lubricating precum.

"Nice one Chris!" he said, "Couldn't have done better myself!"

I smiled at him and looked down at Mum. She too was smiling, but instead of her face being all serene like Dad, it was wreathed in sweat and tangled hair. Her cheeks were glowing red -- but she looked incredibly happy!

"Was that ok?" I asked and Mum smiled and nodded her head.

"Yes darling," she panted, "Brilliant! What a great start!"

"Yep -- my turn next," said Dad, "Let your Mum recover first though. Get off her and take a break."

I levered myself from my comfy bed, feeling the cooler air of the room circulate between our bodies. My cock seemed reluctant to leave his nest and when he finally did emerge, a long streamer of sticky spunk continued to connect him with Mum's hole just as before, until she wiped it away.

I slumped down on my side onto the bed alongside Mum and leaned forward to kiss her nipple. She lightly slapped me away.

"Lay off! I need a break!" she panted, "Hey -- didn't you make me wet! Get me a towel darling."

Fortunately from where I was I could reach one of the towels I'd dried Mum with and I handed it to her. She slapped it between her legs and clamped them together.

"Phew!" she said, "That was good!"

While we rested, Mum now with a hand on each of our penises, I was curious to know why I'd suddenly been added to their sexual activities and Dad explained.

"Well son, when I was your age my mother let me have sex with her," he told me, "I don't think she meant to really -- we went to visit her parents and she got back into the wrong bed when she got up in the night. And I didn't really mean to have sex with her but when she climbed in with me, her bottom just pushed up against my erection and it just happened from there. She said that she thought that my Dad had been woken by her getting up and had become horny, so she'd let him carry on. Only it was me instead."

"Wow!" I said, "But a one-off like that, a sort-of mistake, doesn't make you go on having sex, does it?"

"Well, no but did your Dad say it only happened the once?" said Mum, winking at me, "The randy sod had her as often as he could from there on!"

I looked at Dad and he had a big silly grin on his face...

"And I had much the same experience; only it was with my brother," Mum continued, "We too went visiting but we had to share a bed -- and you know what happens then! And we sort of got to liking sharing a bed, if you know what I mean!"

"Bloody hell," I exclaimed, "You were a horny lot, weren't you!"

"Still are," said Mum, beaming happily, "Nothing much changes!"

"Yeah but why am I having sex with you again, Mum?" I asked.

"Simply because we enjoyed our incestual experiences so much that we both agreed that it would be good to bring you into bed," said Dad, "Not complaining are you?"

"No way" I said, feeling my cock stiffen as Mum's gentle touch started to become firmer.

Dad saw my cock rise under Mum's working fist and held a finger up.

"My turn," he said, his erection extended before him, "I've got a load here that's been waiting to be let out for ages, so come on honey, here comes Daddy!"

"Ooooh yes darling, I'm ready now," she said, "Take me from behind so Chris can see you going in and out."

She rolled onto her side facing me and I could see her push her rump back towards Dad. For a few moments there was some gentle movement as he slotted his cock into place and then a grunt from both him and Mum.

"Uuuuuufff!" went Dad as his penis sank into his wife's hole.

"Oooooooh," Mum said as his thrust drove his cock home, "Oooooh -- right in!"

"Yeah -- you're still soaking!" said Dad, "I think I like sloppy seconds though -- different to know I'm wallowing in my son's spunk!"

"Shut up and fuck me!" said Mum, chuckling and thrusting her bottom back at Dad -- and for a while the two of them just fucked and fucked. From my vantage point I could see Mum's split-apart lips and Dad's shaft appearing and disappearing into her hole. The scent of hot sex rose from their bodies causing my penis to throb with excitement.

Now they'd got into a rhythm, Mum and Dad seemed to settle in for a long ride and I began to wonder what to do, when Mum spoke up.

"Chris darling," she said, "would you like me to suck you?"

Oh wow! I'd never been sucked! Ever!

"Really?" I asked incredulously, "Honest?"

"Come here, darling," Mum said and I scooted up the bed.

"Bit closer -- yeah ok, that'll do," she said, sticking her tongue out and slapping it across the end of my cock.

He jerked wildly and I almost jumped too!

Mum reached a hand out and held my penis, directing the end towards her mouth and then, very slowly she moved closer and closer until finally my knob disappeared inside her welcoming mouth.

She closed her lips on my cock almost making me cum on the spot.

"Oh fuuuu....!" I cried, sucking in a large breath as Mum's tongue tickled under my knob, "Oooh Mum, that's lovely. Do it some more! Please!"

I felt as if everything was centred in my penis; every sensation under the sun seemed to be there and all of them exciting and wildly different. I could feel my cock jerking and jumping uncontrollably as Mum pleasured different bits -- sometimes the shaft with her lips; sometimes my knob with her tongue. Slowly she was bringing me to the boil again.....but Mum had other ideas!

"Don't cum yet, darling," she said, still on the receiving end of Dad's cock, "I want you inside me too!"

"How -- where?" I asked, somewhat naively nonplussed.

"We're going to have to move round a bit but I want you both in me at once," Mum said, "Dad can stay in my pussy but I want you in my arse!"

"Wow Mum! Never thought I'd hear you say that," I said incredulously and even Dad looked up.

"You're going to let him have your arse?" he said, "You haven't even let me in there yet!"

"Well this is a special occasion so I want Chris to be my first," Mum replied, "So come on, you'll have to move a bit."