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Straight Stacy is seduced into domestic service.
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The Want Ad

Wanted: Houseboy. Mature (55/52) gay couple seeking live in boy for domestic work. You should be between the ages of 19 and 25. Prefer a short boy of slight build who has no romantic attachments. In exchange for maintaining our household, you will receive room, board and salary. Must be willing to work flexible hours. If interested, call xxx-xxxx after 6 pm.

Stacy sat and stared at the employment ad. He was at the end of his rope. He had failed to pass two of his college classes and his uncle had cut off his expense money as a result. He had been barely getting by with the earnings from his job at the supermarket, but they were cutting back and his hours had shrunk by half. He simply did not have enough money to support himself. He'd been answering employment ads for weeks now with no success. The 'Houseboy' ad in the local town newspaper sounded good. The only problem being that Stacy was not gay. He liked girls. And even though he was of slight build, he had an attractive face and a nice personality. He had no trouble getting laid.

But he needed money desperately, so he decided to answer the ad. The worst thing that could happen is that they would say no to him. Stacy dialed and waited nervously while the phone rang.

"Hello." a deep masculine voice answered.

"Hi, this is Stacy Warren. I'm responding to the ad that you placed for a houseboy."

"Oh, yes. Great! We placed that ad two weeks ago and were beginning to think we wouldn't get any response. Do you mind answering some questions over the phone to see if we should go further?"

"Sure. Fire away."

"How old are you, Stacy?

"I'm twenty."

"Good, good. What is your height and weight?"

"I'm five-six, about one hundred ten pounds."

"Sweet. Just the physical profile we're seeking. Do you have any facial hair?"

"No. I'm clean-shaven."

"Wonderful! Would you characterize yourself as a hairy person or a smooth person?"


"The primary job duties involve house-keeping. You would be required to dust, vacuum, wash floors, do laundry, clean the kitchen after meals, grocery shop and run general errands. Do you feel you could do all of that?"

"Yes. And your ad mentions room and board?"

"Yes. We provide a place for you to sleep and give you all of your meals. The pay is modest, but negotiable."

"How much personal time off would I get?"

"Well, by the nature of the job, we just require that your tasks get done and the house be properly maintained. When the job is done, your time is your own."

"Sounds great."

"Good, good. Would you like to set an appointment to meet with us and discuss this further?"

"Yes, but I have to be honest with you about something."

"And what would that be?"

"Well, I'm not gay. I mean I'm totally straight."

There was a lengthy silence while this sunk in.

"Well, Stacy, you know that my partner and I are gay. We specified that in the ad."

"Yes, but does that mean you'll only hire a gay guy?"

"Not necessarily, but it would make it easier for the boy if he were gay."

"So where do we go from here?"

"Why don't you come over to our place tomorrow at seven and we can see if this will be workable. My name is Burl and my partner's name is Fran. Let me give you the address."

The Interview

Stacy had to take two buses to get to the suburban address that Burl had given him. It was an old, but affluent area with a lot of trees and a lot of room between the houses. Burl's house was a sprawling ranch style house that was probably three thousand square feet. Stacy rang the front doorbell and waited nervously for the door to open. When it did, it revealed a large, middle-aged man with graying hair and bushy eyebrows. Stacy figured that the guy must be six-four and well over two hundred pounds. He was a commanding, almost intimidating presence.

"Hi! You must be Stacy. I'm Burl." the man said and took Stacy by the arm leading him into the foyer.

"Fran, honey, come and meet Stacy." Burl called out in the direction of the kitchen as he led Stacy into a large, comfortable living room.

"Welcome, Stacy. It's so nice to meet you." Fran said and extended his hand. "My, you are an attractive young man. Definitely boy material."

Fran was smaller than Burl, but still much larger than Stacy. Stacy guessed he was probably around five-eleven and maybe a hundred eighty pounds. Stacy surmised that Fran must be the "wife" in this gay couple and Burl the "husband." Burl led Stacy to a large comfortable couch that could probably seat six people. Stacy sat down near the middle and Fran sat at one end.

"Would you care for a drink, Stacy?" Burl asked.


"Fran loves my daiquiris. Would you care for one?"

"That would be fine."

Burl walked over to a portable bar in the room and poured two daiquiris from a shaker and handed one to Fran and one to Stacy. He then poured himself a whiskey and sat in a lounge chair opposite Fran and Stacy.

"So, Stacy, Burl tells me that you think you're straight." Fran asked, smiling.

"Well, I am straight."

"Do you have any prejudices against gays? Are you homophobic?" Fran inquired.

"No. I have no prejudices. I figure each to his own."

"Would you have a problem working for a gay couple?"

"No. I don't believe so."

"That's good," Fran continued. "In our home, Burl is the man of the house. Of course, we discuss all important decisions. But Burl has the final say. If we employ you, you will ultimately be submitting to Burl's authority."

"You make that sound ominous." Stacy replied. "If Burl is the final authority, what is your role in the house?"

"Of course, I work outside the home, just as Burl does. But I do the cooking and bear the responsibility for managing the house. You would be directly submitting to my instructions and commands."

"I'm not really sure about this." Stacy said uncomfortably.

"My dear, I think you're scaring young Stacy with all of this talk of commanding and submitting." Burl broke in. "When we placed the ad, Stacy, we envisioned adding someone to our household who could be like a family member. To compare us to a traditional household, I am the father, Fran is the mother, and you would be our boy. I would hope that our relationship could grow into one of love and respect for each other. So, we are concerned with your sexual orientation. You are a very attractive boy. With a little bit of work, you could be quite pretty. But I'm not sure that you will be receptive to any of that. You say that you are straight. Have you ever done anything sexual with a man or boy?"

"No, never."

"Then you don't really know how you would react to a male sexual encounter." Burl said.

"I don't know. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like it." Stacy answered.

"Before we hire you, we need to know for sure." Burl said. "Would you be open to a little experiment?"

"What kind of experiment?" Stacy asked uneasily.

"A kiss."

"You want me to kiss one of you?"

"Yes, Stacy. And if it repulses you, we'll pretty much have our answer and you may make your way home. "

"And if it doesn't repulse me?"

"Well, then we'll go a little further in the experiment and see what happens."

"I don't know. Maybe I should just leave."

"You need this job, don't you, dear?" Fran asked. "You're here because you've run out of all other options, isn't that right, dear?

"Yes." Stacy said, resignedly.

"Then you must not give up on us until you've tried what Burl has suggested. You owe it to yourself to see this through."

"I . . . I guess you're right." Stacy said quietly.

Burl smiled and put his drink down. He stood up and walked over to the sofa and sat right next to Stacy putting his arm around the back of the sofa. He rested one hand on Stacy's shoulder and the other on Stacy's knee.

"Just close your eyes and part your lips and let Burl give you a nice little kiss, Stacy." Burl instructed. "Just relax and let it happen."

Stacy swallowed hard and closed his eyes. He felt Burl's hand move from his shoulder to the back of his head and could sense the big man's head moving toward him. Burl's kiss was amazingly soft and tender. His thick lips covered Stacy's and slowly massaged his lips. Stacy could taste Burl's breath as Burl lips caressed his. Stacy tried to move back as Burl's tongue gently probed his mouth, but Burl's hand on the back of his head prevented him from breaking contact. The tips of their tongues rubbed together languorously and Stacy opened his mouth wider as Burl's tongue probed deeper. Stacy could feel himself getting aroused as Burl's tongue massaged the length of his own. As Burl hungrily devoured the boy's mouth, Stacy was aware that Fran had moved to the other side of him. Burl withdrew his tongue and broke the kiss.

"Did that repulse you, Stacy?" Burl asked.

"No. No." Stacy breathed.

"Did your body like that?" Burl asked.

"Yes, Burl."

"How does he taste, Daddy?" Fran asked.

"Young and sweet." Burl answered. "Let Frannie taste you, baby." Burl said to Stacy.

Stacy turned his head to Fran who was smiling devilishly at him. Fran gently caressed his cheek and then covered Stacy's mouth with his own. There was no gentle preliminary this time. Fran dove in and plunged his tongue deep into Stacy's mouth. Stacy moaned as Fran's tongue hungrily lapped at the inside of his mouth. Stacy could feel his cock began to harden in his pants as Fran expertly worked his yielding mouth.

"That's a good boy," Burl whispered into his ear and then gently bit his earlobe and then licked the ear inside and out.

Stacy gasped for air as Fran removed his tongue and mouth and gave him that same devilish smile again.

"You like that, don't you, baby?" Fran asked triumphantly.

"Yes. I liked it." Stacy admitted.

"Do you want to experiment further, honey?" Burl asked him.


"Take your shirt off, baby." Burl instructed.

Stacy hesitated, but then began to unbutton his shirt. Fran quickly stripped it off of him when the last button was undone and then ran her hands over his chest and stomach.

"Oh, look, Burl, he has no hair on his chest or tummy. Isn't that sexy!" Fran exclaimed.

"Very sexy, Frannie. And look at the cute nipples on his flat little titties. They're larger that most boy's."

Stacy sat transfixed as Fran and Burl ran their hands over his chest. He gasped as Fran pinched a nipple between her thumb and forefinger.

"Oh, my god." Stacy moaned as Fran began to roll the nipple between her finger and thumb.

"He likes it." Frannie said to Burl. "I think he has the makings of a real slut."

"He just might." Burl chuckled as he pinched Stacy's other nipple between thumb and forefinger.

"Do you like this, slut?" Fran whispered in his ear as she continued to massage his nipple.

"Yes, oh, yes, oh, yes." Stacy muttered.

Then Fran plunged his tongue into the boy's mouth. As Fran frantically frenched him, Stacy could feel Burl's mouth on his chest. Burl licked and bit his nipple and sucked on his little tittie. Stacy squirmed as his cock tented in his pants and began to leak pre-cum into his briefs. Then he felt Burl's hand undo his trouser button and lower his zipper. Stacy moaned as Burl inserted his hand into Stacy's pants and began rubbing his now wet briefs. Fran could feel Stacy's response as the boys tongue lapped wildly at his mouth while Burl stripped him of his pants and shoes and briefs. Burl wrapped his hand around Stacy's little five-inch cock and gave it a squeeze. Stacy moaned with pleasure as Burl slowly fondled him.

"Look at this cute, little pecker, Frannie." Burl said.

Fran stopped the kiss and looked at Stacy's cock standing straight and hard as a rock.

"Ooooh, it's a pretty little cock you have there, slut." Frannie cooed as he stroked Stacy's ball sac and then wrapped his hand around Stacy's throbbing rod.

"Can I have it first, Daddy?" Fran asked Burl.

"Yes, darling, you may have it first." Burl answered.

Stacy could not believe what was happening. This was surreal! Here he was, naked on a couch, kissing men, and having his penis played with. And he was loving it! This couldn't be! But it was and Stacy groaned with pleasure as Fran put his hand on the head of Stacy's cock and drew his foreskin down over his glans exposing the tender flesh underneath. Fran began to lick his cock and Stacy felt himself losing control as Fran sucked his cock into his mouth. As Stacy started to moan, Burl's mouth covered his and his tongue was invading the boy's mouth again.

Stacy surrendered his body to the sensations that these two men were drawing from it. Burl's tongue had command of Stacy's mouth and Burl's fingers were busy pinching and rolling his nipples. And Fran! Fran was sucking on his rod as if trying to draw the very life essence out of Stacy. Stacy's heart was beating a mile a minute. He had never before experienced the intensity of sensation that these two men were drawing from his body. Then his hips began to buck as the orgasm coursed through his body. Sperm erupted from his cock into Fran's engulfing mouth. Load after load of cum shot out of his cock into Fran's mouth until he collapsed, sated against the couch.

Fran removed the cock from his mouth and moved up towards Stacy. Stacy's sperm dripped from the corners of Fran's mouth and Stacy could tell that Fran had a load of it in her mouth that she had not swallowed. Fran covered his mouth and Stacy could feel and taste his own life force as their tongues danced together in the fishy fluid. Then Fran removed his mouth and smiled down at Stacy.

"You really are a slut. A depraved little twink. Now Daddy is going to make you his bitch. Then you will truly be our little slut; our little sissy-slut!"

"Let's take him to the dining room. The table is the right height for me to fuck him." Burl instructed.

Fran rose from the couch and took Stacy by the hand and pulled him to his feet. When Stacy stumbled, Fran wrapped his arm around his waist to support him and led him into the dining room. Fran kissed him passionately when they got to the table, plunging his tongue into the boy's mouth. As they kissed, Fran lifted him and sat him on the edge of the table.

"He's ready, daddy." Fran said.

Stacy looked up to see Burl standing stark naked. He looked like a huge bear with his hairy legs and arms and chest. Burl was smiling as he stroked his hard, cut cock applying lubricant to it while he stroked. His cock was huge! Stacy figured it must be at least nine inches long and very thick. Stacy realized what was about to happen and began to shake with fear.

"Please, no, don't fuck me." he pleaded. "Please don't hurt me."

"It will hurt when I take your cherry, bitch. But you will get used to it. You will learn to love it. You will learn to beg for it." Burl said.

"Secure him for me, honey." Burl instructed Fran.

Fran climbed onto the table in back of Stacy and pushed him into a reclining position with his legs still hanging over the edge of the table. Fran secured Stacy's arms above his head, kneeling above him and smiling. Then Stacy felt Burl's hand on his thigh. Burl spread the boy's legs and began to fondle Stacy's cock again with one hand while his other hand went to Stacy's ass. Stacy felt a cold, slimy finger at the entrance to his ass and then groaned as the finger slid in till it was totally buried. Burl then removed the finger and dipped two fingers into the jar of lube.

"I'm going to coat your insides and get them real slick, baby; so you can enjoy this as much as I will.

"Oh, please, no!" Stacy pleaded as he felt the two fingers penetrating him. They hurt a bit, but it was bearable. And the pain began to lessen as Burl moved his fingers in and out of his ass, fucking the boy with his two fingers. The pain disappeared as Burl's fingers slid in and out of Stacy's greased ass with ease. Then Burl removed his fingers and moved to the edge of the table. He placed a hand on Stacy's thigh and Fran tightened his grip on Stacy's arms. With his other hand, Burl guided his hard, throbbing meat to Stacy's cherry hole.

"Oh, please, no, please!" Stacy cried as he felt the head of Burl's cock against him.

"Please no! It hurts!" Stacy cried out as Burl slowly pushed the head of his cock past the boy's sphincter and into his ass.

"Aieeee!" Stacy cried as Burl slowly pushed into him. The boy struggled to get free, but could not break Fran's iron grip.

Stacy began to cry and whimper as he realized that Burl had buried all of his cock inside of him. Stacy gasped as Burl slowly pulled out of him. But Burl stopped short of completely pulling out and then began pushing back in. Tears steamed from the boy's eyes as Burl totally impaled him again. Then Burl began to slowly fuck him. In and out, in and out; pain and tears.

"Oh, yes, baby. Your pussy is beautiful. Daddy loves your pussy." Burl grunted as he fucked faster and harder.

Stacy just wanted it to be over. He didn't want to hurt anymore. But as Burl fucked and fucked him, the pain began to subside. Burl's cock was sliding in and out of him with greater ease. Stacy actually began to grind against Burl as Burl fucked him, matching the rhythm of Burl's body. Stacy's body began to relax as he surrendered to the new sensation of this big man's cock inside of him. Fran could feel Stacy's body relax. He loosened his grip on Stacy's arms and bent over the boy and began to lick his nipples and suck on his titties while Burl fucked him harder and harder.

The intensity of the situation overwhelmed Stacy. He began to make little growling and mewling noises in his throat as Burl fucked him. His own cock began to grow hard again, without Burl or Fran even touching it.

"Do you love it, baby?" Burl demanded as he increased the rhythm of his fucking.

"Yes, grwwwaaah." Stacy mumbled.

"That's it, baby, surrender, baby, let go!" Burl commanded.

"Mewwwwgrrrrtpptmm!" Stacy babbled incoherently as he felt Burl stiffen and temporarily stop inside of him.

"Take it, baby! Take my cum! Be my bitch!" Burl screamed as the spasms coursed through his body and he spewed his cum into the boy's new pussy. Burl came again and again and again filling the boy totally till his spunk began to leak out onto the dining table.

Stacy was making unintelligible sounds as his own cock spewed its cum onto his chest and thighs. He was no longer thinking. He was just a mass of incoherent sensation. Stacy slumped back against the table. As Burl pulled out of him, he felt Fran's lips at his ear.

"Now it's mommy's turn, baby girl." Fran hissed.

Fran let go of Stacy's arms and quickly shed his clothes. Fran took a great gob of lube and lathered it over his cock. His cock was not as big as Burl's monster. It was maybe seven inches and thin. But it was hard as a rock and pulsing with life as Fran positioned it at the entrance to Stacy's new pussy.

"Take it all, slut!" Fran sneered as he slid his rod into Stacy in one long stroke.

Stacy began to make gurgling sounds as Fran enthusiastically fucked him.

"I'm going to cum in you, you faggott! I'm going to seed your little sissy-girl pussy! Fran panted as he slid in and out of Stacy.

As Stacy continued to gurgle, Burl's mouth covered his and Burl's tongue teased and devoured him. Stacy began to tremble as Fran started cumming inside of him.

"Ahhhh!" Fran screamed as he pumped his cum into Stacy's pussy. The combined spunk of Burl and Fran was now leaking out of Stacy onto the table and floor. And then, with one violent thrust, Fran was emptied. He slumped on top of the boy.

"Oh, daddy, he has such a nice, tight little pussy. I want to keep this one, daddy. Can we keep him, please?" Fran urged.