Housewifes Choice Ch. 2

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Life gets more exciting for George & Jean.
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When they arrived at the cottage, George, his wife Jean and the three young men they had invited back were well under the influence of the alcohol. Not drunk, just very merry with the false confidence that drink gives a person. The boys' were looking forward to Jean being very careless with her clothing and providing them with a sight they could masturbate to for weeks. Jean was excited that at last she could take her time indulging in her favourite pass-time and observe the effect it had on the lookers. There was something extra exciting and erotic about doing it in the privacy of their own home, especially when she fully realised that they had brought three young boys home intentionally for that purpose. They couldn't do this on the estate back home, she thought, not with the nosy neighbours – but on holiday down here in Devon no one knew them – they can do whatever they like.

George, aware of how sexy his wife was feeling was a happy man. He couldn't believe that the three young boys that he had watched his wife displaying her panties for had now come with them back to their cottage and that they were now hoping to watch her show more. George hoped that they were all going to have a very good time.

Jean excused herself and went to freshen up, leaving George to get the drinks. The cottage was small and while one boy sat on the two-seater sofa and George sat on a chair the others said they would be OK sitting on the carpet and would leave the space on the sofa for Jean. George thought that was an excellent idea – Jean sat next to one of the boys while the others sat in front of her on the carpet where they could look up her dress from just a couple of feet away.

When Jean came back into the room she had to walk between the boys on the floor and leant forward to remove a small cushion from the seat, giving her first little performance. Her dress wasn't particularly short but from the floor the boys were treated to a view of her stocking tops while the seated boy gazed at her ample cleavage. Although Jean had discretely refastened the buttons of her dress when leaving the pub they had once again "accidentally" popped open.

Sitting down, Jean made sure her dress rode up more than it needed to. Sensing the boys' eyes looking between her legs she moved her feet apart and let her left knee relax and fall to one side. George, seeing this, felt his penis strain against his clothing.

The conversation was happy and jolly and Jean fidgeted around opening her legs more then closing them again and accidentally letting her hand rest on the thigh of the boy next to her. Though she removed it the first few times she eventually was brave enough to leave her hand just a few inches below his crotch. She was thrilled to think she had probably made his cock harden – it certainly had – together with the other boys and her husbands' too.

Jean felt damp between her legs; here she was, sexually arousing three boys while her husband watched – and this time there was no one to interrupt.

George wondered how things could progress, then he spotted an opportunity.

One of the boys had taken a small camera from his pocket. "So I don't sit on it and break it I'll put it on the table," he explained. "It's a new digital camera I bought today."

"Are they better than the traditional ones - I'm a bit out of step with modern technology?" George asked. Jean knew he was lying.

"Well, maybe they won't replace normal photography but they have many advantages – and you don't need anyone to develop the pictures for you – much more private." George decided that he and the boy were on the same wavelength. Jean wondered whether this conversation was going to get boring.

" Like video, cam-cord, you can see what you've got right away," added the boy. "I'm fairly keen on making my own films."

"Really," said George, "You'll have to give me a demo on how to get the best out of them - bring it round one evening. So will your digital camera take good pictures in here, in this bad light?"

"Yes, shall I show you?" said the boy. "What shall I take a picture of?"

"Oh no!" said one of his friends, "Don't get him going with that, he'll bore us to death."

George thought the other boy wasn't very quick-witted, then noticed that the third one was very quiet because Jean was gently stroking and squeezing his thigh.

"Take a couple of photo's of my wife, let's see what it can do," suggested George.

Jean smiled into the camera and George was pleased she didn't remove her hand from the boys' leg. He did notice though that the others looked very envious. The photographer offered the camera to George so he could see the results on the little preview screen.

"Not very good I'm afraid, I'll have to play about with the settings," said the boy.

"Why don't you take several and get used to it," suggested George, "My wife's can be your model."

The boy focused on Jean as her legs came a little more parted. "We can't have the same pose for them all can we?" laughed George. "How about showing a little more leg – just like the pin-ups of my youth."

"Really, George!" laughed Jean, "You'll embarrass the poor boys." This is where the game changes thought Jean. Up to now her exhibitionism was supposed to have been accidental – now she was being asked to do it intentionally. But wasn't this just what she wanted? It was her choice – she could say no. Maybe George would regret it all in the cold light of day – maybe the boys wouldn't really be that interested - after all, she was old enough to be their mother. They were a respectable middle- aged couple and maybe the alcohol was ruling their heads. She found herself asking a question.

"I don't think the boys' will want to see my legs, will you lads?"

"Yeah, we're only having a bit of fun, besides you look real good." The slow boy had finally "cottoned-on" and tuned in.

"Well OK then," said Jean, then she looked at her husband and smiled making his cock twitch. Her hands slowly pulled up her dress and stopped just above her stocking tops – just enough to bring a few inches of bare flesh into view. Four pairs of eyes widened and four penis's got very much harder. Jean looked past the camera while the boy pressed the shutter. When the boy had fiddled with the camera settings Jean turned slightly to one side and pulled the dress a little further up exposing most of her left buttock and the straps of her suspender belt. George thought he heard the boys gasp.

Now she was sideways on to the seated boy and George made a suggestion.

"It's Peter isn't it? Why don't you put your arm around Jean as though you're going to kiss her?" The boy obeyed. "Put your hand on her chest – just to make it look a bit raunchier." The boy, not believing what he just heard put his hand just underneath her breasts. Jean gently took his hand and guided it inside her unbuttoned top, placing it on the nipple of her left tit. She leaned forward and put her lips to the boys, kissing him while her hand then moved to the back of his head drawing him harder to her.

The room had the most amazing sexual charge as they all looked on in silence. The kiss became more passionate as Jean pushed her tongue forward forcing it into the boys' mouth. The others watched as the boy's hand began to slowly make circles around Jeans' nipple. Jean sensing that the other boys wanted to see more unfastened the rest of her buttons and pulled apart the top of her dress. Now the flimsy see-through bra covering her breasts was fully exposed. George noticed the boy without the camera move his hand to his crotch and rub the bulge in his pants.

"Pull her dress a little further up for your next shot – lets see a glimpse of her panties," George said to the photographer.

The boy looked nervous about touching Jeans' clothing but when Jean, hearing this, turned her hips full on he gently sat between her legs and pulled her dress up a few inches more. Their was another gasp from the boys as Jeans' panties came into sight and the boy shook with excitement when Jean lifted her bum from the seat so he could lift her dress even higher. She carried on kissing the boy Peter knowing that the other boys were now able to see her pussy. She knew that the thin piece of material between her legs had once again disappeared in her crack and even though she had shaved most of her pubic hair off a few wispy bits would be visible sticking out from her panties. She also knew her pussy lips were swollen and prominent and both boys' face's were just a few inches away – then she opened her legs as much as was comfortably possible.

The boy who had pulled up Jeans' dress gazed between her legs then kneeling up he let both hands run slowly from her knees to her panty line moving to the inside of her thighs. Jean with Peter now playing more forcefully with her nipples wished the boy would touch her cunt – he wasn't yet brave enough to. She thought of wrapping her legs around his head and making him lick her - but she wasn't that brave either.

They had forgotten about George – but had they looked they would have seen him unzip his trousers and, with eyes wide open, slowly masturbate to the sight of his very naughty wife letting these young men play with her body.

Peter had to come up for air and broke away from the kiss – but not the touching of Jeans' tits. She watched, smiling, as the boys played with her legs and breasts and as the boy sat on the floor ran his hands up and down her silk stockings it was his turn to feel Jeans' hand behind his head. She firmly but slowly pushed his head down until his mouth came into contact with the bare flesh of her legs just below her panty line and above her stockings – he rained lots of little kisses on the inside of her thighs. Looking at Peter she whispered to him, "Would you like to pull my bra up and suck my breasts'?"

It was loud enough for the others to hear. Suddenly they heard a groan and whimper and turned their attention to the third boy. No one had noticed him take out his cock and, wanking hard, he had lost control – Jean looked fascinated as his sperm shot across the room and landed on her leg.

Well no one was going to interrupt them but Jean didn't think anything like this would bring their fun to a close! That was the end. Embarrassment and nervous laughter sobered everyone up. Jean; though disappointed, was more turned on than ever. She was sure the boys would have finished up fucking her – she was definitely going to let them. She had wanted to experience holding their cocks and taking them in her mouth – the alcohol had given her enough courage and desire to let it happen. Now the moment was lost – she said goodnight and retired to her bed leaving the others to make awkward conversation. The drink brought sleep to her very quickly.

Jean woke to the sound of birdsong and heard George in the garden. Pulling on a dressing gown she went downstairs and after putting the kettle on entered the living room. Sensing movement she looked to the floor behind the sofa and saw a body covered by a blanket. Not a dead one – it was one of the young men from last night. Before joining her husband in the garden Jean made a necessary trip to the bathroom then prepared a nice strong pot of tea, giving herself chance to reflect on the previous night's events.

"Good morning," Jean said to her husband. He answered her, kissed her cheek then sat next to her on the garden bench. He wasn't going to volunteer the information so Jean had to ask.

"Why did one boy stay behind?"

"Well we had a few more drinks and he wasn't in a fit state to go anywhere. He's the boy that's here on a camping and walking holiday and as he hadn't yet booked into a camp- site I suggested they leave him here. His gear was left at one of the other boy's houses – he has just been round and put it in the porch. When he wakes up can you tell him where it is?"

"Yes, but where are you going?" his wife asked.

"We had arranged to go into town if you remember. Seeing that you've slept late and we have an unexpected visitor I thought you would like me to go on my own – I really need to go to the bank and I have a few more important errands to do. You don't mind staying behind do you?" asked George.

"No, of course not," answered Jean.

Twenty minutes later Jean was sat in the kitchen having had a reviving pot of tea and a slice of toast. She heard the boy move in the next room and turned to see him enter the kitchen. She smiled and greeted him then her eyes went to between his legs – he was naked except for a small pair of briefs that emphasised the bulge of his curled up penis and testicles. Jean found it difficult to concentrate as he apologised for still being there. She offered him a cup of tea and was pleased that he accepted and, making no attempt to cover him-self or sit, she could take her time admiring his body. To a boy of his generation it was no big deal to walk about in your underwear – but to Jean's middle-aged middle class values it was quite a thing to be on your own with an almost naked youth parading in front of you. What would the neighbours at home think about this?

They made small talk as Jean's eyes moved up and down his body taking in the sight of his well- toned and tanned flesh and she felt a stirring in her groin. It was her turn now to be the voyeur. Then the boy asked if it was OK to use their shower before he left. Telling him that his stuff was in the porch Jean followed him and watched as he bent to take out the necessary items from his bag. The tight briefs around his firm buttocks made Jean almost give in to temptation and slide her hand under his waistband. When he was finally in the bathroom she sat in the kitchen reflecting on how life had suddenly become more interesting.

Several minutes later Jean walked upstairs with the intention of dressing when the boy, at the entrance to the bathroom, confronted her.

"That's better," he said, "But I still feel a bit groggy from last night's drink."

Jeans' maternal instinct's came out as she said to him, "Go into the bedroom and have a lie down for a while – after all you've no need to rush off anywhere have you?"

Jean noticed, to her pleasure, that the boy had not dressed and was wearing now a white, very tight, small pair of briefs. The thing about white, she thought, is how it can sometimes easily show up what's beneath it. She stared at the outline of his penis, all the contours and shape of his genitals was visible beneath the flimsy material. The boy walked into the bedroom – Jean thought she had better have a shower herself.

Whilst showering Jean realised that she should have selected her clothes from the bedroom and brought them with her. She couldn't very well dress in the bedroom in front of him – and anyway, it probably wasn't fair to disturb him. No, Jean thought as she finished drying herself, I must get dressed, George will be home for his lunch before I have done anything. Staying naked aside from putting the dressing gown back on Jean told her-self that she really must go into the bedroom.

Quietly slipping into the bedroom Jean opened her underwear drawer and, with her back to the boy she looked to her side at his reflection in the mirror. His eyes were closed and she turned to get a better look. Once again she felt something stir inside her when she noticed that his penis was no longer curled around his balls but was now lying across his groin, flaccid, but quite thick under the white cotton of his briefs. She looked at the rest of his body then turned back towards the task in hand.

Opening the drawer had roused him slightly and Jean noticed through the mirror that the boys' eyes were now open and he was watching her. She took her time selecting different pairs of briefs and bra's then, after holding them up to view, changed her mind and picked out others. She was taking a long time – but then - she wanted to. She noticed – or imagined she noticed – a twitch of his penis. Not being able to actually look directly she couldn't be sure, but it seemed to have grown a little.

Jean looked down and noticed that with bending the front of her gown had become loose and separated showing much of her breasts. Out of the side of her eye she saw that the boy was also looking at her reflection though the mirror. Being careful not to look directly at him Jean reasoned that it might be an idea to dress here after all. He can't see much with my back to him anyway, she thought. She knew that wasn't quite true.

Jean felt a little nervous but excited as she slowly pulled the cord that was holding her gown together. The gown fell apart and she saw through the mirror how her ample breasts were now in full view of the boy. She moved her arms back craftily using her elbows to take the material of the gown back with them. Stealing a glance through the mirror Jean saw that the boys' penis was most definitely bigger now – and just for a second her eyes met his.

Averting her glance Jean pretended it never happened and decided to change her mind about her selection of underwear, once again holding different items up in the air for consideration. This time though it was with her gown fully open and the boy not making any secret about watching her. A quick peep in the mirror made her catch her breath when she saw that the boy was gently running his hand along the length of his now very hard and much grown penis.

Jean decided to prolong her dressing and moved to another drawer that contained her stockings and suspender belts. She chose a very sexy looking one and, moving to a position whereby the boy could see the lower half of her body through the mirror she pulled the gown back and wrapped the belt around her waist. Now she was showing the boy her naked body from the waist down. No see-through underwear, no lacy panties, totally naked pussy and breasts.

She took her time fastening the belt making sure the boy had the best view possible, without actually turning around. Her hands started to shake a little when she realised just what she was doing. A glance at the mirror let her see that the boy now had his hand down the waistband of his underpants and was gripping his cock. She lifted a leg onto the arm of a chair to slide on a stocking. When it came to the other leg Jean knew that, when she lifted it and rested her foot on the chair, the lips of her vagina would open and be clearly visible through the mirror.

Her leg lifted, then Jean, after slowly sliding her stocking the length of her leg, looked directly at the boy. His penis was now sticking out of the top of his briefs and his hand was furiously masturbating. The boy was looking directly at her and Jean this time made no attempt to avoid his gaze. Nor did she move her leg or cover herself – she stayed still and watched the boy look at her pussy while he wanked – he watched her looking at his throbbing cock.

Looking at a reflection isn't quite as good as looking directly so Jean put her foot back on the floor and turned around to face the boy. He continued to masturbate and Jean looked with admiration and lust at his thick and long angry looking cock. Not wishing to spoil the view he had she leant back against the chest of drawers and spread her feet wide, making sure her gown was pulled open. She moved her hand down to her inner thigh then let her fingers creep up to her now moist cunt.

And so for a few minutes they enjoyed the event – both exhibitionists – both voyeurs – both masturbating – no one speaking. The boy was first to move when suddenly he sprang from the bed and threw his arms around Jean. She was taken by surprise but wasn't able to protest because the boys' mouth had closed over hers. He kissed her hard and she shivered when his naked flesh met hers and she felt the hardness of his cock on her belly.

Jean parted her lips from his as he tried to drag her to the bed.