How I Married a Porn Star Pt. 02

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Sean explores the convention's first day...
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/22/2021
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Author's Note:

Thank you to everyone for the kind words and comments you've shown for Part 1 of this story. What follows is Part 2 of what will be a 4-part story. The story is fully written and going through edits now, so it will probably not be too long before the rest is released.

This part will concern Sean's first day at the convention and the events of that evening.

Please enjoy!

Thursday Morning

I woke up trying to figure out how much of last night had actually happened. I was alone in the bed which initially led me to thinking it was all a dream. I got up to use the bathroom when I saw a note on the hotel stationary.


I didn't want to wake you while you were sleeping. Last night was awesome and I had such a great time with you! I'll be looking out for you at the booths.



So much for it being a dream.

I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I could actually smell the sex on me and needed to get it off before I saw Chet. Those were not questions I wanted to answer. I dried off and got dressed. Grabbing my wristband, I left and headed across the hall.

It took a few minutes for me to coax Chet from his room. He was definitely riding a hangover from the looks of him.

"Dude, I think I drank the world last night," he lightly and almost contritely.

"Hit it a bit hard there?" I asked knowing the answer.

"I just downed half a bottle of aspirin. Ugh. But it was awesome!" Chet said starting to perk up a bit.

We walked down and got a quick breakfast from the café. We were technically allowed to be at the convention already, but we decided food was more important. That's right, Chet actually gave up porn for food.

"You should've been there dude, we had so much fuckin' fun. We must've hit up 5 different clubs. Girls were flocking to these guys!"

That told me two things: he didn't get laid and I probably shouldn't share too much about my night, especially Sunny.

"How bout you, man?" Chet asked, "what did you get into last night?"

I had to tell him something but didn't want to share too much.

"Hung out by the pool mostly," I said truthfully.

"That's cool," he said trying to subtly hide the fact he thought it was kinda lame. He looked at his watch and jumped up.

"Holy shit!" Chet said louder then he should have, "we gotta get over there. There's porn in them there hills!!"

I rolled my eyes and stood up. It wasn't too far really to get to the convention center, easy walking distance. Security quickly saw our credentials and let us in.

They were still setting some things up and getting people into position. It really was an overwhelming sight. Posters and banners everywhere with people in passionate embrace or women wearing as little as possible, if anything. Chet clapped my shoulders and started jumping up and down.

"This is the best day of my life!" he proclaimed still hopping like a monkey.

"Take it easy, will ya?" I cautioned, "you'll get a damn aneurism."

It was no use; his excitement had gotten the better of him. Before I could even say anything more, he was off like a rocket. At that same moment, I got a clap on the back.

I turned and saw Kevin there, smiling.

"How's it going Sean, my boy?" grinning wildly.

"Going good, thanks," I answered, "just got here."

"Well, be sure to look around at everything. Had a couple of people already asking after you. Let me know if you need anything, I'll be around." And with a friendly smile, he was off.

I guess the girls last night didn't get so blotto last night that they didn't remember anything at all.

I started walking around slowly, trying to take everything in. With just a casual glance, I could see sex toys, production companies, lube options, Fuck a Fan booths, you name it.

It was like a giant sea of naughtiness stretched out to oblivion. I could see someone advertising a chair with a dildo that would come through a hole to insert inside someone. The bondage starter kits with dog collars were interesting as were the people modeling them. They invited me to try them out and I politely declined.


I turned and saw Cassandra barreling toward me. She was wearing an almost shirt with hooks straining to keep her tits in there, a skirt that hid nothing and high heels. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I looked for you everywhere last night, you just took off," she said sadly.

"I actually had to get Gianna upstairs with Hannah, Nautica & Sunny," I explained. "They were getting ready to kick her out and Nautica stayed with her to make sure she was alright."

"That girl really should be able to hold her liquor better as big as she is," Cassandra said rolling her eyes. I laughed, agreeing with her.

"Last time I saw you, you were making out with someone, so I didn't really wanna bother you."

"Oh!" Cassandra said seeming to remember what I was talking about, "that was my friend Ashley," she explained. "We're always doing shit like that."

I nodded now understanding.

"But yeah, I was definitely trying to find you last night. I had a good time with you."

"Me too," I concurred.

"We should definitely do something later," she suggested.

"Yeah, that'd be cool," I said with a smile.

"Give me your phone real quick."

I gave my phone and she used it to call herself. She handed it back smiling.

"See you around. I'll call you when I'm done for the day." She gave me another hug, thrusting those jugs toward me and she walked off. I noticed though that she did look back and smile at me as she left. I smiled back and continued on.

People were starting to come in now and the place was starting to buzz. Some were just spectators and fans; others were vendors trying to push whatever product. Some were other stars and producers in the industry trying to get noticed. Good rule of thumb was if it was a girl, she did porn of some kind.

Between the VIP tags I had and the platinum bracelet from the night before, I became a bit popular. Some thought I was a bigwig in the industry who they could suck up to. Some just thought I was a rich guy who had cash to burn. Whichever it really was, I had more than a couple of girls offer to "show" me why they should be the next Jenna Jameson. I politely declined their offers.

I continued on my trek, one person showing me a VR headset that made POV porn really POV. It was interesting and a bit freaky. Seemed like in the wrong hands, you could really lose yourself in it. He wanted to sell me the system, but I again politely declined.

I kept walking and suddenly I heard someone shouting my name.

"SEAN!" came the voice while I was trying to place it. I turned to find the source and it didn't take long.

"Come over here, fucker!" came the booming voice of Gianna, clearly over her drinking adventure from yesterday. I waved at her and headed over to her. She was wearing a tight, barely-there white t-shirt and short shorts that did very little to hide anything.

I noticed a very sudden change from when I first met her yesterday when she was standoffish a bit and not very effusive. She immediately grabbed and pulled me into a hug, sinking her curves into my body.

"I see you're feeling better?" noticing that she didn't even seem to have a fraction of a hangover.

"Fuck, yeah," she said proudly, "Ain't gonna get this bitch down," she said almost giggling. I smiled and nodded knowing she was probably right. "Nautica told me you got me outta there last night when security was coming for me," she said.

"We all helped," I admitted, "Hannah, Sunny, Nautica & Roxy all pitched in."

"Still, thank you. That was really looking out," she said earnestly. So earnestly it almost took my breath away.

"Anytime," I told her, "partiers gotta stick together."

"Goddamn right!" Gianna declared. "What are you getting into later?"

"Don't know yet really," I told her honestly, "I saw Cassandra before, and she said she would be down for something later."

"Perfect!" Gianna proclaimed. "That's my boo! Here, give me your phone."

I gave her my phone and she called herself.

"Hit me up when you know what's going down," she asked.

"You got it," I told her. "Bring you're A-game, your liver, and of course..." clearly indicating her breasts. She laughed out loud at that.

"Always, brother, always!"

She gave me a high-five and headed off again to her adoring fans.

She didn't do the look back like Cassandra did, just declared to anyone who was listening... "That's my boy over there!"

I threw a wave and was on my way again.

I found a beer vendor and decided I was thirsty. I went over and got a Bud. I tried to pay for it, but apparently one of the VIP things or the bracelet gave me free beer. I thanked the vendor and moved on beer in hand.

I kept making my way through the growing crowds, trying to get a look at some of the more vacant booths and not the ones with heavy traffic. However, people saw my VIP tags and had to drag me over. Movies, photos, novelty items. I stated getting bags of freebies, wanted and unwanted. It was getting slightly embarrassing.

That was until I got sight of Chet. He had so many bags, you'd think he'd raided every booth twice. He got sight of me and just waved them in the air.

"Putting these in my room, dude!" he shouted at me. "Need to hit up more places!!" With that, he was off. I rolled my eyes and continued on my trek.

I eventually saw Tera's booth. It was big and ornate, I had to admit. Evan was there, looking like he had all the attention to himself. Tera looked bored and almost fed up. That's when she got sight of me. She crooked her head and suddenly recognized me.

"Hey," she called over to me, using her arms asking me to come closer. She ushered me to behind the booth. "You're Sara's friend from last night, right?" Tera asked.

"Yeah," I admitted, "nice to see you again." She smiled.

"You, too. Sean, right?" she asked. I nodded in reply. We shook hands, seeming a lot friendlier than last night. "I'm so sorry about last night," she pressed, "I bet I seemed kinda bitchy, huh?" I shook my head, politely.

"No, not at all," I said, trying to sound convincing.

"No, I was," Tera admitted. "I was in a really bad mood and seeing Gianna normally doesn't help. I'm also sorry about pulling Sara away. Evan insisted we talk to her about a shoot he wants to do." It seemed like there was more to the story, but she didn't share.

"Sara must've spent most of the rest of the party looking for you," she added. That made me feel horrible.

"I'm sorry about that. I was helping Gianna get back to the room with others and I wanted to make sure she was ok before security got her."

"I can understand that," Tera said with a smile. "It was a sweet thing to do, even if it was for her. I can see why Sara likes you." Nice thing to say, but what was this thing with Gianna?

"Thanks for that," I said. "If it's not too personal," I began softly, "what's the deal between you and Gianna?"

She took a deep breath and took a seat on a pile of boxes.

"She spread rumors after she did a shoot for our company," she explained. "She said that Evan was drugging women during shoots to make them more compliant. Its complete bullshit! I would never do anything like that to anyone and anyone who thinks I would can lick my ass!"

I took this in and came up with the only response I had.

"She'd probably do it too." She burst out laughing at this. She was a beautiful woman already but laughing always helps.

"God, that's so true," she said wiping tears from her laughter.

"Nice to see you smiling," I retorted. She smiled again.

"Yeah, I haven't done that too often lately," she admitted. "Stress tends to do that."

"It can, yeah," I said trying to be soothing. I also felt I was intruding. I was about to do my goodbyes, but she kept going.

"It's not easy being married to someone who every time you have a fight feels obligated to remind you that you fuck people for a living," she said seeming sadder.

"But doesn't Evan do the same thing?" I asked. I figured she'd shared so I was in it now. She just shrugged.

"Yeah," she admitted, "but he thinks it's different. He thinks when he does it, it's for 'building the company', but come on," she added rolling her eyes. "He really is an asshole sometimes," she added rolling her eyes. It was pretty clear this was a major source of friction between them.

"Doesn't sound like it makes for a very healthy relationship," I replied.

"No, but those aren't easy in this business anyway. Insecurities fly all over the place, jealousy, whatever. Evan's just..."

"An asshole?" I added softly. She burst out laughing again. This time getting the attention of Evan.

"Babe, get out here," he said, "got people waiting!"

"I better go," she said as I helped her up. She turned back and looked at me.

"Thanks for the talk, Sean. Most people just stare at my tits." I smiled at that.

"Who says you can't do both?" I added with a wink as I left. I could hear her snort again.

I continued walking around as I left Tera's back area. I could see Chet in line to get his stuff signed. He looked at me and smiled.

"Tera fucking Patrick, man!" he said excitedly. "Want me to get her to sign anything?"

"No, I'm good," I replied not letting on about my previous encounters.

"Hey, the boys wanna head out later. It's gonna be epic! You in?" I remembered that Cassandra and Gianna wanted to do something later and probably would be pissed if Chet got involved.

"I'll let you know," I said with a smile. "Got some irons in the fire."

"Your loss, dude!" as he returned to the line.

I went on my merry way. As long as Chet was occupied by the male stars, why let him know what I was up to and creep out the women?

I continued on my way through the sea of sex. You could hear orgasms on video, whips being tested everywhere. The overload was starting up again, so I made my way to the food area.

As I entered, a gentleman in a suit gestured for my attention.

"Sir, the VIP lounge is actually over there," pointing to another tented area inside the massive center. I thanked him and headed over there. The security guy there only needed the smallest glance at my bracelet or tags and immediately let me in.

It certainly was swankier than the food court. Free drinks and way better food. I smiled knowing that I found my new spot. Whenever it got to be too much out there, this was my new home base.

I smiled and went over to the bar.

"How can I help you, sir?" the bartender asked.

"Whisky and ginger, thank you," I ordered. He made it very quick. "Any chance I could order some food from you, sir?" I asked him. He looked at me strangely for a second, but then smiled.

"Absolutely sir, what can I get you?"

I ordered a steak sandwich with fries, and he took the order dutifully. He was still looking at me a bit funny.

"Anything wrong?" I asked him.

"No," he said smiling, "your just one of the only people that was actually polite. Most of these guys are too stuck up to use words like "please" and "thank you,"" he offered quietly. I smiled at that.

"I can imagine," I said nodding at him.

"Oh we're not all so bad," a man said coming up behind me. The bartender smiled at him and nodded.

"That's true, Mr. Sims," the bartender said laughing. "Another?"

"Thanks, Petey and another for this gentleman," he said extending his hand to me. "Arthur Sims."

"Sean Cohan," I greeted the gentleman warmly.

"You one of the bigwigs of the business here?" he asked in a surprising tone. "You seem a bit young, unless you're a performer."

I smirked at the comment, knowing it was probably true.

"I got VIP access with a friend of mine in some contest he won," I explained.

"And the bracelet?" he said pointing at my wrist.

"Oh, a man with the convention gave me this last night. Kevin Snyder."

As soon as I said Kevin's name, his eyes got wide.

"You know Kevin?" he said happily. I nodded as I was taking a sip of my drink. "Well, then welcome to my hotel and convention center!"

"You're the owner?" I asked dumbly.

"Chairman and CEO," he said in confirmation.

"Well, thank you very much, sir. The hotel is wonderful. You should be very proud."

"Thank you," he replied, "I and many others worked hard to make it so."

"It shows," I replied.

At that moment, our food arrived. Mr. Sims invited me to sit with him, which I did.

"So what do you do, Mr. Cohan?" Mr. Sims asked.

"I'm a senior at NAU graduating soon."

"Oh, really?" he said in surprise, "I went there myself."

"Oh wow," I said in surprise.

We talked a bit about the campus, asking if some things were still there. Comparing notes about various hangouts, sororities, and whatnot.

"So what are you graduating in?" Arthur asked, after insisting I call him that.

"Computer Science," I answered having a bite of my delicious sandwich.

I noticed his interest actually went up when I said this, unlike when I told most people.

"Really?" he said almost gleefully, "what are your specialties?"

I ran Arthur through the list that I had given the girls last night largely. I also mentioned cybersecurity.

"You do cybersecurity too?" he asked. I told him yes. "Wow, that's pretty impressive," he said admiringly. "What kind of GPA do you pull?"

"I'll graduate Summa Cum Laude," I said with as little ego as possible. I could tell just by the look on his face, he was doing some thinking.

"I'll tell you what," he said digging into his pocket and getting a piece of paper, "are you available for lunch tomorrow?"

"I don't have any plans," I told him honestly. He started writing down on the paper.

"Let's have lunch together," handing me the paper, "at one o'clock tomorrow. Just meet me here," indicating the location on the paper.

"I'd be honored, sir," I replied.

"Well as much as I'd stay to enjoy the scenery," he said as he stood. I stood and shook his hand.

"Well, it was a pleasure to meet you," I told him smiling.

"You too, Sean," he said as he turned to leave. He then spun around back to me.

"You should try the Italian restaurant at the hotel tonight. Just give 'em your name when you get there."

"I will, thank you," I said earnestly.

He smiled and immediately started talking into his cell. I could've sworn I heard my name in his call but dismissed it.

I finished my sandwich and ordered a drink for the road. I wasn't sure they'd let me, but Petey had my back. Plastic cups are amazing things. I left him a healthy tip, at least healthy for my budget since he said he was working every day of the convention.

I headed back out onto the main floor again, feeling reinvigorated. It was still crazy out there, but a full stomach and a few drinks definitely helped. It certainly let me handle a bondage couple dressed head to toe in black vinyl with a leash and collar. For the life of me, I couldn't tell the gender of either party. I quietly walked as far as possible as quickly as possible.

I then saw a friendly face in Hannah. She was at the Girls Gone Wild booth, and she smiled and waved. I could tell she couldn't talk then so I let her be.

I kept walking and found the Naughty America table. There was a very big crowd around it, and I could see several stars that I actually recognized. Among them was Sara.

I really didn't know if she would be pissed at me for seeming to leave her last night. I had my answer quickly cause she saw me. The look on her face was certainly not one of anger.

She jumped up really quick, her boobs flying as she did in her Naughty America wife beater t-shirt. She then flung her arms around me. I returned the hug somewhat surprised.

"I was wondering where you got to," Sara said, "I had so much fun with you and the girls last night!"

"Me too," I told her letting her go from the hug. "I'm really sorry I lost track of you last night. Gianna got trashed and I had to help get her outta there."