How We Became a Webcam Couple

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Couple meet, falls in love and start webcamming.
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We had a reputation for having exciting and innovative webcams shows. We had sex on our webcam like everyone else on the website, but we also tried to entertain in addition to putting on a sex show. Some viewers were only interested in the sex but we had developed a loyal, large following of people that liked our shows. There was even a webcam message board where some other models were discussing how much they enjoyed our shows.

We went all out to come up with a Halloween webcam show that was unique and memorable. We made a good team. I was good with the technology and Katie was good with the ideas. She actually thought up this idea over the summer which was good because it took several months to to buy the wardrobe. We appeared as Ward and June Cleaver straight out of 1958. I made the picture initially black and white. I wore a conservative business suit, tie and a fedora hat. Katie wore a long dress with a 1950s style wig. Katie also had a vibrator inside her grannie panties that vibrated when we got tips. The higher the tip the more it vibrated. Katie had perfected this look that was a mixture of surprise and excitement that she gave every time we got a tip. We completely ignored the chat function and sat in a living room setting reading the paper and making small talk. The first goal was to make the picture color. The next goal were to get us to the bedroom where we changed into a conservative nightgown and pajamas. We had goals to remove our clothes and 1950s style undergarments. Once we were finally naked the big surprise was that Katie had a full bush which previously had always been shaved.

There were 4,000 people in our room when we announced a paid ticket show where 173 people paid 75 tokens each to watch us perform a 30 minute fuck show. We finished with Katie lying on the her back on the bed with her face off the end of the bed looking upside down and her legs up in the air and spread. I was on my knees in the middle of the bed with my one hand holding her legs for leverage and thrusting my dick deep inside her soaking wet pussy My other hand is holding a camera for a point of view angle which we are rotating every minute with an angle at the end of the bed that Katie is facing. As Katie is screaming in ecstasy, I pulled out and came on her face.

Without bothering to clean up or get dressed, we hold each other closely and spend the next few minutes on camera talking to our fans about the show and receiving enthusiastic praise before turning off the camera.

How did two regular, well educated, reasonably well off, conventional single people, meet, fall in love, get married and start webcamming. The following is our story.

Two Years Earlier

I grew up in Western Carolina where I was an only child. I was a loner who did well in school especially math. I am also a baseball sabermetrician. This is where my passion is and most of friends are baseball geeks that I know from internet blogs and message boards. I graduated high school at 16 and college at 19. Since I was younger than everyone else I had a hard time fitting in. In college I started going to the gym and running which was a big change for a kid who spent all my time in front of the computer growing up. While I was still in college I passed the actuarial exams so that when I graduated I had a number of job offers. I worked in the insurance industry for about five years. About three years ago I became obsessed with daily fantasy baseball . It is kind of like day trading but I find baseball far more interesting than the stock market. I was doing reasonably well in my regular job but two years ago I made more than twice as much money at daily fantasy baseball. I made the decision to quit my job and focus full time at baseball. I put a years salary in the bank and decided if I ever needed to use it I would go back to being an Actuary. Since I could live anywhere, I bought a home near the beach.

Since living in Wilmington my social life was average. I have had several girlfriends along the way, I almost got married once and was hardly a virgin. However, women, especially attractive women were a mystery to me, but I focused on other things and I was pretty happy. I was now making good money doing something I enjoy. I had some extra time on my hands and was using it to train for a triathlon. I joined a triathlon training group that met several times a week.

One evening I was at the dog park with my dog, Tejada a medium sized mutt I got at the shelter, and saw the hot girl from my triathlon training group. She appeared to be about my age and had some nice curves for a petite body. She had black curly hair and blue eyes and was very attractive in a cute All American girl type of way. She had a great smile. I did not think much of it because she was completely out my league. We talked briefly about the triathlon training. Her name was Katie and her dog's was a golden retriever named Matty. When I was ready to leave, Tejada, did not want to go. He is usually pretty obedient but he is also much faster than I am and that night he was not ready to go. I spent awhile chasing him around the park and several people were laughing at us including Katie.

About a week and a half later Tejada and I were in the dog park again and Katie and Matty were there as well. I talked to Katie more that night. She told me that just moved to the area about a year ago and talked about how she hardly knew anyone in the area. It was only later that I realized that she was probably encouraging me to ask her to do something together.

The triathlon was about a week later. I was warming up at 6 AM when Katie came up next to me, smiled and said hi . Her smile make me weak in the legs which is not a good thing when you are getting ready to do a triathlon. We talked about the race. She told me that the cycling was going to be her downfall and I said I was good at the cycling and running but not at swimming. We ended up taking a bus together to the starting line. Katie said she had been training really hard for this and was nervous. She was clearly focused on the race and was pretty quiet.

I knew the swimming was going to be ugly for me and it was. I was in the middle of the pack after the swimming but I was making a lot of ground on the cycling and knew that the running would be my best portion. When I passed Katie my adrenaline was really high and on the spur of the moment I said something about getting a beer after the race. I made up a ton of time on the running and ended up in the top 50!

When I saw Katie after the race she was excited about her time as well which was five minutes better her goal. She gave me a hug even though we were both sweaty as can be. I guess that was my first indication that Katie was not a typical girl. We hung out together at the finish line for awhile. We were both excited about the race and our conversation flowed easily. Katie had said that she had been training so much now that it was over, that she was not sure what she was going to do with free time. It was too early in the day to get a beer, instead I suggested that we go to our homes, shower, pick up the dogs, and meet up at a trail to go hiking. Katie said that sounded good. We exchanged phone numbers, I gave her the name and address to the trail and we planned to meet at 2 PM.

Karma was on my side. It was an overcast morning, but the sun was out by the time we met up. It was perfect weather and we had a great day. We ended up hiking for a couple hours. I was an only child, so I did not grow up around girls. My job and my interest in baseball were dominated by men. I had one serious relationship, a few other girlfriends that had fizzled out and now my primary exposure to women were thru a possibly unhealthy interest in porn.

However, Katie was different, she seemed so normal and the more we talked the more I liked her. Even better was that I was getting the impression that she was interested in me as well. By the end of the hike I was really excited and thinking about being in a new relationship.

After the hike we decided to go back to my house to grill dinner. Katie followed me back to my house, which was about a block away from the beach. Katie said she lived in a small apartment that was not near the beach. We locked the dogs in the house and took my car to the grocery story where we bought steaks, salad and a six pack.

We grilled and drank beer and talked about living in North Carolina. She joked about how at 26 she has turned into an old maid. The steaks were cooked perfectly and dinner was great. After dinner we went for a walk on the beach with the dogs while the sun was setting. It was romantic and eventually I reached for her hand and we held hands the rest of the way.

After our first date things moved very quickly. Katie and Matty started spending a lot of time at my place. We found that we had a lot of similar interests. In fact within 3 months, she had essentially moved in. We were both early risers, we had the same sarcastic type of humor, we each ran about 4 days a week at about the same speed, we liked to stay in and we both like to cook. We did not play mind games. We both made it clear that we thought the other was great and that we were both very happy that we had found each other. It made things simple.

When Katie's apartment lease ran out she moved in. Even Tejada and Matty seemed happy with this arrangement.

When I was younger I had a obsession with porn. I may not have been obsessed as I was when I was 17, but I still quite the porn connoisseur at the time I met Katie. I had been in a previous relationship for several years with a girl named Shelly, where I had almost gotten married..Our sex life was a big part of the reason we ended up breaking up. Shelly was not a sexual person. The sex was very vanilla and when we had sex I always felt like she was doing me a favor rather than something she wanted to do. With Katie it was completely different. Katie was enthusiastic, adventurous and not shy about sex. Getting the real thing with a beautiful girl who I loved was quite a change for me. Katie's breast's were not large but she has big sensitive nipples.

Most Sunday's in the winter became lazy days where after going for a run on the beach, we would take a shower together and spend most of the day in bed having sex and hanging out. We would have a lot of fun getting silly, being loud and then have sex three or four times throughout the day.

We would occasionally look at porn together. I was hesitant to suggest that we do it too much. One day Katie joked that I must have looked at a lot of porn before she came along. I asked if she ever looked at porn by herself. She said that she did occasionally when she moved down here before meeting me. I admitted that I looked at it virtually every single night before we met. I told her that I did not like the typical porn and that I found the situation more important to whether I am turned on than the attractiveness of the women. Katie said that was bullshit. I said that it was the truth. To prove my point, I told her that I have no interest in men, but liked looking at pictures of clothed females with nude males. Katie told me that I was very weird but wanted to see some of those pictures so I got out the ipad and brought up the pictures.

She picked up my phone and told me to drop trou which I did. Katie then took a selfie of us, her with a big cheesy grin and me with my mostly erect dick out. It was fun and we started taking these pictures on a regular basis mostly in the house but one in a while outside if no one was looking.

That incident really started the gateway to becoming more adventurous. We became a lot looser with nudity and being open about our kinks.

Katie had two old friends that were getting married. She went to Heather's wedding when we had first started dated and we were going to Amanda's wedding about six months later. Both were very big weddings. Amanda was having a massive 500 person wedding and I heard a lot from Katie about how stressful the whole thing was. Katie said several times that she if she got married, she wanted a very small wedding.

Katie wrote me a romantic note for my birthday where she said nothing would make her happier than growing old together. After I got her note I half joking said we should get married that evening. Katie said she would do it. We did not quite get married that night due to the logistics that were involved, but we did get married a couple days later by a Justice of the Peace at City Hall.

We planned a big honeymoon trip to Europe in a couple months but Katie was able to take a few days off of work and we were able to plan a short last minute trip to an all inclusive couples resort in Jamaica. It was kind of weird to live at the beach and then go to a beach but we figured that the resort would be upscale and fun.

When we landed in Montego Bay we had to take a transfer bus to the resort in Negril which was a couple hours away. The ride was a bit rough because of the way they drive in Jamaica and the roads are not as safe. On the bus there was a couple from Michigan named Cody and Stephanie. They were younger than us and both had a ton of tattoos and body piercings. Cody had a thick black beard. They looked like models you see in a magazine going for an modern cool look. When we made a stop midway for rest rooms, they immediately went smoking.

The resort was very nice. We basically spent the days fucking, drinking, eating and hanging out at the resort's beach and pool. There was a nude beach at the resort. We decided to go on our second full day since it was our honeymoon.

When we first took off our clothes at the nude beach I had an erection so I hid my dick but after a few minutes it went back to normal and it was fun hanging out on the beach while we were naked. However, the nude beach was actually pretty uneventful. Cody and Stephanie were there. We seemed to always run into them wherever we went. Cody's penis put mine to shame. He was very thick. Other than saying hi we really did not talk too much to them until that evening.

After a romantic dinner on the beach we decided to go to the bar for awhile before going to our room. Of course the hipster couple were at the bar. It seemed that they had been drinking quite a bit because when they saw us they acted like we were their long lost best friends. They bought us a round a drinks which is not a big deal when the drinks are free and talked about seeing us on the beach earlier in the day. They said that everybody else at this resort was boring. Stephanie asked if I wanted to know how they paid for the trip. I shrugged and asked how. She said that they webcam on an adult website. This was not a shock. After talking to them to them for a few more minutes, Cody said he had a proposition for us. They had their webcam in the their room and would pay us $500 if we went on their webcam with them and have a foursome. Now I was shocked. I said we were not swingers and that we were on our honeymoon. We went back to our room right a little later and did not see the hipsters much after that.

One night a month or so later we are lying in bed after sex and were hanging out looking at the ipad when I went to a cam website to see if we could find Cody and Stephanie, the hipster couple we met in Jamaica. We were looking at the couples section. There was a wide variety of rooms with people aged from 18 to their 60s from the United State to other parts of the world. There were close ups of hardcore sex to people sitting fully clothed doing absolutely nothing. Some of the people looked sketchy and others seemed like perfectly regular couples. Some were desperately begging for tips and seemed to be dependent on earning tokens while others had high quality camera equipment and seemed like professionals. There was a voyeuristic aspect that was addictive.

We had been going from room to room for about hour and I was just about to suggest that we go to sleep when we turned on Kentucky Bourbon's room. They were a couple about our age and they did not have the typical hard look of the people on the cams. They said this was only their second time and they were clearly somewhat nervous and unsure what they were doing. They started out slowly and were not getting many tips. The guy seemed to want to leave. However, they ended up adjusting the goals to more reasonable levels and soon enough they were losing their clothes. After they were naked they had a goal for oral sex for her and then him. By this time I was hard as a rock and when I reached under the cover, I found that Katie was quite wet. Soon we were having sex again just as the Kentucky Bourbon couple were fucking on the website live. It was very hot.

The-following week was the Baseball Sabermetric conference that I attend every year. This year it was in Minnesota and I was invited to speak on a panel. The conference is an opportunity to meet my friends from around the country to discuss what we are working on and then at night try to act like we are big partiers. I have been going to the conferences for several years and they were all pretty much the same.

When I got back from the conference, I could not have been more shocked when Katie told me she thought it would be fun if we started camming. She said it was up to me but she clearly wanted to do it. My first thought was that people like us may watch cam sites but we don't participate in them. I was also concerned that would change our relationship which was going so good and that someone we knew would see us. However, there was also a part of me (my penis) which was very excited about the idea.

When we first met I hard a time believing that a girl like Katie would be into me. However, we immediately developed a very strong connection and things moved very quickly. Katie has so much spirit and energy and it brought out a side of me that I did not know existed. Today it is impossible to imagine life without Katie.


I am from Maryland where I was the youngest of five children . I had always been an outgoing, brash person. When I younger I was involved with the drama club and school plays but that was just for fun. My comfortable life started to change for me when my parents announced that they were getting divorced a month after I went off to college. My father quickly had a girlfriend who was younger than my older sister and my mother become incredibly bitter. I had two friends, Heather and Amanda that I have been best friends with since middle school. We went to college together. However, by the second year they both had serious boyfriends who they ended up marrying. On the other hand, my relationships never seemed to work.

In college I became a much more serious student than I had been and ended going to graduate school to become an Physical Therapist. It took years to complete the education and training to actually doing the job. Around the time I was finally fully trained my latest boyfriend, Justin broke up with me. I did not even like the guy but it was bruise to my ego. I decided I needed a fresh start. I wanted to go to a place where no one knew me and that is how I ended up in Wilmington.

I had been living in Wilmington for about a year before meeting Rob. I love my job. It is very rewarding to work with someone recovering from a stroke and helping them slowly get better. I have developed a number of special relationships with my patients. Since moving I have had little interest in having a social life outside of work. I quit social media because I was sick of hearing about other people lives. I spend my free time reading and exercising. I did get a dog, Matty to keep me company.