Howling Roar: Fated Love Ch. 04

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Lucian and Sapphira share a dream together.
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Chapter 4: Dreams and Desires

"It's the same as before..." Sapphira's voice was barely above a whisper as she walked within the woodlands, following the same path she had so many times before as it lead her deeper into the woods. Eventually she arrived like always at a small clearing full of flowers, the fragrance of them filling her nose as the sunlight streamed down in thin rays through the tree tops over head. Sparkling clear water rippled lightly within the pond at the center of the small field of beautiful blooming flowers as the warm spring breeze flowed around Sapphira.

"Nothing has changed at all, not in all these years and yet still something about all of this feels strange." The next moment Sapphira's gaze was drawn to her right as her sensitive ears picked up the echo of footsteps coming through the woods and she readied herself taking a small breath. She knew what was coming next, it was always the same thing every time with this dream, shortly her older sister and Sapphira herself would emerge as children into the clearing that they played in all the time when they were younger. This same dream had haunted many of her nights since the death of her sister, a memory of her childhood, of a special time they shared together in a secret place.

Leaning against a nearby tree, Sapphira smiled warmly at the comforting feeling she got from this dream, it was wonderful seeing her sister again like this even if only for a short time until she woke up from it. But the sight that greeted her when the pair of figures emerged from the woods it caused Sapphira's eyes to open wide with shock and she stuttered out a curse almost unable to believe what she was seeing. "What in the hells of the underworld is going on?"

She easily recognized her younger self, but the figure holding her hand as they entered the open area was not a childhood version of her sister. It was a boy, a young wolf-kin boy with a kind, gentle smile upon his face, deeply golden eyes so lively as he happily smiled at the younger Sapphira who smiled back at him shyly. Sapphira stared at them both, confusion within her gaze, and as the two sat upon the edge of the shimmering blue water. She noticed another figure on the opposite side of the children. "It can't be... What is he doing her?"

"I was going to ask you the very same question..." Lucian emerged from the shadows, his towering wolf-kin body exposed all except for the portion covered in the silvery white loincloth draped around his waist. This was not the dream of his childhood that Lucian remembered. In that dream he had come here to play with another wolf-kin girl. It was a dream he had been having a lot during these past few years. Strange as it was to see that the girl who was there with his own youthful version was not wolf-kin, it felt right in his heart, as if this was how the dream was truly meant to be.

"Is it not bad enough you dominate my thoughts while I am awake, now you intrude upon my dreams as well?" Sapphira looked down at the children who were smiling playfully and seemed to be chatting, unable to hear their words which were silenced. This bothered Sapphira, as she wanted so badly to hear what they were saying. She could not understand it, but a feeling was swelling up inside her heart, as if the scene of the two young ones enjoying the company of one another was meant to be. "This was a dream where my sister and I shared happy moments together as children in this place and yet she has been replaced by someone else."

Turning toward Sapphira Lucian said, "That is me, but how can this be and how can we have had dreams so alike and now suddenly be together in them?" Lucian could not hear their words either and it bothered him because the two of them looked so happy together and he could not ever remember seeing himself this happy during the dreams before. His eyes looked back at Sapphira, admiring how beautiful she looked with such a graceful elegant body, slender and yet supple at the same time, dressed in only a sheer creamy white cloth that revealed her figure slightly. He held back a growl of desire as he looked down to see the pair of children now embracing each other warmly, such a sweet innocent look upon their faces as they spoke without making a sound Lucian could hear.

"You both feel it don't you?" Lucian and Sapphira turned in surprised as Lady Akisha appeared as a ghostly figure standing next to the children, the smile on her face cool as she looked over them. "Both of you know the dreams you have been having were meant to truly be this dream, but now is not the time for you to hear the truth these young ones are speaking."

Sapphira started to ask her what she meant and Lucian was about to do the same when the world around them began to grow fuzzy, fading slowly from their sight into a world of darkness. The entire scene started to dissolve and a light began to poor down from above the illumination revealing a world of images swirling around Lucian and Sapphira before everything suddenly went dark. "Both of you will awaken to the truth soon enough..."

"Lady Sapphira?"

Sitting up suddenly at the sound of someone knocking on the door to her bed chambers, Sapphira looked around slightly upset for a moment over the dream before answering back. "What do you want?"

"I come bearing an important message from the High Council of Elders milady which they requested I bring it to you immediately." Sapphira grumbled as she slowly slipped out of the bed, wrapped a nearby robe over her bed attire and then walked to the large set of doors. The guards on the outside of her chambers heard her footsteps and opened the doors allowing Sapphira to step through them. The young messenger looked down, and held the letter up to Sapphira who took it and retreated back into her room without a second glance.

"What could those old fangs want with me now..." Already upset and confused by the dream, Sapphira started reading the letter, but her expression changed slowly as she continued through it until at the end her hands were trembling. Disbelief flowed from her as her tail stood high, ears curled back in agitation and even her fangs extended slightly from her gums. She suddenly roared, "How dare they do this without my consent!"


"Lucian... What are you doing laying there like a lazy pup?"

"Lumia...? I thought you were.... I mean how can you be here?"

"You thought I was what? You are truly acting strange today, Lucian... Come, up on your feet, we have many more battles before us this day!"

"Yes my Lady Lumia, I shall be there at your side, I will be your shield and sword!"

"But you were not there like you said you would be, were you, Lucian?"

Lucian awoke slightly startled by the louder and much closer sounding voice and immediately he realized he was still imprisoned within the dungeon in Sapphira's castle, the dank smell agitating his nose. As his eyes adjusted to the low light coming from the thin flames on the torches lining the walls just outside of his cell, the figure in front of him slowly began to come into focus. Gazing upwards, he easily recognized her figure which was slender, yet well curved with sleek furred legs and hips under a sheer night gown. The gown was made of loose silvery fabric and two sashes crossed her chest leaving her smooth furred belly open and accentuated the shape of her firm breasts as they looped around her neck.

It was the same outfit from the dream and for a moment Lucian thought he was once again lost in a dream with her, but everything felt sharp to his senses so he knew he was truly awake. The look in her luscious green eyes told him that they had both been in something more than a mere dream, something that held significant meaning for their lives. As she stared down at him with defiance, Lucian thought for a moment he would be consumed by the passion he saw burning behind them. He straightened up respectfully and asked, "Sapphira? What, might I ask, has brought you here before me this night?"

"I felt compelled by my duty to come here to inform you of Lady Akisha's decision regarding your life." Sapphira spoke the words softly but in truth that was not the only reason she was there in front of him. She had to know the truth about the dream and whether the Lucian within it had been the real Lucian or simply a part of the dream. But the news she was about to tell him might change whether he would even talk to her again and it upset her greatly to think he might not. Her eyes were steady as she spoke the words softly, but a little remorse slipped into them towards the end and the emotions behind her gaze betrayed her sadness. "You will be called to trial tomorrow where your crimes shall be presented before all present and then executed afterwards..."

"Executed. I expected that would be the judgment that she would come to after seeing the truth with her own eyes." Lucian said it so casually that, for a moment, Sapphira was at a loss for words, unable to understand how he could be so calm about being told he was to be put to death. But then she noticed the look in his eyes had changed from the last time she had seen him and it bothered her greatly to see those magnificent eyes so empty where once they had been filled with such fiery spirit. "I shall accept the Lady Akisha's judgment, I am after all guilty and I have lived far longer than I should have."

"Why are you acting like this? What was it that happened between you and lady Akisha that broke your spirit?" Sapphira stared down at Lucian, her long tail snapping back and forth reflecting her agitated mood with her fangs bared slightly. Her movement was almost too fast for Lucian to follow as Sapphira reached through the bars grabbing him by the long mane of fur around his neck and pulling him tightly against the cold steel bars.

"I am tired of these games. I am tired of constantly being in the dark about the truth of what happened to my sister! All I have ever been told was that some wolf-kin that was supposed to be her protector ran away from battle, abandoning her to die, but I have always felt there was more to it than just that. As angry as I am at you for her death, even more so I want to know why you did it, why you left her to die out there like that! Tell me you damned wolf. Tell me why someone like you would abandon her to death's grasp and then dare to occupy my thoughts and even my damn dreams!"

Lucian noted that he had been correct about their having shared the same dream. This interested him, but at that moment the sting of her accusations had rubbed him the wrong way. Lucian growled deeply and reached out with his strong, furred hands and grabbed at Sapphira's gown and drew her against the bars as she snarled and hissed back at him in anger. What did she know about how he was feeling, how conflicted she made him feel deep in his heart and the pain that still lingered there from Lumia's death. The blood of Sapphira's sister was on his claws, and telling her the truth and details about what had happened would not change the fact that he was responsible for her death. "There is so much more to it... but that doesn't matter anymore! Every time I told what happened it was a waste of time because no one listened, cared or believed me beyond the simple fact that she died and it was my fault! Now leave me alone! This is the death I was meant for years ago when I let her die in my arms, so leave damn you!"

The silence in the room was heavy and only the soft deep breathing of Lucian and Sapphira could be heard as the air was thick with tension and regret. Staring at one another, the couple exchanged their feelings as they became lost within the swirl of emotions burning behind one another's eyes. With a suddenness that made Lucian loosen his grasp upon her, there was a change in Sapphira's gaze as she lowered her face and looked away from Lucian while her heart ached with a deep pain. Lucian felt the same, and his grip slackened further until Sapphira was freed from it. Growling softly, Lucian turned away, feeling anguish in his own heart at seeing her so torn up emotionally. It weighed him down even as he tried to not let it bother him.

"I have had enough of this. I grow tired and tomorrow shall be a long day, for one of us at least." Sapphira's voice was harsh once again as she struggled with the war of emotions being waged within her and her fur rippled slightly along her back. Her eyes roamed Lucian's bare back and even with such thick fur she was amazed by how she could still see the way his muscles flexed beneath it as he turned slightly to look at her. With a long muzzle any wolf would be proud to have, his dark grey fur ruffled slightly in agitation along the back of his neck as his beautiful deeply golden eyes focused once again upon Sapphira. "Lucian, I did not order your death. Lady Akisha and the Council members held a secret meeting to determine your fate without my presence there to oversee it..."

"Are you serious? I did not think a Council of elders could hold council without the royal family present." Lucian's face was a mixture of sudden interest and curiosity as he turned more toward Sapphira allowing her to view his handsome wolf-kin features, his sharp ears rotating towards her.

"Yes, that is true, but when they called me to meet with them, Lady Akisha explained that she had convinced the council that I had grown too emotionally attached to the situation involving you. So they decided on their own to leave me out of the decision of what to do with you, Lucian, and I have to admit that they were correct in doing so." Sapphira looked sternly at Lucian and saw the look of interest upon his face fade to curiosity and she could not resist staring at the rippling fur upon his broad strong chest. She had never seen a barely clothed wolf-kin before and Sapphira found herself having a hard time keeping her the desire to touch that rugged firmly shaped body under control.

"I would have thought they would have wanted you there for that as the only emotional attatchment you should be feeling for me is anger for the death of your sister." Lucian knew he was doing it again, as he pushed Sapphira away from him even though deep in his heart he longed to draw her closer to him. She stirred up such feelings within him, ones that were so different from any other female in his life and it confused him so much. She was so lovely and he could see that her eyes were taking in his features while he was taking in her lovely figure.

"I am angry at you, but not in the way you would think. I am angry because you will not tell me what happened between you and my sister! Damn it Lucian, they did not want me there because they knew I would refuse to allow them to execute you because I don't want to see you dead!" Sapphira growled at Lucian, her emotions once again set loose with wild abandon as she slammed her balled fists against the bars. In that moment she realized with surprise that tears were welling up within her eyes and she lowered her head until it rested against the cool steel bars. "To be honest, it's not just the fact I want to know the truth from you, but also because I want to know you better. I want to know what words we shared together as children in that dream. Even though everyone says you are the coward who got my sister killed, my heart tells me different and from the moment I met you I felt drawn to you." Tears continued to leak out of the corners of her eyes.

"I felt the same way about you Sapphira." Surprised, Sapphira suddenly felt a hand, warm and heavy rest upon her head and she looked up to see Lucian's wolf-kin features staring down at her sadly. She started to rear back and lifted her hand in frustration and anger that he had her so confused about her own feelings, but in the end it simply gripped his arm holding it so his hand would not stop touching her. She never wanted it to stop, as it felt so good and became even better the moment she felt his fingers curl through her hair to stroke her soft pelted leopard ears. "Since the moment we first met, I have not been able to stop thinking of you, wanting to get closer to you...but the moment I realized who you were, I tried to push those feelings away."

"After seeing us together in that dream like that, I know now that we share something special, something that neither of us is truly aware of. I know you felt it too Sapphira, a connection between us in that dream. Those children are the key to why we have these feelings for one another even though we hardly know each other." Lucian loved her, he could not bring himself to say it, but he felt it just the same in his heart even amongst the confusion in his own mind about that dream. He softly growled as Sapphira started to stroke his arm, her claws lightly streaking along it made him shudder a little with the desire to feel more.

"Lucian, whatever the truth about my sister's death is, I know in my heart I could never truly blame you for it. I have seen it now in your eyes. Lady Akisha dragged up that incident which has haunted you for years and forced you to see it again, to see my sister die there before your eyes. I have heard that is her favorite way to draw out the truth from those she judges and then she uses what she witnesses to properly pick out their punishment." Sapphira loved Lucian, knowing that the feeling was truly there in her heart, but she could not bring herself to say it to him, not now. The feelings began when she met him on the battlefield and that dream had unlocked something more within her heart. Her feelings for Lucian were now even stronger and Sapphira knew she had to know the truth behind that dream of them as children before it was too late.

Lucian was caught off guard when Sapphira pressed her arms through the bars of the cell reaching up to his long muzzle and stroking it softly with such loving care. Her touch invoked such stirring feelings within him, and Lucian leaned into it some unable to resist the pleasure of it. "Lucian, I know you do not like to think upon it, but as a favor to me will you please tell me, tell me about what happened between you and my sister?"

Sapphira looked up into his powerful eyes and was relieved to see them full of life unlike earlier. The bright golden shimmering slowly returned to them and she smiled as he nodded his head. Lucian stroked along her head some more and heard Sapphira purr a little as a slight smile crossed her face and those luminescent eyes glowed happily. "I will tell you what happened three years ago but I still do not believe it myself sometimes when I think of it."

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

This story is really good! The relationship between Lucian and Sapphira is very interesting. im eager to find out how it ends

donaldedonaldeover 13 years ago
very good story

was a very good story and i can not wait for more

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
love it

i enjoyed the dream and how you envisioned the two of them already mates... but as adults they don't see it. can't wait until next chapter... what will Lucian tell Sapphira about awful day? Will Sapphira save Lucian from his fate.

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