Husband Training


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"Hello." She said with a slight twinge in her voice. "Deb it's me Donna. I'm in the ladies room and we're on our way up."

"Ok. I'll get in the closet."

"Enjoy the show." Added Donna. "I plan to." And Deb hung up the phone.

"Showtime." she told Jim as he was finishing getting dressed. "Thanks for the fuck."

"No.Thank you for allowing me to pleasure you."

"I must be going now." He said as he headed towards the door.

Deb tidied up and turned the cum stained cushion over. With a once over glance of the room, she put her shorts on, picked up her drink, bag of goodies and then went into the bedroom. On the wall opposite the floor of the bed was the closet. The doors were the bi-fold kind with adjustable slats. She opened one set of doors and saw she had ample room to sit it. She grabbed the spare pillows and blanket from the top shelf and put them on the floor. She got inside and closed the door. She adjusted the slats just enough to see out off. She then waited for Donna and Jim to arrive. She took a drink from the glass. The scotch felt good going down her parched throat. Moments later she heard the door opening.

Donna and Bill entered the room. Once the door was closed, Donna put on her innocent whore routine. She went over to Bill and began to rub his crotch. She knew of his small dick but pretended otherwise. As she felt his dick grow, she licked his ear and asked him where he was going to put his big cock in her. Bill stuck a hand up her skirt like a little boy trying to get some pussy. Bill looked at her as told her that he was going to fuck her ass. "I see, an ass man are we?" Cooed Donna. "Damn right I am. Fucking cunt wife is too much of a prude to let me fuck her ass."

"A prude now is she?" Donna asked. "Yep." Replied Bill.

Donna stepped away from Bill and removed her dress. Bill looked at Donna. Still in her high heels, his eyes began at her shoes and up her long well shaped legs. He stopped briefly at her crotch, looking at the black silk g-string. His eyes continue up her flat stomach up to her firm 38D breasts covered in a silk bra. "Like what you see? She asked. Bill could only nod in approval. "Now show me that big dick you so much want to stick up my ass." She demanded. Bill began to remove his clothes. He pulled down his jockey briefs and his little 6-inch cock popped out. "My, My, what a nice big cock you have." Deb could hear all of this and had to stop herself from laughing. "Take a seat and let me fix you a drink." Bill sits down in the chair with his dick pointing upward. Donna turns around then pulls her g-string down. Like a stripper she pushed her fine ass at Bill teasing him and telling him how much she wants that big cock up her ass. She fixes him a scotch and water. Inside her bra she removes a small packet of power adding it to the drink and stirring it well. She reaches behind her back and unhooks her bra. She puts the bra on the bar and she picks up his drink. Donna turns around and Bill has a bird's eye view of this hot woman. She walks over to him, leans over and hands him his drink. "How's the big cock of yours doing baby." Spoken like a whore. "Throbbing to slid up your ass."

"Hmmm....I can't wait for that. Now enjoy your drink while I taste your big manly cock" Deb covered her face in a pillow, fighting the urge to bust a gut laughing. Donna knelt in from of Bill and began to suck his tiny little dick. It was so easy for her to take the full length on it down her throat. Bill sipped his drink while Donna pretended to be excited over blowing him. "Oh yeah baby...suck it like a whore. You're the only one who's been able to take my cock whole. Never had a cock sucker like you before." Bill finished his drink and watched her suck his cock. Donna stopped and looked at Bill. "Hey baby, want to put your first load on my nice tits?" 'With pleasure." Donna held her tits up as Bill wanked his cock, rubbing the tip of his cock on her nipples. "Come on baby shoot that big load of cum on my big tits." Bill began to grunt and pump his cock faster. "OH baby...get ready...." Bill started to drip precum and just when he was ready to empty his balls, he passed out cold. Donna checked his vitals and he was breathing ok.

Donna left the den and walked into the bedroom. "Time to come out." Deb opened the closet door and picked herself off the floor. Donna looked at her and they both started laughing. "Big cock has he?" Deb said while she's started laughing so hard. Donna replied "My dog has a bigger dick then him." Deb lost it and without warning, she pissed her pants. Donna saw what happened and pissed herself too. Both of them laughed hard for 15 more minutes before gathering themselves. Both wiped the tears from their eyes. "That was too funny." Deb said. Donna took Debs arm and took her to the den. Bill was on his back spread out over the floor. His dick was small and tight against his body. "Help me get him on the bed." Donna asked. Deb and Donna grabbed his arms and pulled him into the bedroom. "Fuck what a heavy body?" Deb panted.

Deb and Donna pulled Bill onto the bed. Bill was going to be out for at least 30 more minutes. This would give the girls time to get ready. Donna got down on the floor and pulled out a rather large gym bag from under the bed. Donna pulled on the zipper and opened the bag. Donna removed two tubular bars and 2 pairs of leather cuffs. Deb watched her attach a cuff to each wrist and ankle. Donna then put a bar at the top and bottom of the bed. "What are those?" ask Deb. "These are spreader bars. Each cuff well be attached and I can control how far apart I want the legs and arms."

"Sounds wicked." Deb replied. Donna attached the wrists to one bar and the ankles to another. She then extended each bar as far as she could then locked them into place. Poor Bill was spread out and looked like an easy target for what was about to happen. Donna then removed several pieces of rope from the bag. She tied down each spreader bar to the posts on the bed. Bill was now completely flat on his back. "Very nice!" Deb remarked. Donna reached in the bag and removed a ball gag and blindfold. She covered his eyes and put the ball gag next to his head. Bill's body began to move a little. The effect of the drug started to wear off. "What don't you get a chair from the den and bring it here so you can watch." Donna asked Deb. Deb went and got the chair and set it at the foot of the bed. She then went into the closet and grabbed her bag. "What's in the bag?"

"Oh just a few items."

"Care to share?" Deb reached in the bag and pulled out the cock pouch and butt plug. "Nice choices." Donna said as she noticed Bill begging to move more. Donna put her fingers to her lips and Deb began to be very quite in the moves she made. Deb went into the den and fixed another scotch and water. She took her seat and looked at her pathetic husband about to embark a new journey of servitude. Deb decided that this would be more enjoyable in the nude and got up and stripped her clothes off. Donna looked and the now naked Deb. Donna walked over to Deb and looked at her body. She grabbed Deb and pulled her close. Donna kissed her and whispered, "Your one fine looking bitch and I can't wait till you render payment for my services." Deb replied "Nor can I."

Bill began to come to. His eyes slowly opened to darkness and when he began to move, he found himself unable to. As he regained himself he yelled, "What the fuck is going on here?" Donna looked at him and told him. "Bill we have a problem here. It seems that you have this disorder. The disorder you have is not having control of that tiny dick of yours. Since you like so much to stick it in places it doesn't belong, I've been asked to help you correct this problem."

"Bitch, what the fuck are you talking about?"


"I'm afraid you have me confused with someone else. That someone else is you Bill. You see, your loving wife knows about your afternoon whore fucks and now it's time to put and end to this."

"Are you going to kill me?" Whimpered Bill. "Oh no, nothing like that. But I'm sure by the time I have adjusted your attitude, you might wish I had."

"May I have something to drink?" asked Bill. Donna told him she had just the thing. She pointed to Deb's cunt. Deb picked on the signal and snuck out to the den. She turned on the faucet and then she took a glass from the bar. She squatted down and filled it with her hot piss. Returning to the room, she handed it to Donna. Looking it over, Donna stuck a finger in and took a taste. She nodded her head in approval. "Now open your mouth Bill. You are going to drink all of this. If you make a fuss I will smack that tiny little dick of yours." He nodded his head and then opened his mouth. Donna slowly poured Deb's hot piss into his mouth. When Bill had a mouthful to swallow, he felt the funny taste and spit it all out of his mouth."

"What the fuck was that? He asked. "It was something very special and you better get use to the taste, since you'll be drinking more of it." Donna went to the bag and pulled out her crop. "Bill, I've decided that from know on you will address me as Mistress and your name from now one is Bitch Whore. Am I clear?" Bill hesitated then Donna took the crop and landed a blow the tip of his dick, sending a searing shock in his balls. Bill yelped like a dog just kicked in the nuts. Donna said, "I'm waiting Bitch Whore."

"Fuck you cunt!" yelled Bill. "Sorry Bitch, wrong answer." She took the crop and landed a hard blow on his balls. Deb watched as his body jumped of the bed and heard him yell out it pain. "AM I CLEAR NOW, BITCH!" Bill was whimpering and replied "Yes Mistress."

"Good answer. Now tell me how many cunts have you been fucking around your wife with that little dick of yours? "I expect an honest answer or you won't like what I'll do." Bill squirmed on the bed and then replied "At least 20."

"Twenty. My what a busy Bitch you've been." Donna went to the bag again and pulled out more rope. She tied the rope the spreader bar on his legs. The poster bed had wooden slats that ran from each of the top posts framing the top. She tossed the rope over the slat at the top of the bed. She untied the ropes at the corner of the posts. She then pulled on the rope lifting Bills legs of the bed. When she was done, Bills legs were straight up in the air and his dick and ass we now totally exposed. Bill trembled and asked what was going on. "I'm going to punish that worthless dick of yours."

"I think one hit for each time you cheated should suffice for now. Be a good Bitch and if you scream to loud I'll gag you. His legs began to shake in anticipation. Donna reached into her bag again and removed a leather strap. She gave Deb a wicked grin as she got in positions. She raised the strap and landed the first blow of his dick. Bill bucked up and yelled. "Oh my, Bitch. Did that hurt?" Bill did not respond and she landed the second blow and again Bill yelled out in pain. "Now Bitch, I thought you weren't going to be a sissy and scream. Guess I have to shut that mouth till I need to use it." Bill was trying to comprehend what was going on. Donna grabbed the ball gag. Deb motioned her to bring her the gag. Donna handed the gag to Deb. Deb stood up and rubbed the ball against her shit hole. She pushed down a bit and was able to put just enough of her shit on it so he would taste. Donna whispered to her "Your so evil." Deb grinned and handed the gag to Donna. Donna went back to Bill and told him to open his mouth. Bill refused. Donna put the ball in one hand and with the other she grabbed his balls and started to push her long nails into his sacs. Bill opened his mouth to scream and Donna shoved the ball into his mouth. She pulled the straps down and buckled them. "Bill was laying there, legs up and spread, gagged like the bitch whore he's about to become. "Hope you like the taste of the gag bitch. You'll be tasting more of it. Donna went back to end of the bed and grabbed the strap again. "Now. Where were we? Oh, that's right we were just starting." Bill was filled with fear. Donna laid another blow to his balls. Bill's cries were muffled on the gag. His eyes teared and his salvia began to take the taste of the shit. Deb was getting exited watching this. Sitting on the chair, she opened her legs and rubbed her cunt. Donna continued to strap his dick. With each blow, he tightened up and Deb just got wetter. After Donna landed the last blow, Deb was on the verge of cumming. Bill's body was covered in sweat. Strap marks covered the inside of his legs and his balls had swelled from the strapping. "Bitch. I'm going to remove the gag and you will thank me for punishing your little dick. Do not make me wait to hear you." Bill nodded and then she removed the gag. While trying to catch his breath Bill told her "Thank you Mistress for punishing my little dick."

"Very good Bitch. Now I must tell you that from this day forward you will only be allowed to cum if your wife let's you."

"What does she have to do with this?" he asked. "Because it seems that you have no control over your dick and she will now have total control."

"You can't do this to me."

"Oh yes I can and I will. Just to make sure you don't get any ideas, this whole episode is being taped and if you fail to submit to your wife's desires, this tape will be made public and that nice fat job you have will be gone and about the only thing you'll be good for is hanging out at truck stops offering blow jobs. Are we clear Bitch?" Bill was cornered like a rat. "Yes Mistress." Donna went over to Deb picked up the cock sac. She got the bed and fastened the device. His cock and balls were now contained in the mesh. She tossed Deb the key. Deb got up from the chair and looked at his dick finally locked up for good. "Bitch this sac will only come off if your wife chooses. From know on, you'll have to sit on the toilet like a sissy to piss. No more standing up like the big boys. Maybe a nice pair of panties will help you feel more like a sissy. "Now we have to work on another part of you to make you feel like a sissy bitch whore. Donna went and retrieved the medium butt plug. She lubed it up and rubbed the tip of Bill's ass. He tensed up. "Bitch, just relax. It's time to start training your slut hole." Before Bill could say anything, she pushed it up his slut hole in one quick move. Bill groaned as the plug packed his slut hole. "Now that wasn't so bad was it Sissy bitch?"

"Hmmmm No Mistress."

"I wonder how big of a cock will fit in your slut hole. I'm sure your loving wife will be glad to find willing men who'll love putting their fat cocks in slut hole and her girl friends with nice strap-on cocks."

"Bitch, do you think you'll be a good cocksucker? Doesn't seem fair for some guys to use your slut hole without first giving him oral servitude."

"Perhaps now is the time to find out." Donna picked up the phone and placed a call. "Jim? It's me Donna; I need you up in the room. I've got a treat for you."

"Know I think it's time to take the blind fold off." She reached around and unfastened the back and removed it. He's eyes squinted as his adjusted to the light. He's eye's roamed the room seeing Donna first and then Deb. When his eyes met hers, she asked him how his balls and slut hole felt. Bill was speechless. Deb got up from the chair and then climbed on the bed. She stood on the bed and squatted over his face. Her face was facing his feet. "Bitch, time to serve your wife."

"How do you mean?" he replied. "Open your fucking mouth and act like a urinal."

"I'm not drinking your piss. That's fucking disgusting."

"Fucking disgusting is you fucking around on me. She replied as she drove a fist into his nuts. Bill winched out in pain and almost passed out. "Don't think I didn't taste that cunt on the little dick of yours the other day you worthless piece of shit."

"Now open that fucking toilet or the next hit to your dick will be with my foot." Bill opened his mouth and Deb squatted down. "Beg for it Bitch."

"Please Mistress, please use me as your toilet." Deb spread her cunt and then shot a hot stream into his mouth. Bill gagged at first and then began to swallow as much as he could. Donna was watching this as was getting hot. She stood near the bed and began to rub her cunt. Deb watched her as she emptied her bladder into the toilet. When she was down she lowered herself so Bill could lick her cunt clean. "See Bitch, was that so bad? "No Mistress." Deb got off the bed. A few moments later there was a knock on the door. "That must be someone for our little Bitch." Deb said with glee as she went towards the door. She looked into the peephole and saw Jim and another guy. Deb opened the door and invited them in. As she closed the door Jim commented on her wardrobe. "Who's your friend?"

"Deb this is Ken."

"Hi Ken."

"Hello Deb." He replied. "Drink anyone?" Both nodded. She walked over to the bar and fixed them both a scotch and water. "Nice ass you got there." Commented Ken. "Why thank you Ken. Maybe tonight I'll let you fuck my shit hole with it."

"I'd love nothing more." He added. Deb handed them the drinks and then they headed into the bedroom. Both men saw poor Bill on the bed with his arms stretch and his legs up and spread. They could see the pouch and plug. "How's he taking this? Jim asked Deb. "Better than I thought." She replied. Jim introduced Donna to Ken. Deb explained the reason why Bill was tied up. "How can I help? Asked Ken. Deb looked at him and told him her little Bitch was going to need a lesson on skull fucking. "My pleasure." Replied Ken. "Let's get the Bitch into a position for this." Donna added. The rope holding his legs ups was removed and the ropes holding his arms down we also removed. He was pulled down to the end of the bed. He legs hung down and Donna attached a rope to the spreader bar attached to his wrists. She pulled the rope tight and Bill had his arms stretched.

"Bitch, time to show me what a good cock sucker your are. I know you'll try your best. Please don't disappoint me," she told his as her knee went right into his balls. Bill buckled backwards from the blow. "Time to see a real cock Bitch. Ken got in front of Bill. Deb undid his pants and they fell to the floor. Bill could see his large cock in front of him. His balls were the size of large eggs and his balls hung about 2 inches down. Ken's thick uncut cock hung down seven inches. Deb got on the bed behind Bill and grabbed the sides of his head. "Open up Bitch." Bill hesitated to long and Deb smacked him hard on the back of his head. She grabbed his head again. "Now open your mouth and show Ken that you want to suck his big cock." Bill complied and Ken stuck his fat cock into his mouth. "Now Bitch, it's important to lick and suck the foreskin. Make sure you do."

Bill gagged a bit and sucked. Ken's cock began to harden. "What a good cock sucking bitch you are." Donna and Jim watched the performance. When Ken's cock was fully erect is was 11 inches. Deb told him that this is what a real cock is and that he was going to watch his fuck big cocks and that he was going to clean off the cum from the cocks that fucked her. In addition, he was going to suck the cum from her shit hole and cunt. Ken picked up the pace then grabbed Bill's head. Deb got off the bed to get a good view of her bitch being skull fucked. Donna went to her bag again and pulled out a digital camera. She took pictures of Bill getting his mouth fucked.

He was gagging as Ken pushed his thick cock down his throat. "Want some cum Sissy Bitch? Bill could not respond with his mouth being stretched. "Get ready Bitch." Ken pumped faster and then slowly emptied his balls. Bill choked on the load and Ken's cum was running out his mouth. Donna was clicking away with the camera. When Ken was done, he pulled his co out and Bill's mouth was still open and the cum was running down. Deb demanded that he swallow all it. She wiped up what dripped from his mouth and pushed her fingers into his mouth. "Isn't the cum yummy tasting." Bill gave no response but only offered a dazed look on his face. "Cat got your tongue?"

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I have noticed he didn't wright a part two.

The story stopped short.

His wife never used the strap-on on him and none of the guys ass fucked him.

But with all that said this story is a mess to read it needed to be proof read and edited before published.

I only gave it three stars because there is no way his wife and friends didn't go to prison for rape and torture and elegal restraint.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Boy this story was fucking hard to read it. It's no wonder why Bill was looking for other women, because Deb is a fucking kinky bitch that no one would want to fuck her. After Donna finally untied him for all this Abuse by all for of these people, thinking Bill had been beaten down in to a sissy. Bill went over to his clothes, no one noticed him pulling out his gun from the pile of clothes. Turning he Calmly took aim and shot his gun 4 times. Both men got shot in their cock and balls, totally Destroying them. The woman were shot in their Uteruses. As he Chuckled about his expert marksmanship Ability. He then call the Ambulance for 4 gun shot Victims. As Deb Laid their bleeding, she ask why, Bill laughed at her and said your fucking lucky I didn't kill you idiots. No one fucking pisses in my mouth then make me suck cock. But we though you just expected it, Hardly bitch I was just waiting you out..

mattenwmattenwabout 1 year ago

Only really mentally handicapped men will find this crap good. In reality, everyone involved in this orgy of sexual violence is going to jail for a very long time!

4yourpleasureiam4yourpleasureiamover 1 year ago

Some Alpha Men will not understand this story. As a beta who has not seen or touched his wife in years believe me, I would gladly let my wife and her friends treat me this way. I would worship the for paying some attention to me sexually

4yourpleasureiam4yourpleasureiamover 1 year ago

Alphas will not understand why some of

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