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Mom and son.
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"Mom, how would you like to spend an hour or a couple of hours in bed this afternoon? We can hold each other and relax and enjoy the feelings."

"What! Where did that come from?"

"I was thinking you might like to take a break and find something else to occupy your time. Being isolated can be a drag after a while with the same old thing day in and day out. Holding each other in bed isn't much different than doing it standing up. I mean from hugging standing up. I didn't mean to say it that way. I don't see anything wrong with a little companionship that happens to generate some nice feelings. I've been thinking about it so I thought I would ask."

"Well, I appreciate the concern but I don't think we should do that. Hugging in the mornings and evenings seems ok. I enjoy those. Are you doing ok? You're not getting hyper with this are you?"

"No, not me. If I was I would probably suggest we spend some time in bed holding each other and relaxing with the feelings it generates. For both of us. I'm content with hugging twice a day like you are. I appreciate it. If you want, maybe we could hug a little more vigorously and closer and longer. I'm just trying to keep you healthy with some personal distractions."

"The suggestions are distracting me. Thanks for thinking of me Jerry. That was a surprise. Maybe I haven't given enough thought to your needs. I'm not being stingy am I? Do you need more attention?"

"Not at all. I'm good. I like not having to put up with all that out there. Being mostly separated from the rest of society isn't all that bed. I mean bad. I think that was a Freudian slip. Nope, I'm fine. Gotta go, oodles to do. My computer waits."

In bed together. That was new. I wondered if he was serious or just teasing me. With Jerry sometimes I couldn't tell. He's been isolated like I have except for a few trips for essentials and he's always very careful. Along about bed time we usually hugged and went to bed. At first it was a hug around the shoulders and me on his waist and a peck on my forehead. After a couple of weeks it was me around his neck and him around my waist and a slight hip touch and off to bed. Lately it's been a quick kiss on the lips and a non-sexual body press and a two or three second kisses on the lips. Lips not open and nothing to do with tongues. That would be a big surprise if he did that.

I liked it but he's my son and I was going to let him give me only so much and that was it. I'm not going there with my son. He's almost 19 and no doubt knows how to get his own satisfaction like I do. That will have to do, but he does seem more hyper and he did say vigorously and closer and longer. I could go along with some of that to help him out. I'm not a monster after all, just his mom. With today's generation I wasn't sure he had a line to cross but with my generation there certainly was one.

Getting turned was ok as long as you didn't do too much about it. Maybe that's what he meant about being in bed. In the afternoon no less. I've already had on a thin shifting gown and nothing on underneath when he kissed my forehead and quick hugged me before bed. The lights were always out when we goodnighted each other except for the night lights in the wall receptacles and they reflected off the floor so it was mostly dim and that invited some pity patty.

I suppose I could let him get as hyper as he wanted as long as he didn't get serious about it. That was not likely because he's so pleasant to be around I didn't think he could turn overly serious if he got really hyper. He's just too good natured to worry about that happening. Also I could wear my thicker gown. It wasn't a winter gown it was just thicker and it went down below my knees. Kissing. Now, I like a good manly kiss now and then and I'm not that opposed to getting it from Jerry.

A nice closer, longer, kiss might be a good thing for him. Vigorous would be good for him too but I don't know about being vigorous with him. That reeks of body parts rubbing all over the place. I'm not necessarily opposed to that but with my son, I think not. Ray, bless his soul, would turn over in his grave. More than that he would probably come down and watch, wondering what got into us. And we shouldn't do any of that near my bedroom. In the den or at the foot of the stairs would be best.

I showered and put on my gown. I would change to my normal gown when I got back to my bedroom and get fully dressed in the morning before going in the kitchen. I usually watched some of the shows in the evening then some of the 10:00 news then we said goodnight and off to our separate beds. Jerry and I got along exceptionally well. We get each other things and helped each other out in different stuff all the time. He was a great house person.

He always wore the same kind of clothes in the evenings, some kind of shorts and a throw on pullover and neat slippers that didn't like he just got of bed and was going to the bathroom. Mine didn't either. We searched and searched several years ago to find them and they were so comfortable we bought another pair for each of us, different colors. I think he was waiting for me. I put all my stuff away and turned out my light and he did too.

We dropped our glasses and dishes off in the kitchen and went around to a small round area which led to my bedroom and the stairs up to his. The dim night lights were spaced here and there all over the house so we could see where we were going.

"I remember what you said, closer and longer. I'm not sure about vigorous. Be careful letting me find out what vigorous means. I'm not going to give you my virginity over vigorous."

"That's cute. Thank you. Sorry I sound flippant. I hear you and I understand. If it's too much just moan and say 'stop that' and I'll be the epitome of understanding."

I already had my arms around his neck. My breasts were touching his chest but that was normal whenever we hugged. Our hips were lightly touching and no sign of anything in between. He had his hands on my sides at my waist.

"Would you like 4 second or 5 second kisses?"

"You mentioned longer so I guess 5 seconds would do that."

Just when I was saying that I was thinking 5 second kisses is a long time between mother and son. That invites open lips and eventually tongues and that's sex right there but I already said 5 seconds so I should stick to what I said if I could. He tilted and I tilted and right then it seemed like a more romantic kiss coming. Our lips met and opened slightly. We held our tongues but his might have been quivering a little like mine was. He pulled his hips back about the 3rd or 4th second of our kiss. We were never in much of a hurry to quit hugging and go to bed so we kept hugging above our waists.

"You pulled back. You wanted to be closer."

"Mom, I didn't want to alarm you with some involuntary responses. You're my mom but you're also a hotty. The best one in the house."

"Thank you. Involuntary responses are normal. Try not to be over vigorous but a moderate amount of vigorous is welcome. Kiss me and try again."

I tilted and Jerry tilted and we kissed again. Our hips met and I spread my hips so I could push out for him. A normal movement for me. I felt him right away. He was certainly letting his involuntary response develop. He shifted his hips a little and his involuntary response shifted from downward to upward and much more prominently against me. He involuntarily tilted upwards a couple of times to get his muscles shook out and ready then let himself settle right on me. It seemed like a big vigorous to me but I was a full woman and didn't panic.

Jerry was 5ft11 and I was only a couple of inches shorter, depending on our shoes, and we matched almost perfectly in body form. He had both hands on the very top of my buns pulling us together. I think our kiss went longer than 5 seconds but I wasn't counting. I still had to hold my tongue back. I think we achieved vigorous and closer and longer, maybe a few other things. Jerry had something to work with there but I struggled and kept my mom attitude throughout.

We were vigorous for a little while more and separated and went to bed. I peeked and watched his butt swinging going up the stairs. The thoughts of that short encounter stayed with me going to bed. I took off my thicker gown and grabbed my silver bullet and got under the sheet and had two wonderful orgasms with it right where he was pressing against me. I was surprised and a little embarrassed at how much it drove me to the silver bullet and how much it helped. That little bit from Jerry generated some good memories. It didn't hurt a thing and I think he got something he could use out of it.

I thought about it and considering he might have more needs than he was saying. I decided to put on my short thin gown for our goodnight activities. We usually changed a couple of hours before bed time so we could spend that time in the den together. Not every night but most nights. It was our relaxing time. I generally kept my short gown critically closed so as not to start something but I thought I might be a little looser so he would have a better time of it and by the time we hugged goodnight he would be more hyper than normal and enjoy his vigorous more.

I didn't wear pants or a bra in bed so I didn't have them on in the den before bed. I enjoyed letting him see my breasts and nipples through my gown. I've never seen him actually look but he must have seen my small black patch of pubes many times. You couldn't see that much through my gown. It was just suggestive shadows. When he came in the den he was wearing a different pair of shorts. They looked sheen gray. Very smooth and sexy. They seemed to flow around his hips like a fog and were very short and not that high up his waist.

I bent over watering my house plants a couple of times, looking away from him, but I already knew when to stop bending over so he didn't actually see anything up my gown but it was close. Sitting down I bent one of my knees out sideways so I could scratch a place up on my inner thigh but my hand blocked his view. I did that a few times so he had another chance. He must not have any underwear on under his shorts because his shorts were draped over a nice shape. I thought he was a little bigger than normal. He always seemed to be that way in his pants.

I finally got up first. He always waited for me. I guess I would wait for him if needed. Dishes to the kitchen and he put his arm around my waist walking to the kissing place, as I now call it but just to myself. Our hips rubbed the whole way. His shorts were as thin as my gown. My, my. I guess both of us were going to store away a few more memories for our personal use. I already got a lot from looking at his pants in the den and letting him see up my thighs. I just couldn't let him see me bare. He's my son.

We already had a standard so we got right into that. He let one 5 second kiss get registered and in the second one he was quite hyper and I splayed my hips and pushed out for him and he was prompt and I felt my son's hard protrusion all over my hood and clit. I felt like a good pee but held it together for his sake. He needed this no end. He did cough a couple of times and his protrusion jumped both times and made some horizontal movements across my hood. He did say 'excuse me'.

He had to be very pleased with himself to get this far. I already decided to let him proceed at his own pace until I couldn't let it go any further. He was naturally developing his seduction skills. Also, if you thought about it the stuff you could do with each other without going over the line is very extensive.

"My nipples seem very aroused. They aren't boring into your chest are they? I don't want them to be a bother."

All this time his hands were a little lower on my buns than normal. His fingers reached down about to the center, one on each bun. He was lightly pushing with his fingers when we kissed. I guess he thought I would be distracted and wouldn't notice. Or I would be distracted with him pressing from down in my thighs up to my pubes. There was a lot of heat trapped down there. It was noticeable. He was certainly making me get wet. Our bare thighs and legs were against each other too, from way up high. I was in no hurry to go to bed. Alone anyway. Just a thought.

"Not a bother at all. I've been trying to figure out if your breasts are off limits. I've never actually had a casual time playing with a girl's breasts. Maybe you could think about some lessons sometimes. If so, maybe on the sofa. Unless we could consider in bed exclusively for the breasts. We probably should slip your gown off in bed but we can be sure the sheet is pulled up. Of course you would wind up but I would only see you above the waist. I could take off my top so we would be almost the same. If you would prefer us to be the same I could slip off my shorts, as long as the sheet is up to my waist like you."

Jerry kissed me right after he said that, not too hurriedly, and I felt him pressing himself against me just that little bit more. He probably couldn't help it. I loved getting my breasts squashed when we kissed. I liked that from the first time. It's thrilling, like what he's doing between my thighs and on my buns. We were swapping some really great sexual highs and it wasn't hurting a thing and helped with wonderful orgasms. I'm so glad I decided to let him go as far as I could let him.

It was getting more difficult to send each other off to bed. We didn't want to stop. The feelings kept coming. I kept thinking bed and silver bullet. I took a chance and swapped arms with him. He got around my neck and I got my hands down on his buns like he did me. Jerry has a nice tight butt and his butt crack is a sculptor's paradise. He couldn't help pushing himself right up across me and I could feel his butt muscles working when he did that. I really wanted to feel his balls but that's not mom normal so I didn't.

I slowly pulled back but kept my eyes on his so as not to embarrass him by looking down to see how big he looked in his shorts. No doubt there was a serious male sight to be had there.


"Goodnight honey cakes."

I watched his butt swishing up the stairs again. I'll never get tired of that. Silver bullet for sure and eventually I went to sleep. The next day, afternoon, we played our weekly game of chess. I put on a plunging neckline blouse so he could look at my breasts when I bent over to contemplate a move. If the conditions were just right he would catch a nipple. I moved my shoulders each time I bent over hoping it opened up just right and exposed one or the other. I would just take off my blouse but that would be too obvious. Sometimes he went around with no top on. I could too if I wanted. Equal protection under the law.

We've taken to kissing during the day. After breakfast. No long serious kisses but 2 or 3 or 4 second kisses. One day I got 8 that way. I wondered if he was seducing me so slowly I wouldn't notice. I've taken to using my old tube of lube with the silver bullet. I love the scent because it's so familiar. I was going to offer Jerry my extra tube but I don't know if he uses lube. I would think his pre-cum does a nice job. I always loved pre-cum and rubbed Ray's pre-cum all over me all the time. The next evening after Jerry and I changed for bed I remembered the proposition he made to me.

"I thought about you playing with my breasts. I wouldn't mind and think it would be as beneficial to me as to you. It's easy. Think of my nipples as clits and do with them what you would do with a clit. Lips and tongue and fingers. And sucking, don't forget sucking. Breast and nipple work is very exciting for me. You do have to stay on point and not wander very far off my breasts. Buns and pubes are ok. Yes, you would have to slip my gown off and yes we have to have the sheet up at my waist and yes you have to take off your top. I'm not sure about your pants. Mainly because of the potential of connection considering you'll be in a hyper state along with me.

"I'll surely be on my back and I'll probably spread my legs by rote and with one of your legs between mine you'll probably make a connection right there and if you're well into my breasts and nipples I'll be unable to decline entry. I wouldn't want you playing with my breasts to depend on a condition of non-entry, it doesn't seem right to do that. I would want you to be free to enjoy yourself as much as you can. Me too. And if you're playing with my breasts and nipples and pubes I might want to reach a hand down and play with your manly protrusion. Seems only fair."

"Buns too. You mentioned buns."

"Yes I did and you're welcome to play extensively with my buns. It's just that they'll be underneath me when you're concentrating on my breasts. I thought I might turn over on my stomach for that. It'll be more convenient."

"Ahhh. Maybe I could take my shorts off when you turn over since you'll be much less accessible on your stomach. We might be able to place more of our skin together. I've always wanted to feel a fully nude woman beneath me, on her back or stomach. That would be such a thrill. All that warm skin on warm skin. It boggles the mind. Should I be mindful of the time so you can settle into your normal activities or are you contemplating a longer activity together?"

"Longer activity is nice and I do remember the sensation of a full man on top when I'm on my stomach and all the thrilling teasing things to be done. Still, you have to be careful. Although small misdirection's do happen when passion is high. I'm not unmindful of the difficulty. Let me know when you would like to engage in these personal instructions on breasts. It might be best right after we say goodnight since the heightened state of saying goodnight would be beneficial to both of us."

"Yes ma'am."

We said goodnight and he didn't mention us climbing in the same bed together for sexual activity between mom and son. It was brazen of me but I was trying to give him his head. I wanted him to have some memories later in life that had some true meaning. If it went ok the first time, meaning I readily accepted most of his advances, then it would be ok the second and third and so forth. Naturally I wanted to take away some good memories myself. Maybe some a little more than merely teases. I was still working on how much more, or what, but I thought once we were in bed and revealed and exercised our needs it would come to me.

While saying goodnight our kisses stretched out to 10 seconds then more then we didn't care. We searched for satisfaction. His protrusion seemed to push up under the waist of his shorts, which was not one of those think bands but self-fabric. When I lifted my arms around his neck it pulled my gown up slightly and he was into me with only his shorts separating and those things were wonderfully thin and a few times he almost went fully through my ridges towards my entrance. His shorts were probably wet at that spot but he didn't go in.

We were not engaged in ultra physical sex so it was acceptable to both of us and we soldered on. I suggested he get under my gown in back and have some fun with my buns. When he did I almost fainted with desire when his bare fingers landed way down at the bottom of my buns only a whisper from where he was pressing with his protrusion. Pulling up my butt crack with his fingers was another wonderful feeling, particularly when he decided to play with my butt button.

I had my legs spread with my knees almost outside his to he had room for the material as well as his quivering member. I loved it when I thought that. I had mental images. I could feel some of his lower stomach against mine and I was finally cognizant of his testicles rubbing between my thighs. I knew in his state it helped him manufacture semen. I was so pleased I had enough favors to put forth for him to take and he seemed to love doing it. Just before we parted for the night he said, 'tomorrow night ok?' and I nodded in the affirmative. We kissed again and went to bed.