I Hate My Life Pt. 02

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Contest begins, meet new friends, & my family disowns me.
16.7k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/19/2020
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Everyone having sex is at least 18. This is a work of fiction. I made this all up, you can check reality at the door and enjoy it for what it is, a story. The TV talent contest is fictional, although it's modeled after one of the real shows. Special thanks to goducks111 for his help.


Chapter 4 -- Auditions

Because I sent in a video of me singing, my first audition will be on TV in front of a huge live audience and four judges. All four sisters, mom, Grandma, Uncle Vito, Max, and Uncle Bennie, all show up. Only Sophia and Uncle Vito are allowed with me. Everyone else is in a chair somewhere. My uncles are packing, and that causes an issue with security. They have the proper papers, and the Police Department behind them, so it's ok.

I had to be there at 7:00 AM, while the show starts at 8:00 AM. They have enormous rooms for us to sit in and talk to others. I met some very nice ladies from Canada. Sophia was sweet; she never said a word. It's amazing at how long the auditions go on for. Slowly, the people are filtering out, so that only a few of us are left.

It's also amazing how few acts get through. On TV, you don't see many fails, at the auditions, most of them are fails. At last, I'm standing by the doors, there is nobody left to call other than me. The lady smiles when I'm standing at the door.

She asks with a smile, "Marco?"

I reply with my own smile, "Yes, ma'am."

The lady says, "Follow me. This is the Ready Room. Do all your last-minute prep work, sing scales, whatever. You're up soon. I will come to get you when you're next. GOOD LUCK!"

I'm nervous, I do a few scales to calm down. My hands are shaking. Sophia stands in front of me, I stop. What does she want?

She hugs me hard, and then says with tears in her eyes, "I'm so proud of you no matter what happens. I know you'll impress them, but either way, you're ok in my book, kid."

That sounds like a famous movie line.

The door opens, and the lady grabs my hand, then my arm, and we weave through a lot of production equipment. We end up on the edge of the stage as four loud horns go off. I can hear the judges just ripping his performance apart. The guy comes off the stage with his head hung low. He cries right into his mother's arms.

A mic is placed in my hands, the woman kisses me on the cheek, smiles, and then she says, "Good luck, kid."

The theatre is impressive to look at. It's dark, but some lower lights reveal the gold and bright red painted architecture that makes the building special. Even the carpeting seems very expensive. I'm breathing too fast, so I try to calm down. It's a long walk to the center star in the stage, and there are a million bright, hot lights shining down on me. I'm way overdressed for this.

Once at the star I get the standard questions, name, where I'm from, how old I am, and what will I be singing. I answer each question with truthful answers.

Just as my music ques up, one of the lights above crashes to the stage and breaks into a million pieces. That was ok, no big deal. However, the lightbulb made a loud pop, and that sounded way too close to a gunshot. I freak out. I mean, I lost it completely. There is no logical thinking, survival instincts take over, and I run to the edge of the stage. Once there, I wrap a curtain around me, and place my hands over my head, in a defensive position.

There is some screaming, and I hear a guy near me say, I guess into a radio, "No, he's here, in the curtains, balled up in a defensive position, crying. What do I do?"

I hear Sophia shouting, "Let me go, I can help him!"

Both female judges shoot up out of their seats and run to me. Why would they do that? I didn't even think of it, but they have mics on. Everyone can hear our conversation. Oh yes, this is going to be embarrassing. At least at this point, I don't know it.

They both kneel on the floor and pull away the curtain.

I scream, "Don't hurt me!"

They both give me a big "Awwwwww."

The younger judge pulls me to her and presses her nice sized breasts into me.

The older lady asks very tenderly, like she cared, "Baby, tell me what's wrong? Are you hurt?"

I'm sniffing, the crying has almost stopped, "I'm sorry." I pause. "My father, three brothers and two uncles have been killed by handguns. When I heard the pop, it sounded like a gun, and ... oh geez, I freaked. I'm sorry. Those emotions hurt so much still. I miss my dad." I start to cry again.

The lady is all too willing to hold me and let me cry.

I tell her, "I guess I wasted my time. Sorry. It's ok, I'll try out next year. It's been a long day."

I hear a single voice of defiance shout out way above the other, "LET HIM SING!"

Then it quickly becomes a chant. I know the first voice was Grandma.

Together, the two ladies help me up, and then say, "I don't think any of us have a choice."

They run back to the judge's table, I rub my eyes on my sleeve, and then I walk back out onto the stage to a huge ovation.

Without them asking, "I'm Marco Scallini, I grew up here in New York, and I'm eighteen.

The younger woman says to me, "The stage is yours."

I take a deep breath to relax and then wink at the sound guy. I sing a very good rendition of Ave Maria that would have made my singing coach proud. However, one minute in, and one of the male judges puts up his hand, and they stop my music. Holy shit, I'm terrible, they hate me, my career is over.

The guy asks me, "You have a playlist here of eight songs, and only one is opera. Do you like singing that style?"

I have to be careful, "My grandmother loves the opera, we're an Italian family, what can I say? My singing coach suggested it, saying it shows off my voice."

He smiles at me, "Soundman, play track #4 for us, please. I think this will work better."

I nod my head, yes. The guitar sounds start for Eric Clapton's "Tears in Heaven."

I start with a soft voice, "Would you know my name If I saw you in heaven? ..." The song is low key, and sad. With my already fragile state, the emotions leap out of me, and the audience is sucking it in. I hear loud sobbing in the audience. I see reflections from the audience's tears. The two female judges have lost it, and won't show their faces, they're down on the table.

As the song ends, I look at the sound man, and give him two fingers, then smile big at him.

I talk to the audience, "I hate to leave you all on a downer, so, how ... about ... some ...", and the music starts playing the song that every New Yorker knows by heart. I start bellowing out, "Start spreading the news..."

I move around the stage, make eye contact with the judges, wink at the female judges, smile at the audience. I then bring it home with a boisterous ending that allows me to show off my opera training by holding the last note far, far longer than Frank ever did. The place goes nuts. It's deafening when all those people are projecting at you. I'm moved to tears again, this time for good reasons.

The judge on the left side is still in tears, "I don't know what to say. You run, you sing, we stop, you sing, we cry, you sing on your own, we clap. WELL DONE!"

The older woman is next, "I agree, and you need a new coach. Opera doesn't win these events; young hip singers do. Ones that sell records. Your multi-generational, that's interesting. I love you, keep it up."

The surly judge on the right smiles at me, "I know that song was right for you. If you pick the right songs, you will do very well. Congratulations."

The young judge is still in tears, "Your voice is fantastic. Your control is impressive. Your ability to extend is terrific."

In the background, people are shouting, "Press the button," and the volume is increasing.

The judge stops crying, "Since I can't describe with words what I thought of you, how about I let my actions ..."

That's the moment my life changed yet again. A deafening boom goes off, that stuns me, all the lights flash brightly on me, and then a million pieces of gold paper flutter to the ground. The sound is nothing compared to now. I'm speechless. I cry and cover my face with my hands.

Sophia breaks free from the guy on the side and rushes me. Her arms nearly break my arms when she squeezes me. She releases me because the young judge wants to smother me with her breasts again.

Sophia says loud enough for the mics to catch, "Be careful with those bazookas, rumor has it he has a thick meaty ten incher hiding in there."

Just her mentioning it instantly made me hard. That sound did eventually make it to YouTube. Fortunately for both of us, when the judge leaned in again her hand away from the cameras zeroed in on my cock, and she gave it a good rubbing with her hand. The video did show her shocked reaction, which many guessed was because she felt me up.

Either way, I'm thoroughly embarrassed and turn a bright red. Again, they thought that was further proof of what she did.

The judge goes back up front to finish off the show, kind of a good-bye thing for the week.

I say good-bye and get a big kiss from the lady that is helping me. She takes my mic and leads us out to the exit.

Nobody is prepared for the colossal mob that is outside the exit, waiting for me. They rush us, and they want my autograph. It's mostly young girls. Odd, there is one guy there. Just as Uncle Vito yells something, the guy slashed my shoulder. Of fuck that hurt. As he starts to run, he takes a lower swing at Sophia. Oh shit, someone wants her taken out.

Usually, I can't hurt someone hard enough to stop anything. This time, I am pissed, and determined, he is not going to hurt my Sophia. As he is swinging up, I jump up, and all my body comes down on my punch that hits him in the face. He staggers and runs off. I hear a gunshot, and then panic sets in. Everyone screams and runs away. I see Uncle Vito with a gun in hand, and a guy on the ground with a pool of blood under him. I see a pool of blood under Sophia. I'm crying when I pass out.

Chapter 5 -- Recovery

I wake up in the ER. I answer a bunch of basic questions. They are giving me some meds, so I won't worry about anything. They were right, I fall asleep.


I wake up in a patient room, I'm all by myself in here, as in no other patients. That's unusual, as two patients in a room are standard. Maria is holding my hand; Anna is behind her.

Anna is soft, "Uncle Vito is with the police. A lawyer is on the way. Rose, mom, and Grandma are with Sophia in the ICU. They basically had to fix a hernia. Had you not stopped him in time, he would have gone deeper, hit a colon, and if she hadn't already died, she would soon."

She breaks down in tears, not liking that train of thought.

Uncle Paul says, "You made the national news tonight. The mayor has called for an end to all mob fighting. Talk of your performance has gone viral, it will be in the next episode. The national news, local-news, police, and our family are all here. Most are with Sophia since she is in the ICU. They expect her to be out tomorrow, and in a standard room for a few days. You will be going home tomorrow. You only have a few stitches this time. You nocked your head when you fell, they are watching you overnight.

There is a timid knock at the door, and then it opens. Oh yes! The young cute talent judge with the big boobs.

I start off with, "Did I ever thank you for all you did to help me? You pulled me up off the floor when I was balling like a child, you said nice things about me, and then you pressed the button thingy. I can't believe how incredibly nice you are."

She introduces herself as Shannon to my sister. Did I mention that Shannon is tall, thin, athletic, with luxurious full blonde hair in a ponytail, and enormous blue eyes? She is special.

Shannon says to me, "I was abused as a child, I knew exactly what you did, and why. I won't blow your story, but you need help. You showed me how vulnerable you are. Then that song made me cry my eyes out. I normally cry to that one, but oh, the way you did it, it was amazing. Then you sense the audience's emotions, know your last, and you end the night on a big note that went on for a year and a half.

"I can't truly say you will win. With our show, some little girl comes along with a puppet or a puppy and wins because she can sing. You just lose to cute. However, if there is anyone that will record and sell songs, it's going to be you. I'm handing your sister my card. After the finale, give me a call, you do need some work with your voice. It's more understanding what to do, and when, rather than can or can't do, because from what I saw, you most certainly can."

Anna giggled, "Yeah, Sophia saw how you checked him out."

Shannon laughs, "You have no idea how embarrassed I was when I saw those videos. Thank God they didn't have a video of me feeling his cock. It would have ruined my career."

I'm now tenting my hospital gown. Both girls notice and laugh at it. Shannon strokes me as we continue to talk. I don't think she even realizes she is doing that. It's awesome.

Shannon asks me, "Can you arrange music?"

I reply, struggling to keep a straight face, "I have been playing with it, but I don't have a real project yet."

Shannon smiles big, and strokes me faster, "Think of a more modern version of the Rat Pack songs, specifically Frank. Not like Harry did it, no, more modern."

Anna can see my face is getting close, "Um, Shannon, are you prepared to finish that, or must I? I don't think we want the nurse finding ... that."

Shannon smiles big, "Oh, yeah, um sorry, oh no, I ..."

With that, she pulled the hospital gown up, said a big "Wow," stared for a moment, and then engulfed my cock head, and a few inches.

Anna says with a mock sound of surprise, "Wow, I guess the rumors really are true."

Shannon pulls off, "Of yes, they most assuredly are true. Gloriously true." She is back to bobbing and twisting the hands as they go up and down."

She has me on edge, I warn, "Ah, Ah ..."

Anna rushes to the sink for paper towels. Meanwhile, I spurt the first of five good blobs of cum into Shannon's mouth. She is making "mmm, mmmmm, mmmmm" sounds as she swishes the cum and then swallows for the next glob of pearly goo.

Shannon is laughing as the last of my cum is on her chin; she is grabbing the paper towels from Anna. Meanwhile, Anna sucks my cock to clean it off. She doesn't see the huge look of surprise on Shannon's face until she lets go and turns around embarrassed. She is red and hiding her face in her hands.

Shannon hugs Anna and says, "I understand. I've only known him for a few hours, and I like him. You've known him your whole life."

The room chills to forty below zero, "No, for most of my life, I ignored my little brother. It wasn't until our mother had him beaten to within an inch of his life that we began to notice he was a person."

Her face is buried in my chest, and she is crying deeply on me.

Shannon gets up, "When you come out to see me, bring all your sisters. We have a lot to discuss." She kisses me. "Good luck in the competition." She leaves with tears in her eyes.

Chapter 6 -- Round 2

It's been quite a while since my last audition. Due to the hit on Sophia, Grandma won't let her come to California. They have already worked out a deal with the local police departments so my security detail can carry weapons. The perceived threat to my life made it rather easy. Grandma's lawyers are outstanding.

We go out two days early so we can do some shopping. For California, my sisters think I need a different style, one I can only buy in California. I wonder who buys more, them or me?

As we step off the airplane, a limo picks us up, and they somehow have this magical power that instructs them exactly where to go and which salesperson to see. Wouldn't you know it, our salesperson is Shannon!

We all exchanged hugs and kisses. It's now painfully obvious that they have been talking. This surprises me a lot.

I look at Shannon, "Ok, girl, you have some explaining to do."

She first tries to feign a "Who me?" That didn't work.

Next, she giggles, and explains, "My sister owns this place. I work here part-time to get people in the door. All my stuff comes from here, I love this place. We cater mostly to women, but when we see something exceptional for men, we pick that up as well. I have a few thoughts for Marco around town, and for the audition. Then, over there, we have a bunch of brand-new things that just came in. They're all the rage.

My sisters ran over to the clothing Shannon pointed out to them.

Shannon says to me with a shy voice, "When I was very little, my father abused and molested me. When I saw that look on stage, that took me back to my childhood. Those are some very disturbing memories for me. I don't know what you went through, I don't care. Most importantly, are you ok now?"

I look around, "The short answer is yes, the longer answer has to be somewhere private."

Shannon smiles, "Since I've had contact with you, I've told the producers and the other judges that if we have a full set of judges, I won't be voting on you. It's obvious you have had personal contact with me, and it's only fair because my judgment is clouded. They were all thrilled that I was upfront, but less than thrilled that I contacted you. I explained why, and they understood.

"They do video clips of the stars, going into their lives. You and I will be done together. They want to publicize my situation because we have both felt a loss. My father ran his car off a bridge. No drugs or alcohol in his system, and seatbelts still on when they dragged the car out."


Shannon smiles, "Don't worry, you'll be safe. They're taking the story from your grandmother's perspective. She and Sophia can spin it any way they want."

I raise an eyebrow, "What makes you think Sophia makes decisions?"

She laughs at me, "Oh please, we have Italians in California as well. I dated several, and you're all the same, can't shit without asking Grandma."

I laugh at her; my sisters look over at me and give me that look.

I ask Shannon, "What am I buying? I have no fashion sense; my sisters dress me."

Shannon takes my hand, and there is a stack of clothes already picked out and placed on a cart. I push the cart; she points me at the changing rooms. I have just removed my shirt and pants when Shannon comes into my changing room.

She looks at me, like I'm in the wrong stall, then says with a smile, "I'm here to ... verify the clothes fit. I can also make erections go away."

I'm short, "Not a problem."

She snickers as she pulls out her large breasts, "See, I told you, there is an erection problem in here."

She said that as Rose walks into the room, and Rose is livid, "What's going on in here?"

Shannon is quickly on her knees, lifts my sister's dress, pulls down her panties, and proceeds to lick her pussy. Rose almost falls over. She immediately grabs the walls and lets out an "Oh, wow."

She is no longer mad. I pull down my boxers and put on a shirt. Shannon uses her left hand to caress my cock while eating my sister. The shirt looks beautiful and fits perfectly. I take it off and rip open a package of a different shirt.

Rose orgasms while biting the shirt I wore in. Now Rose can give me full attention. Ooops, no, she can't. Shannon and Rose will give my cock full attention. Shannon is on the right side. She runs her mouth over my cock head, and then down the length of my cock. As soon as Rose can, she does the opposite on her side. Shannon pulls off, and Rose polishes the end, and then goes back.

Shannon takes me as deep as she can and then pulls off as Rose comes back. Now Shannon goes down the side, and Rose goes as far as she can. That's too much for me.

I tell them, "Ug, ug, um, I ...."

Shannon has her mouth over the end, Rose is cheek to cheek with Shannon. I fire my first salvo into Shannon's mouth. She quickly pulls away, and Rose covers the end. While Rose is covering the end, I'm shooting my cum into her mouth, Shannon is swallowing, and playing with my cum. Rose pulls off, and now Shannon is getting another mouth full, and loving it.