I Need A Vacation

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Sheryl’s vacation with her BFF gets a bit crazy.
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Todger65 did his usual fine job of editing my mess and I thank him for that.

I Need A Vacation

Sheryl's vacation with her BFF gets a bit crazy


Sheryl was flat out exhausted. The manufacturing plant that she worked for had a problem. The business was dependent on construction and because of that, it ebbed and flowed. When spring came, construction took off and the demand for their products went through the roof. In late fall the business fell off into a more manageable demand. There was a disagreement between the labor union and management. The union wanted more full time employees to cover the demand. The owners wanted to use part time employees in the summer as a cost savings and would lay them off in the fall. The impasse between the two meant that Sheryl was being forced to work overtime.

She had been working sixty-plus hours a week, six, sometimes seven days a week for months now. She no longer cared about the extra money. All she wanted was a break. She desperately needed a vacation. She didn't see that as a remote possibility. Her husband Dan worked at the same plant and there was no way that both of them were going to be allowed to take vacation. Not only that, but their two sons, John and Jeremy, were living at home while they attended the local college. They didn't want to take them with them on vacation because they were constantly getting into some mischief. They sure as hell weren't leaving the two of them alone while they were gone. Both young men were party animals and god knew what their house would look like when they got back.

It was Sunday, a much needed day off, when Sheryl's phone rang. She saw that it was her best friend Beth calling. Beth and Sheryl had been friends since they were little. They had met Dan and Tim at a party while in high school. Dan and Tim had been friends all their lives as well. Dan had been drawn to Sheryl and his best friend Tim had been equally drawn to Beth. The two couples began dating and eventually had a dual wedding.

The two couples were inseparable until Tim found a job opportunity that he and Beth couldn't refuse. They relocated several states away from their friends. The two couples always spent their vacations together, but this year was different. The long hours that Dan and Sheryl were working had made it impossible for the two couples to get together.

Sheryl answered her phone, "Beth! It's so wonderful to hear from you!"

The two women spent the next hour catching up. Beth heard the exhaustion in Sheryl's voice. After hearing about Sheryl's issues with constantly working she thought that just maybe she had a solution, "Sheryl, I know you need a break desperately and I think I might have a solution. Tim has a business trip coming up and he is going to be gone for a week. To top that off, my boys, Zach and Steve, are leaving for spring break. All of that means that I am going to be here alone.

"Why don't you take a week off and come visit me? The two of us can hang out and have our own little party. It would be great fun and you can decompress. I've missed you so much and I would love for you to come."

Sheryl was practically giddy with excitement, "Oh hell yes! I'll need to talk with Dan and see if he is ok with it. I feel kind of bad leaving him here alone while I have fun with you. Let me talk to him and I will get back with you as soon as I can."

Their call ended soon after and Sheryl went in search of her husband. He was just finishing his own phone call with Tim when she walked into the room, "Honey, I need to talk with you."

Dan smiled up at his wife from his office chair, "Sure, what's on your mind babe?"

Sheryl told her husband about Beth's idea. Dan could see how much his wife wanted to visit her best friend and he knew that his lovely wife needed a break, "I was just talking to Tim, and he told me about his upcoming trip. He was worried about Beth being all alone while he and the boys were gone. I know you need a break, and lord knows that we have enough money from all the overtime.

"I think I can keep John and Jeremy under control while you're gone, so, sure, go ahead and have fun."

Sheryl sat on her husband's lap and kissed the shit out of him. When she finally let him come up for air she grinned, "You sir are an awesome husband and I love you!"

The long hours at work had meant that the couple worked, ate, and slept. Their sex life had been nearly non-existent because they both were exhausted constantly. Sheryl set out to rectify that as she slid down to the floor and grabbed the waistband of her husband's shorts. She pulled his shorts and underwear down, then grabbed his cock. It became as rigid as a steel beam when her mouth enveloped it.

She didn't give a thought to her own needs as she lovingly sucked her husband's cock. She could tell he was backed-up something fierce and he wouldn't be able to hold out long. She loved to suck her husband's cock and she was becoming wet with arousal as his satin hardness slid in and out of her mouth. Within moments she was surprised to feel his cock swelling in her mouth. He grunted as he began to shoot stream after stream of cum onto her tongue.

She was busily stroking and swallowing when the door flew open. John and Jeremy stood in shock as they watched their mother swallowing their dad's cum. Their giddy laughter made Sheryl's face turn red in embarrassment. She had no choice though. She had a mouth full of cum and she swallowed it as she sat back and looked at her sons, "What the hell! Don't you two assholes know how to knock?"

John was a bit tongue tied as he watched a dollop of cum slowly dripping down from his mother's amazing mouth. Jeremy blurted out, "Wow mom! You swallow?"

Sheryl was so embarrassed she wanted to scream, "Go away. We are not talking about this, and we will never bring it up again. Now, shoo!"

Her sons hesitated for a moment as Sheryl, without thinking, caught the cum dripping down her chin with her finger and licked it clean. Her eyes were level with her son's crotches, and she couldn't help but notice that both had massive erections bulging against their shorts. She was just about to tell them to leave again when they turned and left, leaving the door standing open.

Dan was quietly laughing as Sheryl stood, "Relax sweetheart. What's done is done. I think you made their day!"

Sheryl tried to give her husband a dirty look, but the arousal on her face just made him chuckle more. She decided that it was as good a time as any to chew her sons' asses for their rudeness. She walked down the hall to their room. Their door was closed, and she decided to return the favor. Let's see how they like it when I invade their privacy.

She threw their door open and stormed into their room, "You two are in..."

She lost her voice at the sight in front of her. Her sons were both naked and lying on their beds. Both had their impressive cocks in their hands and were masturbating furiously. Her sudden entrance was the trigger that set them off and Sheryl stood stunned as their cum shot from their cocks and splashed down on their stomachs.

She should have turned around and left, but instead she stood entranced as her two sons finished shooting their loads. She finally got a hold of herself, turned, and left. She went to her bedroom and into the connected bathroom. Carefully locking the door, she dropped her shorts and began rubbing her pussy. She orgasmed so hard that she stumbled into the sink, barely catching herself before she could fall to the floor. When she finally returned to normal, guilt shot through her. What the fuck was that?


The following work week was nearly overwhelming, and Sheryl was too exhausted to do anything but the usual work, eat, sleep routine. Her horny meter was off the scale, but there wasn't a thing she could do about it. She did manage to book her flight for Saturday morning and as the week progressed, she got more and more excited. Early Saturday morning Dan drove her to the airport, and after giving her a toe curling kiss, walked her inside. Three hours later she was hugging Beth at baggage claim.

Both women were as giddy as schoolgirls and talked non-stop during the drive from the airport. When they arrived at Beth's house, Beth grabbed Sheryl's suitcase and took it upstairs. Sherly followed and was surprised when Beth dropped it onto the bed in the master bedroom. Beth hugged Sheryl, "You're sleeping with me. It's a huge bed and it feels empty without another warm body in it. Now, let's party!"

They went downstairs to the kitchen. Beth pulled a pitcher of Margaritas out and poured them both a healthy drink. Carrying the pitcher with her, she walked out onto the back deck with Sheryl following close behind. The two women sat down and began catching up. Two drinks in, both women had a pleasant buzz going.

Beth opened a little wooden box that rested on the table. She pulled out a joint, "Let's take this up a notch!"

Sheryl looked at the joint with some trepidation, "I haven't smoked pot since high-school!"

Beth laughed, "So what? You're on vacation and it's only us."

With that said, Beth lit the joint and took a deep toke. She handed the joint to Sheryl. Sheryl's response was, "What the hell. I'm on vacation." Immediately followed by her taking her own healthy toke. By the time they had finished the joint, both were feeling a very pleasant buzz.

The two women giggled and drank their way through the next half hour. At that point Sheryl couldn't help but notice that her pussy was tingling in the most wonderful way. She knew that she was horny after long weeks of nearly no sex at all, but this felt deliciously different. She grinned at Beth, "That' some pot you have there. I don't remember pot making me feel like this before."

Beth grinned back, "Yeh, it's some experimental hybrid that Tim managed to get a hold of. It's rare and really hard to get. I'll tell you a little secret... It's making me horny as hell!"

Beth's laugh was infectious, and Sheryl found herself joining in. For some odd reason that neither of the women could have explained, they both stood at the same time and found themselves face to face. Beth reached out tentatively and her hand began to caress Sheryl's arm, "I'm going to tell you something, but you have to promise that you will still be my friend no matter what."

Sheryl was thinking about how she had never realized how beautiful her friend was, "Uhm, what?"

Beth grinned at her friend, "Earth to Sheryl! Hello! I said that I have something I need to tell you and you have to promise you will still love me and be my friend."

Sheryl felt a rush through her body. She wasn't' sure if it was fear or excitement. She was pretty high, "Of course I will always be your friend. I love you dummy."

Beth moved close to Sheryl until their bodies touched. She leaned in and whispered into Sheryl's ear. The breath on her ear gave Sheryl goosebumps. Beth's words affected her much more, "I've always wanted to make love to you."

Beth leaned back, "There, I said it. Finally, after all these years."

Sheryl stood stunned. She had known Beth for most of her life. She had thought that she knew everything about her until this revelation. She also realized that she wasn't offended or put off by it. She looked into her friend's eyes, "First of all I still love you and you are still my best friend. Secondly, I don't know what to think. I am very confused right now."

Beth wrapped her arms around her friend and kissed her lips. Sheryl was frozen for a moment as her friend's soft lips met hers. She closed her eyes as Beth continued to kiss her open mouth. Sheryl couldn't have said when things changed, but her tongue was teasing Beth's and her growing arousal made up her mind for her. The two women melded their bodies together and kissed hungrily.

Beth pulled back from the kiss and Sheryl saw the look of passion on her face. Beth took Sheryl's hand and led her into the house and up to the master bedroom. The two women moved back into each other's arms and their lips met again. Both were shaking with nervousness. This was a huge, life changing, move for both of them, but there was no denying the attraction between them. As their kiss became more passionate, neither gave a thought to anything else in the world except each other.

Neither of them had ever been with a woman and would have never considered it normally. The situation they were in overcame their normal reaction. They were extremely attractive to each other physically, they loved each other, and they were very high. Those three things blew any resistance they had right out the window.

Their kiss was passionate and their touch tentative at first. The passion continued to build and their touches became more intimate, more demanding. Clothes became an unwanted obstacle, and they were almost frantic in helping each other remove them. The women were breathing hard when they faced each other nude.

The looked at each other's bodies as they tried to get a grip on their arousal. It was happening way too fast, whatever it was, and both wanted to slow down a little. There was plenty of time to savor the moments ahead, and to deal with the apprehension that they both felt.

Sheryl swept her eyes up her friend's body until she was looking into her blue eyes, "I never really fully understood how attractive you are. You're still a 36C with almost no sag. Your stomach's flat, your hips perfect, and your legs are in great shape. I love how you have that cute little blonde landing strip. You are absolutely beautiful."

Beth felt a thrill run through her. She had, for as long as she could remember, thought that her friend's body was sexy. She had been running her eyes up Sheryl's body while Sheryl had been doing the same. Beth's eyes had drunk in her friends long muscular legs, slim hips, and firm c-cup tits. Sheryl's long brunette hair hung nearly to her waist and framed her big hazel eyes. And those lips. Those warm, plump, and extremely kissable lips. Lips that Beth could no longer resist. As she leaned in to kiss her friend again, Beth huskily whispered, "Your body turns me on more than you will ever know. I want you. I've wanted you forever."

Their lips met again and they kissed soulfully as their bodies came together. Minutes passed as the couple aroused each other with their kisses. Tentatively at first, their hands explored each other with more assurance as their kiss turned heated. This time when their lips separated, they both moved to the bed, without need of a word spoken between them.

Entwined on the bed they resumed their passionate kiss while their hands returned to exploring. A few drinks and some special pot had finally released the inhibitions that had kept them from expressing their hidden desires. They wanted each other desperately. All doubts, all hesitation, were gone and they became lost in their need for each other.

Beth quickly became the dominant lover, kissing her way down to Sheryl's breasts. She gently caressed and squeezed her friend's breasts. Her tongue flicked out against Sheryl's nipple before she sucked it into her mouth. Sheryl's moan of appreciation and arousal sent a thrill through Beth's body, giving her the courage that she needed to continue downward. Soon Sheryl's neatly trimmed pussy was inches in front of her face.

Beth had never seen a woman's privates this close before and it fascinated her rather than repelled her. She was anxious to explore further and placed her hands on either side of Sheryl's labia. She gently spread them apart and took in Sheryl's moist beauty. Beth's thumbs tentatively rubbed against Sheryl's clit and she moaned in appreciation. Beth didn't think about it, she just did it. Her tongue licked up Sheryl's open labia and across her clit causing Sheryl to push her pussy against her face.

The taste surprised Beth. She had tasted her own juices many times before from her husband's mouth. This was different and so much better. Sheryl tasted nice and Beth committed fully to eating her friend's pussy. Her tongue doing all of the things that she loved done to her and she was rewarded by her friend's pussy practically gushing wetness.

Beth let Sheryl's movements guide her focus and she was soon rewarded when her friend thrust her hips, forcing her pussy hard against Beth's face as she orgasmed, "Oh god! Oh my god!"

Sheryl made inarticulate noises as her orgasm seemed to never end. When her body finally settled on the bed, Beth moved up her body and Sheryl pulled her into a frantically passionate kiss. The couple kissed and dwelled in the touch of their bodies until Beth moved off her friend and laid down next to her.

Sheryl rolled onto her side and caressed her friend's face, "I have never in my life felt anything like that. I love you, Beth."

Beth's eyes were wet with tears, "I love you too."

Sheryl smiled at her friend, "Now it's your turn."

Sheryl leaned over her friend and kissed her deeply. Her kisses moved from her mouth to her neck and down her shoulders. She kissed her way to her friends lovely breasts and began to suck and nibble at her nipples. Beth's answering sighs were all the reassurance that Sheryl needed to continue her journey of discovery.

By this point, Sheryl's inhibitions were gone. She opened her mouth and covered her friend's pussy. Her tongue ran between Beth's labia and began swirling up and down. She sucked her labia gently into her mouth and licked them before plunging her tongue as deeply as she could into her friend's opening. Her tongue then explored upward until it flicked against Beth's clit. She sucked on it and her tongue flicked against it as her finger penetrated her friend. Soon, her tongue and finger were working in concert to bring Beth closer and closer, until Beth was thrashing her way through her own orgasm.

The couple cuddled in the afterglow, basking in the joy of being close. Eventually the warm afterglow faded into sleep.

Beth woke first, two hours later, and quietly watched her friend as she slept. Some sixth sense in Sheryl brought her awake and she smiled sweetly at Beth, "Hi beautiful."

Beth kissed her on the lips, "Hi yourself. How ya feelin?"

Sheryl's smile turned into a grin, "Fuckin amazing. I love vacation."


Beth ran to her sons' room and was soon back with two basketball jerseys, "Here, put this on. You don't need anything else. Hell, it's just the two of us."

Beth and Sheryl were soon back out on the deck with fresh drinks. Beth opened up the box, "I think that last one went so well that we each need our own!"

Sheryl started to protest, but then remembered, I'm on vacation. She took the joint from Beth's hand, lit it, and took a deep drag of the sweet smoke. The friends quietly smoked and spaced off until their roaches were too small to hold.

Sheryl had become increasingly aroused as she smoked the joint, "Beth sweety? What's in this pot anyway? I'm feeling horny as hell right now."

Beth shrugged, "Beats me. Today is the first time I've smoked it. I agree though, I'm so horny I feel like I haven't been fucked in a year.

"Oh well. Let's get refills on our drinks and find some porn to watch. That will really get our motors running. Then I'm going to eat your pussy again."

Sheryl grinned at her friend, "Sounds like a plan to me."

They went inside and as Beth poured the drinks, they heard the front door open. Into the kitchen walked Beth's sons Zach and Steve. She looked up at them in surprise, "What are you guys doing here?"

Zach looked pissed, "Our trip got canceled. Our stupid ass friends went out last night, got drunk, and were brought home by the cops. Their parents were none too happy and grounded them both. Sure, they're over eighteen and could go if they wanted, but neither of them is willing to piss off their parents that much. Anyway, they were our ride, and the hotel was booked in their parents' name. So, here we are."