I Reflect on an Interesting Year!

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Alone on New Year's Eve I remember a forgotten weekend fling.
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This story concludes Jack Colton's year. He lost his wife in January, made love to many women through the year and remarried in September. I hope you have enjoyed my stories.


End of the Year

It was New Years Eve.

I was home alone that afternoon watching a college bowl game, thinking in the solitude of a quiet and empty house. The only sounds came from the TV and the wood in the fireplace cracking as it burned.

We had given our two housekeepers two weeks plus paid time off. They were wonderful people and Catherine and I wanted them to be with their families. They had fit right in to our new family when we hired them and Catherine and the girls enjoyed speaking French on a daily basis with them. We'd see them in another week or so.

Catherine and the girls were out shopping getting a few items for dinner and for tomorrow's breakfast. And who knows what else. Shopping was truly their thing. I had the credit card bills to prove it.

We were leaving in the morning for Scottsdale to enjoy the warmer desert, escaping Los Angeles for a few days.

Catherine and I had started playing golf together so maybe we would get in a few rounds. Or not, depending on how she was feeling.

It wasn't all just going to be fun; I was going to meet with the owner of a luxury car dealership who wanted to sell. My reputation as an up and comer in the world of new car dealerships was growing.

I wanted to be sitting in a nice hotel bar watching the Rose Bowl game so we were leaving early for the drive over. It's a six hour drive.

We were going to stay at the Royal Palms. One of the nicest hidden gems in the Valley of the Sun.

Tom was home sick with a cold and Isabella was still in residence at the Betty Ford Center in Palm Springs.

I had hired two older women, nurses, neither one pretty, but both very experienced, competent and nice to take care of Tom.

I was convinced that Tom would fuck anything female that moved if he could; so I hired the least attractive nurses to deter him.

If either one of them gave him a hand job I was okay with that but given Tom was pretty sick I didn't think he would be able to even get an erection. But his sex drive for new pussy was unbelievably high I wouldn't bet against him.

December was a good month. We had our dealership Christmas party at the country club on the first Saturday night in December.

I didn't want anyone to stress over attending. We had a set start time and an end time so the employees and their families could come and go when they wanted and needed to.

I had sent a letter home to all the employees inviting everybody in the family to the party with all the details and a PS to call me if any questions came up. Only a few called (it was always the wife) and they wanted to know about what to wear and what about bringing the kids.

Catherine and I set it up so that we had a special room set aside for kids to play and I had nurses available in case anyone had a sick child. All an employee had to do was call and we'd send over a nurse so the parents could get out of the house and attend the party for an hour or two.

We had a buffet that never ended and an open bar. But to make sure no one left drunk we had a breathalyzer everybody had to take and I had Uber drivers standing by. Plus two bouncers which it turned out we didn't need.

We didn't have a dress code either. I wore blue jeans and an open necked shirt and Catherine and the girls dressed casually too. People showed up being comfortable and that was the most important thing for me.

I didn't give a speech, we just made sure that we greeted everyone when they arrived and gave them what I called a line card with all the stuff going on at the party.

We had gifts for everyone and of course Santa and his paid elves were there (all were LA area CYNSuits customers).

The next weekend we had the CYNSuits Christmas party in Las Vegas. A smaller group but just as much fun.

The manufacturing company folks had their party on the Saturday night right before Christmas and we had it at the country club. Same program as the dealership but they drank more and we used more Uber drivers than two weeks before. I had four bouncers on the premises just in case.

We mailed bonus checks to every employee's home so that there was a happy surprise in the mailbox two days before Christmas. A second round of checks would arrive in the mail, New Years Eve (today) for the managers.

From my perspective, all of the businesses were doing fine. All were profitable but I was still struggling with the pool and spa cleaning business. It wasn't growing.

I was in talks to buy more dealerships and the land under them.

We still had trouble recruiting good people. I was working on a long term solution but hadn't made any decisions just yet.

As the second quarter of the game started I made a pot of fresh coffee and thought back on the year.

The low point of my year was the death of my wife in January and the high point was Catherine waking me on Christmas morning with the news that she was pregnant with our son and that he was expected to join us in July. She had kept it a secret from me for more than a week.

I don't mind sharing that I was so overwhelmed I cried. Catherine cried with me, tears of joy and happiness.

Catherine assured me our first child would have ten fingers and ten toes. And would be raised in a house filled with love. And that he would be smart as his daddy and maybe even better looking!

When we shared the news later that day with the rest of the family they were overwhelmed just like we were. Marie and Natalie loved the idea of having a baby brother.

As I reflected back on the year, I remembered something that had happened about two weeks after my wife was killed in the automobile accident.

I'd forgotten about it until now, as I sat in front of the fireplace and TV was trying to remember the faces and names of all the females I had sex wife since my wife was buried.

Guys do this, they keep score. Who the hell knows why.

If you read my first story "I Hire Monica the Maid" you will recall was in a fog for many weeks following my wife's death.

This was when I was not in a good mental place; in fact I was barely functioning.

It was all I could do to get out of bed in the morning after not getting any sleep the night before. Expensive bottles of Cabernet and sleeping pills got me to bed but they seldom worked, in combination or alone, to put me and keep me sleeping.

I wasn't eating, I wasn't sleeping but I was drinking a lot. Not a good place to be. Not a good place to stay in. But I didn't know any other way to deal with the pain except for time to pass.

Maybe if enough time passed I'd feel better.

I did pray a lot and I know that God had His reasons for taking my wife away in her prime. He just wasn't sharing them with me. So the word and question "why?" was in my head a lot those days.

It got so bad I checked into a local hotel, thinking a change of scenery would help.

So that I wouldn't go stir crazy looking at four walls I got a two bedroom suite. Maybe having a few more walls to stare at would help me to sleep better.

Thursday night was a bit of an improvement, maybe because it had started raining.

I slept a bit longer before waking up but life still sucked on Friday morning.

On Friday I worked my business, on the phone, email and text. My heart wasn't really in it.

When it came time to eat dinner that Friday night, I had a glass of wine in the hotel bar and then went to our usual place. I needed to be around people. It was still raining and showers were expected the entire weekend so I drove carefully.

For years each Friday night I would head over to a local restaurant and pick up dinner for my wife and me.

My wife was somewhat a creature of habit and always had me get a piece of fish and a salad for her dinner.

I'd switch back and forth between chicken and beef, depending on what I was looking to drink. If it was beer, I'd choose the 'cheaper chicken' (a line out of the Steve Martin movie "Father of the Bride") and if it was red wine, the beef. Usually a steak but sometimes a burger.

I'd place my order when I walked in around 7pm and depart around 7:30. To kill time I'd go into the bar and have a libation.

This was a small chain, family owned. They did an amazing amount of business. The food was of high quality and priced just a bit higher than the competition but not so much so that you would complain about it.

It was a nice place, modern and clean. In Los Angeles County the health department grades eating establishments by a letter grade and this unit always earned an A.

But what set the place apart was the service. Whoever did the hiring at this place should have gone into business teaching other businesses how to hire.

It was the single most important reason why they were so successful.

Women consisted of ninety percent of the front of the house wait staff. While they weren't all Kate Upton or Olivia Grupo, all of the women were attractive.

Guys think about every woman in a very basic way: would I have sex with her or not?

All of the women in this place were on my list of "Yes I would."

Listen, I like eye candy like every other guy but in all the years I was married I never cheated on my wife. Never.

But this place was a great venue to watch women.

The female staff ranged in age from 21 to 50 or so. They were all attractive; many were very pretty, even the older servers. And they were nice and competent. They took care of their figures and their customers and were tipped well for it. There was a lot of repeat business.

Not to digress, but in addition to getting takeout on Friday nights I would eat lunch at this place about once a week with a client. I was always generous with my tips.

It got to the point that many of the wait staff called me by my first name. I wasn't exactly Norm from Cheers (look up this series on IMDB.com) but it was nice to be recognized and acknowledged by a friendly face.

The bar area was large with about 20 seats around a long peninsula shaped counter.

Three ladies worked the bar on Friday nights: Amanda, Brie and Lauren.

The first time they each served me they called me "Mr. Colton" but I quickly corrected them and each now called me Jack.

All those many Friday nights, I never stayed long enough to have more than a single beer or a single glass of red wine because I had to get dinner home for my wife. But when I was there I enjoyed the bartenders, their energy and the banter they had with each other and the customers.

Like most bars, they had several TVs going but my eyes were always elsewhere.

Most nights it was crowded and hopping but tonight, because of the rain, there were more than a few open seats.

As I walked into the bar, Amanda called out to me and as I found her eyes she smiled and pointed to an open chair near the service bar.

I sat down and she leaned over to me with a twinkle in her eyes and a warm smile on her face and said in a low voice "I've been saving this spot for you. I want you to keep me company tonight if that's okay with you."

I returned her smile and asked her "Am I in trouble?"

She laughed and reached out, touching my hand and said "My job is to keep you out of trouble. How many drinks have you had so far today Jack?"

I liked her hand on mine. It had been awhile since someone had touched me like that.

There had been plenty of hugs and kisses on the cheek at the service and funeral but this felt different.

It felt electric.

I looked at Amanda and she looked at me and I knew that she knew my wife was dead.

And, she knew, and cared enough, to keep me from drinking too much and driving home and risk maiming or killing someone.

She said in a quiet voice "When you didn't come in last Friday night I knew something was up. I'm sorry Jack. I'm so very sorry."

I nodded in thanks and motioned to her to lean closer, over the bar and then whispered to her "Does anyone else know?"

Amanda was almost close enough to kiss.

She looked pretty enough to kiss.

I held back on my primal urge to kiss her.

She answered "I don't think so, no one said anything to me and I haven't told anyone. And I won't."

Our eyes searched each other and I replied with gratitude "Thanks."

I looked at her and said "To answer your question just one glass of Cab."

She nodded and asked "Are you doing your usual takeout?"

I nodded, "No, I was thinking I would have dinner right here if that's okay with you."

She smiled and said "I was hoping you'd say that."

Then Amanda said, in a slightly more direct voice than I had ever heard her use, "I'm driving you home tonight when I get off at nine so enjoy your dinner and don't worry about how much wine you drink."

She looked around; the place had already started to thin out.

Amanda continued "It's slow in here so we'll have time to talk. Okay by you?"

I nodded and she nodded back with a smile and then said "Your usual? Or something else?"

"Joel Gott 815 still works."

Amanda smiled at me.

She knew that I had gone through every red they had on their wine list and had settled on the Joel Gott 815 Cabernet. It wasn't the most expensive red they had but I thought it was the fullest and smoothest.

She was a very pretty girl.

I had no idea what her age was. Far younger than me. I was 34 at the time.

If I had to guess I'd say Amanda was 22. Maybe 23. Not any older than that.

Amanda opened a new bottle for me.

When she poured me a rather full glass I confirmed to myself that she didn't have a wedding ring on.

(Guys always look for wedding rings. It's just something they do. Like giving people names).

Amanda was about 5'6" tall, and she wore the company dress code very nicely.

The staff all wore blue jeans and the female employees wore a black top that fit quite snuggly, with a scoop neck that placed an emphasis on the breasts.

She was a brunette and her hair was shoulder length but tonight she had it up, displaying a tender neck.

Her eyes were green and she had on very little makeup.

Amanda was healthy with a nice chest and an ass that was just right for her body type. And she had a nice smile and a personality to match.

I ordered a salad and a small steak, and ate most of it, the most food I had consumed in two weeks.

Amanda was quite generous with her pours so while I only had two glasses, most of the bottle ended up going down my throat.

I had a slight buzz on, despite the meal.

Amanda kept my eyes and my brain busy.

When she wasn't telling me jokes and short stories that got me laughing I was watching her move around the bar.

There was a lot to this young lady.

She was a hard worker and had a quick wit and was sassy with light sarcasm which I enjoyed.

Amanda caught me watching her more than a few times and she just smiled and pushed her hair back behind her ear.

She liked me watching her.

Nine o'clock came quickly.

I settled up and gave her a cash tip of $100.

I told her "That's for you, not to be shared."

She smiled at me.

Amanda whispered to me "Thank you. I could kiss you."

I smiled back, ignoring her offer at the moment and said to her "Here's the tip you put in to share."

It was another $100 bill.

Leaving the restaurant together, Amanda took my key fob and we got into my Lexus.

She started the car and said "Where to?"

I asked about her car and she answered "I Ubered to work."

Amanda asked me again where to go and I replied to her "The Hilton."

It was a short drive over and she asked me why I was staying at a hotel and I explained my situation. My condition.

That being alone was tough and that I wasn't sleeping well.

That the empty house brought up nothing but memories and that the evenings, nights and mornings were the hardest. That the days were okay because I was out of the house, working.

She asked a couple more questions that I answered and then we drifted into a pleasant silence with the music playing.

I closed my eyes and put the seat back to rest.

She sang along with the songs on the radio.

I had The Beatles station on Sirius radio. Timeless classics.

Amanda knew all the words. "If I fell in love with you, would you promise to be true ..."

We made one stop; Amanda ran through the rain into a CVS and came out with a bag filled with stuff.

After using the valet to park, when we walked into the hotel lobby I turned to her and asked if she wanted a drink in the bar before heading home and she smiled at me, kissed me on the cheek and took my hand, pulling me to the elevator and said "It's time for bed."

I wasn't thinking anything sexual about Amanda at this point, I figured she would get me into bed, call Uber and be on her way.

We got into the suite; she set the bag from CVS on the counter, turned to me and kissed me on the mouth.

After my initial shock, which lasted just a second, I returned her kiss and slowly and gently our lips parted and our tongues met.

Her hands went up to hold my head to hers.

We kissed like longtime lovers.

When our lips parted we looked into each other's eyes and she whispered to me "I've wanted to do that for years. I just knew you were a great kisser." And we kissed again, this time she crushed her body into mine and she groaned into my mouth in pleasure as our tongues dueled.

Her breasts were smashed into me and they were larger than I had thought and her nipples were pointy and hard. I felt them too.

It all felt pretty nice.

And she smelled good too.

Amanda had a light scent, something sexy.

I was dumbfounded and looked it and Amanda followed that with "Remember when you sat down I said I wanted you to keep me company tonight? I'm spending the weekend with you to make sure you get back to normal with your sleeping. And eating. And some other things too. And I hope you enjoyed those glasses of Cab tonight I over poured for you tonight because that's the last booze you'll have for a few days. And I don't want any argument. I'm going to take care of you Jack Colton."

She kissed me again, quickly, and then said "I'm going to take a shower. I want you to join me in a few minutes."

I sat down in the living room and from the open bedroom door I heard Amanda singing. My wife used to sing and that was one of the things that made our house so empty and hard for me to be in.

When she died it was the day the music died in my house.

I closed my eyes and must have dozed off for a few minutes.

I woke to the sound of Amanda calling my name.

I quickly undressed and shook my head, thinking that this couldn't be happening but it really was.

Smiling, and nude, I headed into the master bathroom to join Amanda in the shower.


I hadn't been naked with a woman other than my wife since college.

This thought didn't occur to me until the next day; that was the kind of fog I was in.

I stepped into the shower to see the naked wet back, butt and legs of Amanda, her dark brown hair covered with a shower cap. It was a pleasant sight. I was impressed how toned she was.

Certainly not a body builder but someone who kept in shape.

I guessed she ran and did some weights.

Maybe yoga.

From the rear, she looked very good.

Those jeans I had been watching and wondering about exceeded my expectations.

She turned her head towards me, keeping her front hidden; her eyes locked on mine and asked "What took you?"

I replied, "I fell asleep" and Amanda laughed and said "There's hope for you yet" and then she handed me one of those small bars of hotel bathroom soap and asked "Would you please wash my back?"

I lathered up both of my hands, set the bar of soap down and moved closer to her but not close enough to be up against her, then I reached out with both hands and started washing the top of her shoulders.