I Won't Stand For It


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"Oh my, that looks nasty, painful is it?" as I slid the emergency chord away from him tossing it under the bed. I poked him in the ribs, he squealed like a little pig.

"So you thought who I might be yet Bob? Want a clue?"

Still the confused look on the half face in the bed.

"Let me see, oh yes this might help, how about you think of all the married women you have fucked and how many marriages you have ruined, that a good enough starting point?"

His eye looked at me, I could tell there was activity in his head as he tried to put the pieces together. Another minute passed as I waited wanting to savour his pain and confusion.

"Another clue Bobby boy? Try this - I am married to a woman called Claire, any good?"

I saw the light bulb moment as he realised who I was.

"There you go got it yes?" I smiled like a tiger does before lunch.

He nodded slowly.

"I am glad we have that sorted out now, bet you are wondering why I am here aren't you? Yes course you are. Well I came to pass on a message from your wife." I paused and waited until he understood and then made a guttural noise, his throat had been damaged it seemed so he was unable to speak very clearly at all, never mind eh.

"She said for me to tell you to fuck off! That clear enough for you, fuck off! Don't come back, divorce is in the post, oh and by the way fuck you!"

I saw a tear run from the one eye I could see, I started to laugh, he couldn't move, I laughed some more. As I watched him struggle I leant over him and stared into his one eye.

"I am divorcing that bitch wife of mine because she fucked a low life asshole like you and this is just the start for you my friend. We will meet again many more times too, of that you may rest assured. I will ruin your life as you have mine, I will never stop, so start running. Oh and by the way I didn't do this to you, just so you know."

I wanted him to wonder who.

I raised my fist as he watched and rammed it hard into his one uncovered eye, I felt something give, never mind, then another swift punch to the balls, he screamed and then passed out. I stood and left the ward, satisfied? Not in the slightest but it was a start, he could lay there knowing he was fucked up and there was nothing he could do about it. No one saw me leave if they had they would have seen a broad smile across my face.

I drove slowly towards home to deal with the other half of my problem now, my inner rage under control as once retribution was started it was just a course of action that would run its course, one I would follow and relish for the most part. I was sad at the end of my marriage, but as much as it pained me at the moment I know there was never any going back from her betrayal My one consolation was that the parties that had caused me pain would have that visited upon them in far greater measure, I do not forgive. Bob Stones had his card marked, we would meet again.

I eased my car onto my driveway, Claire's car was parked where she left it not more than two hours previously, and I tapped the bonnet absent mindedly as I passed it on the way to my front door.

I pushed my key into the lock, as I did so I thought this could be the last time I do this as a married man, my heart suddenly felt leaden as I stepped inside. It was as if all the worries of the past days suddenly became real and incredibly heavy on my shoulders as I walked slowly towards the lounge. I could hear the television murmuring in the corner of the room as I approached the doorway. I stood still staring at her.

Claire sat perched on the sofa, her demeanour was of fear and trepidation, as if waiting for the axe to fall. She had the sense that something was not right, it was as if the game was up yet nothing had been said. She shook with nervousness as she tried to remain calm, I stood watching her, she looked up and I saw the fear in her eyes, her mouth trying to utter something but nothing came out. I walked into the room and then past her as I made myself a drink. I placed my glass containing a large JD on the rocks on the coffee table between us as I sat down. My eyes looking at her taking in her fear and I detected a shred of defiance too maybe.

I didn't say anything as I reached for my drink and slowly took a sip, the liquor warming the back of my throat as it slid down, my eyes unblinking boring into hers. She was waiting.

Let the bitch wait I thought as I took another sip.

Still silence.

My face was expressionless as I watched the woman who I had loved so deeply stare back at me , my heart still filled with deep feelings for her , but now balanced with a pain that she had inflicted on me without due cause or reason. Now she would be starting to feel my pain too. I stared at her, she saw nothing in my face to give her any reason for optimism. So much was being said already between us without any words whatsoever.

Claire seemed to pull herself together and straightened herself up as she obviously decided to brazen it out. She had no idea what I knew and she couldn't stand the incriminating silence any longer.

"Where did you go?" Her eyes gave away her concern as I sat motionless, silent.

"Talk to me! Dammit!" she rattled.

I took another slow pull on my JD.

I do love a JD after a busy day, I thought as I watched her getting more stressed.

"What is wrong with you Steve?" She hissed, getting angry at my silent treatment of her.

"OK Claire, I will tell you where I went as long as you tell me where you have been also, deal?"

She looked at me unsure and wary as her mind started working faster, like two prize fighters weighing each other up, not sure who will make the first move, wary of the counterpunch.

"I told you, I was at the hospital visiting a friend, what is all this about?" She sat back arms folded, satisfied with her opening shot.

I took another slow pull on my JD.

"Dear, dear, I just knew you would say that, want to take another try at that?"

She watched my deadpan delivery and I saw fear flash across her eyes, she was rattled now.

"I was with my friend like I said, what is wrong with you?" Again she thought she had batted off the question and deflected it back on me.

"OK, Claire, enough of this nonsense, I will tell you where I went shall I? It will make things easier for you to understand where we are going with this."

"I have been to see a friend myself, not known her for very long but what I had to say to her was really very important. I haven't even met her before but I can say we are friends of sorts now."

I watched her face closely, she was trying to hold it together I could tell but as she stuck her chin out her defiance was a giveaway.

"I had an enlightening talk with her about her husband, Bob Stones? You may have heard of him?" I saw the veil start to slip.

"It seems her husband has had an accident and finds himself in hospital, nothing too serious just some rather nasty bruising really so he will live, so that's good isn't it?"

Claire's face flushed as she could feel the net closing round her as I toyed with her.

"Wha..What did you have to talk to this Stones woman about?" Claire asked, knowing the answer but dreading hearing it from my lips.

"It seems her husband is a serial philanderer, a pussy hound, cheater or whatever you call it, anyway I found out he was cheating and felt she had a right to know about it."

"Oh my God!" She gasped feeling the tightness of what felt like a noose round her throat.

"Are you OK sweetie? Can I get you a drink?"

"Do you know anything about Bob Stones' affairs my love?" I sipped my drink as she tried to find words, her mouth wasn't co-operating and nothing was coming out.

"Let me help you here." I stared into her eyes wanting her to see my innermost feelings now.

"I know."

Her eyes went wide, her hand went to her mouth as the realisation hit her hard.

I watched her face as she stared back at me, shock, disbelief, all of that and more as she sought some reassurance but saw none in my face.

"I know about you and Bobby boy, I have known for a while, not long but long enough. So if you have anything to say I suggest you do it now before you leave."

I emptied my glass and stood to go pour another.

"Sure you won't have one?" I asked a lot calmer than I actually felt given the circumstances. She nodded, I poured us both large ones and sat back opposite her. Claire took a large gulp and then looked at me.

"It didn't mean anything you know, it was just..."

"Sex, it was just sex, of course it was, didn't mean anything at all did it? Are we forgetting the vows we both took?" I could feel my anger simmering now as she mentioned the cheater's cliché.

"But it was just sex Steve, it just happened."

"Fuck off!! You stupid bitch!! It never just happens! two people decide to have sex usually, they plan and agree to get their clothes off and fuck each other senseless, don't treat me like a fool. You and Bobby darling already had me for a cuckold for a few weeks or maybe months but no more, fuck the pair of you!"

"It was only twice! And it wasn't that great either. Yes the thought of it was exciting but doing it was no fun at all as I was constantly worried you might find out."

"Well bitch, I did find out, so I hope it was worth our marriage."

"Steve, I am sorry, really sorry, it didn't mean anything, we can get through this, I will make it up to you, and I will do anything you say."

I heard myself laughing, loudly too, maniacally, as she stared at me, the thought just registering in her mind that this could be serious had hit her.

"It was a mistake, we can get round this, I am sorry."

"Yes, course you are love, sorry you got caught, would you have stopped if you hadn't been caught out? I think not. All the old clichés fall so easily from a cheater's lips, just like the all lies you have told me and others since this began it becomes second nature. The only person swallowing your lies here is you!To be honest you are not the woman I fell in love with and married, I don't recognise you now."

She looked at me as the words and the depth of my hurt started to permeate her cheaters façade.

Shit!! This was serious!

"What can I do Steve? I will do anything?"

"Nothing, we are done. While I was out I called Sammi, she knows too by the way, she will be here in a few minutes to pick you up."

"But! Where will I go? You throwing me out?" She looked at me as the shock set in.

"You can go where you fucking like you cheating fucking bitch, even back to the hospital to see your boyfriend, I don't care as long as you fuck off! We are done."

I finished my drink and slammed the glass down to emphasise the end of the conversation. Claire sat stunned looking at me as there was a knock on the door. I stood and went and greeted Sammi.

"How did it go?" She asked as we stepped into the lounge, she looked at her sister who was sobbing steadily now, her shoulders shaking.

"Just get the bitch out of here Sammi, sorry to be blunt but if she doesn't go I am afraid what I will do to her, as much as I hate what she did I do still care about her, please hurry. Thank you for this Sammi, I will be in contact soon."

I poured another drink as Sammi bustled around getting Claire's things together for the next few days. I listened to the sound of my wife sobbing as she watched her sister gather together her things and toss them into a couple of suitcases. It took less than ten minutes to remove her from my home.

The longer battle would be to get her out of my life permanently and erase the pain, retribution will help with that, that was all I had now to look forward to as well as another stiff JD. I stared into the flames of the pyre I had built in the back yard, everything of Claire's was now ablaze, there was no way I was allowing the bitch back into my house for anything.

"Fuck you bitch!"

I finished the bottle and tossed it into the fire.

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ttjbjr54ttjbjr5411 days ago

Good story and well written but where’s your punishment for the wife? She’s allowed to take 1/2 his assets and she can still screw around. Why not have the boyfriends wife rough her up or find a way to sell her ass to a prostitution ring.

SorchakSorchak11 days ago

Last Anony, you realize that based on word usage, this probably takes place in the UK? Their divorce laws are totally different from your American ones. Different from our Canadian ones too, most likely.

AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

So the other msn, who owed the MC nothing, is going to receive multiple beatings. The slut wife, who promised the MC exclusivity, and then betrayed him, walks away unscathed, and presumably at least half his assets in a standard divorce!


Does no one else see the problem with this? The worse sinner is not punished at all! Why are so many LW stories like this? Some lingering sexism? Women don’t really have moral agency, and so they can’t be punished like a man?!?



AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

Damn I miss good ole JD. Used to love kickin back with a blackjack neat or just doing BlackJack shots until you were nice and loose. Haven’t had one in about 36 years. Now that’s depressing. Excellent story. Five stars plus an invisible star for the choice of alcohol!

BSreaderBSreader23 days ago

Dislike these that make every wronged man an alcoholic.

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