IaW Ch. 06: Embracing Veronica


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She ran a finger over my bulge - and it was already pushing against my zipper.

Tina opened the door, shirt in hand, and glanced around. Yes, there were people out there. Yes, they noticed the girl with big tits in the half-bra sneak out of the first-floor guest bath and streak towards the stairs.

And yes, they got big wide smiles as she did - and bigger smiles as I came out of the bathroom behind her.

I shrugged. "I was just, uh, helping her out."

"Very polite..." and I have no idea who that person was, though they were holding up my living room wall.

As Tina dashed up the stairs to my right, Ginnifer staggered in the back door to my left.

My fiancée stopped when she saw me - looking like the cat who ate the canary. "Well, that's going to be awkward."


"Blake came onto me."

"I'll go talk to him."

"No! It's not a 'bad' awkward, it's just... awkward."

"Oh, okay... Cool. Standing down. How awkward?" I leaned in to give her a kiss of reassurance.

She held up a hand, blocking me. The smell was overwhelming, "He actually came... on to me."

"Holy shit! The neighbors?"

"Well, just one neighbor," she nodded, biting her lip. "We're talking, next thing I know he's kissing me, and I'm kissing him back, and I just kinda..."

"Sucked his cock?"

She gave me a big-eyed, guilty nod. "Smallish cock, but a huge facial."

"Holy shit, I'm actually shocked! Why am I shocked? Maybe because I'm turned on...?"

"I did wash my face..." Her eyes were pleading. "And gargled an appletini..."

I leaned in, giving her the kiss that we both needed. I could still taste sex on her breath, but it wasn't thick enough to turn me off. Instead, it was... evidence. How much of a slut my fiancée was... and yeah, that turned me on.

"You are... an amazing slut."

"Do you still love this slut?"

"More than I did five minutes ago." I squinted through the dark, trying to see why I still smelled so much cum if she'd washed her face. "Where? How?"

"Guest bathroom, downstairs."

"Is it as packed as it still sounds over there?!"

"Um, yeah, and he did take pictures. Also... after he stumbled out, he left the door open. I'm pretty sure both Chazz and Preston and dozen other people saw me washing my face."

"Holy shit." I looked her over and saw wet spots - I'm assuming cum globs - on her shirt. "You actually left your shirt on?"

"It's loose enough - I just pulled it below my boobs." She tugged at the boho, demonstrating. We both glanced down at her chest - and I'm sure everybody else was watching, too.

And now I was looking at my second set of boobs in the kitchen, in front of other people, that night.

She shrugged back into her shirt. "Had to pull it back up in a hurry when he stumbled out. Didn't have time to wipe it off."

Bathroom to bathroom, what type of cosmic shit was going on here? Was that karma? For me or for her? "Did I mention 'Holy shit'?"

"Excited?" she asked, hopeful.

"Uh-yeah! But... yes! And..."

"Did Tina leave?"

"She's upstairs."

"Upstairs?!" Gin's eyes went wide - and honestly, it was fun to see. "Like 'upstairs', upstairs?"

"Yeah, I guess..."

Ginny patted my still-hard bulge. "Ooh, hard! I can not wait to hear about it!"


Ginnifer grabbed her glass and danced back out the rear door, cum-spattered shirt and all.

I was a mass of confusion, mostly with how fast Gin was upping her Veronica count... now with people we knew. Or people I knew. Or knew me. This was totally out of control but there was nothing that said "stop."

My balance was totally off as I stumbled up the stairs, but I wasn't even a little drunk.

I poked my head in the guest room and found a couple on the bed, passed out. I have no idea who they were.

The office was still locked, so that was good.

Upstairs guest bath was empty.

At the end of the hall, my bedroom door was mostly closed. A moment later, I found Tina naked on my bed. She heard the door open and looked back over her shoulder, her eyes sultry.

That was delicious. She was shorter than Gin by a couple inches. Curvy, tan, and those tits were fit for a tool calendar.

"Hi..." She rolled onto her back, doing a thing with her legs like an exotic dancer. A second later, that sultry thing melted into a cheerleader smile. "Come get me!"

"Oh, wow..."

I pulled off my t-shirt and my shorts were gone a step later.

Tina giggled as I practically leaped between her legs.

Two licks and she was soaking wet.

She pulled me up, her legs never really letting go. "I need you inside me!"

I sunk to the hilt in one stroke, bottoming out - and pushed a groan out of her.

Her hands kept stroking from my waist to my shoulders. "Oh, god, abs..."

Honestly, fucking this girl was an ego trip.

I got a rhythm going a moment later, and it seemed like she was already coming.

The visuals were great: her tits were firm; implants obviously, but that gave her an "A" for effort. Note: if you've got hip strength, you can make silicone bounce just fine. Tina's DD's jiggled in the most glorious way.

I should've come instantly, but between having just come, the beer and now thinking about my fiancée, I got close and fell back half a dozen times.

Not that Tina minded or even noticed. She came, then came again, and again. I was losing count as the visual beneath me squeezed everything else out. My balls tightened as I looked down at this cutie underneath me - and finally lost it.

Fuck. I should've used a condom.

Somehow, that just made me cum harder.

Tina rolled to her side, still a little breathless. "That... was amazing!"

"Thanks! You're pretty hot yourself!"

She looked around. "Shit. Do you think this is the master bedroom?"

I pointed at the attached bathroom. "Yup."

"Shit, shit! I should call that Uber..."

"No, no. You can stay here... but I gotta check on the party."

"Wait..." Her eyes went wide. "Is this your place?"


"Okay! I will stay right here," she purred.

It was pushing 12:30 as I headed down the stairs. The din of the neighbor's den was still vibrating the wall and I was surprised the cops hadn't come yet.

In my living room, the designated trance cave, the bass was humming loud enough to drown out the chaos next door. The visualizer was still playing on the big screen and I couldn't quite tell whether the couch crowd was drunk, stoned or both.

I went out the front door into the cool night air. A lot of one-on-one conversations with that last-call vibe. The grill had been retired, the pile of hot dogs and hamburgers almost gone as people chased beer with some healthy grease.

Next door was still shoulder-to-shoulder. Their big screen (technically the wall) was showing a barrage of clips from old movies. I took a second to watch the machine-gun editing that went perfectly with the party rock they had playing. There was a theme to it: sex, drugs and rock & roll.

Speaking of that, I didn't see Ginny anywhere.

I weaved through the crowd and dashed up the stairs. Blake was standing by one of the bedrooms as if guarding it. When he saw me, his eyes went wide and he held out his hands. "I can explain!"

I grabbed his ascot, completely on autopilot, my fist cocked back - when the bedroom door opened.

Ginny came out a bedroom topless, wide-eyed... with two guys worth of jizz dripping down her face.

From inside, I heard an "Oh, shit!" Both Chazz and Preston were fumbling to get pants on.

Gin, topless, touched the heavy splatter on the side of her cheek. "I'm so drunk... No, I'm still sorta drunk... Do you still love me?"

Blake's eyes were squeezed shut, his hands up defensively. By now, Chazz and Preston had run into the hall, though neither looked ready to intervene for Blake.

I used the fist-hand to pat him on the shoulder and straighten his ascot. All three of the neighbors were relieved.

I gently moved Blake aside and stepped toward my wayward fiancée

"Do I still love you?" I ran a hand along her wet chin, caressing her jawline. "I love you more now than I did five minutes ago."

For a moment, none of us moved. We'd just become a team of sorts, bonded in... the best, weirdest possible way. That's when we heard the yelp of a police siren out front.

All five of us, pretty much in unison: "Fuck."

Gin darted for the upstairs bathroom (still topless, past half a dozen other partiers) while us four guys stampeded downstairs to meet the police.

For the three neighbors, this was a fairly common ritual. Cops barely had to say a word and Blake fell over himself reassuring them we'd get it quietly indoors. Preston backed him up, showing off his breathalyzer and a basket of keys. Even in passing, they sounded like well-practiced speeches.

I headed to my half of the duplex, turned on the lights and started herding people inside. With the squadron of cop cars parked outside, it didn't take much.

Gin met me in our own kitchen a minute later and time stopped. There were no words spoken, just searching looks. Her eyes were desperate.

I took her face in my hands - and yeah, she'd washed it. I gave her a tender kiss, but still smelled sex on her breath. I don't know if it was right or wrong, but smelling slutty evidence on my fiancée's breath was an incredible fucking turn-on.

Time seemed to pause in one of those strange little trains of thought. Under the bright white light of the kitchen, a thousand details jumped out at me: her big green eyes and beautiful, freshly-washed face. Her red hair and sheer shirt, both spattered with dried or drying cum.

It wasn't the vision that was speaking to me. I knew what it was, but on a glance, those stains could be anything. No, it was her breath that told the story: Ginnifer had sucked three dicks tonight. If nurtured just right, that story was just beginning.

It was an epiphany, like divine inspiration from Aphrodite herself: "right or wrong" wasn't the best way to frame this revelation.

A beat later, I snapped out of it. With Officers Friendly outside, this wasn't the time to wax philosophic. Still, I'd never quite shake that out of my head.

Gin touched my arm. "Are you okay?"

"I'm awesome... and so are you!"

She kissed me, then we split off - each taking on a crisis at Party Point.

Together, we spent the next hour herding people indoors, coordinating a stream of Lyfts, and cleaning up beer bottles around both halves of the duplex. All the while, there were unspoken holy shits shared between the five of us. Between little shoulder nudges and hip brushes, fist-bumps and high-fives, sexual tension was growing all over again.

At one point, as we passed each other in the neighbor's kitchen, I was able to lean close to Ginny. "You've still got cum in your hair."

She had instant worry-face. "I should I take a minute and-"

"No, it's dry. Leave it right where it's at. I just wanted you to know."

"I should-"

"You should own it."

She bit her lip, nodding. A moment later, she went right back to cleaning.

On our side, two people were passed out on Gin's sectional. They weren't going anywhere tonight. Everybody else passed a blow on Preston's breathalyzer before they got their keys back. Or they took an Uber.

One guy was still heaving his guts out in the neighbor's first-floor guest bath. He was one heave short of an ambulance before he fell asleep on their bathroom floor. Another dude was passed out on their couch.

It was three a.m. before the nervous cleaning energy finally faded. Bottles and cans were in the recycling bins, snacks were in the fridge, snoring bodies had blankets and the last five standing gathered back in their living room.

The only real light came from a trio of lava lamps in the corner. One red, one green and one blue, it made a warm, almost-white glow around the rest of the room.

Ginny gave one last look-around. "Okay, I think we're all clean here."

Chazz, Preston, Blake and I each looked at her, all of our eyes on that sheer boho shirt of hers. Or rather the boobs underneath and the spatter on top.

I voiced what all the guys seemed to be thinking. "No, I don't think we're all clean. I don't think we'll ever be 'all clean'..."

Gin looked at me, blinking, then looked down at her shirt. It was dawning on her. "Ah, the gaze on the glaze."

Gin looked back at me, searching for some cue. I looked at her, completely blank, and she looked at Blake - who looked at me. A second later, all eyes turned to Chazz and Preston. It was a porn version of that scene from the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Blake raised a hand and turned to face Ginny. "Listen, it was my fault. I'm really sorry. I got you drunk and took advantage."

Gin nodded, serious, before slowly turning more toward me. She started nervously picking at one the dried cum flakes. "Yeah, wow... I, uh... I was drunk, yeah... but, no... I knew what I was doing."

Four eyes now locked on me. Ball was back in my court. I shook my head, and I think there was a sigh in there somewhere. "Gin, you are a very naughty fiancée..."

Chazz swallowed hard, visibly concerned. "Listen, I was stupid, too. I'm sorry. I need to know that everybody is cool."

Preston followed the sentiment: "Are you guys still...?"

Blake put a button on it: "Are you two going to be okay?"

I had no idea where it should go, what the next steps should be... then, suddenly, I couldn't choke back a chuckle.

Blake took a step back. "Okay, either you're not that upset or you're about to kill us all."

I'm not really sure what inspired me to stick my thumb in my waistband. Maybe it was another of Aphrodite's suggestions that I give my shorts a tug.

Gin took the signal and dropped straight to her knees, doffing her shirt as she did. Her shirt became a kneepad and my dick became a lightning rod. An instant later, she took my member in her mouth - right in front of the other three. Five, technically, but the guys on the couch and the bathroom floor were passed out.

She looked up at me, smacking her lips. "Oh, my god... am I tasting...?"

"Tina? Yes."

Blake facepalmed so hard he nearly fell over. "You fucked 'bathroom girl'?"


Chazz pointed at me. "The one with the tits?!"

Gin went right back to swabbing my cock with her tongue. "She tastes... sweet."

There was a one-heartbeat pause as her words sunk in. A beat later, Preston buried his face in his hands. "Oh, thank god. We're all fine here."

"Yeah, we're good," I agreed. "Certainly broke some barriers tonight."

There were chuckles around the room, but they faded as Ginny got serious about giving me a blowjob. I could tell she was hyper-aware of the audience.

Chazz and Preston were mesmerized, but Blake broke the silence. "So, um, yeah. Rick, thank you for sharing."

I ran a finger over Gin's cheekbones as her head bobbed down my shaft. "Some things are meant to be shared."

That comment just sort of hovered in the air a moment before the other three dropped trou. Each of them looked at me for approval - and I gave them a collective nod. Now that we were here, it seemed like the whole night had been leading up to this.

Gin reached out as they stepped up, giving each of them a stroke. The invitation for an impromptu blow-bang was official.

Preston braced himself against me. "You two are... the kinkiest couple I've ever met."

"Yeah," I mumbled. "We keep surprising ourselves."

Okay, confession time: I done similar before. Actresses in this town were thirsty, thirsty girls, but this was the first time I was doing this with my own Significant Other. This was the first time I was sharing. That... that totally changed it. This was more intense that I ever could've imagined.

I was hard but with Tina taking the pressure off, twice, I could hold back a little. For the other three? Well, not to say Gin was out of their league, that sounds bad, but... it didn't matter. Right now, she had them standing at attention.

With the other three crowded around, I stepped back. Dick still in my hand, I just watched the show. She'd blown three other guys before tonight, as my fiancée no less, and the second-hand news alone had been an aphrodisiac. It was easy to picture, but actually seeing it live...? I could barely believe my own eyes.

I loved this woman, I really did, and not just because she was hot as fuck. Seeing her in full-blown slut mode made it hard to stand. The adrenaline was lightning through my spine, and my stomach felt like it was in free-fall.

She was smooth, switching back and forth. Yeah, she moved like a practiced porn star... "she" being my fiancée. Fuck.

Maybe it was just my dick in my hand but it felt like I held the reins to her: a bucking, fucking bronco, a filly named Ginnifer. Could I handle this? It slammed me: it took something like this to have my first moment of doubt.

Even in doubt, though, Ginny was fucking transcendent. Lithe, slender and supple... firm, perky B-cups swinging as she sucked one cock then another. I was living a porn.

That face - big eyes and high cheekbones - looking up at each of the three guys. Glancing between them as she kept them hard... and glancing at me to make sure I was watching. Really, I couldn't tear my eyes away and I saw what she wanted. I saw it in her eyes, and she saw me holding rock-hard approval in my hand.

That was all she needed to let go and really make love to the three dicks slapping her in the face. She was as into it as they were, cooing between mouthfuls of dick.

As Preston started to cum, he was groaning - and she did too. He painted her face with his cum and she was moaning along with him. It seemed like masterful performance art on her part until I realized she'd dropped a hand between her legs. She wasn't even touching herself as little tremors shook her body, making her tits shake.

The visuals pushed Blake right over the edge and he practically shouldered Preston out of the way to cum on her face.

Gin had dropped both hands to her knees, her face thrust out - mouth half-open to catch cum. What was actually catching? Her breath. As Blake came, she came.

Chazz followed a moment later, coming on her face. By now, she was a jizz-covered mess and both of them looked like they were going to fall over.

I watched every pop shot, and actually seeing it was better than I could've imagined. I was harder than I could ever remember being as I stepped back up, front and center.

With the fresh cum of three guys frosting her face, she focused on blowing me.

Watching her, watching the splatter ooze down her cheeks, watching the audience watching us - it was surreal.

Somewhere in the back of my head, numbers started to bubble up. Her "Veronica Count" was now up to six. Ginnifer had now blown as many guys as my fiancée as she'd blown as a single girl. That kicked me closer to the edge.

I looked down at her glistening face, the gloriously gooey mess dribbling down her cheeks as she bobbed down my shaft. Her angles: eyes, cheekbones, jaw line - she was more cover girl than porn star but somehow this three-man bukakke looked so, so right on her.

Chazz shook his head as he watched the show. "Oh, my god. I'm hard again."

I lifted her chin. "You should help out with that..."

She stood and slid her pants off, revealing her lack of panties underneath. With a glance at each of the guys, she bent over at the waist, lowering her face back to my dick. Her ass in the air, she resumed blowing me.

Both Blake and Preston were catching this on their phones, and she played to the cameras as Chazz stepped up.

It took a moment as he fumbled behind her - then she paused.

She looked up at me and our gaze locked together. Her eyes went wide and that was the moment. Her eyelids fluttered but we never broke eye contact as Chazz sunk his cock deep inside her.

A second later, he grabbed her hips and started thrusting - but our gaze was still locked on each other.