Idaho's Revenge Ch. 02

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Another punisher awaits Idaho's sex slave.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/01/2022
Created 11/25/2005
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Idaho relaxed in her sun lounger, the warm Nevada sun beating down on her naked, suntan lotion-glistening body as she sipped on a large salt-encrusted glass of margarita that her Mexican maid-cum-chef Donita had provided her a few minutes ago. Yummy, thought Idaho, this is so nice I'd better be careful I don't become addicted.

As she lay sunning her stunningly-built five feet 10 inch body, her lush 38-inch breasts glowing golden brown in the light, she looked on with amusement as Donita enjoyed herself with Idaho's sex slave, the lovely young blonde Terry, 19. Terry, thought Idaho, wasn't enjoying herself quite as much.

Donita, her big brown breasts revealed in erotic uplift in a black leather quarter-cup bra was riding the slave around the superbly manicured lawn in front of the ranch's swimming pool. Across the slave girl's sweating back was strapped a brown leather saddle, with short stirrups into which Donita had placed her riding boots, ensuring that Terry had to endure her rider's full 125-pound weight.

A red rubber bit with short reins was in the 30-year-old Mexican woman's right hand and a vicious little riding crop in her left. The slave's bare buttocks were displaying the streak marks of persuasion that Donita had been administering during her ride. The only concession to the slave's comfort were knee pads to ease her movement on the grass, and little red boxing gloves to protect her hands during her struggles around the rectangular course Donita chose to adopt.

What could not be seen from where Idaho was spectating, was that a seven-inch vaginal intruder was set in the center of the saddle, which was purely for the rider's pleasure, and was the reason why Donita was riding minus panties!

Already the large Mexican woman had enjoyed two orgasms during her 20-minute ride around the lawn on the much smaller blonde, her body a glimmering sheen of sweat thanks to her equine exertions.

It was a Wednesday afternoon, the one afternoon in the week which Idaho had set aside as a period when Donita could dominate the ex-youth prison inmate. At other times during the week, Idaho would permit Donita brief periods of fun with the lovely young slave girl, and every morning Terry would have to perform cunnilingus on the Mexican's steamy snatch prior to breakfast, as an initial humiliation before the day's games, but Idaho had now decreed that Wednesday afternoons were purely "Donita's Domination Day", although, strictly speaking, not an entire day.

Idaho took another suck on her margarita, then stepped to the side of the pool and executed a graceful swan dive into the deep end, gasping with delight as she surfaced and began to free-style her way back and forth in the warm waters. As she did, she heard cries of delight coming from the lawn area, where Donita was obviously experiencing the third orgasm of her ride.

After a refreshing, heart-pounding work out, Idaho emerged from the pool to find that Donita was strapping Terry into the portable flogging frame, which she had obviously ordered the teenager to wheel out onto the lawn from the large ranch equipment shed.

Idaho towelled herself down and called on Donita to smear warm lotion all over her statuesque figure, before resuming her place on the lounger, lying face down this time, after arranging the poolside piece of furniture so it was facing the flogging frame and Kelly's nude body.

She watched as Donita proceeded to whip the lovely young slave's breasts, buttocks and back with a cruel-looking single-thonged lash. Next she worked the girl's pussy over with a rubber paddle, which would sting but not inflict anywhere near the agony Idaho could deliver with the Pussy Punishment Platform, one reason why she only allowed herself one session a fortnight with Kelly strapped to it.

In many ways, Idaho had adopted with Kelly exactly the same methods as Mr and Mrs Hunt had used on her. Kelly's body was there to be flogged, not flayed. Breaking the flesh was a no-no. Urine punishments were, of course, part of the system, but faeces were definitely out. Multiple orgasm games were in, but Terry was not punished beyond her youthfully strong ability to take it.

The slave girl enjoyed, as Idaho had with the Hunts, the best of food as beautifully prepared by Donita, also the best of wines and other refreshing drinks during those meals.

She was also allowed plenty of time to work on her fitness in the superbly-equipped gymnasium. She mainly slept with Idaho, although at times she was permitted to sleep alone in her own bed. Terry, truth be told, preferred to sleep with Idaho where she could attend to her mistress's personal needs.

It was all in all, thought Idaho, an extremely satisfactory arrangement. The days were designed to keep Terry occupied. After breakfast, she was allowed to work out in the gym, sometimes with Idaho, sometimes under the supervision of Idaho's lash, sometimes alone.

In the morning there was usually a "tow rope" torture, when she was walked around the track which Idaho had been punished over by the Hunts, Idaho being careful to ply her with plenty of cold bottled urine for "refreshments" after each orgasm.

Then she would be set to work, cleaning the pool, mowing the lawn, or simply lounging on a recliner beside her mistress by the pool. Many masochistic young ladies, Idaho thought, would have a far harder time being a sex slave to a demanding mistress.

Sometimes the afternoon would be spent "playing games" in the torture chamber, and where Idaho would enjoy making Kelly lick urine from her body, after it had been sprayed there either by Kelly herself, or Donita, when Idaho allowed the Mexican to help her in a "double domme".

After a finely-cooked dinner, there was usually time to watch a video or two from the vast library of erotic and pornographic DVDs which Idaho had amassed in the past 12 months or so. Then it would be time for bed, and usually a nice orgasm for Idaho before she fell into a deep, undisturbed sleep.

The next day dawned hot and sunny as usual and Idaho had just got back from a lovely drive around the tow rope torture route – Kelly experiencing three powerful orgasms during her punishment, thanks to the chafing rope between her thighs.

As Idaho and Kelly swam several refreshing laps, Donita was seen running out poolside, wearing a T-shirt beneath which her big breasts jounced superbly, and a pair of blue jeans. "A visitor," she hissed to Idaho, passing the two women towels as they climbed from the water. "I've got 'er waiting in the keetchen, 'aving a coffee. She's government!"

Idaho felt an instant tightening of her stomach, then she and Kelly walked towards the house. Idaho peered round the corner of the building and saw a large Chevrolet parked on the white pebble-covered forecourt. Emblazoned on its driver's side door was a state emblem, above it the letters "NPS", below it the words "Nevada Probation Service".

"Fuck, I hope this doesn't mean trouble," said Idaho, as she and Kelly walked into the house and then along to the kitchen, where they found the woman probation officer who had organised Idaho's "care and protection" of Kelly.

"Hi, remember me," the woman called out cheerfully, "Sadie Bell. How's it all goin'?"

"Hi," said Idaho, advancing to the kitchen table where Ms Bell sat and shaking her by the hand. "Kelly, come say hi to Ms Bell."

Kelly shuffled over and shook the probation officer's hand.
Hi, Ms Bell," she said, in almost a whisper.

"And how's Idaho lookin' after you," asked the woman. "Not being too tough on you, I hope." And she burst into laughter.

Kelly shook her head violently – a little too violently, thought Idaho.

"No, no, I'm thoroughly enjoying being in her care," said Kelly, sounding a little more natural, though Idaho.

"Mind if we go upstairs – somewhere quiet, more private," said Ms Bell, indicating Donita, who was preparing something for lunch, but obviously taking in every word.

"No, no, of course not," said Idaho. "Shall we go up to your room, Kelly?"

And the teenager, nude beneath the large towel, led the way.

Inside the large bedroom, Ms Bell sat herself down on Kelly's bed and looked at Idaho. "Sorry about the surprise," she said, "but for visits like these the service insists we don't forecast our arrival. I'm sure you understand."

Idaho thought "Yes, I understand, fuck it!" "No problem, Ms Bell," she said, feeling very worried, though. "How can we help?"

"Well," said Ms Bell, clearing her throat, "first up's a little check out on Kelly here's physical condition. We just want to make sure she's in good health, though I must say she looks fantastic."

Kelly glanced in trepidation at Idaho. "Go ahead," said Idaho, fearing the worst.

Ms Bell looked up at Kelly, who looked as if she was going to burst into tears. "Strip off, darling," said the probation officer, "let me get a good look at you."

With trembling hands, Kelly removed the towel and stood nude before the officer. Idaho looked at the young girl's heaving breasts, striped with red lines from where Donita had worked on her glorious boobs while the slave girl had been strapped to the flogging frame the day before.

Ms Bell stood and looked at the blue-eyed blonde, running her hand over the girl's thighs, then belly, which was also streaked with whip marks.

"Turn around, please my dear," she ordered, and Idaho shuddered at the sight of the youngster's back. Across her strong young shoulder blades, criss-crossed stripes were still there from the previous day's flogging – faint, maybe, but unmistakeable.

Ms Bell traced her hands over Kelly's buttocks. Here the teen was similarly marked by fading but undeniable whip marks.

Then, to Idaho's utter amazement, Ms Bell smiled: "Perfect, looks like you're being really well looked after, Kelly. And the food's good?"

"Yes, er yes, er, food's fantastic," stammered Kelly, like Idaho absolutely nonplussed at the probation officer's remarks.

"And getting plenty of exercise, Kelly?" asked the officer.

Kelly nodded: "I work out in the gym almost every day, don't I Miss Idaho?"

"She sure does, I make sure of that," said Idaho, feeling far more relieved.

"I'm sure you do, my dear," Ms Bell addressed the ranch owner, "I'm sure you do."

Ms Bell then resumed her seat, oblivious to the fact that Kelly remained naked before her.

Kelly spoke: "Er, Ms Bell, er may I?" And with a kick of her foot, indicated the towel lying on the floor.

"Oh, sorry, Kelly, sure, put that towel back on – though it seems a pity to cover such a lovely young body!" said Ms Bell.

When Kelly was again covered by the towel, Ms Bell turned to Idaho. "Now, I can see everything here's just fine, but there's one other thing. I was at the youth prison yesterday – having problems with one of the young things – and I was chatting to the superintendent, you remember Ms Harding, Kelly, and she asked after you when I said I was coming out here."

Kelly gave a bit of a start, Idaho noticed it and she was sure Ms Bell did, too. Kelly had told Idaho about the "games" the sadistic Ms Harding, a well-built but strict black woman, had played with her some nights in the prison, when Kelly had been ordered to report to her private quarters.

Ms Bell continued: "And she asked Idaho, if you would mind terribly if she paid a visit so's she could kinda' get reacquainted with the lovely Kelly here? Seems like Kelly made a big impression on her."

Idaho permitted herself a silent chuckle. From what Kelly had told her, it was Ms Harding who had made the "big impression"!

She was about to answer, when Kelly got in before her. "That would be lovely, I'd love to see her again – as long as Miss Idaho here would act as chaperone, if you get my drift," the youngster replied.

Idaho smiled at her slave. You masochistic little slut, she thought, before adding: "Sounds find to me, and it sure sounds find to Kelly."

Ms Bell stood, smoothed her skirt, and smiled at the pair. "Good, well that's settled then. Now I'll be on my way. Idaho, can we talk outside?" And with that she left Kelly's bedroom as the teenager dived for some clothes to put on.

Idaho walked downstairs behind the probation officer and stepped outside with her into the sunshine.

Ms Bell opened the car door and then turned to Idaho: "Great to see you're keeping that young lady on her toes, Idaho. By the way, before I went to the house I popped my head round the barn door."

Idaho blanched. That was where she kept the pussy punisher, the flogging frame, a little pony cart and various other items used for disciplining her blonde sex slave!

"Those pussy punishers are great, aren't they?" the probation officer smiled. "Ten minutes on one of them and even my most recalcitrant offenders realise I mean business," she laughed.

Then she settled down behind the wheel and fired the engine. "I'll get Ms Harding to give you a call to arrange when's the best time for her to visit," she told Idaho.

"And Idaho?"

What has she kept in store for her parting shot, thought Idaho.

"That Mexican lady you got – she sure makes a great cup of coffee. Byeee." And the probation officer grinned a cheeky grin and was gone.

Idaho waited till the car was out of sight down the long, dusty lane about a mile from the ranch's front gates, then sprinted back into the house.

"Where is she?" she snapped at Donita, who gave an "I dunno" shrug of her shoulders.

Idaho raced upstairs and barged into Kelly's bedroom. The blonde was dressed in a sexy little black PVC bikini and lying on her back on her bed.

Idaho had dropped her towel in the rush upstairs and stood, naked and panting in front of her slave.

"What the fuck do you make of that?" she demanded.

Kelly shook her head. "Beats me, as Ms Harding often used to do," she replied, turning her answer into a joke. "You don't think the bitch'll report us, do you?"

Idaho snorted: "Fat chance. She's seen your stripe marks and I think she was just checking on you to see whether it would be OK for the prison super to pay a visit. How do you feel about that – how do you really feel? And don't fuckin' lie to me, you little bitch!"

Kelly smiled. "The super isn't that bad, but she can be cruel. Once I was into the submissive stuff, though, I was enjoying it, although her piss sometimes tastes really – oh, I don't know, really acrid.

"But I'll tell you one thing – she's got a humungous body. I mean it's a fuckin' cracker, you'll drool, Idaho, you really will."

The words turned Idaho on. She climbed onto the bed, straddled the blonde teen's face and tugged on the girl's hair, pulling her face into her pussy. "Eat me!" she demanded. And Kelly obeyed.

After a pulsating orgasm, Idaho and Kelly returned down to the kitchen where Donita served a superb Tex-Mex lunch, washed down with ice cold Coronas. Just as they'd finished, the phone rang.

Idaho picked it up. "Idaho here," she announced, and was greeted by a deep, warm voice.

"Hi Idaho, honey, this here's Tania Harding – that's Tania as in 'Tanyer hide', 'scusin' my little joke," said the caller.

"I've jes had a call from my lovely little PO, who I unnerstand's been visitin' you just recently. Seems like I'm welcome to see how you're gettin' on keepin' the little slut in line."

Idaho whispered "the super" to Kelly, then replied: "Er, yes, that would be fine, when would you like to come?"

"Well, today's Thursday so I thought I'd get away from these ole prison walls 'bout 3 tomorrow afternoon, take some two hours to get to you, so I'll see you Friday evening. Thought I'd stay till Sunday afternoon, if that's OK with you folks."

Idaho nodded: "Seems fine, Tania. Just a couple of things – only you, no others, OK?"

Tania purred from the other end of the line: "Just you's and me, babe seems fine."

Idaho continued: "And no shit, and no breaking of her flesh, OK?"

Tania purred back: "Pity 'bout your rule on shit, baby, but you're the boss. And that last rule's the way I play it here, too. No point in busy-body welfare officers seein' my gals all torn and bleedin', eh?"

Idaho smiled: "Fine, then we'll see you tomorrow evening. I'll alert Pancho on the gate to admit you."

"Great, babe," said Tania. "Oh, Idaho baby, jes' one thing?"

"And that is?" asked Idaho.

"My PO informant tells me the little slut's got a few stripe marks on her tits and ass. Do me a favour, pretty please. When they've faded, don't freshen 'em up. Let me do that, eh?"

Idaho chuckled. "It'll be my pleasure, Tania."

And Kelly's, she thought.

To be continued...

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