Identical Twins and Father Ch. 05

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Twin's delight with a surprise, and then with another one.
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Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 12/10/2013
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They smiled and embraced and kissed again, his hands enjoying holding the nice round cheeks of her ass, like they had her sister's. The church clock hadn't struck ten yet, but he departed, this time by the front door and hurried to his car.

As he waited till he could drive home, he wondered about his affair with both his daughters, not "affairs;" it was one, even though – because – the girls had agreed that it was better when he was with just one of them. Of course, it was incestuous – doubly so – but both girls had explained why it was better than their trying to have sex with classmates, and - he hummed with grin - that it was better with him. It sure was good with them! He suppressed thoughts about why it shouldn't be, and then the church clock struck ten.

At home, Louise was asleep as usual. Their sex life had become more interesting, which was very pleasant, but he had to admit to himself that sleeping with his twin daughters had a double influence on that: the too delightful inspiration from what they wanted to do with him, but also his feeling that he had to make sure that Louise didn't get the impression that he could be showing less desire, question if he was slacking off, or worse, getting sex somewhere else. He was - damned guilty conscience! But if it was being better with Louise, that was a plus, and he was a little proud that he could have more and better sex more nights a week than in the past.

The next day, one of the girls called him at work and said that their mother had already mentioned that she was going out again the following Monday evening. He sent an email to the leader of the tenors in the choir, telling that he would probably be missing the the next few rehearsals, then wondering how the twins were settling that, maybe advising that just one of them would be missing rehearsals. He assumed that they would be taking turns. What would the other want to do Monday evening? They told each other what they had done.

Monday evening, she wanted to do what her sister had, just as delightful and arousingly. As they parted, she reminded him that they both would have their periods. They agreed that the three of them could spend an evening together without doing anything.

He picked up a six pack of beer, and they had a very pleasant evening together, catching up on talking about things they would have, if they hadn't been doing something else, none of them directly referring to what they had been doing, which was very nice. The girls told him that they had been accepted to university in another city in the fall, telling him that they hoped he would drive them there. Since the city was a few hours away, that suggested his staying overnight before returning home, and they all smiled. They speculated about what his ex-wife, the girls' mother, did every Monday evening, all agreeing that she must be enjoying herself and that that was good. Perhaps their smiles about that also were an oblique reference to it's allowing them to enjoy themselves. A less oblique reference as they were finishing their second beers was one of the girl's mentioning:

"At least, we don't have worry about breaking up with any boyfriends."

"Just with me," he murmured, only then realizing what he had said.

The twins nodded with frowning smiles. The other one then said:

"But there are two more rehearsals before the summer break."

"One for each of us," her sister murmured.

He nodded, smiling. When the church clock struck ten, the girls both got up and gave him a good kiss at the door.

The Monday evenings with each of them were quieter, subdued, more loving. Both girls wanted to lie on him with his cock in her pussy, enjoying it that way as long as she could, until the two of them couldn't help wanting more. Then they talked: "sweet nothings," if that could be the expression for father and daughter murmuring with each other in bed. And then the daughter crawled around, and they did the only other thing they could together. At the door, he embraced his naked daughter and they kissed, not letting it become arousing, their tongues reminding them, however, that it could be.

Without choir rehearsals, he had no excuse for spending the evenings with them. They called him at work and told that their mother had asked them if they minded if she still went out Monday evening, telling that they had assured her that they did not. When Louise wasn't around, he watched some videos, excusing himself that he was just seeing what Louise and the twins had viewed. That quickly got repetitive, and he was a little ashamed about his vicarious viewing. He clicked to art pictures of nudes, statutes and paintings, a slightly less questionable activity, even a little educational, he justified, singling out individual artists and seeing what else they done.

Of course, he admitted to himself, he was comparing the nudes with his daughters – and with Louise, he quickly added. Some models had nice round breasts like the girls', especially those of Renoir and Courbet, but they usually weren't as slender. Anders Zorn had painted lots of lovely nudes, not to mention all the Renaissance painters, nice slender girls with nice but smaller breasts, and none of them had pubic hair, except on some paintings from the late 19th and 20th century.

He turned to studying "midriffs" not wanting to admit that he was looking at pussies. He couldn't see them anyway, since artists seemed never to show more than the women's "mons veneris," mound of Venus - and usually carefully draped to hide it. That was a challenge. He saw plenty that were bare, but never the start of the model's pussy lips. It was still delightful, however, and he enjoyed recognizing the differences: some swelling out more between their thighs, that never had a gap between them, nice round thighs like his daughters', which, as best he could remember, also didn't, but they had hair on their mounds of Venus, not thickets, but enough that he couldn't recall if it was flesh or just hair that suggested a swelling there.

He scowled, recalling that he had licked both their pussies, but hadn't noticed. A photo that popped up showed the woman's pussy lips descending from the top of the inside of her thighs, which he found unattractive, sure that Paula's and Klara's did not. While looking at paintings and statues, he discovered that the angle of the folds at the top of the models' thighs varied. On the artists' works, never less than about ninety degrees, often wider, which he preferred, as apparently did classical sculptors. Canova's marble nudes were very attractive, more breasts and asses, but wonderfully realistic. The sculptors of Greek and Roman statues all had the two folds pointing at the model's pussy at a flatter angle.

He mentally kicked himself for not being able to remember how his daughters' were, then excusing himself, that most of time with them he hadn't been in a position to look. Pursuing that, he discovered a female statue, said to be a copy of one by Praxiteles. The even wider angle of her folds he found most attractive, and was delighted to read that Praxiteles was the first to sculpture the nude female form and that his work was the model for many others, including Venus di Milo, Venus de Medici, and others, and most of them had nice round breasts, like those painted by Courbet and Renoir.

He didn't know if this knowledge was really a justification for looking at nudes, admonishing himself, that he hadn't been comparing them with Louise's figure. He subsequently did and wasn't disappointed, which didn't stop him from wondering about the twins', looking forward to driving them to their university in the fall, then admitting that he was looking forward to what he hoped they would do together, then trying to count the weeks, hoping they wouldn't be having their periods.

But then! He got an invitation to his parents' fiftieth wedding anniversary. The girls also had, as they told him them next day, both humming on the phone and telling him that "we can." Of course they could, but he understood correctly that they meant that they wouldn't have their periods that weekend. The invitation was for a festive midday dinner and a church celebration on Sunday. His ex-wife did not want to attend, of course, and Louise also did not, although invited, not wanting to have to be introduced to as his unmarried companion. It would be a three hour drive. A second phone call from the girls allowed them to explain to the girls' mother and Louise that they would leave Friday afternoon, so that he as son could be there early, but he told his parents that he and their granddaughters would drive Saturday morning, arriving for the dinner.

The girls were ecstatic, he was too, shifting his cock, when he hung up after calling his parents. He reserved two rooms at a motel, wondering what the cleaning staff would think if all the beds weren't used.

When he stopped in front of their house, the girls almost rushed out, waving at their mother. She waved at him, as he got out to take their suitcase. The girls were chortling as they got in the car. He had to chuckle with them, not sure why they they were. They hardly greeted him, one immediately remarking:

"Oh, this is great." The other immediately added:

"It is, for us. What she means, is about Mom."

"Um-hmm. We finally asked her ..."

"What she does Monday nights."

"Did she ever blush!"

"Then we asked her if she had male friend."

"She couldn't have blushed more."

"But looked she wanted to."

"Then said that we were grownups, that it was her old classmate."

"'Like that?' one of us asked.


"But you nodded."

"She then did too. I guess we should have looked more surprised, shocked, whatever."

"She sure looked embarrassed."

"Then we did too, a little, when we glanced at each other ..."

"Knowing that we do too, with each other."

"I was afraid you were going to tell her."

"Almost started to, but then said something about her looking happier."

"That was good. She nodded, looking less embarrassed, smiled a little, and changed the subject."

He chuckled, almost laughing, and asked:

"Why not, if it makes her happier? Maybe she is more like that."

"You think? Maybe why your marriage didn't work out?"

"Hmm? Could be. Anyway, it worked out well enough for having you two - my good luck."

"Ours too, with you," one girl replied, the other one immediately saying the same.

"Three of us, three wicked," he remarked, referring to their much early conversation.

"Unspeakably wicked," one of the girls replied, grinning.

"Um-hmm," he agreed: "better not to say how."

"Hmmm? How much wicked, how we like to be wicked?"

"Don't distract me, I have to drive," he replied, giving them both a grin.

The girls nodded and asked him about his siblings and their children and the others who could be guests. They gave them something to talk about until they stopped for a quick hamburger and restroom stop. When they set off again, the girls glanced at each other and chuckled. When he asked what that was about, they just chuckled again, and one said: "A surprise."

He smiled with a shrug. At the motel, he checked in and got the keys for their rooms, handing them to the girls before he got their suitcases and locked the car. In the room, he was surprised not to see them, but then saw the light in the bathroom and heard them giggling. "Close the door," one of them called. He turned and closed it.

When he turned back, the girls were standing together outside the bathroom door, naked, grinning at him, both holding their hands in front of their pussies. He also grinned, nodding, thinking that he almost could have expected that, and appreciating that his visual recollection of their nice round breasts had be correct, very much those Renoir and Courbet had liked to paint, except that the girls' nipples were erect, nicely apparent from the shadow they threw from the light in the bathroom. The girls nudged each other and both said: "Surprise!" and dropped their hands.

He caught his breath; they had shaved, and the folds at the top of their thighs were like those of his favorite statues! His own two Venuses, di Milo, de Medici, or a Venus and an Aphrodite! He stared for so long, that one of them asked: "You like?" He just nodded, still speechless, then murmured:

"Too lovely for words."

"Oh, that's good, Pops; we were afraid you might think we shouldn't," one replied.

"If you knew how much I don't, how much I do like it!"

"Oh, that's good, Pops; we do too," the other replied, her sister nodding.

He chuckled, recognizing the little mole where she had shaved, and remarked:

"And now I can tell you apart, at least, when I can see you like this."

"Paula," "Klara," they replied as though introducing themselves, smirking. He nodded with a grin and remarked:

"Tomorrow, when I can't, make sure I don't confuse you, though it was a lot of fun not knowing which one was in bed with me."

"For us too," Klara with the mole replied. Paula nodded, then grinned and gestured at the double bed and said:

"Both of us."

They all nodded with grins. He suggested that they all had to hang up their clothes for the party, and put the girls' suitcase on the stand. While they started to unpack, he took off his clothes, earning approving grins. Stooping to open his suitcase on the floor and moving to hang up his dark suit, he enjoyed feeling his loose balls and cock swinging, and enjoyed rubbing the girls' nice round bottoms in passing, earning nice smiles. When it occurred to him that they were as lovely as the ones on Canova's statue of the three graces, he chuckled at the thought that he only had two graces. The girls looked at him questioningly. He chuckled again with a smile and explained:

"Why I liked so much that you did. I had been looking at classical nudes on internet, paintings and statues. You're as lovely as the ones I really liked, copies of Praxiteles' Venus, Aphrodite, just too like them now, especially wide angle between the folds over your nice round thighs, and that they don't have a gap between them, like women in some nude photos."

"Pops! Looking for nudes?" Paula asked.

"Wanting to find ones like you two," he replied.

"And did you?" Klara asked.

"All the best ones, breasts like Courbet and Renoir painted, but, well, I wasn't sure about the rest, but discovered those statues and liked them better than most of the paintings."

"Our folds?" Paula asked, running her fingertips along hers."

"Um-hmm, and the way what's between them curves so nicely; couldn't see that so well before."

"Oooh, Pops, but why did you chuckle?" Klara asked.

"Oh, that. When I rubbed your bottoms, I thought that they were at least as nice as those of the girls in Canova's statue of the three graces, but that I just had two graces."

"Hmm! You'll have to remind us of those names, so we can look too," Paula remarked, Klara nodding with grin. He also nodded and remarked:

"I have to wash."

"We do too," the girls replied together.

They all used the toilet and washed, not forgetting their assholes, but snickering as they did and saw the others do so. Klara had used the toilet first and was first out of the bathroom. Paula followed her. When he turned off the light in the bathroom, the bedside light was on, revealing that both girls were already in bed, both smiling at him invitingly. He murmured:

"You look good enough to eat."

"We are!" one replied, the other nodding emphatically, then adding:

"You too."

As he joined them, he murmured:

"All three of us?"

"Um-hmm, I already agreed that Paula could eat you first, since it was her idea."

He was a little surprised that they had already decided what they would do, while he had just made an apparently suggestive remark and then asked a question. The girls were already moving around so that Paula could suck his cock, letting Klara rest her head on her thigh. He drew her hips closer, her thigh drawing up under his head, her other one rising to let him draw her pussy to his face.

He didn't like the thought that he had been missing this; making love with Louise was just as good, but he sure had been looking forward to it since the invitation from his parents arrived. Not so good, blaming them - or giving them credit - for his and his daughters' being able to enjoy another two nights together.

They did, that way, and every other way they had together, not all the first night. He lost count of how many orgasms he had - they had given him, but not just a little proud that he could. They both wanted to fuck him alone, the other agreeing. The girls did it to each other, with his cock in one of their pussies. Of course, they did that a second time with his cock in the other one's pussy. They each sucked his cock and balls, while he licked the other one's pussy and delighted at tasting how she came. They were long nights. Saturday morning, after a late breakfast, they remembered to rumple the bed in the other room and move his things there, then chuckling about their plan to tell that that they had driven there that morning.

The dinner party was a great success, he and his siblings all spoke and toasted their parents. The girls were the "belles of the ball," not just with their grandparents, but also with their cousins, whom they teased by confusing which of them was which.

Their supposed early start and drive was their excuse for their being tired after the dinner and returning to the motel. They were tired, also from the big meal and wine. A good nap in the other motel room ended with another triangle, Klara getting to suck his cock this time. When she said that she didn't need anything else for supper, Paula nodded on her thigh and he, on hers, all chuckling.

Sunday morning, as they were dressing for church and packing, they admitted that maybe it had almost been too much, "but just almost." They enjoyed singing the hymns.

When his parents were mentioned and the priest talked about marriage, fidelity, raising children with respect for the Ten Commandments, he had disquieting feelings - divorced, "living in sin" with Louise. Even if that was so not bad these days, committing adultery. Was it adultery, sleeping with his daughters, if he wasn't married? It was something else, at least just as bad - just not one of the Ten Commandments. He tried not to think about how good it was.

When they left the church, it seemed that the girls were also thoughtful. They said goodbye to his parents and the rest of the family and guests and started their drive home in silence. After a long time, Paula murmured:

"It was still good, Pops."

"It was," Klara rejoined.

"Just almost a little too much good," he agreed, and they continued the trip in silence.

As they were approaching the girls' house, however, he was surprised when he remarked:

"Until I drive you to university."

The girls smiled, nodding. When they all got out, and he got their suitcase, the girls just smiled, thanking him driving, both saying: "Till then." His ex-wife greeted them, looking slightly embarrassed when she greeted him, letting him think that she assumed that the girls had told him about her lesbian relationship. He just smiled, then smirking, as he drove home.

"Till then," a few weeks later, he picked them and all their baggage up. After saying goodbye to their mother, when they joined him at the car, they looked like they were suppressing smirks. In the car, the girls immediately began to giggle, till one of them caught her breath and said:

"Could have told you before. Since we returned from the grandparents, she has been more relaxed about what she does, even told us a little about her girlfriend, back when they were in school."

"Of course, since we haven't had rehearsals, when she went to visit her, it was no secret that she was going out, and she stopped being embarrassed about it."