If It Ain't One Thing Ch. 03


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Five minutes after three o'clock, the door opened and Millie Morgan walked out. OK, another surprise, she went to the receptionist and paid, then glanced my way.

"Danny! Why, hello, I didn't expect to see you here. Getting a haircut?" She asked.

"Uhh, no.. I am getting..?" Hell, I was there to get my crotch waxed, and suddenly flushed, I really didn't want to say that.

There was a moment of realization, then she smiled.

"Oh. OK. Me, too." Big huge smile.

Awkward moment.

"Well, I hope to see you again, maybe another dinner?" She was looking at me expectantly.

"Sure, that would be nice." I told her. She stood there for a moment, a sly smile on her face, then she winked. Just then, Charlene came out to get me.

"Maybe I will drop by this weekend, we can.. visit?" She gave me another bright smile, then turned and left. I didn't answer, Charlene was already tugging me towards the back room. I got a glimpse of the receptionist, she now also had a huge grin on her face.

Man, did everyone know what all went on at Charlene's salon? It was beginning to look like it, and now I had two older ladies expressing interest in me.

I suppose I could describe what happened during the waxing, but I have before so why bother. Charlene has no inhibitions at all, and she did the usual after I was all tidied up. The only difference I noticed was for some reason it wasn't.. erotic I guess is the word? I kept going soft, Charlene then had to work a bit to get things going again.

OK, I admit it, that bothered me a little bit, normally things just happen and I don't even think about it, this time I found I was actually trying to stay erect. Yeah, different. Debra kept popping into my head, and Debra was not out in the waiting room where she was supposed to be.

I think that was it, anyway.


My phone was ringing when I got to the house, it was Debra.

"How did it go?" She asked me, her voice had that soft sound she gets when she is fussed up. Hell, I knew what she was asking. Debra for some reason gets all hot and bothered at the idea of someone doing anything sexually with me.

Reverse cuckold perhaps? I am well aware of it but have to admit I do not understand it. I did learn to go with the flow.

"Fine, in fact, Charlene spent way more time than normal, I think she knew I was doing without since you have been gone."

"I told her that you liked oral too, did she do that?" Now Debra's voice went even huskier. That was a bit of a surprise. Charlene hadn't, she never does, and I told Debra that.

"That's too bad, maybe next time."

I didn't answer that, I was beginning to wonder just what in the hell was going on. My wife, gone to Boston, trying to get me to move there, then she calls Charlene to get what can best be described as getting her man taken care of.

But then Debra was talking about selling some of those silly dolls at auction, I have to admit I really didn't care, so I even missed what she got for them until the last one, some Mayan or Inca or something like that, $111,000.00?? We talked about that, she asked me if I needed her to send any money (I didn't) and that was about it.

"When are you coming home?" I asked her.

"I need you to come here." She answered.

"I can't, I just can't. I like it here. The ocean is right here, you know how much I like fishing."

"The ocean is right here, too. I can see it from the windows, I can see the harbor." OK, I didn't know that, I have never been there, never even had any reason to think about it.

"Well, I am still used to Oregon, I like living here." I told her.

"Ok then." She sounded sad at that.

She gave me a few "I love you's" and hung up.

I have to say right here that I was just about to say fuck it and give up. There is a guy I bowl with, he is a lawyer and has a reputation of being fair and honest, I was thinking it might be time. I went to sleep that night after deciding to call him.


"I have to admit this is a surprise, you and your wife have a reputation of being hooked together at the hip in this town." Jeff Miller told me.

"It's not what I want but she is in Boston and I doubt she has plans now to come back home. Her Mother apparently was very rich, sometimes money changes things." I told him.

"So, what do you want out of it? We could go for half of course, I would need to put some people on finding out just what it all adds up to, Boston is a long ways from here."

"The house here, my truck, my bank accounts here, that's it." I told him.

"I can do better for you than that." He told me.

"I am sure, but I just don't care."

He got a funny look on his face, but just nodded.

And that was it, he filled out the papers, I signed them, and he made arrangements to have her served.


When a woman is crying, it can be difficult for them to speak. Debra most certainly was crying when she called about a week later. That is how long it took to get her served.

"Danny, don't. Please? I want to stay married to you." She finally managed.

"Debra, I don't want to but I am not going to live out here all by myself, and I am NOT going to move to Boston. I can't live there, you have to know that."

"Honey, it's beautiful here, we have a view of the bridge, the river, there are places to eat, things to see. It would be great for you, you will like it."

"I like it here." I said flatly.

There was more, no point. It ended when she went from upset to angry, accusing me of being stubborn and silly. Plus she actually sounded angry too, which is unlike her. So we hung up not on good terms, it looked like things were coming to a head, and not anything either one of us wanted, not really.

I like the Oregon coast, I like the ocean being right there, rivers, lakes, green everywhere, I even like the rain and lord knows we get our fair share of that.

I used this thing called Google Earth, with that anyone can look over just about any place on the planet. I looked at the apartment building my wife owned, the streets, the river, all over. Too many people, too many buildings, too much.

I liked being able to take a short walk, cast a bit of bait out there, and be assured of getting a bite. I have long since sorted out the spots that work and the ones that don't. I know everyone, at least the ones that actually live around here. Sure, we get a flood of people during the Summer irritating us but necessary to the economy I suppose.

One comment I made to Debra was that I doubted I would even be able to park my big Dodge Ram pickup in Boston, her comeback was I would not even need it, there was transportation available everywhere.

So, to move there, I had to leave my truck behind? Just one more thing to make me know there was no way.

The mail came, I sat and opened it. Two surprises, one was she had transferred another $150,000 to my bank account, the other one was, she signed the papers.

Hell, I hadn't even touched the other that she had deposited, no need. I just don't spend money much, never have.

I guess I was thinking she would throw in the towel, come running home, try to fix things.

She didn't.

Then she signed the papers, and sent me more money? I was thinking it was a last gasp of hope, that I might relent and join her.


Millie came by that evening, for some reason she seemed to have decided it was now her job to feed me and dropping by had become an almost daily event. The Baxter lady appeared to have given up. I wouldn't have minded another one of her pies, but no such luck.

So, Millie and I had Coffee and pastries, I even invited her to dinner, one thing I know how to do is cook. Cooking back in the military for awhile, then for myself for nearly a decade after my 2nd wife Dotty passed away, I learned a lot.

Millie was good company, I found myself looking forward to her visits. We talked about everything under the Sun.

The first time I made Salmon, baked slowly in the oven, then covered with a sauce. It felt good to see the delight on Millie's face when she took her first bite, it was the same expression Debra got when I made that for her the first time.

I was missing Debra, missing sex, missing her being there where she belonged, next to me in bed.

I had a bottle of Vodka I had purchased earlier, Millie had told me she liked Vodka and Tomato juice, with black Pepper. So I made her one and one for me, I almost never drink anything but those did taste good.

Somewhere in there, Millie moved over and sat beside me, we were laughing, having fun. I glanced over, her blouse was undone a button too far, I could almost see her nipple. Thinking about that, I am fairly sure she knew it. I slid my left hand inside her blouse, the voyeur in me wanted to see her breast. She smiled and turned towards me. Her hand slid down my side, then over my groin, I was already reacting.

She rather expertly tripped the catch on my jeans, her small hand found me and she sighed.

"Oh, God, you are so hard." She whispered, as her hand began to stroke me.

Millie's body was nothing like Debra's. Debra is tight and firm, almost no sag at all to her breasts. Millie was soft, a bit of a roll at her waist, her fanny also soft and larger, her bust hung down some, her nipples had that oval shape mature women get as they mature. She was fully waxed, I stroked the gentle curves of her vagina. It slid into my mind how different women are down there. Debra has full and protruding lips, Millie was simple soft curves. I found her extremely wet when I slipped a finger inside.

"Oh God, you are so big, too!" She exclaimed as I pressed inside of her. I'm not, not really, but that helped to urge me on. I remember she even seemed softer inside, her inner flesh yielded easily to me. With Debra, there is that control of her inner muscles, it creates sensation that almost cannot be described. With Millie, there was none of that, silky soft and damp is all there was. Even in the fog of a rare bit too much to drink, I remember all of that.

Where Debra is active, thrusting, eager, Millie lay back accepting, her mouth open, her eye squeezed tightly shut. Shamefully, I was comparing.

Weakness of the flesh, my body needed sex.

My mind needed my wife.

I woke up the next morning, Millie softly breathing while pressed up against me. I looked at her face, she is a pretty woman, no doubts there. Another time, another life, she and I would work just fine together.

Sex with Millie was easy, simple. As I lay there quietly and looked at her, I felt a flash of shame. I knew very well what she would be thinking, we had gotten along famously for weeks, which now was culminated with intimacy.

For her, it was probably in her mind the start of something.

To me, it was the end. Millie was a nice lady. Just the wrong one.

I knew what I had to do.


It was nearly three hours later before Millie reluctantly left, I mentioned I had some things to do, she suggested she could stay and help me, so we went through the awkward next day after sex thing. I am sure some of you have been there and will understand.

She did not appear happy. Very likely she knew something had not quite clicked, but was unsure as to why. How does a man tell a nice lady that he is thinking of someone else entirely while making love to her?

As soon as I was alone, I called Debra. She answered on the 2nd ring. I guess I sort of blurted out that I needed her to come home, I do know that I did not think out what I wanted to say.

"What's wrong, Danny?" She asked when I finally stopped talking.

"I don't want to try and start over." I told her.

"I see. Did you try?" She asked. I knew exactly what she meant, hesitated.

"Was it Charlene?" She asked.

"Charlene? What? No, of course not."

"She likes you, you know."

"I guess. But she's not.. she just.. there is nothing there, not really."

"So. Who was it, did you sleep with her?" Debra sounded perfectly calm.

"Her name is Millie. Millie Morgan." I told her the story of what happened at Walmart.

"I don't know her, do I?"


"Is she pretty?"

"Yes, I suppose."

"I had thought you would wait." Her voice turned mildly firm.

"Debra, you sighed the divorce papers!"

"Dan, you filed them!"

"I was thinking it would make you come... you would realize, you belong here with me." I told her.

"You could come here, you still can, you know."

"I would never be happy in any big city, Debs. I just can't." I used my pet name for her.

"All right. That's it, then." She said.

"I guess it is." I answered, almost choking up. She hung up.

My phone rang almost the instant I hung up. I looked at the caller ID, it was Millie. I didn't answer. I went in and sat down in my chair. She called several times, and there was one surprise call from Marilyn Baxter. I didn't answer that one either.

I woke up to the phone ringing, it was 7:30 in the morning. I was still dressed, in my chair. I looked, it was Millie again. I ignored it, went in and made some breakfast. Then I went online, still ignoring the phone that rang every 20 minutes.


This is right now, this is 9:00 AM on the 23rd and I am in a hurry.

I found a flight to Boston, no such thing as direct, there were two changeovers but it was the fastest. It is three hours from here to the Portland airport. I have barely 4 hours to catch that flight, so my big Dodge Ram is going to get a workout.

I went upstairs, four pair of underwear and socks, two pair of blue jeans, and four shirts. I grabbed a couple of hundred bucks from our safe. I came back down to finish this and post it, then I am out of here.

What in the hell am I doing? I don't know for certain. What I do know is I can not settle anything in a long distance phone call with my wife, I have to be able to see her, see her reactions. Plus, I am not telling her I am coming.

What comes next? I just don't know.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

No friggin way would I move to Boston just because my so called wife decided to stay there, money and all.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
I am rooting for them.

The romantic in me is expecting a reconciliation, but knowing the author everything is possible.

A_BierceA_Biercealmost 5 years ago
Feeling of foreboding

I so appreciated your seemingly lackadaisical view of life with Debs on the Oregon coast, then she seems to be seduced by money and a totally different life in Boston. I hope she finds her way home, but I fear you're going to confirm the worst fears of this old man: life is just a clusterfuck and the sonsabitches won't let you die. Say it ain't so, MM, say it ain't so.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Love this story, Ch4 ?????

Loved this, it sometimes took the long way around to get to the same place but that is just the writers style. I would hope if there is a Ch4 or 5 it would be it would be Debra and Dan getting back together. I've had a few heart breaks when I was younger and I know now having been married for 50 years now if I lost her the way Dan lost Debra I would just lay down and wait for the light to dim and go out. The soul can take only so much pain and then no more. It would be just as hard to leave the surroundings I have lived in for the majority of my life to become a city troglodyte. It would be a slow painful death in surrounding I don't know. Good luck to Dan and Deb's which ever way it goes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
i loved this story

but i don't understand why he loves his wife.

every single little detail you carefully crafted points towards the wife being a serial cheater, and then trying to tie a bunch of nonsense words together so she can call it something else. women are even more possessive than men in stable relationships. but she treats him like a trophy husband, and even cares not if he sleeps around.

and let's pretend she never cheated. she clearly treats him like a thing. like a precious pet or something. if she spoils him with money, he'll do whatever she wants him to. and when he didn't budge, she started to call less and less and kinda forget he existed for a few weeks.

i'm okay with this wife as a person. my only ax to grind is what i believe to be utter dishonesty. she probably cheats, often. she doesn't see it that way, but humans can use this weird thing called empathy to realize people may have different definitions of the same word. one thing is certain, they aren't compatible enough to make it work. he wants a stable life with an equal partner. the wife seems to want emotional loyalty, sexual promiscuity, and to go and do w/e she wants regardless of what her partner wants. she needs a suave swinger that doesn't need her. he needs a loyal and equal partner to do things introverts find fun, and extroverts like her find dull.

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