I'll Show You Mine If... Ch. 06


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I have to admit however, I was still somewhat nervous when she finally came. I know how sound can travel across the water, even though we were on top of the hill, I still wondered if anyone might actually hear her as she came, screaming out her pleasure more loudly than she had ever done before in the past.

"Cum on me," she soon after asked. "I want to watch you, standing over me, jerking yourself off, and cumming all over me...please?" she half begged me.

I had actually been looking forward to a bit more than that, another nice slow blowjob perhaps, or even more...especially here on top of the hill which I'd had in the back of my mind all the way up here. Obviously by Kris's request, she hadn't, so I figured that perhaps now wasn't the time to bring the subject up again. Though I had every intention of doing so, especially after what she'd said back in the motor home.

Obviously rock hard and horny as hell, I now stood, still standing between her outstretched legs looking down at her as she lay there looking up towards me. Even with her sunglasses on, she still partially shielded her eyes from the glare of the sun with her hand, though the other was once again busy between her legs as she lay there fingering herself, now watching me as I stood over her stroking my dick.

"Try and squirt it all over me, from head to foot if you can," she asked. "I want to watch and feel you bathe me in all your hot creamy juice!" She lustfully told me.

I stood over her, though looking back over my shoulder across the lake. I could barely make out dad's boat, though wondering as I did if he should look up over to where we were, if he could make out the fact I was butt naked standing there. With the distance, and glare of the sun in his eyes should he look, I still doubted it. But again, being naked, outdoors, fisting myself, about to spurt all over his daughter, the sensation of doing so rapidly brought me to the edge.

"Oh yeah...yeah!" I announced joyously, and then watched as the first massive spurt of my cock shot from the end of it, hitting her shoulder along with the side of Kris's face. Even as the second streamer of spunk flew from the tip, I was already aiming it at her breasts, hitting the left one almost squarely. I then aimed at her naval, but missed, though leaving a nice line of white cream across her abdomen, near the top of her mound, redirecting the next, which still felt as powerful and intense as the first, splashing against her wide spread pussy, eliciting a burst of excited pleasured laughter from her as I did.

"Yes! Yes! Squirt Robbie, squirt! Cover me in all your hot delicious spunk!" she cried out.

Though my ejaculations were now beginning to finally diminish, I still milked out two more fairly decent squirts, one hitting her knee and calf, the last covering the space between her big toe, making me laugh as it reminded me of the days when we used to use Elmer's Glue on one another, gluing our toes together as kids just for the fun of it. When I did that, Kris laughed too, though I hadn't said anything, screaming out..."More glue! More Glue!"

Once I had thoroughly and completely emptied my balls all over her, I dropped down beside her there on the blanket. For long moments, we just lay there together, the hot sun baking my cream into her skin until she began to sparkle and glisten just like Crystal Peak seemed to do when looking at it from a distance.

"Kris," I finally said in low tones, gathering her attention, though I could see by the expression in her face, she already knew where this was now headed. "Back in the motor home..."

"I know what I said, but it was in the heat of the moment," she explained. "Bad enough we're doing what we're doing now, and as much as I vowed that I couldn't, or that we wouldn't, I now accept it's too late for that, to go back. But what I can't do...or allow us to do, is go beyond that," she told me then almost apologetically. "And it's not that I don't want to Robbie, I do. I've thought about it a lot, especially lately. But the fact is...we can't. We just can't. I can't!" she finished rolling over onto her stomach. Though all that did was cause my dick to lurch with renewed interest. More than anything at that moment, I would have loved to mount Kris from behind and fuck her silly, fuck us both silly. It was at that moment she stood, changing the subject entirely. "Come on...time to jump."

There was a ledge a good fifty or so yards on the side of the hill that you could climb down to. As kids we had very often come up, stood upon it looking over the ledge down into the lake, daring one another to jump. It was still a couple of years before we actually did it, though it was certainly safe enough. Some twenty or so feet from the water, it still made us both exhilarated with the thrill of finally doing it when we did. The water was just deep enough and well away from any outlying rocks keeping it safe for those who worked up enough courage to do so. Once you had, there was then a very small, but very private strip of beach between the rocks on the hill, and a natural rock jut that ran down to the water on the other side, forming the small natural cove in between. Silently I soon followed Kris as she made her way down to the ledge, me following behind her, both still naked save for the hiking boots we wore, and would jump with so as to have something to wear for the climb back up the hill. Once again Kris scooted slightly further ahead reaching the ledge just before I did, only curiously, suddenly kneeling down on her haunches looking back towards me and putting her finger against her lips, cautioning me to be quiet as she now waved me towards her.

Curious, I climbed down reaching her as quietly as possible.

"Look over the ledge towards the beach," she told me with a giggle and a smile. "We have company!"

Sure enough, some twenty feet or so below us, and then another twenty or thirty yards away from there, we saw another young couple near the edge of the lapping water. They were likewise naked, she sitting in his lap facing towards him as they both sat. It was evident as to what they were doing as they rocked together on the edge of the water, fucking. Seeing them fuck once again reminding me of what I'd like to be doing to...and with Kris. Maybe it was doing the same thing to her too, as she suddenly stood revealing herself fully.

"What the fuck are you..." I watched her suddenly leap off the ledge into the water, "...doing," I only then finished. The sound of her splash into the water seconds later alerted the two of them to our presence, looking up at where Kris had just jumped from, I then stood, preparing to jump myself as the couple below actually waved. I waved back, and then jumped, seeing Kris treading water below me, waiting for me.

I emerged, and then swam beside her the short distance towards the shore. By then, the couple who'd been obviously sitting there fucking had now parted, sitting beside one another now instead. As we approached, somewhat sheepishly, though I think of the four of us, I was the only one blushing, Kris smiled finally standing up out of the water. "Beautiful day isn't it?" she asked as I caught up joining her. "Didn't mean to disturb you," she then added. "But I didn't want you to think we were just sitting up there spying on you either," she announced, though that's exactly what it was we had been doing just before she jumped.

The blonde who was sitting there laughed at that. "That's ok...we just came from there ourselves about an hour ago," she grinned, the emphasis on the word came clearly evident. "Beautiful up there too," she continued smiling. "First time either one of us has been here before though," she further explained. "We're on our honey moon, so hope you don't mind what we were doing too terribly much," she finished. I noticed as we stood there speaking to them that the woman's husband had tried hiding his still obvious arousal, he'd bent one leg at the knee folding it over against himself, his hand down in his lap as well. He looked about as embarrassed as I did as the girls stood talking and laughing together. "You here on yours as well?" she asked looking at Kris, obviously as young as we were, it was either that, or we were here on some sort of a fairly serious romantic date.

"Ah, no...we're not married. This is actually my brother," Kris announced, seeing the eyebrows on the two of them suddenly rise up in what at first looked to be a state of shock.

"Well, that's certainly interesting," the blonde recovered saying, though she once again smiled as she said it.

"So obviously you weren't ah..."

"Fucking on the top? No...Robbie was just eating me is all," she then informed them, once again seeing their shocked bemused expressions crossing their faces. "But...we really should leave the two of you alone to enjoy your honeymoon some more," Kris now stated, and then reached over grabbing my flaccid penis, tugging it as she did. "Come on Robbie, let's give these two some privacy so they can go back to what they were doing before we so rudely interrupted them!"

We waved good-bye, though Kris continued to hold onto my dick, leading me back towards the trail that would weave itself back and forth up the hill towards the summit. They had waved back, moments later hearing their laughter as we finally stepped out of sight.

"You had fun shocking them didn't you?" I told her. "Why'd you tell them that anyway?" I then asked.

"Oh come on Robbie," she shot back finally releasing my prick. "It will give them something to remember, something to laugh about, and tell their friends about later after they return home again. The brother and sister that interrupted them while they were fucking, and who had been fooling around on the hill just above them doing pretty much the same thing just after they had."

"Except we weren't...didn't, fuck," I told her stopping to look at her. "Though I wish we had been," I then added.

Kris stopped now looking back at me, about to speak, though she held her thoughts. "Come on, we've got just time enough to finish our lunch before we need to head back," she informed me, and then turned and continued on back up the hill as I stood there watching her.


It took the while to reach the summit again, Kris had already unpacked the few snacks we'd brought along for us when I arrived. "Hungry?" she asked.

"No...not really," I told her. I was in fact somewhat irritated with her. Not so much over what she'd said and done, but what we hadn't. Once again Kris had set boundaries, somewhat liberal ones this time perhaps, but nevertheless she had without taking into account my feelings with regards to them. Doing what we had, which obviously now she was more than ok with, just irritated me all the more.

"Why not?" she pressed taking a bite of her sandwich after putting mine away again. "Didn't you have fun...earlier?" she asked, knowing full well why I wasn't in the mood to be eating anything.

"Yes...I did, very much. But you know that Kris, and you also know that I want to do more than that with you too," I freely admitted. "What I don't understand, is why you don't, or won't."

"You KNOW why I won't, but it doesn't mean I don't want to, or don't think about it," she told me. "But Robbie, there's just no way that we can...or ever will. And you need to accept that."

"Ok, I will..." I responded back at her. "I'll accept that's how you feel, and how it needs to be for you, but in the same fashion, you then need to accept that I can't keep doing what we already have, without having the other two. So if I can't have that...if I can't make love to you, then I can't continue doing what we have been either. It's just too hard on me to not want to, and not want to try to every chance that I get."

We sat looking at one another for long moments. "Ok, if that's really the way you feel," she said looking at me, no longer hungry herself now. "Then that's the way it will have to be."

"Yeah, guess it is," I responded back watching as Kris nodded her head, then stood and began dressing for the hike back to the cabin. This time, she put all of her clothes back on as though to emphasize her determination, just as I then did.

We walked back in silence. Neither one of us saying a further word to one another as we made our way back.


After we got back, I immediately went into my room and stayed there. Around dinner time, mom came looking for me however, knocked and then let herself into my room. Unfortunately, there weren't any locks on the bedroom doors, not even the working fully plumbed bathroom door had a lock either.

"Dinners ready!" Mom announced. I feigned sleep, only then rolling over.

"Not hungry," I informed her. "Too much sun today," I think. Worriedly she came over to check on me, ensuring herself I hadn't suffered any real sun stroke.

"No, nothing like that mom," I said giving her relief. "Just tired, worn out is all, I'll fix something to eat a bit later after it's really cooled down quite a bit."

Still not too terribly pleased I wouldn't be joining them for dinner, she left. I lay there thinking about everything we had done lately, growing more and more irritated from it by the minute, and irritated with myself too because of it. Mainly because, it had also aroused me while thinking about it. Even though I tried willing my cock to go down, it didn't. I was soon laying there in my room with a hard cock that wouldn't go away. Which was when I decided to take matters into my own hands to see if I couldn't at least toss one off, and at the very least get rid of the nagging reminder I now had. I'd been laying there flogging away at myself beneath the sheets when another knock came at my door. I quit pumping my prick, now irritated at having been disturbed and only seconds away from climaxing when Kris stepped into my room.

"What?" I asked half barking at her.

She frowned standing there staring at me. To make things worse, she was now wearing one of her skimpiest bikini's, her boobs all but falling out of the front of the top, the briefest of triangles between her legs barely covering that portion of her.

"Mom sent me to check on you," she explained. "Wanted to know if you were hungry enough to get up yet. Which you'd better do soon, or she'll be in here herself, thinking that maybe you really did get a sunstroke or something," Kris told me. "So...if you want to sit in here the rest of the evening and sulk, that's up to you. But you'd better come up with a better reason for sulking, or mom really will start to get worried about you."

"I'm not sulking," I spat at her.

"Oh yes you are," Kris said glancing back over her shoulder, and then back towards me, suddenly pulling her bikini top up and over her breasts, exposing herself. "Just because you're not content with just playing with these, and a bit more," she said once again checking over her shoulder to make sure no one came up from behind her. I took that opportunity to lower my sheet, exposing my still very hard stiff cock as she turned back around.

"Yeah, well you won't be touching or doing anything more with this either," I said waggling it at her as she turned. "So you just keep that in mind too," I shot back.

"Oh I see how this is going to go now," Kris said looking at my stiff cock. "Well...two can play at that game you know," she said as she stood there fondling her own breasts. "We'll see who between the two of us lasts the longer without giving in then won't we?" she said. Kris covered herself, and then closed the door. I had picked up my pillow, throwing it, but it was already too late. She had once again gotten in the last word before I had.

"Yeah, two can play at that game," I said to myself. And rather than wasting a perfectly good wad, I decided to save it...for later. To be continued...

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Oh, these two want each other SSSSOOOO badly!! And, Kris has some weird idea about the whole thing...I understand but she HAS TO TALK WITH ROBBIE ABOUT HER ISSUE...

AND, it IS her issue, she has to resolve it, soon, or risk ruining the close relationship with her brother (yes, BROTHER, NOT step-brother; no blood relation, but still as close as few siblings ever really achieve!!)

Five Stars...🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌✨✨✨✨✨

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Such a good story. I was horny for my sister too, and was always aroused for her when she wore shorts which would reveal her beautiful sexy legs. It always kept me in a constant state of "hard-on". One day while helping her in the back shed, she noticed my bulge and dared me to show her my cock. I said only if she agrees to show me her pussy. She didn't hesitate, and pulled down her shorts and panties. As soon as I laid eyes on her sexy hairy mound, I just wanted to fuck her. She pulled down my gym shorts and marveled at my big thick cut penis, playfully teasing it, making it throb even harder. She let me finger her while she stroked my big cock, then I had to take over and jack myself off, spewing my hot messy spunk all over her sexy pussy bush! She was in disbelief at the amount of cum I spurted! She was still a virgin but said when she's ready for sex, it would have to be with someone with a smaller dick because mine was too thick and girthy!

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearabout 5 years ago
Good to see a male character with balls

too many of this type of story have male leads that wind up being pussies. They say or try to stick up for what they believe in only to crumble immediately at the first suggestion of their desire. It's nice to finally have a male that at least tries to stick up for themselves.

thebug37thebug37over 8 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
only thing i can say about this crap is


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