I'm Not Gay


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As my fingers move to touch the sensitive skin behind his ball sack, I touch my lips to the tip of Ned's cock. I slide my lips over his cockhead as I fondle his perineum. I feel that familiar, incredibly exciting feeling of a rapidly hardening cock sliding into my mouth, filling my mouth wonderfully.

In just a few strokes, Ned is completely hard. He has a nice size cock. It's smooth and with a well-defined helmet. I like this kind of cock a lot. Well, I like all kinds of cocks a lot. But right now, this is the kind of cock I love the best-a cock that's filling my mouth.

I try to maintain the ruse that this is the first time I've done this. It's not as if Ned would stop me now. But I don't want to weird him out because I'm hoping for seconds after he's had a little time to recuperate. So, while I go at him pretty relentlessly, I try to repress my desire to moan with pleasure. But I'm feeling that pleasure. There's nothing like the feeling of a hard cock sliding past your lips, filling your mouth, pounding against your throat.

Ned wasn't trying to repress his moaning-or, if he was, he wasn't succeeding. I heard him moan with pleasure. I sort of liked this. Like I've said, I didn't really care much about the men attached to the cocks I was sucking. So, it wasn't really that I liked to give these guys pleasure. But the moan was a sign that I was doing the cock right. It sort of made me feel powerful. It's interesting that I've never felt more powerful than when I was on my knees with a hard cock in my mouth.

I was getting Ned near an orgasm and I wasn't ready for it yet. I wasn't certain that I was going to get a repeat performance tonight and I didn't want the night's sucking to be over yet. So, I pulled off his cock, making it look like I needed a break. Whatever muscles you need to develop in order to be able to suck cocks for a long time, I'd long since developed, but a first-timer could be forgiven for not being able to go too long without a short break. I knew that the break came at a bad time for Ned, but he couldn't really complain.

"Sorry," I said matter-of-factly. "My jaw is hurting." He muttered that it was okay, but I knew he was just being polite.

After he'd come down a bit, I pressed on and was rewarded by a long moan as Ned's cock again felt the warm wetness of my mouth. I started working him in earnest now. I had one hand wrapped around the base of his cock, squeezing him tightly and pumping up and down. My other hand was gently cupping his fuzzy balls. And, my lips were rhythmically sliding up and down his slick shaft. He was getting back up to a climax.

And, then, before I expected it, Ned roared and I felt the first spurt of cum hit the back of my throat. This was the climax. Not just for Ned. For me, too. You might not understand that. You might be trapped in the simplistic thought that, for a guy, a climax is when you cum-when you shoot your seed. Well, yeah, that's a climax. But it's a climax because it is the sudden release of sexual tension and energy accompanied by a flood of euphoria. I had all of that when Ned shot his load in my mouth. I didn't shoot my wad. That's not what sucking cock is about for me. Cocks aren't some masturbatory device. They are to be savored and enjoyed for themselves. As my mouth's ministrations bring a cock to the peak of sexual tension, my body is just as charged as when I'm on that path myself. And, when my lips and tongue finally coax a cock into sperm-spewing spasms, I feel an enormous relief and I'm aglow with pleasure.

I'm also swallowing spurt after spurt of hot, slick, salty cum. The feel of it hitting the back of my throat and the exquisite taste of it makes me start to moan in pleasure. Fortunately, I catch myself and I hope that Ned thinks it's a groan of surprise.

"Sorry," Ned says, misunderstanding my reaction, just as I'd hoped.

"That's okay," I mutter back. "It just sort of took me by surprise."

"Take a drink of your Scotch," he says helpfully. "That should help."

Well, it wouldn't help at all. It would just wash down the taste that I was now savoring in my mouth. But I grabbed the glass and pretended to take a sip. Even that diminished my enjoyment a little. The smell filled my nose and decreased my enjoyment of the salty reward I'd coxed from Ned's cock.

Ned backed away and tucked his cock back in his pants. "That was incredible...Thanks."

"Umm. Yeah. Sure." I got up and picked up my jacket. "I always wondered what it had felt like to the guy who did me."

"Well, what did it feel like?"

"Okay, I guess." There was another big lie for the night. It had been great. I've already said that I never met (or sucked) a cock I didn't like something about. But this was certainly one of the better experiences. (Though I wondered how much of that feeling was just based on the fact that it was the most recent. I had to confess that practically every time I finished sucking off a cock, I was convinced that it was one of the best cocks I'd ever had the pleasure of doing. Maybe I wasn't the best objective judge when I was still aglow with the taste of some guy's cum in my mouth. But, really, who cares about objective judging. This is all about subjective feeling. And, right now, I felt as if Ned's cock was one of the best I'd ever sucked off.)

Ned started putting away his cock. "Well, I guess I should ..." then he didn't know how to finish. What he wanted to do was to get me out of there. He'd gotten his rocks off-and how-so now he wanted me gone. Some guys felt ashamed; some just felt awkward. I didn't know what Ned was feeling but I wasn't ready to be put out so soon. I still had my mind set on another go with his cock.

Before he could find a way to say, "I blew my load in your mouth, now get out of here," I asked if I could have another glass of Scotch. How could he refuse? He was thinking, "this poor slob sucked me off and now he needs to wash the taste out of his mouth." Of course, the poor slob was only willing to replace the taste of cum in his mouth with Scotch for the promise of more of the cum. But Ned grunted 'yes' and we went in to the house to repour our glasses.

With my glass refilled, I settled down comfortably and talked about whatever I could think of that had nothing to do with what happened. What I had to do now was to get his mind off of what we'd done and get him just feeling comfortable with me again.

It really didn't take too long. We were both a bit tipsy and the additional drink relaxed us even more. We talked for about 45 minutes about women, work, and sports. (I was definitely at my limit there. My main sport is sucking cock and I couldn't really talk about that.)

Ned was the one that brought the conversation back to the recent blowjob. It was when we were almost finished with the Scotch. Maybe enough time had passed that he was interested in a replay, too. Fine! That would make my work easier.

"So, really, you'd never done that before?"

"Are you kidding? Of course not!" I can lie pretty convincingly whether I'm sober or dunk. He didn't say anything so I went on. "It wasn't as bad as I'd expected." (If that could mean that it was even better than I'd expected, then this was true.) "I don't think I did a very good job. I was kind of nervous and, of course, it was my first time."

"Well, then, you've got beginners' luck," Ned responded, "because it felt terrific! I've never felt anything better than that." He paused. I imagined that he was recapturing the feeling. "It's been so long since I've had a real blow job. I guess that one's going to have to last me for a while."

Okay, he was asking now. Shit, this was going to be easier than I thought.

"Well, don't get used to it, because it's not like it's going to be a regular thing." There, let him hang on that for a moment before I dangle the bait I know he'll take. "But I'd do it again, now...one last time. Then, I'm out of here and we never see each other again."

How could he say 'no'? He couldn't! At least he didn't.



I got up, walked over to him and knelt down in front of him. He wasn't going to stop me. It was all my show now. I pulled down his zipper and reached in through his fly to get his cock out. It was soft now, but still had some body to it. I pulled it out and let it lay on his lap for a while. Now I could take my time. I watched it lying there, sometimes twitching slightly in anticipation of my lips surrounding it. Well, I felt some twitching in my mouth, too. I knew what he was feeling; but he didn't have any idea what I was feeling. I brushed my hand lightly over his cock, flipping it up so the sensitive underside was exposed. It twitched again. Then I ran my thumb, ever so gently, from the base of his cock up to the tip, lingering over the most sensitive part just below the helmet.

Ned's cock was twitching and hardening quickly. I loved this. The sense of power was palpable. My touch was transforming this cock from a small, flaccid flap of flesh to a hot, hard rod. The transformation was almost complete as I brought my tongue to the base of his cock and used the tip of my tongue to retrace the line my thumb had just traveled. When my tongue toyed with that most sensitive spot, Ned's cock jumped. I held it gently against his body, immobilizing it so that I could play my tongue over that spot as long as I wanted to tease him.

The sound of moaning and the feel of Ned's hands on the side of my head, urging my lips onto his cock, gave evidence of the effect I was having. This cock was yearning for the feel of my lips surrounding it, my mouth enveloping it in its wet warmth. I was in control. I controlled whether and when this cock would get what it wanted so much. Fortunately for Ned, I didn't plan to leave his cock unsatisfied-that would leave me without my satisfaction, too. And I had no intention of leaving unsatisfied.

I let his cock rise from his stomach and took him gently in my mouth. We both moaned in unison. Ned was so wrapped up in his reactions that I figured he wasn't paying much attention to mine. But it didn't matter now what he thought of me anyway. He certainly wasn't going to stop me now and, when I was done, I was going to walk out the door and never see him again. I would have lots of cocks in my mouth in the future, but I'd never hold this cock between my lips again. And I intended to enjoy it now as much as possible, without holding anything back for appearances.

Ned's cock was hard and hot, and very much in need of my mouth. I wasn't going to deny him. I took him between my lips while I gently fondled his balls in my hand. These fuzzy wonders had already given up a load of sperm to me, but I was planning on coaxing another load from them. And I had a plan to get every bit that I could.

I was enjoying the feeling of Ned's hard, hot, smooth cock sliding between my lips. But I could tell that he was getting close to an orgasm and I had plans that had to be carried out, so I backed away from him and told him to stand up. He sighed in frustration, but didn't waste any time arguing. He got up and stood in front of the chair.

From this position, I could undo his pants and push them down so I could have really good access to him. I pushed them all the way off because I wanted to spread his legs, too. Ned would cooperate, even help, with whatever I wanted if I just stopped sucking him while I tried to do it. Anything to get my mouth back on his cock so he could shoot his load in me.

I had Ned just as I wanted him. Standing, naked from the waist down, with his cock hard and jutting out from his body, silently begging me to finish him off. And now I was ready to do just that. I was pumping his cock into my mouth with one hand and massaging his balls with the other. As I felt him getting closer, I moved my hand from his tightening ball sack and got my finger slick with the saliva and pre-cum that coated his cock.

I have no idea whether Ned knew what was coming. But I was planning on getting every drop of his cum before I left tonight. When my fingers were slick and slippery and Ned was nearing his orgasm, I slid my hand back to press my finger against his asshole. He kind of whimpered a protest and tried to move his ass away from my finger. But he couldn't move too far without taking his cock out of my mouth, and he wasn't about to do that. So, my finger slipped into his ass and I got it in far enough to feel his prostate.

At this point, timing is crucial. And I'm an expert at timing this. Just as Ned was on the verge of exploding, I thrust my finger hard into his ass and pressed down on his prostate. His first blast of semen was supercharged. Ned almost screamed out as he blasted the back of my mouth with his salty treat. But I wasn't paying much attention to him. I was focused on the treat. And man was I getting it. The second blast felt as big as the first and, all in all, I got about five strong jets of cum. It was enough for a very satisfying swallow and to still have my mouth filled. I was having my cum and eating it, too. Could life get better than this?

When the faucet filling my mouth finally went dry, I pulled away and savored the taste and texture of the cum I'd coaxed from Ned's cock. Cum really does taste different-not just from cock to cock, but from time to time from the same cock, depending on what the guy's been eating or drinking. I felt as if I could taste the Scotch in this load, but that could have just been the aftertaste from the Scotch I'd been drinking. In any case, the overwhelming taste was that distinctive, delicious taste of cum. I savored it, rolling it back and forth over my tongue to experience it for a long, luscious moment. Finally, I swallowed, enjoying the feeling of the slick slime running down my throat.

Ned fell back into the chair. He was spent and his knees practically collapsed under him. I think if he'd been more conscious and not so wrapped up in his post-orgasmic ecstasy, he would have asked me if I wanted another drink. But he was almost unconscious. It didn't matter to me. I didn't want a drink of anything that I hadn't just had. I left Ned in his chair and let myself out of the house. I walked back to the bar and got in my car to drive home. All the way, I was replaying the images, the feelings and the tastes from tonight. It was a great night. When I got home, I would masturbate while replaying these feelings one more time. I'd think through the seduction of Ned and the two great sucks I'd managed to get. As I worked through the events up to Ned's last blast into my mouth, I'd hit my own climax. I always captured my cum to eat that, too. It wasn't as exciting as getting it right from some strange cock, but there was no sense letting perfectly good cum go to waste.

Tomorrow it would be another cock that would make my day. But today, it was all about the one I'd just had.

So, that's what you would have seen if you'd seen my entire night last night. You may still think I'm gay. If so, you're stupid. I'm not attracted to members of my own sex; I'm attracted to my own sex's members.

I'm not gay.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Oh yea... Cocks are something else. Guys don't interest me and like you I only do things to enhance the blowjob. A guy I've blown several times likes to have his butt cheeks kissed and squeezed. So I spend a few minutes doing just that. When I turned him over his 4 inches was about 5 and was curved upwards. He was so hot blowing him was fun. He moaned frequently, trembled, kept saying oh yea, OMG and pumped his hips. His orgasm was explosive which I enjoyed.

Thanks for the great story & the instructions on how to pickup a cock.

nhhungrymannhhungryman7 months ago

I totally enjoyed your story. I'm just like you. I have no romantic interest in men at all. But I love cocks and pleasing them, savoring their feel in my mouth, feeling them throb with excitement, hearing the man moaning, feeling it swell and pulse as the cum rushes to my waiting mouth, and swishing and swallowing their delicious cum. Wish I could find a regular fwb in my area, but that is difficult.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I enjoyed this story. What's interesting is part of the story is about how to be a successful salesman by identifying the customer's needs, wants & vulnerabilities. He masterfully identifies these elements in his target audience and understands how to slowly convince his customer that what is going to happen is ok, like buying a car, especially one that is a little bit beyond your budget but is a beautiful sports car.

The second part is how to give a blowjob. And what instructions they are. If you haven't you should reread those instructions and be prepared to be so turned on. I know I was.

Man I love sucking cocks and I really enjoyed this story.

fredbrownfredbrownover 1 year ago

Good word picture of a blow job and a nice explanation of the difference between being gay and being a cocksucker that loves his "job".

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
To 06/06/18 Anonymous

I agree with most of what you say, but I think your tone is a bit too harsh. We are all conditioned to respond to labels like hetero, bi, and gay by our past experiences in the socio-cultural enviroments that we have encountered. When I am making love to my wife, and a few other women in my past, I am totally into heterosexual pleasure. When I am having sex with a man, I love being totally gay. Sexually, you can say I am bi, but why do we even need these labels. I am, happily, a sexual being. I have never fallen in love with a man. A man just does not complete me on a deep emotional level the way my wife and some of the other women I have loved do. There is no need to proclaim "I am bi." or "I am gay." or "I am straight." My advice for those who are paranoid of certain labels is to drop them completely. You are a sexual being. Just fully enjoy the hot, throbbing cock down your throat or cumming in your mouth or ass. My wife's strapon will never equal a hot, hard beautiful cock. No man, however could ever equal my wife. I am looking forward to the next lusty man with whom I can uninhibitedly engage in no holes barred sex, and I am looking forward to making love to my wife as well. I am just lucky, I guess. Call me bi or gay or whatever. I am not paranoid about labels, just free of them. They are irrelevant to me.

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