In The Work Domain Pt. 05


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"Did you...?" Hannah didn't need to finish the question and Simon answered quick enough to spare her any awkwardness.

"No." and he blushed a little again, "Almost at one point, but no. It's just.. you know!" and he shrugged and blushed more as Hannah reached across and patted one of his knees. There was that silence again for a second or two. "Also" Simon's word made me jump a little as I was floating in the humid afternoon air that the cafe's cooling fans were now losing their battle with, "I don't have a decent shaver." He added. "Just got a basic disposable one, I might need something better."

"I bought some stuff online. Different razors for bushy, or not so bushy bushes." She giggled at so many bushes, "And creams and soothing gels. I went a bit crazy, but it was worth it."

"You could open a shaving salon." Quipped Simon. "I'll be a customer!" We laughed at this idea, although Simon looked a bit bashful at the enthusiasm of his patronage.

"Yeah, but I will need more experience to be confident. Also, it's an odd business venture." Hannah replied in one of her serious-not serious ways.

"A gap in the market." Added Simon.

"A gash in the market?" I offered

"Oh my" mumbled Hannah, "what would the male version be?" and then laughed in quite a naughty way.

"Well, if you need to practise, I am sure there will be lots of volunteers." Simon added, "Maybe you can put up flyers in the cafe!" Now it was his turn to be serious-not serious and the three of us chuckled in an otherwise empty cafe that was smelling, slightly, of female sex.

"I will bear you in mind." Hannah stared at Simon, "If I want someone to practise on." and he almost fell off his chair.

"God, I would love that." then he looked at Hannah, "But I realise..." and nothing more was said. "I doubt I'll do it though" He said, somewhat sadly now, "Unless I have someone to show it to."

"You might get lucky." Hannah said, her voice optimistic in contrast to his tone now.

"Fat chance!" He mumbled. "The women who come in prefer him and, I don't really have a social life."

"I don't prefer him." He looked up and smiled again as Hannah said this. "I certainly wouldn't have flashed the gash for him." She added and he really smiled. "Hell, I wouldn't have even let him look down my dress!"

Simon chuckled. "Thank you for all of this, it was amazing seeing your..." and his eyes dropped to between Hannah's legs, "Gash sounds wrong, too ugly for such a lovely pussy. Well, pussy then!" and Hannah laughed as she nuzzled against me.

"Thank you, glad you liked it, she is flattered." and then it was her turn to sigh. "I am not that confident with my body, despite a certain someone saying he likes it, so that does mean a lot, really. I hope my tits weren't too disappointing."

Simon tilted his head and moved his eyes to Hannah's chest. "Well, no tits are disappointing. The looked good to me when I looked down your dress. I caught a glimpse of a very sweet looking nipple too."

Hannah peered down her dress. "Hmmmm, yeah, guess you can't see that much. Then again, not much to see."

"Stop it." He said, quite firmly. "You are very, VERY hot. Really. Such a lovely person, it always cheered me up when you came in as you would actually talk to me. I did think..." he stopped talking, but slightly too late and Hannah was now fixing him with a look that was asking for more. "Well..." he looked away, then to me as I smiled at him, understanding how he felt to be caught in the Hannah gaze, unable to get free. "Well, I did often wonder if you were single" and his eyes flashed to me again, "But it was just me dreaming."

"Today wasn't a dream, Simon." Hannah said in a voice that would calm the most savage of beasts. "If I didn't think you were a nice man I wouldn't have done any of that. I may not be single..." my heart leapt as she said that, "but you can still dream and you never know."

He smiled. "Thank you, Hannah." He said. "Oh and your tits looked great, so you stop moaning about them!" and the sweet girl on my lap laughed.

Hannah turned and smiled at me too, then looked back to Simon. She reached back and I heard the quiet sound of the zip. "Simon." She whispered and he looked at her with a smile, happy to hear his name on her lips. She reached up and brushed the thin shoulder straps down her arms then pulled the front of her dress forward. "Our secret."

"Holy!" Simon could find no words as he stared at Hannah's bare breasts. She looked down at them and ran a palm over one nipple then looked up and smiled again. "Holy...."

"Your opinion hasn't changed?" she asked the man who was visibly trembling as he sat and gazed at Hannah's breasts as they rose and fell with her breathing, the gentle swell lightly coated with sweat and the dark nipples hard and pointing right at him.

"They are fucking lovely." He stated, quite correctly.

"Thank you, Simon." Hannah whispered and then pulled the material up and her hand floundered around trying to find the zip. I reached up and did the dress up for her and she turned and kissed me, whispering "Thanks, lover." as her lips brushed away from my cheek.

Simon was exhaling deeply and mumbling "wow" and awful lot. "Thank you, Hannah." he finally managed to get his brain in gear enough to say.

"You are welcome, sweet man." She said and leaned forward to pat his knee. "Oh and if you need someone to show, just send me a photo."

He blinked. Then blinked again, his head shook a little as if trying to check his ears were working. "Erm.. photo?" he mumbled, "Of..." and his eyes dropped to his lap. Hannah nodded. "Oh!"

"I mean, you have seen me, it's almost only fair. Apart from the free cake, that is."

"You would have got the cake anyway, you were the nicest people I have met all day."

"And you would have got your flash, Simon, cake or no cake."

Somewhere, far far away, a siren wailed and then faded as it moved away. Three people sat close together in a coffee shop and one of them pressed send and the message pinged on another phone. "There, you have my number now. In case there is an emergency. Or a shaved cock." Hannah giggled.

Simon waved us a cheery goodbye as we left, the air slamming hard into us as we staggered and then attempted to walk down the street, quickly crossing the road as there was more shade there. We glanced in shop windows as we strolled hand in hand. After the third charity shop window, Hannah asked if everything was ok and I hugged her and said yes. "Good." She muttered, looking a bit sheepish, "That was amazing, thank you." She smiled sweetly at her as I was beaming at her. "I guess the adventure has begun." We walked and talked about nothing and everything, both of us wondering what was next.

"Would you want to fuck someone else?" I got up the courage to ask.

"Not on a first date." she giggled, then looked at me, "Maybe, it depends on the situation. Would you get mad if I did?"

"It depends, I guess. Would I be there?"

"Yes. Yes, definitely yes. I want to go on this adventure together. But I don't want to upset you." she sighed as we looked in another charity shop window.

"What about me fucking another woman?" and Hannah flicked her eyes to mine so fast and they narrowed slightly. "Hmmmm. You know, I hadn't really thought of that. I mean, if I was with another guy, it should be ok, but..." she looked away as she resumed, "I would be a bit jealous, maybe."

"I might be too." I added and she leaned against me. "What if it was a couple and we swapped?"

She stared at me and smiled. "Oh, that would be amazing, imagine! Yes, that would be good." She enthused. "I would have real trouble if there was just another woman and you were doing her and I was just sat watching!" She giggled at the thought. "If there was just another guy, you would have me, both of you would., so no one would be left out. Or even if someone just watched and wanked as we did it. But we should both be involved." Her logic was pretty good.

We walked some more, turning down roads that offered shade, stopping to kiss at every junction and sometimes just every other house. Soon we were just too hot, even trying to stay in the shade. A sheen of sweat glittered on Hannah and I could taste salt when I kissed her skin. We decided to go home and I relied on Hannah as I was lost and had never ever been in this area before I had met her. We stood and looked both ways down a street as we came to the next junction. "Hmmmmm" she muttered.

"Logic says it must be this way." I pointed left. Hannah stared at me, eyes asking for an explanation. "The sun was on our left as we walked, now it is on our right, so we need to turn left." She still looked blank, but shrugged and accepted the decision.

"Oh no, oh no!" Hannah said as we walked up the road and I suddenly stopped. "Did you know there was a camera shop here?"

I was staring in the window. "Huh? No, No, honestly." I was already moving towards the door.

"You don't need anymore cameras!" she laughed as I pulled her after me.

"No, but I do need film." and Hannah sighed and gave up.

It was quite cool in the shop, so Hannah suddenly became interested in the merchandise as I browsed the shelves to look for some film.

"In the fridge." The man grumbled, possibly aware that most of our browsing was to benefit from the air conditioning.

I took one roll of black and white film as Hannah sidled up to me and peered at it. "What you gonna take photos of?

"No idea, but just want to test the camera."

"How many on a roll?" She said, eyeing the medium format film in confusion.


"Get another roll." She whispered.

"But I have no idea what to take photos of?" I protested.

She lifted her mouth to my ear, "Me naked."

"So, four rolls of Ilford HP five then!" The man chirped, happier now that we had made a purchase.

We walked down the street and saw the tube station. "See, told you this was the way home!" Hannah said and laughed and soon we had turned back onto the road to the flat. "You don't have to take photos of me." She whispered, "But I would quite like it."

"So would I, just hope the camera works."

"Does it matter, I want to pose for you." She said with a smile.

"You are starting to lose your aitches." I said and she stopped and looked at me.

"What do you mean?" Her face looked slightly concerned.

"The letter H" I explained, but she still just stared. "Take the H out of your name."

Hannah's eyes flashed wide and she smiled. "Am I Hannah or Anna?"

"Maybe both." and we walked to her door to escape the world again.

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